def makeProfile(datafile):
    """Make an place data within a Profile."""
    profile = Profile()
    parser = PDFParser()
    profile.setCalculationRange(xmax = 20)
    return profile
Example #2
def makeProfile(datafile):
    """Make an place data within a Profile."""
    profile = Profile()
    parser = PDFParser()
    return profile
Example #3
def makeRecipe(datname):
    """Create a fitting recipe for ellipsoidal SAS data."""

    ## The Profile
    # This will be used to store the observed and calculated I(Q) data.
    profile = Profile()

    # Load data and add it to the Profile. We use a SASParser to load the data
    # properly and pass the metadata along.
    parser = SASParser()

    ## The ProfileGenerator
    # The SASGenerator is for configuring and calculating a SAS profile. We use
    # a sans model to configure and serve as the calculation engine of the
    # generator. This allows us to use the full sans model creation
    # capabilities, and tie this into SrFit when we want to fit a model to
    # data. The documentation for the various sans models can be found at
    from sans.models.EllipsoidModel import EllipsoidModel
    model = EllipsoidModel()
    generator = SASGenerator("generator", model)

    ## The FitContribution
    # Here we associate the Profile and ProfileGenerator, as has been done
    # before. 
    contribution = FitContribution("ellipsoid")
    contribution.setProfile(profile, xname = "q")

    # We want to fit the log of the signal to the log of the data so that the
    # higher-Q information remains significant. There are no I(Q) uncertainty
    # values with the data, so we do not need to worry about the effect this
    # will have on the estimated parameter uncertainties.
    contribution.setResidualEquation("log(eq) - log(y)")

    ## Make the FitRecipe and add the FitContribution.
    recipe = FitRecipe()

    ## Configure the fit variables
    # The SASGenerator uses the parameters from the params and dispersion
    # attribues of the model. These vary from model to model, but are adopted
    # as SrFit Parameters within the generator. Whereas the dispersion
    # parameters are accessible as, e.g. "radius.width", within the
    # SASGenerator these are named like "radius_width".
    # We want to fit the scale factor, radii and background factors.
    recipe.addVar(generator.scale, 1)
    recipe.addVar(generator.radius_a, 50)
    recipe.addVar(generator.radius_b, 500)
    recipe.addVar(generator.background, 0)
    # Give the recipe away so it can be used!
    return recipe
Example #4
def makeRecipe(datname):
    """Create a fitting recipe for ellipsoidal SAS data."""

    ## The Profile
    # This will be used to store the observed and calculated I(Q) data.
    profile = Profile()

    # Load data and add it to the Profile. We use a SASParser to load the data
    # properly and pass the metadata along.
    parser = SASParser()

    ## The ProfileGenerator
    # The SASGenerator is for configuring and calculating a SAS profile. We use
    # a sans model to configure and serve as the calculation engine of the
    # generator. This allows us to use the full sans model creation
    # capabilities, and tie this into SrFit when we want to fit a model to
    # data. The documentation for the various sans models can be found at
    from sans.models.EllipsoidModel import EllipsoidModel
    model = EllipsoidModel()
    generator = SASGenerator("generator", model)

    ## The FitContribution
    # Here we associate the Profile and ProfileGenerator, as has been done
    # before.
    contribution = FitContribution("ellipsoid")
    contribution.setProfile(profile, xname="q")

    # We want to fit the log of the signal to the log of the data so that the
    # higher-Q information remains significant. There are no I(Q) uncertainty
    # values with the data, so we do not need to worry about the effect this
    # will have on the estimated parameter uncertainties.
    contribution.setResidualEquation("log(eq) - log(y)")

    ## Make the FitRecipe and add the FitContribution.
    recipe = FitRecipe()

    ## Configure the fit variables
    # The SASGenerator uses the parameters from the params and dispersion
    # attribues of the model. These vary from model to model, but are adopted
    # as SrFit Parameters within the generator. Whereas the dispersion
    # parameters are accessible as, e.g. "radius.width", within the
    # SASGenerator these are named like "radius_width".
    # We want to fit the scale factor, radii and background factors.
    recipe.addVar(generator.scale, 1)
    recipe.addVar(generator.radius_a, 50)
    recipe.addVar(generator.radius_b, 500)
    recipe.addVar(generator.background, 0)

    # Give the recipe away so it can be used!
    return recipe
Example #5
def make_profile(data_file: str, fit_range: Tuple[float, float,
                                                  float]) -> Profile:
    build profile for contribution.
    :param data_file: name of the data file.
    :param fit_range: fit range: (rmin, rmax, rstep).
        profile: profile object.
    profile = Profile()
    parser = PDFParser()

    rmin, rmax, rstep = fit_range
    profile.setCalculationRange(rmin, rmax, rstep)

    return profile
Example #6
def makeRecipe(ciffile, grdata):
    """Make a recipe to model a crystal-like nanoparticle PDF."""

    # Set up a PDF fit as has been done in other examples.
    pdfprofile = Profile()

    pdfparser = PDFParser()
    pdfprofile.setCalculationRange(xmin = 0.1, xmax = 20)

    pdfcontribution = FitContribution("pdf")
    pdfcontribution.setProfile(pdfprofile, xname = "r")

    pdfgenerator = PDFGenerator("G")
    stru = CreateCrystalFromCIF(file(ciffile))

    # Register the nanoparticle shape factor.
    from diffpy.srfit.pdf.characteristicfunctions import sphericalCF
    pdfcontribution.registerFunction(sphericalCF, name = "f")

    # Now we set up the fitting equation.
    pdfcontribution.setEquation("f * G")

    # Now make the recipe. Make sure we fit the characteristic function shape
    # parameters, in this case 'psize', which is the diameter of the particle.
    recipe = FitRecipe()

    phase = pdfgenerator.phase
    for par in phase.sgpars:

    recipe.addVar(pdfcontribution.psize, 20)
    recipe.addVar(pdfgenerator.scale, 1)
    recipe.addVar(pdfgenerator.delta2, 0)
    recipe.B11_0 = 0.1

    return recipe
Example #7
def makeRecipe(ciffile, grdata):
    """Make a recipe to model a crystal-like nanoparticle PDF."""

