Example #1
 def display_diff_html(self):
     # get the content object's HTML
     # get all of its changesets greater than this version number
     # aplly the patches ( do not save over )
     # get difference HTML between the reverted object ( if reverted )
     # return the content object HTML( original )
     # return the difference HTML
     dmp = diff_match_patch()
     document_obj = self.content_object
     #get all changesets greater than self.revision ordered -revision
     changesets = document_obj.changes.filter(revision__gt = self.at_revision
                                              ).order_by('-revision') or None
     #collect the content diff & convert to patch
     current_html = None
     if changesets is not None:
         for change in changesets:
             if current_html is None:
                 current_html = document_obj.get_html_content()
             patch = dmp.patch_fromText(change.content_diff)
             #apply patches to the current content object
             current_html = dmp.patch_apply(patch, current_html)[0]
         current_html = document_obj.get_html_content()
     diffs = dmp.diff_main(current_html, self.content, checklines = False)
     return dmp.diff_prettyHtml(diffs)
Example #2
def make_difPatch(new_text, old_text):
        returns a patch object between two strings as a string for storage in DB
    _dmp = diff_match_patch()
    patch = _dmp.patch_make(new_text, old_text)
    return _dmp.patch_toText(patch)
Example #3
 def get_html_content(self):
     if self.html_patch is None:
         return self.content
         _DMP = diff_match_patch()
         patch = _DMP.patch_fromText(self.html_patch)
         return _DMP.patch_apply(patch, self.content)[0]
def _merge_code(view, edit, code, formatted):
    def ss(start, end):
        return view.substr(sublime.Region(start, end))

    dmp = diff_match_patch()
    diffs = dmp.diff_main(code, formatted)
    i = 0
    dirty = False
    for k, s in diffs:
        l = len(s)
        if k == 0:
            # match
            l = len(s)
            if ss(i, i + l) != s:
                raise MergeException('mismatch', dirty)
            i += l
            dirty = True
            if k > 0:
                # insert
                view.insert(edit, i, s)
                i += l
                # delete
                if ss(i, i + l) != s:
                    raise MergeException('mismatch', dirty)
                view.erase(edit, sublime.Region(i, i + l))
    return dirty
Example #5
 def save(self):
         Queued items are only intended to be moderated once, so we
         want to check to see if the moderate field is not NULL.
         If it is not NULL, we know it has been moderated already
     # their should never be an 'new' instance of a queueditem
     # but better safe than sorry
     if self.instance.id is None:
         return False
         import pdb
         # we have an unmoderated queue objec
         mod_decision = self.cleaned_data['moderate']
         if mod_decision == 'approval':
             from diff_match_patch.diff_match_patch import diff_match_patch
             _dmp = diff_match_patch()
             current_doc = self.instance.content_object
             old_html = current_doc.get_html_content()
             current_doc.content = self.instance.content
             # save the HTML to the document
             #make revision
             # save plain text for search
             # save the queue item
             item = super(QueueModerationForm, self).save()
             if logger is not None:
                 from jaxerlog.models import LOG_ADDITION, LOG_CHANGE
                 if self.instance.action =="new":
                           user_id = item.editor.pk, 
                           content_type_id = item.content_object.get_ct_id(), 
                           object_id = item.content_object.pk, 
                           action_flag = LOG_ADDITION, 
                           change_message = "added a new document"
                           user_id = item.content_object.editor.pk, 
                           content_type_id = item.content_object.get_ct_id(), 
                           object_id = item.content_object.pk, 
                           action_flag = LOG_CHANGE, 
                           change_message = 'edited the document'
             return item
             # if the decision was a denial
             # just save the changes to the queue object
             return super(QueueModerationForm, self).save()
Example #6
    def apply_patch_from_que(self, ptext, description, editor):
        #will be betting a patch_text object from the queue
        #convert to actual patch
        #apply patch to object
        #save object

        DMP = diff_match_patch()
        patch = DMP.patch_fromText(ptext)
        self.description = DMP.patch_apply(patch, self.content[0])
Example #7
 def _diff_text(self, t1, t2):
     diff = diff_match_patch()
     diff.Diff_Timeout = 1
     a = diff.diff_linesToChars(t1, t2)
     diffs = diff.diff_main(a[0], a[1], False)
     diff.diff_charsToLines(diffs, a[2])
     patch = diff.patch_make(diffs)
     return unquote(diff.patch_toText(patch).replace('%0A', ''))
Example #8
 def _diff_text(self, t1, t2):
     diff = diff_match_patch()
     diff.Diff_Timeout = 1
     a = diff.diff_linesToChars(t1, t2)
     diffs = diff.diff_main(a[0], a[1], False)
     diff.diff_charsToLines(diffs, a[2])
     patch = diff.patch_make(diffs)
     return unquote(diff.patch_toText(patch).replace('%0A', ''))
Example #9
 def __get_raw_text_from_patches(self):
     # apply patches from rev 0 through current rev
     # until the raw text has been reconstructed
     dmp = diff_match_patch()
     raw_text = ''
     for rev in self.page.revs[0:self.rev_num+1]:
         patches = dmp.patch_fromText(rev.patch_text)
         raw_text = dmp.patch_apply(patches, raw_text)[0]
     return raw_text
Example #10
 def __set_patch_text_from_raw_text(self, raw_text):
     # diff raw text against the raw text of prior revision
     prior_raw_text = ''
     if self.rev_num > 0:
         prior_rev = self.page.revs[self.rev_num-1]
         prior_raw_text = prior_rev._Revision__get_raw_text_from_patches()
     dmp = diff_match_patch()
     patches = dmp.patch_make(prior_raw_text, raw_text)
     self.patch_text = dmp.patch_toText(patches)
Example #11
    def diff(self, documentcontent_id):
        earlier_content = DocumentContent.objects.get(id=documentcontent_id)

