class TestExtendedPlotFrame(GUITestCase):
    def setUp(self): = wx.App()
        self.frame = ExtendedPlotFrame(None)

    def tearDown(self):

    def _clicktoolbar(self, tbid):
        e = wx.CommandEvent(wx.EVT_TOOL.typeId, tbid)

    def test_insertCurve(self):
        "Check ExtendedPlotFrame.insertCurve"
        x = numpy.linspace(-5, 5)
        ys = numpy.sin(x)
        style = {
            'with': 'lines',
            'color': 'blue',
            'line': 'solid',
            'width': 2.3
        line = self.frame.insertCurve(x, ys, style)
        self.assertEqual(2.3, line.get_linewidth())

    def test_savePlotData(self):
        self.frame.plotter = Plotter()
        # intercept plotter.export to avoid plot setup and temporary files
        self.frame.plotter.export = lambda fn: setattr(self, 'spd', fn)
        self.spd = ''
        with overridefiledialog(wx.ID_OK, ['testfile.dat']):
        self.assertEqual('testfile.dat', self.spd)
        self.spd = ''
        with overridefiledialog(wx.ID_CANCEL, ['testfile2.dat']):
        self.assertEqual('', self.spd)
Example #2
    def plot(self, xName, yNames, ids, shift, dry):
        """Make a 2D plot

        xName --  x data item name
        yNames -- list of y data item names
        ids --    Objects where y data items are taken from
        shift -- y spacing for different ids
        dry -- dry run
        def _addCurve(dataIds):
            # Identify the plot type. This is used to automatically modify
            # 'Gdiff' and 'crw' in certain types of plots.
            yset = dict.fromkeys(yNames).keys()
            if 'Gdiff' in yset: yset.remove('Gdiff')
            if 'crw' in yset: yset.remove('crw')

            # add yNames one by one for given dataIds
            for y in yNames:
                _offset = offset
                legend = None
                style = None
                if not dry:
                    if len(dataIds) == 1 and group != -1:
                        #legend = dataIds[0].name  + ": " + _transName(y)
                        legend = _fullName(dataIds[0]) + ": " + _transName(y)
                        # 1.Group = -1, multiple ids give a single curve
                        # 2.there is only one dataId so that prefix unneeded
                        legend = _transName(y)

                    style = _buildStyle(self, y, group, yNames)
                    style['legend'] = legend

                    # automatically apply offset if we're plotting more than
                    # just 'Gdiff' and 'crw'
                    if y in ('Gdiff', 'crw') and group == -1 and len(yset) > 0:
                        _offset = shift
                #Create curve, get data for it and update it in the plot
                curve = Plotter.Curve(legend, self.window, xName, y, step,
                                      dataIds, _offset, style)

        if not ids:  # empty
            raise ControlConfigError, "Plotter: No data is selected"
        if not yNames:
            raise ControlConfigError, "Plotter: No y item is selected"

        # bSeparateID indicates if we want data from different ID to be
        # plotted in different curve or not
        bSeparateID = False
        if len(ids) > 1 and xName in ('r', 'rcalc', 'step'):
            # multi ID and within each ID we wants a vector, so curve can
            # only be plotted separately.
            bSeparateID = True

        # set up the step
        if xName == 'step':
            step = None
            step = -1

        self.curves = []

        if 'Gcalc' in yNames:

        # default is no shift, single group.
        offset = 0.0
        group = -1
        if bSeparateID:
            for id in ids:
                group += 1
                offset += shift

        # clean up, it's only a dry run
        if dry:
            self.curves = []

        # Real plot starts
        if self.window is None:
            # plotWindown may either not be ready or it has been closed
            self.window = ExtendedPlotFrame(self.controlCenter.gui)
            Plotter.__plotWindowNumber += 1
            self.window.plotter = self

        for curve in self.curves:
            #Initial notification, don't plot immediately, wait for last line to be added
            #This is to optimize plotting multiple curves.