    # Set up a PDF fit as has been done in other examples.
    pdfprofile = Profile()

    pdfparser = PDFParser()
    pdfprofile.setCalculationRange(xmin=0.1, xmax=20)

    pdfcontribution = FitContribution("pdf")
    pdfcontribution.setProfile(pdfprofile, xname="r")

    pdfgenerator = PDFGenerator("G")
    stru = CreateCrystalFromCIF(file(ciffile))

    # Register the nanoparticle shape factor.
    from diffpy.srfit.pdf.characteristicfunctions import sphericalCF
    pdfcontribution.registerFunction(sphericalCF, name="f")

    # Now we set up the fitting equation.
    pdfcontribution.setEquation("f * G")

    # Now make the recipe. Make sure we fit the characteristic function shape
    # parameters, in this case 'psize', which is the diameter of the particle.
    recipe = FitRecipe()

    phase = pdfgenerator.phase
    for par in phase.sgpars:

    recipe.addVar(pdfcontribution.psize, 20)
    recipe.addVar(pdfgenerator.scale, 1)
    recipe.addVar(pdfgenerator.delta2, 0)
    recipe.B11_0 = 0.1

    return recipe
Example #8
def make_profile(data_file: str, fit_range: Tuple[float, float,
                                                  float]) -> Profile:
    Make a Profile, parse data file to it and set its calculation range.

        The path to the data file.
        The tuple of (rmax, rmin, dr) in Angstrom.
    profile = Profile()
    parser = PDFParser()

    rmin, rmax, rstep = fit_range
    profile.setCalculationRange(rmin, rmax, rstep)

    return profile
Example #9
def make_profile(parser: MyParser, fit_range: Tuple[float, float, float]) -> Profile:
    Make a Profile, parse data file to it and set its calculation range.

        The parser with parsed data from the data source.

        The tuple of (rmax, rmin, dr) in Angstrom.

        The Profile with the parsed data and the calculation range.
    profile = Profile()
    rmin, rmax, rstep = fit_range
    profile.setCalculationRange(rmin, rmax, rstep)
    return profile
Example #10
def makeRecipe(stru1, stru2, stru3, datname):
    """Create a fitting recipe for crystalline PDF data."""

    ## The Profile
    profile = Profile()

    # Load data and add it to the profile
    parser = PDFParser()
    profile.setCalculationRange(xmin=1, xmax = 40, dx = 0.01)

    ## The ProfileGenerator
    generator_MEF_Cryst_B = PDFGenerator("G_MEF_Cryst_B")
    generator_MEF_Cryst_B.setStructure(stru1, periodic = True)
    generator_MEF_Mole_B = DebyePDFGenerator("G_MEF_Mole_B")
    generator_MEF_Mole_B.setStructure(stru2, periodic = False)
    generator_MEF_Intra = DebyePDFGenerator("G_MEF_Intra")
    generator_MEF_Intra.setStructure(stru3, periodic = False)

    ## The FitContribution
    # Add both generators to the FitContribution. Add the Profile. This will
    # send the metadata to the generators.
    contribution = FitContribution("MEF")
    contribution.setProfile(profile, xname = "r")
    #write down the fit equation:
    #(G_MEF_Cryst_B - G_MEF_Mole_B) gives the intermolecular PDF, using a larger atomic displacement parameter
    #G_MEF_Intra gives intramolecular PDF, using a smaller atomic displacement parameter.
    #The sum of both parts gives the total PDF.
    contribution.setEquation("scale * (G_MEF_Cryst_B - G_MEF_Mole_B + G_MEF_Intra)")

    # Make the FitRecipe and add the FitContribution.
    recipe = FitRecipe()

    qdamp = 0.02902
    generator_MEF_Cryst_B.qdamp.value = qdamp
    generator_MEF_Mole_B.qdamp.value = qdamp
    generator_MEF_Intra.qdamp.value = qdamp

    # Vary the gloabal scale as well.
    recipe.addVar(contribution.scale, 1) 

############### First the MEF_Cryst_B parameters ############################################
    phase_MEF_Cryst_B = generator_MEF_Cryst_B.phase

    lat = phase_MEF_Cryst_B.getLattice()
    atoms = phase_MEF_Cryst_B.getScatterers()
    recipe.newVar("Uiso_Inter", 0.05, tag = "T1")
    recipe.newVar("lat_a", 14.556, tag = "lat")
    recipe.newVar("lat_b", 6.811, tag = "lat")
    recipe.newVar("lat_c", 7.657, tag = "lat")
    recipe.newVar("alpha", 119.57, tag = "lat")
    recipe.newVar("beta", 103.93, tag = "lat")
    recipe.newVar("gamma", 91.30, tag = "lat")

    recipe.constrain(lat.a, "lat_a")
    recipe.constrain(lat.b, "lat_b")
    recipe.constrain(lat.c, "lat_c")
    recipe.constrain(lat.alpha, "alpha")
    recipe.constrain(lat.beta, "beta")
    recipe.constrain(lat.gamma, "gamma")
    for atom in atoms:
    	if atom.element.title() == "N":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")
    	elif atom.element.title() == "O":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

    	elif atom.element.title() == "C":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

    	elif atom.element.title() == "H":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