        # Basic diff_match_patch thing
        dmp = diff_match_patch()

        dmp.Diff_Timeout = 0
        # dmp.Diff_EditCost = 10 # Higher value means more semantic cleanup. 4 is default which works for us right now.

        d = dmp.diff_main(earlier_content.text, self.text)

        # Calculate the diff
        result = dmp.diff_prettyHtml(d).replace('¶', '')

        result = re.sub(
            r'\r<br>', r'<br>', result
        )  # Because we're using <pre></pre> in the template, so the HTML creates two newlines.

        return result
Example #12
 def make_indexable(self):
         Incoming content is assumed to be HTML
         We want to index plain text, not html
         If the current content is already plain text, 
         we don't do anything
         else convert the html to plain text make 
         a patch to convert the text back to html
         save the plain text, save the patch as 
         text string save the object 
     from django.template.defaultfilters import striptags
     DMP = diff_match_patch()
     html = self.content
     plain_text = striptags(html)
     if not self.content == plain_text:
         patch = DMP.patch_make(plain_text, html)
         self.content = plain_text
         self.html_patch = DMP.patch_toText(patch)
Example #13
''' Wiki Models '''
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.admin.models import User
from diff_match_patch import diff_match_patch
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic
#from django.contrib import contenttypes 
from datetime import datetime
from django.db.models import Manager
from django_extensions.db.fields import AutoSlugField
# Create your models here.

#diff_match_patch instance
DMP = diff_match_patch.diff_match_patch()
class ChangeSet(models.Model):
        The ChangeSet can be attached to any object and
        ment to be connected to a Class which subclases
        EditableItem as a generic inline relation
        import this in to your application's admin.py
        create a generic inline and attach it to anything
        which subclasses EditableItem as a generic inline
        and you have a "wiki-able" item
    content_type =   models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
    object_id =      models.PositiveIntegerField()
    content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id')    
    editor =         models.ForeignKey(User, limit_choices_to={'is_staff':True})
    revision =       models.PositiveIntegerField()   
def cache_content(page: PageModel):
    content = ''
    for diffs in page.content:
        patches = diff_maker.patch_make(content, diffs.data)
        content, _ = diff_maker.patch_apply(patches, content)
    return content

def validate_cache(key, content, cache_version, page_version=None):
    if not page_version:
        return False
    return page_version <= cache_version

content_cache = CacheDict(cache_content, validate_cache)
diff_maker = diff_match_patch()

@params(category_id='The id of the category', page_id='The id of the page')
class PageContent(Resource):
        'type': 'string',
        'format': 'markdown'
    def get(self, category_id, page_id):
        ## Get the cached content of the page located at (category_id, page_id)
Example #15
            self.__protocol.create(self.__login, self.__key)

        self.__algorithm, self.__header_hash, self.__block_chain = self.__protocol.open(self.__login, self.__key)
>>>>>>> Stashed changes

        if len(self.__block_chain) > 0:
            _, self.__prev_hash = self.__block_chain[-1]

            # Инициализация модуля diff_match_patch.
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
            dmp = dmp_module()

            for record, _ in self.__block_chain:
                patch = self.__decoding_str(record)
            dmp = dmp_module.diff_match_patch()

            for record, chain in self.__block_chain:
                patch = base64.b64decode(record).decode("utf-8")
>>>>>>> Stashed changes

            self.__prev_hash = self.__header_hash

        self.__init = True

    def valid(self):
        Проверка Grail на истинность.
RE_SYMBOL = re.compile(r"^([!-/:-@[-`{-~])+$")
RE_COMMENT = re.compile(r"^(\s|\t)*(#|//)+(?!(if|else|include)).*($\n?)?")
RE_PLUS = re.compile(r"\+")
RE_MINUS = re.compile(r"-")
File Extentions
IMAGE = ["png", "gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "vg", "svgx"]
BINARY_DOC = ["doc", "docx"]
""" Get start time """
START = time.time()
print time.strftime("START: %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
Diff object from diff-match-patch
DIFF_OBJ = diff_match_patch.diff_match_patch()

FILE_LIST = [(pull_no, patch_no)
             for pull_no in range(MIN_PULL_NO, MAX_PULL_NO + 1)
             for patch_no in range(1, 10)
             if os.path.isfile(DIFF_DIR_PATH + str(pull_no) + "_" +
                               str(patch_no) + EXTENSION)]

with open(OUTPUT_PATH, "w") as output_diff:
    # Setting csv writer
    DIFF_WRITER = csv.writer(output_diff, lineterminator="\n")
    # Output column Name
        ("PullNo", "PatchNo", "Date", "CHANGED_CONTENTS", "SpaceOrTab",
         "NewLine", "UpperOrLower", "Symbol", "Renamed", "CHANGED_LINES", "If",
Example #17
import re
from diff_match_patch.diff_match_patch import diff_match_patch

from .utils import get_loggers, freeze, DISALLOWED_CHARACTERS

__all__ = [
logger, info, debug, warn, error = get_loggers(__name__)
diff = diff_match_patch().diff_main

def update_diff_pattern(pattern, fields, lhs, rhs):
    if fields and len(pattern[-1]) <= 3:
        delimiter = pattern.pop(-1)
        field = fields.pop(-1)
            field[0] + delimiter + lhs,
            field[1] + delimiter + rhs,
        pattern.append('%%(%d)s' % len(fields))
        fields.append((lhs, rhs))