        # make the graph title, x, y label
        yStrs = [_transName(yName) for yName in yNames]
        if yStrs[0].startswith('G'):
            #then all are Gs
            yLabel = 'G'
            yLabel = ','.join(yStrs)
        title = ''
        if len(ids) == 1:
            title = ids[0].name + ': '
        title += yLabel
        self.window.setTitle( + ' ' + title, title)

        # show the graph
Example #3
class Plotter(PDFComponent):
    """Plots a single graph. It can have multiple curves. """
    __plotWindowNumber = 1

    class Curve:
        """Curve stores the information for a curve in the plot

        There are three ways of forming x and y data lists.
        (1) r and g(r) from a single refinement are vectors by themselves
        (2) A scalar data item (any item other than r and g(r)) can form a
        vector if multiple timeSteps (refinement steps) are specified.
        (3) A scalar data item (any item other than r and g(r)) can form a
        vector if multiple refinement (multiple ids) are specified

        name  -- The curve name
        plotwnd -- The window where the curve is drawn
        xStr -- Data name (string) for x axis
        yStr -- Data name (string) for y axis
        steps -- refinement step list
        ids -- The list of object ids that the curve is related to
        offset -- curve displacement in y direction
        style --The drawing style of the curve
        xData, yData -- data to be plotted
        x, y -- original data for exporting (curve could be shifted)
        bMultiData -- if the curve data comes from multiple data objects
        bMultiStep -- if the curve data comes from multiple refinement step
        ref -- reference of curve in the plot window
        initialized -- if curve has been inserted
        dataChanged -- if curve data has changed
        def __init__(self, name, plotwnd, xStr, yStr, steps, ids, offset,

            name  -- The curve name
            plotwnd -- The window where the curve is drawn
            xStr -- Data name (string) for x axis
            yStr -- Data name (string) for y axis
            steps -- refinement step list
            ids -- The list of object ids that the curve is related to
            offset -- curve displacement in y direction
            style --The drawing style of the curve
   = name
            self.plotwnd = plotwnd
            self.ids = ids
            self.steps = steps
            self.xStr = xStr
            self.yStr = yStr
            self.offset = offset
   = style

            self.bMultiData = len(self.ids) > 1
            self.bMultiStep = False
            if self.steps is None or isinstance(self.steps, list):
                self.bMultiStep = True

            self.xData = None
            self.yData = None
            self.x = None
            self.y = None

            # Reference to the curve object in the  underlying plotting library
            self.ref = None
            self.initialized = False
            self.dataChanged = False

            #validate user's choice

        def validate(self):
            """ validate(self) --> check if  the curve is valid. Validity
            is broken:
            (1) when xStr or yStr doesn't refer to a legal vector
            (2) when sizes of xStr and yStr don't match
            bItemIsVector = False
            if self.xStr in ('r', 'rcalc', 'robs'):
                if self.yStr not in ('Gobs', 'Gcalc', 'Gdiff', 'Gtrunc',
                    raise  ControlConfigError, "x=%s, y=%s don't match"\
                           %(self.xStr, self.yStr)
                bItemIsVector = True
            elif self.xStr in ('Gobs', 'Gcalc', 'Gdiff', 'Gtrunc', 'crw'):
                raise ControlConfigError, "%s can't be x axis"\
            elif self.yStr in ('Gobs', 'Gcalc', 'Gdiff', 'Gtrunc', 'crw'):
                # Get called when x is not r but y is not Gobs, Gtrunc Gdiff...
                raise ControlConfigError, "%s can only be plotted against r"\

            # There are three booleans
            # (1) bItemIsVector
            # (2) self.ids has only one element
            # (3) self.allSteps
            # The logic below make sure only one of them can be true.
            if bItemIsVector:
                if self.bMultiData or self.bMultiStep:
                    raise ControlConfigError,\
                "(%s, %s) can't be plotted with mulitple refinements/steps"%\
                (self.xStr, self.yStr)
                if not self.bMultiData and not self.bMultiStep:
                    raise ControlConfigError,\
                "(%s, %s) is a single point"%(self.xStr, self.yStr)
                elif self.bMultiData and self.bMultiStep:
                    raise ControlConfigError,\
                "(%s, %s) can't be plotted with both multiple refinements and multiple steps"%\
                (self.xStr, self.yStr)

        def notify(self, changedIds=None, plotwnd=None):
            """notify Curve object certain data is updated

            changedIds -- objects to which changed data is associated with
            if plotwnd:
                self.plotwnd = plotwnd