    generator_MEF_Cryst_B.delta2.value = 0

############### Second the MEF_Mole_B parameters ############################################
    phase_MEF_Mole_B = generator_MEF_Mole_B.phase
    recipe.newVar("zoom_Mole_B", 1, tag = "lat2") 

    lat = phase_MEF_Mole_B.getLattice()
    recipe.constrain(lat.a, "zoom_Mole_B")
    recipe.constrain(lat.b, "zoom_Mole_B")
    recipe.constrain(lat.c, "zoom_Mole_B")
   # Constrain fractional xyz parameters
    atoms = phase_MEF_Mole_B.getScatterers()
   # Constrain ADPs

    for atom in atoms:
    	if atom.element.title() == "C":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

    	elif atom.element.title() == "O":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

    	elif atom.element.title() == "N":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

    	elif atom.element.title() == "H":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

    generator_MEF_Mole_B.delta2.value = 0

############### Third the intra molecule parameters##########################################
    phase_MEF_Intra = generator_MEF_Intra.phase
    recipe.newVar("zoom_Intra", 1, tag = "lat3") 

    lat = phase_MEF_Intra.getLattice()
    recipe.constrain(lat.a, "zoom_Intra")
    recipe.constrain(lat.b, "zoom_Intra")
    recipe.constrain(lat.c, "zoom_Intra")
   # Constrain fractional xyz parameters
    atoms = phase_MEF_Intra.getScatterers()
   # Constrain ADPs
    recipe.newVar("Uiso_Intra", 0.005, tag = "T2") 
    for atom in atoms:
    	if atom.element.title() == "C":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Intra")

    	elif atom.element.title() == "O":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Intra")

    	elif atom.element.title() == "N":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Intra")

    	elif atom.element.title() == "H":
             recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Intra")

    generator_MEF_Intra.delta2.value = 0

    # Give the recipe away so it can be used!
    return recipe
Example #11
from diffpy.srfit.fitbase import FitRecipe, FitResults
from diffpy.srfit.fitbase import Profile, FitContribution

# Files containing our experimental data and structure file
dataFile = ""
structureFile = "MnO_R-3m.cif"

# load structure and space group from the CIF file
pcif = getParser('cif')
mno = pcif.parseFile(structureFile)

# prepare profile object with experimental data
profile = Profile()
parser = PDFParser()

# define range for pdf calculation
rmin = 0.01
rmax = 20
rstep = 0.01

# setup calculation range for the PDF simulation
profile.setCalculationRange(xmin=rmin, xmax=rmax, dx=rstep)

# prepare nucpdf function that simulates the nuclear PDF
nucpdf = PDFGenerator("nucpdf")

def makeRecipe(ciffile, datname):
    """Create a fitting recipe for crystalline PDF data."""

    ## The Profile
    # This will be used to store the observed and calculated PDF profile.
    profile = Profile()

    # Load data and add it to the Profile. As before we use a PDFParser. The
    # metadata is still passed to the PDFGenerator later on. The interaction
    # between the PDFGenerator and the metadata does not depend on type of
    # structure being refined.
    parser = PDFParser()
    profile.setCalculationRange(xmax = 20)

    ## The ProfileGenerator
    # This time we use the CreateCrystalFromCIF method of pyobjcryst.crystal to
    # create a Crystal object. That object is passed to the PDFGenerator as in
    # the previous example.
    generator = PDFGenerator("G")
    stru = CreateCrystalFromCIF(file(ciffile))
    ## The FitContribution
    contribution = FitContribution("nickel")
    contribution.setProfile(profile, xname = "r")

    # Make the FitRecipe and add the FitContribution.
    recipe = FitRecipe()

    ## Configure the fit variables

    # As before, we get a handle to the structure parameter set. In this case,
    # it is a ObjCrystCrystalParSet instance that was created when we called
    # 'setStructure' above. The ObjCrystCrystalParSet has different Parameters
    # and options than the DiffpyStructureParSet used in the last example. See
    # its documentation in diffpy.srfit.structure.objcrystparset.
    phase = generator.phase

    # Here is where we created space group constraints in the previous example.
    # The difference in this example is that the ObjCrystCrystalParSet is aware
    # of space groups, and the DiffpyStructureParSet is not. Constraints are
    # created internally when "sgpars" attribute is called for. These
    # constriants get enforced within the ObjCrystCrystalParSet. Free
    # Parameters are stored within the 'sgpars' member of the
    # ObjCrystCrystalParSet, which is the same as the object returned from
    # 'constrainAsSpaceGroup'.
    # As before, we have one free lattice parameter ('a'). We can simplify
    # things by iterating through all the sgpars.
    for par in phase.sgpars: 
    # set the initial thermal factor to a non-zero value
    assert hasattr(recipe, 'B11_0')
    recipe.B11_0 = 0.1

    # We now select non-structural parameters to refine.
    # This controls the scaling of the PDF.
    recipe.addVar(generator.scale, 1)
    # This is a peak-damping resolution term.
    recipe.addVar(generator.qdamp, 0.01)
    # This is a vibrational correlation term that sharpens peaks at low-r.
    recipe.addVar(generator.delta2, 5)

    # Give the recipe away so it can be used!
    return recipe
Example #13
def makeRecipe(niciffile, siciffile, datname):
    """Create a fitting recipe for crystalline PDF data."""

