Example #1
    def instance_list_label_strings_to_ids(self, instance_list: list):

        # Convert "name" label (ie == "cat") to Project label_file id
        for index, instance in enumerate(instance_list):

            instance = convert_label(self, instance)
            instance_list[index] = instance

        return instance_list
    def from_packet(self, packet, job=None, convert_names_to_label_files=True):
		Import single packet of data of the form:

		{'instance_list' : 
			[instance_alpha,    # Array of instance dicts as defined below
				... n instances],
		'media' : {
			'url' : "https://something",
			'type' : 'image'   # ['image', 'video']

		{'frame_packet_map' : {
			0 : frame_packet,    # Where the key is the integer of the 
								  frame of the video, 0 indexed.
			6 : frame_packet,
			9 : frame_packet
		'media' : {
			'url' : "https://something",
			'type' : 'video'

		{  'type': 'box', # options ['tag', 'box', 'polygon']
			label_file: { 
				id: Integer   # Project label_file id. 
								accessible through diffgram.get_label_file_dict() See sample
			'x_max': 128, Integer
			'x_min': 1,
			'y_min': 1,
			'y_max': 128,
			'points': [] # Required for polygon more on this coming soon
			'number': 0  # A number is optional, and only relates to video instances

		Validates basics of packet form
		and makes request to /input/packet endpoint.


        if type(packet) != dict:
            raise Exception("packet is not a dict")

        if "media" not in packet:
            raise Exception(" 'media' key is not defined in packet.")

        if "url" not in packet["media"]:
            raise Exception(" 'url' key is not defined in packet['media'] .")

        # TODO determine if local path or url, for now assume it's a URL?

        media_type = packet["media"].get("type", None)
        if not media_type:
            raise Exception(
                " 'type' key is not defined in packet['media'] use one of ['image', 'video']"
        # QUESTION should we default this to "image"

        instance = None

        if media_type == "image":
            instance = self.check_instance_list(packet)

            if instance:
                if convert_names_to_label_files is True:
                    # Convert "name" label (ie == "cat") to Project label_file id
                    for index, instance in enumerate(packet["instance_list"]):

                        # TODO do we really want to be passing self here?
                        instance = convert_label(self, instance,
                        packet["instance_list"][index] = instance

        if media_type == "video":
            if "frame_packet_map" not in packet:
                raise Exception(
                    " 'frame_packet_map' key is not defined in packet")

            if type(packet["frame_packet_map"]) != dict:
                raise Exception("instance_list is not a dict")

            # CAREFUL frame_packet not packet
            for frame, frame_packet in packet["frame_packet_map"].items():
                if type(frame) != int:
                    raise Exception("frame is not a integer")

                instance = self.check_instance_list(frame_packet)


        # Test one of the instances
        # QUESTION Should we be testing all? User option maybe?
        # (Otherwise invalid ones get discarded when it hits API)

        if instance:
            instance_type = instance.get("type", None)
            if not instance_type:
                raise Exception(" type is not defined in the first instance \
									of instance_list. Options are 'tag', 'box', 'polygon'.")

            if instance_type not in ['tag', 'box', 'polygon']:
                raise Exception(
                    " invalid instance type. Options are 'tag', 'box', 'polygon'."

            if "label_file" not in instance:
                raise Exception(
                    " label_file is not defined in the first instance \
									of instance_list. ")

            if "id" not in instance["label_file"]:
                raise Exception(
                    " label_file is not defined in the first instance \
									of instance_list. ")

        if job:
            packet["job_id"] = job.id
            packet["mode"] = "attach_to_job"

        endpoint = "/api/v1/project/" + self.client.project_string_id + "/input/packet"

        response = self.client.session.post(self.client.host + endpoint,


        data = response.json()

        # TODO better handling input vs file

        if data["log"]["success"] is True:

            return True
def failing_instance_example():

	from diffgram.convert.convert import convert_label
	convert_label(None, {})