            # in the case when changedIds are given explicitly, use it.
            if changedIds:
                affectedIds = []
                for id in self.ids:
                    for changedId in changedIds:
                        if id is changedId or id.owner is changedId:

                #If the change doesn't affect any id, do nothing
                if not affectedIds:
                    return False
                affectedIds = self.ids

            # translation may be required
            xStr = self.xStr
            if xStr == 'r':
                xStr = transdict.get(self.yStr, xStr)

            if self.bMultiData:
                #Local list is maintained here
                if self.xData is None:
                    self.xData = [None] * len(self.ids)
                if self.yData is None:
                    self.yData = [None] * len(self.ids)
                for id in affectedIds:
                    i = self.ids.index(id)
                    self.yData[i] = id.getData(self.yStr, -1)
                    if xStr == 'step':
                        raise AssertionError, "Can not plot against step"
                    elif xStr == 'index':
                        self.xData[i] = i
                        self.xData[i] = id.getData(xStr, -1)
                # affectedIds has only one member
                if self.bMultiStep:
                    steps = None  # None to get the whole steps
                    steps = -1  #

                # plot multiple refinement steps for a single dataId
                # in deed, the reference is not gonna change
                self.yData = affectedIds[0].getData(self.yStr, steps)
                if xStr == 'step':
                    if self.yData is None:
                        self.xData = None
                        self.xData = range(len(self.yData))
                    self.xData = affectedIds[0].getData(xStr, steps)

                self.x = self.xData
                self.y = self.yData

                def _shift(y):
                    return y + self.offset

                if self.yData and self.offset:  # not zero
                    self.yData = map(_shift, self.yData)

            if self.xData and self.yData:  # not empty or None
                return self.draw()
                return False

        def draw(self):
            """draw the curve in the graph. It will make sure the data is OK,
            and plot to the screen.
            if self.bMultiData:
                # xs and ys initialize here. They are actual data object to be
                # used for plotting
                xs = []
                ys = []
                plotData = zip(self.xData, self.yData)
                for x, y in plotData:
                    if x is not None and y is not None:
                self.x = xs
                self.y = ys
                xs = self.xData
                ys = self.yData

            if not xs or not ys:
                return False

            # If it can get here, data is ready now.
            if self.ref is None:
                self.ref = self.plotwnd.insertCurve(xs, ys,
                if self.yStr == 'Gdiff':
                    # add a baseline for any Gdiff
                    rs = self.ids[0].rcalc
                    if not rs:
                        rs = self.ids[0].robs
                    hMin = min(rs)
                    hMax = max(rs)

                    self.plotwnd.insertCurve([hMin, hMax],
                                             [self.offset, self.offset],
                # update only
                self.plotwnd.updateData(self.ref, xs, ys)

            return True

    def __init__(self, name=None):

        name -- name of plot
        if name is None:
            name = 'Plot [%i]' % Plotter.__plotWindowNumber

        PDFComponent.__init__(self, name)
        import threading
        self.lock = threading.RLock()
        self.curves = []
        self.window = None
        self.isShown = False
        from diffpy.pdfgui.control.pdfguicontrol import pdfguicontrol
        self.controlCenter = pdfguicontrol()

        # add some flavor by starting with random style
        import random
        self.symbolStyleIndex = random.randint(0, 100)
        self.lineStyleIndex = random.randint(0, 100)

    def close(self, force=True):
        """close up the plot

        force -- if True, close forcibly
        if self.window is not None:
            self.window = None

    def onWindowClose(self):
        """get called when self.window is closed by user
        self.window = None
        except ValueError:
            # if controlCenter doesn't know me, I'm just fine to bail out

    def buildSymbolStyle(self, index=-1):
        """generate a symbol style

        index -- plotting style index
        # To build different symbol style, we first change color then the symbol
        i = index
        if i == -1:
            i = self.symbolStyleIndex
            self.symbolStyleIndex += 1

        symbolIndex = i % len(symbols)
        colorIndex = i % len(colors)
        return {
            'with': 'points',
            'color': colors[colorIndex],
            'symbolColor': colors[colorIndex],
            'symbol': symbols[symbolIndex],
            'symbolSize': 3