    ## The Profile
    profile = Profile()

    # Load data and add it to the profile
    parser = PDFParser()

    ## The ProfileGenerator
    # In order to fit two phases simultaneously, we must use two PDFGenerators.
    # PDFGenerator is designed to take care of as little information as it
    # must. (Don't do too much, and do it well.) A PDFGenerator can generate
    # the signal from only a single phase at a time. So, we will create one
    # PDFGenerator for each phase and compose them within the same
    # FitContribution. Note that both generators will be associated with the
    # same Profile within the FitContribution, so they will both be
    # automatically configured according to the metadata.
    # The generator for the nickel phase. We call it "G_ni" and will use this
    # name later when we set the fitting equation in the FitContribution.
    generator_ni = PDFGenerator("G_ni")
    stru = CreateCrystalFromCIF(file(niciffile))
    # The generator for the silicon phase. We call it "G_si".
    generator_si = PDFGenerator("G_si")
    stru = CreateCrystalFromCIF(file(siciffile))

    ## The FitContribution
    # Add both generators to the FitContribution. Add the Profile. This will
    # send the metadata to the generators.
    contribution = FitContribution("nisi")
    contribution.setProfile(profile, xname="r")

    # Write the fitting equation. We want to sum the PDFs from each phase and
    # multiply it by a scaling factor. We also want a certain phase scaling
    # relationship between the PDFs which we will enforce with constraints in
    # the FitRecipe.
    contribution.setEquation("scale * (G_ni +  G_si)")

    # Make the FitRecipe and add the FitContribution.
    recipe = FitRecipe()

    ## Configure the fit variables
    # Start by configuring the scale factor and resolution factors.
    # We want the sum of the phase scale factors to be 1.
    recipe.newVar("scale_ni", 0.1)
    recipe.constrain(generator_ni.scale, "scale_ni")
    recipe.constrain(generator_si.scale, "1 - scale_ni")
    # We also want the resolution factor to be the same on each.
    recipe.newVar("qdamp", 0.03)
    recipe.constrain(generator_ni.qdamp, "qdamp")
    recipe.constrain(generator_si.qdamp, "qdamp")

    # Vary the gloabal scale as well.
    recipe.addVar(contribution.scale, 1)

    # Now we can configure the structural parameters. Since we're using
    # ObjCrystCrystalParSets, the space group constraints are automatically
    # applied to each phase. We must selectively vary the free parameters.
    # First the nickel parameters
    phase_ni = generator_ni.phase
    for par in phase_ni.sgpars:
        recipe.addVar(par, + "_ni")
    recipe.addVar(generator_ni.delta2, name="delta2_ni")
    # Next the silicon parameters
    phase_si = generator_si.phase
    for par in phase_si.sgpars:
        recipe.addVar(par, + "_si")
    recipe.addVar(generator_si.delta2, name="delta2_si")

    # We have prior information from the earlier examples so we'll use it here
    # in the form of restraints.
    # The nickel lattice parameter was measured to be 3.527. The uncertainty
    # values are invalid for that measurement, since the data from which it is
    # derived has no uncertainty. Thus, we will tell the recipe to scale the
    # residual, which means that it will be weighted as much as the average
    # data point during the fit.
    recipe.restrain("a_ni", lb=3.527, ub=3.527, scaled=True)
    # Now we do the same with the delta2 and Biso parameters (remember that
    # Biso = 8*pi**2*Uiso)
    recipe.restrain("delta2_ni", lb=2.22, ub=2.22, scaled=True)
    recipe.restrain("Biso_0_ni", lb=0.454, ub=0.454, scaled=True)
    # We can do the same with the silicon values. We haven't done a thorough
    # job of measuring the uncertainties in the results, so we'll scale these
    # as well.
    recipe.restrain("a_si", lb=5.430, ub=5.430, scaled=True)
    recipe.restrain("delta2_si", lb=3.54, ub=3.54, scaled=True)
    recipe.restrain("Biso_0_si", lb=0.645, ub=0.645, scaled=True)

    # Give the recipe away so it can be used!
    return recipe
Example #14
def makeRecipe(stru1, stru2, datname):
    """Create a fitting recipe for crystalline PDF data."""

    ## The Profile
    profile = Profile()

    # Load data and add it to the profile
    parser = PDFParser()
    profile.setCalculationRange(xmin=1.5, xmax = 45, dx = 0.1)

    ## The ProfileGenerator
    # In order to fit the core and shell phases simultaneously, we must use two
    # PDFGenerators.
    # The generator for the CdS core. We call it "G_CdS" and will use this name
    # later when we set the fitting equation in the FitContribution.
    generator_cds = PDFGenerator("G_CdS")
    generator_cds.qdamp.value = 0.0396
    # The generator for the ZnS shell. We call it "G_ZnS".
    generator_zns = PDFGenerator("G_ZnS")
    generator_zns.qdamp.value = 0.0396

    ## The FitContribution
    # Add both generators and the profile to the FitContribution.
    contribution = FitContribution("cdszns")
    contribution.setProfile(profile, xname = "r")

    # Set up the characteristic functions. We use a spherical CF for the core
    # and a spherical shell CF for the shell. Since this is set up as two
    # phases, we implicitly assume that the core-shell correlations contribute
    # very little to the PDF.
    from diffpy.srfit.pdf.characteristicfunctions import sphericalCF, shellCF
    contribution.registerFunction(sphericalCF, name = "f_CdS")
    contribution.registerFunction(shellCF, name = "f_ZnS")

    # Write the fitting equation. We want to sum the PDFs from each phase and
    # multiply it by a scaling factor.
    contribution.setEquation("scale * (f_CdS * G_CdS +  f_ZnS * G_ZnS)")

    # Make the FitRecipe and add the FitContribution.
    recipe = FitRecipe()

    # Vary the inner radius and thickness of the shell. Constrain the core
    # diameter to twice the shell radius.
    recipe.addVar(contribution.radius, 15)
    recipe.addVar(contribution.thickness, 11)
    recipe.constrain(contribution.psize, "2 * radius")

    ## Configure the fit variables
    # Start by configuring the scale factor and resolution factors.
    # We want the sum of the phase scale factors to be 1.
    recipe.newVar("scale_CdS", 0.7)
    recipe.constrain(generator_cds.scale, "scale_CdS")
    recipe.constrain(generator_zns.scale, "1 - scale_CdS")
    # We also want the resolution factor to be the same on each.

