Example #1
    def __init__(self, lineNum, paramFile, objectDict):

        # Read in the parameter file.
        _paramFile = np.genfromtxt(paramFile, dtype=None, autostrip=True,
                                   names=True, encoding=None)

        # Get parameter file variables.
        self.objectName = _paramFile['objectName'][lineNum]
        self.obsId = _paramFile['obsId'][lineNum]

        # Load object information dictionary.
        # objectDict is of the form dictName = {'obj': {key: value}}
        _dictTemp = loadDict(objectDict)
        self.z = _dictTemp[self.objectName]['redshift']
        self.raCenter = _dictTemp[self.objectName]['centerCoo'][0]
        self.decCenter = _dictTemp[self.objectName]['centerCoo'][1]
        self.inc = _dictTemp[self.objectName]['inclination']
        self.majorPA = _dictTemp[self.objectName]['majorPA']
        self.distance = _dictTemp[self.objectName]['distance']

        # ------------------------------- #
        # Get the fitting parameters and  #
        # limits from the parameter file. #
        # ------------------------------- #
        # Continuum fitting boundaries.
        _includes = np.float_(np.array(_paramFile['include'][lineNum].split(',')))
        _excludes = np.float_(np.array(_paramFile['exclude'][lineNum].split(',')))

        # Min/max velocities which bound the line profile region
        self.profileMin = _excludes[1]
        self.profileMax = _excludes[2]
        # Min/max velocities which bound the entire spectrum
        self.velMin = _excludes[0]
        self.velMax = _excludes[3]
        # Order of polynomial to fit to continuum
        self.polyorder = _paramFile['polyorder'][lineNum]
Example #2
# Spaxel size
arcsec = '1arc'

# Which program will be reading the output FITS file?
program = '3dBarolo'
#program = 'kpvslice'

topPath = '/Volumes/QbertPrimary/umdResearch/adapProposalNearby/'

# ----------------------------------------- #
# Necessary parameter file and dictionaries #
# ----------------------------------------- #
# Dictionary of galaxy properties
objDictName = topPath + 'objectInfoDict.pkl'
# Dictionary of emission line properties.
lineDict = loadDict(topPath + 'emiLineDict.pkl')
# Text file of line fitting parameters.
paramFileName = topPath + 'fittingParametersV4.txt'

# -------------------------------------------------- #
# Read in the parameter file containing line profile #
# velocity limits and continuum fitting information. #
# -------------------------------------------------- #
paramFileData = np.genfromtxt(paramFileName,

for x in range(len(paramFileData)):
    # ------------------------------------ #
Example #3
from ObsInfo import ObsInfo

out = 'modOut0'
# Size of the interpolated spaxels
arcsec = '3arc'
topDir = '/Volumes/QbertPrimary/umdResearch/adapProposalNearby/'

# ----------------------------------------- #
# Necessary parameter file and dictionaries #
# ----------------------------------------- #
# Dictionary of galaxy properties
objDictName = topDir + 'objectInfoDict.pkl'
# Dictionary of emission line properties.
lineDict = loadDict(topDir + 'emiLineDict.pkl')
# Text file of line fitting parameters.
paramFileName = topDir + 'fittingParametersV4.txt'

# -------------------------------------------------- #
# Read in the parameter file containing line profile #
# velocity limits and continuum fitting information. #
# -------------------------------------------------- #
paramFileData = np.genfromtxt(paramFileName, dtype = None,
                              autostrip = True, names = True, encoding=None)

for x in range(len(paramFileData)):
    # ------------------------------------ #
    # Get the galaxy and line information. #