    def buildLineStyle(self, index=-1):
        """generate a line style

        index -- plotting style index
        # To build different line style, we first change color then the line
        i = index
        if i == -1:
            i = self.lineStyleIndex
            self.lineStyleIndex += 1

        lineIndex = i % len(lines)
        colorIndex = i % len(colors)
        return {
            'with': 'lines',
            'color': colors[colorIndex],
            'line': lines[lineIndex],
            'width': 2

    def buildLineSymbolStyle(self, index=-1):
        """generate a linesymbol style

        index -- plotting style index
        style = self.buildLineStyle(index)
        style['with'] = 'linespoints'
        return style

    def plot(self, xName, yNames, ids, shift, dry):
        """Make a 2D plot

        xName --  x data item name
        yNames -- list of y data item names
        ids --    Objects where y data items are taken from
        shift -- y spacing for different ids
        dry -- dry run
        def _addCurve(dataIds):
            # Identify the plot type. This is used to automatically modify
            # 'Gdiff' and 'crw' in certain types of plots.
            yset = dict.fromkeys(yNames).keys()
            if 'Gdiff' in yset: yset.remove('Gdiff')
            if 'crw' in yset: yset.remove('crw')

            # add yNames one by one for given dataIds
            for y in yNames:
                _offset = offset
                legend = None
                style = None
                if not dry:
                    if len(dataIds) == 1 and group != -1:
                        #legend = dataIds[0].name  + ": " + _transName(y)
                        legend = _fullName(dataIds[0]) + ": " + _transName(y)
                        # 1.Group = -1, multiple ids give a single curve
                        # 2.there is only one dataId so that prefix unneeded
                        legend = _transName(y)

                    style = _buildStyle(self, y, group, yNames)
                    style['legend'] = legend

                    # automatically apply offset if we're plotting more than
                    # just 'Gdiff' and 'crw'
                    if y in ('Gdiff', 'crw') and group == -1 and len(yset) > 0:
                        _offset = shift
                #Create curve, get data for it and update it in the plot
                curve = Plotter.Curve(legend, self.window, xName, y, step,
                                      dataIds, _offset, style)

        if not ids:  # empty
            raise ControlConfigError, "Plotter: No data is selected"
        if not yNames:
            raise ControlConfigError, "Plotter: No y item is selected"

        # bSeparateID indicates if we want data from different ID to be
        # plotted in different curve or not
        bSeparateID = False
        if len(ids) > 1 and xName in ('r', 'rcalc', 'step'):
            # multi ID and within each ID we wants a vector, so curve can
            # only be plotted separately.
            bSeparateID = True

        # set up the step
        if xName == 'step':
            step = None
            step = -1

        self.curves = []

        if 'Gcalc' in yNames:

        # default is no shift, single group.
        offset = 0.0
        group = -1
        if bSeparateID:
            for id in ids:
                group += 1
                offset += shift

        # clean up, it's only a dry run
        if dry:
            self.curves = []

        # Real plot starts
        if self.window is None:
            # plotWindown may either not be ready or it has been closed
            self.window = ExtendedPlotFrame(self.controlCenter.gui)
            Plotter.__plotWindowNumber += 1
            self.window.plotter = self

        for curve in self.curves:
            #Initial notification, don't plot immediately, wait for last line to be added
            #This is to optimize plotting multiple curves.

        # make the graph title, x, y label
        yStrs = [_transName(yName) for yName in yNames]
        if yStrs[0].startswith('G'):
            #then all are Gs
            yLabel = 'G'
            yLabel = ','.join(yStrs)
        title = ''
        if len(ids) == 1:
            title = ids[0].name + ': '
        title += yLabel
        self.window.setTitle( + ' ' + title, title)