    # Vary the gloabal scale as well.
    recipe.addVar(contribution.scale, 0.3)

    # Now we can configure the structural parameters. We tag the different
    # structural variables so we can easily turn them on and off in the
    # subsequent refinement.
    phase_cds = generator_cds.phase
    for par in phase_cds.sgpars.latpars:
        recipe.addVar(par, name = + "_cds", tag = "lat")
    for par in phase_cds.sgpars.adppars:
        recipe.addVar(par, 1, name = + "_cds", tag = "adp")
    recipe.addVar(phase_cds.sgpars.xyzpars.z_1, name = "z_1_cds", tag = "xyz")
    # Since we know these have stacking disorder, constrain the B33 adps for
    # each atom type.
    recipe.constrain("B33_1_cds", "B33_0_cds")
    recipe.addVar(generator_cds.delta2, name = "delta2_cds", value = 5)

    phase_zns = generator_zns.phase
    for par in phase_zns.sgpars.latpars:
        recipe.addVar(par, name = + "_zns", tag = "lat")
    for par in phase_zns.sgpars.adppars:
        recipe.addVar(par, 1, name = + "_zns", tag = "adp")
    recipe.addVar(phase_zns.sgpars.xyzpars.z_1, name = "z_1_zns", tag = "xyz")
    recipe.constrain("B33_1_zns", "B33_0_zns")
    recipe.addVar(generator_zns.delta2, name = "delta2_zns", value = 2.5)

    # Give the recipe away so it can be used!
    return recipe
Example #15
File: Project: st3107/pdffitx
def load_profile(filename: str, metadata: dict = None) -> Profile:
    profile = Profile()
    parser = md.MyParser()
    parser.parseFile(filename, metadata)
    return profile
from diffpy.srfit.fitbase import FitRecipe, FitResults
from diffpy.srfit.fitbase import Profile, FitContribution

# Files containing our experimental data and structure file
dataFile = ""
structureFile = "MnO_R-3m.cif"

# load structure and space group from the CIF file
pcif = getParser('cif')
mno = pcif.parseFile(structureFile)

# prepare profile object with experimental data
profile = Profile()
parser = PDFParser()

# define range for pdf calculation
rmin = 0.01
rmax = 20
rstep = 0.01

# setup calculation range for the PDF simulation
profile.setCalculationRange(xmin=rmin, xmax=rmax, dx=rstep)

# prepare nucpdf function that simulates the nuclear PDF
nucpdf = PDFGenerator("nucpdf")

# prepare magpdf function that simulates the magnetic PDF
Example #17
def makeRecipe(stru1, stru2, datname):
    """Create a fitting recipe for crystalline PDF data."""

    ## The Profile
    profile = Profile()

    # Load data and add it to the profile
    parser = PDFParser()
    profile.setCalculationRange(xmin=1.5, xmax=45, dx=0.1)

    ## The ProfileGenerator
    # In order to fit the core and shell phases simultaneously, we must use two
    # PDFGenerators.
    # The generator for the CdS core. We call it "G_CdS" and will use this name
    # later when we set the fitting equation in the FitContribution.
    generator_cds = PDFGenerator("G_CdS")
    generator_cds.qdamp.value = 0.0396
    # The generator for the ZnS shell. We call it "G_ZnS".
    generator_zns = PDFGenerator("G_ZnS")
    generator_zns.qdamp.value = 0.0396

    ## The FitContribution
    # Add both generators and the profile to the FitContribution.
    contribution = FitContribution("cdszns")
    contribution.setProfile(profile, xname="r")

    # Set up the characteristic functions. We use a spherical CF for the core
    # and a spherical shell CF for the shell. Since this is set up as two
    # phases, we implicitly assume that the core-shell correlations contribute
    # very little to the PDF.
    from diffpy.srfit.pdf.characteristicfunctions import sphericalCF, shellCF
    contribution.registerFunction(sphericalCF, name="f_CdS")
    contribution.registerFunction(shellCF, name="f_ZnS")

    # Write the fitting equation. We want to sum the PDFs from each phase and
    # multiply it by a scaling factor.
    contribution.setEquation("scale * (f_CdS * G_CdS +  f_ZnS * G_ZnS)")

    # Make the FitRecipe and add the FitContribution.
    recipe = FitRecipe()

    # Vary the inner radius and thickness of the shell. Constrain the core
    # diameter to twice the shell radius.
    recipe.addVar(contribution.radius, 15)
    recipe.addVar(contribution.thickness, 11)
    recipe.constrain(contribution.psize, "2 * radius")

    ## Configure the fit variables
    # Start by configuring the scale factor and resolution factors.
    # We want the sum of the phase scale factors to be 1.
    recipe.newVar("scale_CdS", 0.7)
    recipe.constrain(generator_cds.scale, "scale_CdS")
    recipe.constrain(generator_zns.scale, "1 - scale_CdS")
    # We also want the resolution factor to be the same on each.

