Example #1
def test_nth_diff():

    d = {'col1': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}
    df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)

    test_d = {'col1': [1, 1, 1, 1]}
    test_df = pd.DataFrame(data=test_d)

    pdt.assert_series_equal(nth_diff(df['col1'], 1), test_df['col1'])
Example #2
def test_nth_diff():

    d = {'col1': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}
    df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)

    test_d = {'col1': [1, 1, 1, 1]}
    test_df = pd.DataFrame(data=test_d)

    pdt.assert_series_equal(msd.nth_diff(df['col1'], 1), test_df['col1'])

    df = np.ones((5, 10))
    test_df = np.zeros((5, 9))
    npt.assert_equal(msd.nth_diff(df, 1, 1), test_df)

    df = np.ones((5, 10))
    test_df = np.zeros((4, 10))
    npt.assert_equal(msd.nth_diff(df, 1, 0), test_df)
Example #3
def efficiency(track):
    """Calculates the efficiency and straitness of the input track

    track : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
        At a minimum, must contain a Frames and a MSDs column.  The function
        msd_calc can be used to generate the correctly formatted pd dataframe.

    eff : float
        Efficiency of the input track.  Relates the sum of squared step
        lengths.  Based on Helmuth et al. (2007) and defined as:
        E = |xpos(N-1)-xpos(0)|**2/SUM(|xpos(i) - xpos(i-1)|**2
    strait : float
        Relates the net displacement netdisp to the sum of step lengths and is
        defined as:
        S = |xpos(N-1)-xpos(0)|/SUM(|xpos(i) - xpos(i-1)|

    >>> frames = 10
    >>> data1 = {'Frame': np.linspace(1, frames, frames),
    ...          'X': np.linspace(1, frames, frames)+5,
    ...          'Y': np.linspace(1, frames, frames)+3}
    >>> dframe = pd.DataFrame(data=data1)
    >>> dframe['MSDs'], dframe['Gauss'] = msd_calc(dframe)
    >>> ft.efficiency(dframe)
    (9.0, 0.9999999999999999)

    >>> frames = 10
    >>> data1 = {'Frame': np.linspace(1, frames, frames),
    ...          'X': np.sin(np.linspace(1, frames, frames))+3,
    ...          'Y': np.cos(np.linspace(1, frames, frames))+3}
    >>> dframe = pd.DataFrame(data=data1)
    >>> dframe['MSDs'], dframe['Gauss'] = msd_calc(dframe)
    >>> ft.efficiency(dframe)
    (0.46192924086141945, 0.22655125514290225)


    dframe = track
    length = dframe.shape[0]
    num = (msd.nth_diff(dframe['X'],
                        length-1)**2 + msd.nth_diff(dframe['Y'],
    num2 = np.sqrt(num)

    den = np.sum(msd.nth_diff(dframe['X'],
                              1)**2 + msd.nth_diff(dframe['Y'], 1)**2)
    den2 = np.sum(np.sqrt(msd.nth_diff(dframe['X'],
                          1)**2 + msd.nth_diff(dframe['Y'], 1)**2))

    eff = num/den
    strait = num2/den2
    return eff, strait
Example #4
def boundedness(track, framerate=1):
    """Calculates the boundedness, fractal dimension, and trappedness of the
    input track.

    track : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
        At a minimum, must contain a Frames and a MSDs column.  The function
        msd_calc can be used to generate the correctly formatted pd dataframe.
    framerate : framrate of the video being analyzed.  Actually cancels out. So
        why did I include this. Default is 1.

    bound : float
        Boundedness of the input track.  Quantifies how much a particle with
        diffusion coefficient dcoef is restricted by a circular confinement of
        radius rad when it diffuses for a time duration N*delt.  Defined as
        bound = dcoef*N*delt/rad**2. For this case, dcoef is the short time
        diffusion coefficient (after 2 frames), and rad is half the maximum
        distance between any two positions.
    fractd : float
        The fractal path dimension defined as fractd = log(N)/log(N*data1*l**-1)
        where netdisp is the total length (sum over all steplengths), N is the
        number of steps, and data1 is the largest distance between any two
    probf : float
        The probability that a particle with diffusion coefficient dcoef and
        traced for a period of time N*delt is trapped in region r0.  Given by
        pt = 1 - exp(0.2048 - 0.25117*(dcoef*N*delt/r0**2)). For this case,
        dcoef is the short time diffusion coefficient, and r0 is half the
        maximum distance between any two positions.