        # show the graph

    def show(self, bShow=None):
        """show the plot on screen

        bShow -- True to show, False to Hide. None to toggle
        return value: current status of window
        if self.window is None:
            raise ControlStatusError, "Plot: %s has no window" %
        if bShow is None:
            bShow = not self.isShown
        if bShow:  # True
            # further bring it to top
        self.isShown = bShow
        return self.isShown

    def notify(self, data):
        '''change of the data is notified

        data -- data object that has changed
        if not self.curves or self.window is None:
        ret = False
        for curve in self.curves:
            ret |= (curve.notify(changedIds=[
        if ret:

    def export(self, filename):
        '''export current data to external file

        filename -- the name of the file to save data
        # Check if any curve
        if len(self.curves) == 0:
        import time, getpass
        outfile = open(filename, 'w')
        header = "# Generated on %s by %s.\n" % (time.ctime(),
        header += "# This file was created by PDFgui.\n"
        deblank = lambda s: ''.join(s.split())
        xylist = [(c.x, c.y) for c in self.curves]
        xynames = [(_transName(c.xStr), deblank( for c in self.curves]
        _exportCompactData(outfile, xylist, xynames)
Example #4
    def plot(self, xName, yNames, ids,  shift, dry):
        """Make a 2D plot

        xName --  x data item name
        yNames -- list of y data item names
        ids --    Objects where y data items are taken from
        shift -- y spacing for different ids
        dry -- dry run
        def _addCurve(dataIds):
            # Identify the plot type. This is used to automatically modify
            # 'Gdiff' and 'crw' in certain types of plots.
            yset = dict.fromkeys(yNames).keys()
            if 'Gdiff' in yset: yset.remove('Gdiff')
            if 'crw' in yset: yset.remove('crw')

            # add yNames one by one for given dataIds
            for y in yNames:
                _offset = offset
                legend = None
                style = None
                if not dry:
                    if len(dataIds) == 1 and group != -1:
                        #legend = dataIds[0].name  + ": " + _transName(y)
                        legend = _fullName(dataIds[0]) + ": " + _transName(y)
                        # 1.Group = -1, multiple ids give a single curve
                        # 2.there is only one dataId so that prefix unneeded
                        legend = _transName(y)

                    style = _buildStyle(self, y, group, yNames)
                    style['legend'] = legend

                    # automatically apply offset if we're plotting more than
                    # just 'Gdiff' and 'crw'
                    if y in ('Gdiff','crw') and group == -1 and len(yset) > 0:
                        _offset = shift
                #Create curve, get data for it and update it in the plot
                curve = Plotter.Curve(legend, self.window, xName, y,
                                      step, dataIds, _offset, style)

        if not ids: # empty
            raise ControlConfigError, "Plotter: No data is selected"
        if not yNames:
            raise ControlConfigError, "Plotter: No y item is selected"

        # bSeparateID indicates if we want data from different ID to be
        # plotted in different curve or not
        bSeparateID = False
        if len(ids) > 1 and xName in ('r', 'rcalc', 'step'):
            # multi ID and within each ID we wants a vector, so curve can
            # only be plotted separately.
            bSeparateID = True

        # set up the step
        if xName == 'step':
            step = None
            step = -1

        self.curves = []

        if 'Gcalc' in yNames:

        # default is no shift, single group.
        offset = 0.0
        group = -1
        if bSeparateID:
            for id in ids:
                group += 1
                offset += shift

        # clean up, it's only a dry run
        if dry:
            self.curves = []

        # Real plot starts
        if self.window is None:
            # plotWindown may either not be ready or it has been closed
            self.window = ExtendedPlotFrame(self.controlCenter.gui)
            Plotter.__plotWindowNumber += 1
            self.window.plotter = self

        for curve in self.curves:
            #Initial notification, don't plot immediately, wait for last line to be added
            #This is to optimize plotting multiple curves.

        # make the graph title, x, y label
        yStrs = [_transName(yName) for yName in yNames]
        if yStrs[0].startswith('G'):
            #then all are Gs
            yLabel = 'G'
            yLabel = ','.join(yStrs)
        title = ''
        if len(ids) == 1:
            title = ids[0].name + ': '
        title += yLabel
        self.window.setTitle(' '+title, title)