    # Vary the gloabal scale as well.
    recipe.addVar(contribution.scale, 0.3)

    # Now we can configure the structural parameters. We tag the different
    # structural variables so we can easily turn them on and off in the
    # subsequent refinement.
    phase_cds = generator_cds.phase
    for par in phase_cds.sgpars.latpars:
        recipe.addVar(par, + "_cds", tag="lat")
    for par in phase_cds.sgpars.adppars:
        recipe.addVar(par, 1, + "_cds", tag="adp")
    recipe.addVar(phase_cds.sgpars.xyzpars.z_1, name="z_1_cds", tag="xyz")
    # Since we know these have stacking disorder, constrain the B33 adps for
    # each atom type.
    recipe.constrain("B33_1_cds", "B33_0_cds")
    recipe.addVar(generator_cds.delta2, name="delta2_cds", value=5)

    phase_zns = generator_zns.phase
    for par in phase_zns.sgpars.latpars:
        recipe.addVar(par, + "_zns", tag="lat")
    for par in phase_zns.sgpars.adppars:
        recipe.addVar(par, 1, + "_zns", tag="adp")
    recipe.addVar(phase_zns.sgpars.xyzpars.z_1, name="z_1_zns", tag="xyz")
    recipe.constrain("B33_1_zns", "B33_0_zns")
    recipe.addVar(generator_zns.delta2, name="delta2_zns", value=2.5)

    # Give the recipe away so it can be used!
    return recipe
Example #18
def makeRecipe(ciffile, datname):
    """Create a fitting recipe for crystalline PDF data."""

    ## The Profile
    # This will be used to store the observed and calculated PDF profile.
    profile = Profile()

    # Load data and add it to the Profile. As before we use a PDFParser. The
    # metadata is still passed to the PDFGenerator later on. The interaction
    # between the PDFGenerator and the metadata does not depend on type of
    # structure being refined.
    parser = PDFParser()

    ## The ProfileGenerator
    # This time we use the CreateCrystalFromCIF method of pyobjcryst.crystal to
    # create a Crystal object. That object is passed to the PDFGenerator as in
    # the previous example.
    generator = PDFGenerator("G")
    stru = CreateCrystalFromCIF(file(ciffile))

    ## The FitContribution
    contribution = FitContribution("nickel")
    contribution.setProfile(profile, xname="r")

    # Make the FitRecipe and add the FitContribution.
    recipe = FitRecipe()

    ## Configure the fit variables

    # As before, we get a handle to the structure parameter set. In this case,
    # it is a ObjCrystCrystalParSet instance that was created when we called
    # 'setStructure' above. The ObjCrystCrystalParSet has different Parameters
    # and options than the DiffpyStructureParSet used in the last example. See
    # its documentation in diffpy.srfit.structure.objcrystparset.
    phase = generator.phase

    # Here is where we created space group constraints in the previous example.
    # The difference in this example is that the ObjCrystCrystalParSet is aware
    # of space groups, and the DiffpyStructureParSet is not. Constraints are
    # created internally when "sgpars" attribute is called for. These
    # constraints get enforced within the ObjCrystCrystalParSet. Free
    # Parameters are stored within the 'sgpars' member of the
    # ObjCrystCrystalParSet, which is the same as the object returned from
    # 'constrainAsSpaceGroup'.
    # As before, we have one free lattice parameter ('a'). We can simplify
    # things by iterating through all the sgpars.
    for par in phase.sgpars:
    # set the initial thermal factor to a non-zero value
    assert hasattr(recipe, 'B11_0')
    recipe.B11_0 = 0.1

    # We now select non-structural parameters to refine.
    # This controls the scaling of the PDF.
    recipe.addVar(generator.scale, 1)
    # This is a peak-damping resolution term.
    recipe.addVar(generator.qdamp, 0.01)
    # This is a vibrational correlation term that sharpens peaks at low-r.
    recipe.addVar(generator.delta2, 5)

    # Give the recipe away so it can be used!
    return recipe
def makeRecipe(niciffile, siciffile, datname):
    """Create a fitting recipe for crystalline PDF data."""

    ## The Profile
    profile = Profile()

    # Load data and add it to the profile
    parser = PDFParser()
    profile.setCalculationRange(xmax = 20)

    ## The ProfileGenerator
    # In order to fit two phases simultaneously, we must use two PDFGenerators.
    # PDFGenerator is designed to take care of as little information as it
    # must. (Don't do too much, and do it well.) A PDFGenerator can generate
    # the signal from only a single phase at a time. So, we will create one
    # PDFGenerator for each phase and compose them within the same
    # FitContribution. Note that both generators will be associated with the
    # same Profile within the FitContribution, so they will both be
    # automatically configured according to the metadata.
    # The generator for the nickel phase. We call it "G_ni" and will use this
    # name later when we set the fitting equation in the FitContribution.
    generator_ni = PDFGenerator("G_ni")
    stru = CreateCrystalFromCIF(file(niciffile))
    # The generator for the silicon phase. We call it "G_si".
    generator_si = PDFGenerator("G_si")
    stru = CreateCrystalFromCIF(file(siciffile))

    ## The FitContribution
    # Add both generators to the FitContribution. Add the Profile. This will
    # send the metadata to the generators.
    contribution = FitContribution("nisi")
    contribution.setProfile(profile, xname = "r")

    # Write the fitting equation. We want to sum the PDFs from each phase and
    # multiply it by a scaling factor. We also want a certain phase scaling
    # relationship between the PDFs which we will enforce with constraints in
    # the FitRecipe.
    contribution.setEquation("scale * (G_ni +  G_si)")

    # Make the FitRecipe and add the FitContribution.
    recipe = FitRecipe()

    ## Configure the fit variables
    # Start by configuring the scale factor and resolution factors.
    # We want the sum of the phase scale factors to be 1.
    recipe.newVar("scale_ni", 0.1)
    recipe.constrain(generator_ni.scale, "scale_ni")
    recipe.constrain(generator_si.scale, "1 - scale_ni")
    # We also want the resolution factor to be the same on each.
    recipe.newVar("qdamp", 0.03)
    recipe.constrain(generator_ni.qdamp, "qdamp")
    recipe.constrain(generator_si.qdamp, "qdamp")