    >>> frames = 10
    >>> data1 = {'Frame': np.linspace(1, frames, frames),
    ...          'X': np.linspace(1, frames, frames)+5,
    ...          'Y': np.linspace(1, frames, frames)+3}
    >>> dframe = pd.DataFrame(data=data1)
    >>> dframe['MSDs'], dframe['Gauss'] = msd_calc(dframe)
    >>> boundedness(dframe)
    (1.0, 1.0000000000000002, 0.045311337970735499)

    >>> frames = 10
    >>> data1 = {'Frame': np.linspace(1, frames, frames),
    ...          'X': np.sin(np.linspace(1, frames, frames)+3),
    ...          'Y': np.cos(np.linspace(1, frames, frames)+3)}
    >>> dframe = pd.DataFrame(data=data1)
    >>> dframe['MSDs'], dframe['Gauss'] = msd_calc(dframe)
    >>> boundedness(dframe)
    (0.96037058689895005, 2.9989749477908401, 0.03576118370932313)


    dframe = track
    assert isinstance(dframe, pd.core.frame.DataFrame), "track must be a pandas\
    assert isinstance(dframe['X'], pd.core.series.Series), "track must contain\
     X column."
    assert isinstance(dframe['Y'], pd.core.series.Series), "track must contain\
     Y column."
    assert dframe.shape[0] > 0, "track must not be empty."

    dframe = track

    if dframe.shape[0] > 2:
        length = dframe.shape[0]
        distance = np.zeros((length, length))

        for frame in range(0, length-1):
            distance[frame, 0:length-frame-1] =\
             (np.sqrt(msd.nth_diff(dframe['X'], frame+1)**2 +
              msd.nth_diff(dframe['Y'], frame+1)**2).values)

        netdisp = np.sum((np.sqrt(msd.nth_diff(dframe['X'], 1)**2 +
                                  msd.nth_diff(dframe['Y'], 1)**2).values))
        rad = np.max(distance)/2
        N = dframe['Frame'][dframe['Frame'].shape[0]-1]
        fram = N*framerate
        dcoef = dframe['MSDs'][2]/(4*fram)

        bound = dcoef*fram/(rad**2)
        fractd = np.log(N)/np.log(N*2*rad/netdisp)
        probf = 1 - np.exp(0.2048 - 0.25117*(dcoef*fram/(rad**2)))
        bound = np.nan
        fractd = np.nan
        probf = np.nan

    return bound, fractd, probf
Example #5
def boundedness(track, framerate=1):
    Calculates the boundedness, fractal dimension, and trappedness of the input track.

    track : pandas DataFrame
        At a minimum, must contain a Frames and a MSDs column.  The function
        msd_calc can be used to generate the correctly formatted pd dataframe.
    framerate : framrate of the video being analyzed.  Actually cancels out. So
        why did I include this. Default is 1.

    B : numpy.float64
        Boundedness of the input track.  Quantifies how much a particle with
        diffusion coefficient D is restricted by a circular confinement of radius
        r when it diffuses for a time duration N*delt.  Defined as B = D*N*delt/r**2.
        For this case, D is the short time diffusion coefficient (after 2 frames),
        and r is half the maximum distance between any two positions.
    Df : numpy.float64
        The fractal path dimension defined as Df = log(N)/log(N*d*l**-1) where L
        is the total length (sum over all steplengths), N is the number of steps,
        and d is the largest distance between any two positions.
    pf : numpy.float64
        The probability that a particle with diffusion coefficient D and traced
        for a period of time N*delt is trapped in region r0.  Given by
        pt = 1 - exp(0.2048 - 0.25117*(D*N*delt/r0**2))
        For this case, D is the short time diffusion coefficient, and r0 is half
        the maximum distance between any two positions.

    >>> frames = 10
    >>> d = {'Frame': np.linspace(1, frames, frames),
             'X': np.linspace(1, frames, frames)+5,
             'Y': np.linspace(1, frames, frames)+3}
    >>> df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
    >>> df['MSDs'], df['Gauss'] = msd_calc(df)
    >>> boundedness(df)
    (1.0, 1.0000000000000002, 0.045311337970735499)

    >>> frames = 10
    >>> d = {'Frame': np.linspace(1, frames, frames),
               'X': np.sin(np.linspace(1, frames, frames)+3),
               'Y': np.cos(np.linspace(1, frames, frames)+3)}
    >>> df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
    >>> df['MSDs'], df['Gauss'] = msd_calc(df)
    >>> boundedness(df)
    (0.96037058689895005, 2.9989749477908401, 0.03576118370932313)

    assert type(
        track) == pd.core.frame.DataFrame, "track must be a pandas dataframe."
    assert type(track['MSDs']
                ) == pd.core.series.Series, "track must contain MSDs column."
    assert type(track['Frame']
                ) == pd.core.series.Series, "track must contain Frame column."
    assert track.shape[0] > 0, "track must not be empty."

    df = track

    if df.shape[0] > 2:
        length = df.shape[0]
        distance = np.zeros((length, length))

        for frame in range(0, length - 1):
            distance[frame, 0:length - frame - 1] = (np.sqrt(
                msd.nth_diff(df['X'], frame + 1)**2 +
                msd.nth_diff(df['Y'], frame + 1)**2).values)

        L = np.sum((
            np.sqrt(msd.nth_diff(df['X'], 1)**2 +
                    msd.nth_diff(df['Y'], 1)**2).values))
        r = np.max(distance) / 2
        N = df['Frame'][df['Frame'].shape[0] - 1]
        f = N * framerate
        D = df['MSDs'][2] / (4 * f)

        B = D * f / (r**2)
        Df = np.log(N) / np.log(N * 2 * r / L)
        pf = 1 - np.exp(0.2048 - 0.25117 * (D * f / (r**2)))
        B = np.nan
        Df = np.nan
        pf = np.nan

    return B, Df, pf