        # show the graph
Example #5
class Plotter(PDFComponent):
    """Plots a single graph. It can have multiple curves. """
    __plotWindowNumber = 1

    class Curve:
        """Curve stores the information for a curve in the plot

        There are three ways of forming x and y data lists.
        (1) r and g(r) from a single refinement are vectors by themselves
        (2) A scalar data item (any item other than r and g(r)) can form a
        vector if multiple timeSteps (refinement steps) are specified.
        (3) A scalar data item (any item other than r and g(r)) can form a
        vector if multiple refinement (multiple ids) are specified

        name  -- The curve name
        plotwnd -- The window where the curve is drawn
        xStr -- Data name (string) for x axis
        yStr -- Data name (string) for y axis
        steps -- refinement step list
        ids -- The list of object ids that the curve is related to
        offset -- curve displacement in y direction
        style --The drawing style of the curve
        xData, yData -- data to be plotted
        x, y -- original data for exporting (curve could be shifted)
        bMultiData -- if the curve data comes from multiple data objects
        bMultiStep -- if the curve data comes from multiple refinement step
        ref -- reference of curve in the plot window
        initialized -- if curve has been inserted
        dataChanged -- if curve data has changed
        def __init__(self, name, plotwnd, xStr, yStr, steps, ids, offset, style):

            name  -- The curve name
            plotwnd -- The window where the curve is drawn
            xStr -- Data name (string) for x axis
            yStr -- Data name (string) for y axis
            steps -- refinement step list
            ids -- The list of object ids that the curve is related to
            offset -- curve displacement in y direction
            style --The drawing style of the curve
   = name
            self.plotwnd = plotwnd
            self.ids = ids
            self.steps = steps
            self.xStr = xStr
            self.yStr = yStr
            self.offset = offset
   = style

            self.bMultiData = len(self.ids) > 1
            self.bMultiStep = False
            if self.steps is None or isinstance(self.steps, list):
                self.bMultiStep = True

            self.xData = None
            self.yData = None
            self.x = None
            self.y = None

            # Reference to the curve object in the  underlying plotting library
            self.ref = None
            self.initialized = False
            self.dataChanged = False

            #validate user's choice

        def validate(self):
            """ validate(self) --> check if  the curve is valid. Validity
            is broken:
            (1) when xStr or yStr doesn't refer to a legal vector
            (2) when sizes of xStr and yStr don't match
            bItemIsVector = False
            if self.xStr in ('r', 'rcalc', 'robs'):
                if self.yStr not in ('Gobs', 'Gcalc', 'Gdiff', 'Gtrunc','crw'):
                    raise  ControlConfigError, "x=%s, y=%s don't match"\
                           %(self.xStr, self.yStr)
                bItemIsVector = True
            elif self.xStr in ('Gobs', 'Gcalc', 'Gdiff', 'Gtrunc','crw'):
                raise ControlConfigError, "%s can't be x axis"\
            elif self.yStr in ('Gobs', 'Gcalc', 'Gdiff', 'Gtrunc','crw'):
                # Get called when x is not r but y is not Gobs, Gtrunc Gdiff...
                raise ControlConfigError, "%s can only be plotted against r"\

            # There are three booleans
            # (1) bItemIsVector
            # (2) self.ids has only one element
            # (3) self.allSteps
            # The logic below make sure only one of them can be true.
            if bItemIsVector:
                if  self.bMultiData or self.bMultiStep:
                    raise ControlConfigError,\
                "(%s, %s) can't be plotted with mulitple refinements/steps"%\
                (self.xStr, self.yStr)
                if  not self.bMultiData and not self.bMultiStep:
                    raise ControlConfigError,\
                "(%s, %s) is a single point"%(self.xStr, self.yStr)
                elif self.bMultiData and self.bMultiStep:
                    raise ControlConfigError,\
                "(%s, %s) can't be plotted with both multiple refinements and multiple steps"%\
                (self.xStr, self.yStr)

        def notify(self, changedIds=None, plotwnd=None):
            """notify Curve object certain data is updated

            changedIds -- objects to which changed data is associated with
            if plotwnd:
                self.plotwnd = plotwnd

            # in the case when changedIds are given explicitly, use it.
            if changedIds:
                affectedIds = []
                for id in self.ids:
                    for changedId in changedIds:
                        if id is changedId or id.owner is changedId:

                #If the change doesn't affect any id, do nothing
                if not affectedIds:
                    return False
                affectedIds = self.ids