    # Vary the gloabal scale as well.
    recipe.addVar(contribution.scale, 1)

    # Now we can configure the structural parameters. Since we're using
    # ObjCrystCrystalParSets, the space group constraints are automatically
    # applied to each phase. We must selectively vary the free parameters.
    # First the nickel parameters
    phase_ni = generator_ni.phase
    for par in phase_ni.sgpars:
        recipe.addVar(par, name = + "_ni")
    recipe.addVar(generator_ni.delta2, name = "delta2_ni")
    # Next the silicon parameters
    phase_si = generator_si.phase
    for par in phase_si.sgpars:
        recipe.addVar(par, name = + "_si")
    recipe.addVar(generator_si.delta2, name = "delta2_si")

    # We have prior information from the earlier examples so we'll use it here
    # in the form of restraints.
    # The nickel lattice parameter was measured to be 3.527. The uncertainty
    # values are invalid for that measurement, since the data from which it is
    # derived has no uncertainty. Thus, we will tell the recipe to scale the
    # residual, which means that it will be weighted as much as the average
    # data point during the fit.
    recipe.restrain("a_ni", lb = 3.527, ub = 3.527, scaled = True)
    # Now we do the same with the delta2 and Biso parameters (remember that
    # Biso = 8*pi**2*Uiso)
    recipe.restrain("delta2_ni", lb = 2.22, ub = 2.22, scaled = True)
    recipe.restrain("Biso_0_ni", lb = 0.454, ub = 0.454, scaled = True)
    # We can do the same with the silicon values. We haven't done a thorough
    # job of measuring the uncertainties in the results, so we'll scale these
    # as well.
    recipe.restrain("a_si", lb = 5.430, ub = 5.430, scaled = True)
    recipe.restrain("delta2_si", lb = 3.54, ub = 3.54, scaled = True)
    recipe.restrain("Biso_0_si", lb = 0.645, ub = 0.645, scaled = True)

    # Give the recipe away so it can be used!
    return recipe
Example #20
def makeRecipe(ciffile, datname):
    """Create a fitting recipe for crystalline PDF data."""

    ## The Profile
    # This will be used to store the observed and calculated PDF profile.
    profile = Profile()

    # Load data and add it to the Profile. Unlike in other examples, we use a
    # class (PDFParser) to help us load the data. This class will read the data
    # and relevant metadata from a two- to four-column data file generated
    # with PDFGetX2 or PDFGetN. The metadata will be passed to the PDFGenerator
    # when they are associated in the FitContribution, which saves some
    # configuration steps.
    parser = PDFParser()
    profile.setCalculationRange(xmax = 20)

    ## The ProfileGenerator
    # The PDFGenerator is for configuring and calculating a PDF profile. Here,
    # we want to refine a Structure object from diffpy.structure. We tell the
    # PDFGenerator that with the 'setStructure' method. All other configuration
    # options will be inferred from the metadata that is read by the PDFParser.
    # In particular, this will set the scattering type (x-ray or neutron), the
    # Qmax value, as well as initial values for the non-structural Parameters.
    generator = PDFGenerator("G")
    stru = Structure()

    ## The FitContribution
    # Here we associate the Profile and ProfileGenerator, as has been done
    # before.
    contribution = FitContribution("nickel")
    contribution.setProfile(profile, xname = "r")

    ## Make the FitRecipe and add the FitContribution.
    recipe = FitRecipe()

    ## Configure the fit variables

    # The PDFGenerator class holds the ParameterSet associated with the
    # Structure passed above in a data member named "phase". (We could have
    # given the ParameterSet a name other than "phase" when we added it to the
    # PDFGenerator.) The ParameterSet in this case is a StructureParameterSet,
    # the documentation for which is found in the
    # diffpy.srfit.structure.diffpystructure module.
    phase = generator.phase

    # We start by constraining the phase to the known space group. We could do
    # this by hand, but there is a method in diffpy.srfit.structure named
    # 'constrainAsSpaceGroup' for this purpose. The constraints will by default
    # be applied to the sites, the lattice and to the ADPs. See the method
    # documentation for more details. The 'constrainAsSpaceGroup' method may
    # create new Parameters, which it returns in a SpaceGroupParameters object.
    from diffpy.srfit.structure import constrainAsSpaceGroup
    sgpars = constrainAsSpaceGroup(phase, "Fm-3m")

    # The SpaceGroupParameters object returned by 'constrainAsSpaceGroup' holds
    # the free Parameters allowed by the space group constraints. Once a
    # structure is constrained, we need (should) only use the Parameters
    # provided in the SpaceGroupParameters, as the relevant structure
    # Parameters are constrained to these.
    # We know that the space group does not allow for any free sites because
    # each atom is on a special position. There is one free (cubic) lattice
    # parameter and one free (isotropic) ADP. We can access these Parameters in
    # the xyzpars, latpars, and adppars members of the SpaceGroupParameters
    # object.
    for par in sgpars.latpars:
    for par in sgpars.adppars:
        recipe.addVar(par, 0.005)

    # We now select non-structural parameters to refine.
    # This controls the scaling of the PDF.
    recipe.addVar(generator.scale, 1)
    # This is a peak-damping resolution term.
    recipe.addVar(generator.qdamp, 0.01)
    # This is a vibrational correlation term that sharpens peaks at low-r.
    recipe.addVar(generator.delta2, 5)

    # Give the recipe away so it can be used!
    return recipe
Example #21
def makeRecipe(ciffile, grdata, iqdata):
    """Make complex-modeling recipe where I(q) and G(r) are fit

    The fit I(q) is fed into the calculation of G(r), which provides feedback
    for the fit parameters of both.