            # translation may be required
            xStr = self.xStr
            if xStr == 'r':
                xStr = transdict.get(self.yStr, xStr)

            if self.bMultiData:
                #Local list is maintained here
                if self.xData is None:
                    self.xData = [None] * len(self.ids)
                if self.yData is None:
                    self.yData = [None] * len(self.ids)
                for id in affectedIds:
                    i = self.ids.index(id)
                    self.yData[i] = id.getData(self.yStr, -1)
                    if xStr == 'step':
                        raise AssertionError, "Can not plot against step"
                    elif xStr == 'index':
                        self.xData[i] = i
                        self.xData[i] = id.getData(xStr, -1)
                # affectedIds has only one member
                if  self.bMultiStep:
                    steps = None # None to get the whole steps
                    steps = -1 #

                # plot multiple refinement steps for a single dataId
                # in deed, the reference is not gonna change
                self.yData = affectedIds[0].getData(self.yStr, steps)
                if xStr == 'step':
                    if self.yData is None:
                        self.xData = None
                        self.xData = range(len(self.yData))
                    self.xData = affectedIds[0].getData(xStr, steps)

                self.x = self.xData
                self.y = self.yData

                def _shift(y):
                    return y + self.offset

                if self.yData and self.offset: # not zero
                    self.yData = map (_shift, self.yData)

            if self.xData and self.yData: # not empty or None
                return self.draw()
                return False

        def draw(self):
            """draw the curve in the graph. It will make sure the data is OK,
            and plot to the screen.
            if self.bMultiData:
                # xs and ys initialize here. They are actual data object to be
                # used for plotting
                xs = []
                ys = []
                plotData = zip(self.xData,self.yData)
                for x, y in plotData:
                    if x is not None and y is not None:
                self.x = xs
                self.y = ys
                xs = self.xData
                ys = self.yData

            if not xs or not ys:
                return False

            # If it can get here, data is ready now.
            if self.ref is None:
                self.ref = self.plotwnd.insertCurve(xs, ys,
                if self.yStr == 'Gdiff':
                    # add a baseline for any Gdiff
                    rs = self.ids[0].rcalc
                    if not rs:
                        rs = self.ids[0].robs
                    hMin = min(rs)
                    hMax = max(rs)

                    self.plotwnd.insertCurve([hMin, hMax], [self.offset, self.offset], baselineStyle)
                # update only
                self.plotwnd.updateData(self.ref, xs, ys)

            return True

    def __init__(self, name=None):

        name -- name of plot
        if name is None:
            name = 'Plot [%i]' % Plotter.__plotWindowNumber

        PDFComponent.__init__(self, name)
        import threading
        self.lock = threading.RLock()
        self.curves = []
        self.window = None
        self.isShown = False
        from diffpy.pdfgui.control.pdfguicontrol import pdfguicontrol
        self.controlCenter = pdfguicontrol()

        # add some flavor by starting with random style
        import random
        self.symbolStyleIndex = random.randint(0,100)
        self.lineStyleIndex = random.randint(0,100)

    def close(self, force=True):
        """close up the plot

        force -- if True, close forcibly
        if self.window is not None:
            self.window = None

    def onWindowClose(self):
        """get called when self.window is closed by user
        self.window = None
        except ValueError:
            # if controlCenter doesn't know me, I'm just fine to bail out

    def buildSymbolStyle(self, index=-1):
        """generate a symbol style

        index -- plotting style index
        # To build different symbol style, we first change color then the symbol
        i = index
        if i == -1:
            i = self.symbolStyleIndex
            self.symbolStyleIndex += 1

        symbolIndex = i % len(symbols)
        colorIndex = i % len(colors)
        return {'with':'points',

    def buildLineStyle(self, index=-1):
        """generate a line style

        index -- plotting style index
        # To build different line style, we first change color then the line
        i = index
        if i == -1:
            i = self.lineStyleIndex
            self.lineStyleIndex += 1

        lineIndex = i % len(lines)
        colorIndex = i % len(colors)
        return {'with':'lines',

    def buildLineSymbolStyle(self, index=-1):
        """generate a linesymbol style

        index -- plotting style index
        style = self.buildLineStyle(index)
        style['with'] = 'linespoints'
        return style

    def plot(self, xName, yNames, ids,  shift, dry):
        """Make a 2D plot

        xName --  x data item name
        yNames -- list of y data item names
        ids --    Objects where y data items are taken from
        shift -- y spacing for different ids
        dry -- dry run
        def _addCurve(dataIds):
            # Identify the plot type. This is used to automatically modify
            # 'Gdiff' and 'crw' in certain types of plots.
            yset = dict.fromkeys(yNames).keys()
            if 'Gdiff' in yset: yset.remove('Gdiff')
            if 'crw' in yset: yset.remove('crw')

            # add yNames one by one for given dataIds
            for y in yNames:
                _offset = offset
                legend = None
                style = None
                if not dry:
                    if len(dataIds) == 1 and group != -1:
                        #legend = dataIds[0].name  + ": " + _transName(y)
                        legend = _fullName(dataIds[0]) + ": " + _transName(y)
                        # 1.Group = -1, multiple ids give a single curve
                        # 2.there is only one dataId so that prefix unneeded
                        legend = _transName(y)

                    style = _buildStyle(self, y, group, yNames)
                    style['legend'] = legend

                    # automatically apply offset if we're plotting more than
                    # just 'Gdiff' and 'crw'
                    if y in ('Gdiff','crw') and group == -1 and len(yset) > 0:
                        _offset = shift
                #Create curve, get data for it and update it in the plot
                curve = Plotter.Curve(legend, self.window, xName, y,
                                      step, dataIds, _offset, style)

        if not ids: # empty
            raise ControlConfigError, "Plotter: No data is selected"
        if not yNames:
            raise ControlConfigError, "Plotter: No y item is selected"

        # bSeparateID indicates if we want data from different ID to be
        # plotted in different curve or not
        bSeparateID = False
        if len(ids) > 1 and xName in ('r', 'rcalc', 'step'):
            # multi ID and within each ID we wants a vector, so curve can
            # only be plotted separately.
            bSeparateID = True

        # set up the step
        if xName == 'step':
            step = None
            step = -1

        self.curves = []

        if 'Gcalc' in yNames:

        # default is no shift, single group.
        offset = 0.0
        group = -1
        if bSeparateID:
            for id in ids:
                group += 1
                offset += shift

        # clean up, it's only a dry run
        if dry:
            self.curves = []

        # Real plot starts
        if self.window is None:
            # plotWindown may either not be ready or it has been closed
            self.window = ExtendedPlotFrame(self.controlCenter.gui)
            Plotter.__plotWindowNumber += 1
            self.window.plotter = self

        for curve in self.curves:
            #Initial notification, don't plot immediately, wait for last line to be added
            #This is to optimize plotting multiple curves.

        # make the graph title, x, y label
        yStrs = [_transName(yName) for yName in yNames]
        if yStrs[0].startswith('G'):
            #then all are Gs
            yLabel = 'G'
            yLabel = ','.join(yStrs)
        title = ''
        if len(ids) == 1:
            title = ids[0].name + ': '
        title += yLabel
        self.window.setTitle(' '+title, title)

        # show the graph

    def show(self, bShow=None) :
        """show the plot on screen

        bShow -- True to show, False to Hide. None to toggle
        return value: current status of window
        if self.window is None:
            raise ControlStatusError, "Plot: %s has no window"
        if bShow is None:
            bShow = not self.isShown
        if bShow: # True
            # further bring it to top
        self.isShown = bShow
        return self.isShown

    def notify(self, data):
        '''change of the data is notified

        data -- data object that has changed
        if not self.curves or self.window is None:
        ret = False
        for curve in self.curves:
            ret |= (curve.notify(changedIds=[data,]))
        if ret:

    def export(self, filename):
        '''export current data to external file

        filename -- the name of the file to save data
        # Check if any curve
        if len(self.curves) == 0:
        import time, getpass
        outfile = open(filename, 'w')
        header = "# Generated on %s by %s.\n" % (time.ctime(), getpass.getuser())
        header += "# This file was created by PDFgui.\n"
        deblank = lambda s: ''.join(s.split())
        xylist = [(c.x, c.y) for c in self.curves]
        xynames = [(_transName(c.xStr), deblank(
                for c in self.curves]
        _exportCompactData(outfile, xylist, xynames)
 def setUp(self): = wx.App()
     self.frame = ExtendedPlotFrame(None)