    # Create a PDF contribution as before
    pdfprofile = Profile()
    pdfparser = PDFParser()
    pdfprofile.setCalculationRange(xmin = 0.1, xmax = 20)

    pdfcontribution = FitContribution("pdf")
    pdfcontribution.setProfile(pdfprofile, xname = "r")

    pdfgenerator = PDFGenerator("G")
    stru = CreateCrystalFromCIF(file(ciffile))

    # Create a SAS contribution as well. We assume the nanoparticle is roughly
    # elliptical.
    sasprofile = Profile()
    sasparser = SASParser()

    sascontribution = FitContribution("sas")

    from sans.models.EllipsoidModel import EllipsoidModel
    model = EllipsoidModel()
    sasgenerator = SASGenerator("generator", model)

    # Now we set up a characteristic function calculator that depends on the
    # sas model.
    cfcalculator = SASCF("f", model)

    # Register the calculator with the pdf contribution and define the fitting
    # equation.
    # The PDF for a nanoscale crystalline is approximated by
    # Gnano = f * Gcryst
    pdfcontribution.setEquation("f * G")

    # Moving on
    recipe = FitRecipe()

    # PDF
    phase = pdfgenerator.phase
    for par in phase.sgpars:

    recipe.addVar(pdfgenerator.scale, 1)
    recipe.addVar(pdfgenerator.delta2, 0)

    # SAS
    recipe.addVar(sasgenerator.scale, 1, name = "iqscale")
    recipe.addVar(sasgenerator.radius_a, 10)
    recipe.addVar(sasgenerator.radius_b, 10)

    # Even though the cfcalculator and sasgenerator depend on the same sas
    # model, we must still constrain the cfcalculator Parameters so that it is
    # informed of changes in the refined parameters.
    recipe.constrain(cfcalculator.radius_a, "radius_a")
    recipe.constrain(cfcalculator.radius_b, "radius_b")

    return recipe
Example #22
def makeRecipe(stru1, stru2, stru3, datname):
    """Create a fitting recipe for crystalline PDF data."""

    ## The Profile
    profile = Profile()

    # Load data and add it to the profile
    parser = PDFParser()
    profile.setCalculationRange(xmin=1, xmax=20, dx=0.01)

    ## The ProfileGenerator
    generator_ROY_Cryst_B = PDFGenerator("G_ROY_Cryst_B")
    generator_ROY_Cryst_B.setStructure(stru1, periodic=True)
    generator_ROY_Mole_B = DebyePDFGenerator("G_ROY_Mole_B")
    generator_ROY_Mole_B.setStructure(stru2, periodic=False)
    generator_ROY_Intra = DebyePDFGenerator("G_ROY_Intra")
    generator_ROY_Intra.setStructure(stru3, periodic=False)

    ## The FitContribution
    # Add both generators to the FitContribution. Add the Profile. This will
    # send the metadata to the generators.
    contribution = FitContribution("ROY")
    contribution.setProfile(profile, xname="r")

    # Write the fitting equation. We want to sum the PDFs from each phase and
    # multiply it by a scaling factor. We also want a certain phase scaling
    # relationship between the PDFs which we will enforce with constraints in
    # the FitRecipe.
    #from diffpy.srfit.pdf.characteristicfunctions import sphericalCF
    #contribution.registerFunction(sphericalCF, name = "f_IMC")
        "scale * (G_ROY_Cryst_B - G_ROY_Mole_B + G_ROY_Intra)")

    # Make the FitRecipe and add the FitContribution.
    recipe = FitRecipe()

    qdamp = 0.02902
    generator_ROY_Cryst_B.qdamp.value = qdamp
    generator_ROY_Mole_B.qdamp.value = qdamp
    generator_ROY_Intra.qdamp.value = qdamp

    qbroad = 0.017315
    generator_ROY_Cryst_B.qbroad.value = qbroad
    generator_ROY_Mole_B.qbroad.value = qbroad
    generator_ROY_Intra.qbroad.value = qbroad

    # Vary the gloabal scale as well.
    recipe.addVar(contribution.scale, 1)

    ############### First the ROY_Cryst_B parameters ############################################
    phase_ROY_Cryst_B = generator_ROY_Cryst_B.phase

    lat = phase_ROY_Cryst_B.getLattice()
    atoms = phase_ROY_Cryst_B.getScatterers()

    recipe.newVar("Uiso_Inter", 0.05, tag="T1")
    recipe.newVar("lat_a", 3.9453, tag="lat")
    recipe.newVar("lat_b", 18.685, tag="lat")
    recipe.newVar("lat_c", 16.3948, tag="lat")
    #recipe.newVar("alpha", 90, tag = "lat")
    recipe.newVar("beta", 93.83, tag="lat")
    #recipe.newVar("gamma", 90, tag = "lat")

    recipe.constrain(lat.a, "lat_a")
    recipe.constrain(lat.b, "lat_b")
    recipe.constrain(lat.c, "lat_c")
    #recipe.constrain(lat.alpha, "alpha")
    recipe.constrain(lat.beta, "beta")
    #recipe.constrain(lat.gamma, "gamma")

    for atom in atoms:
        if atom.element.title() == "N":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

        elif atom.element.title() == "O":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

        elif atom.element.title() == "C":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

        elif atom.element.title() == "H":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

        elif atom.element.title() == "S":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

    generator_ROY_Cryst_B.delta2.value = 0
    #    recipe.addVar(generator_IMC_Cryst_B.delta2, name = "delta2_IMC_Cryst_B", value =
    #            0, tag = "delta")

    ############### Second the ROY_Mole_B parameters ############################################
    phase_ROY_Mole_B = generator_ROY_Mole_B.phase
    recipe.newVar("zoom_Mole_B", 1, tag="lat2")

    lat = phase_ROY_Mole_B.getLattice()
    recipe.constrain(lat.a, "zoom_Mole_B")
    recipe.constrain(lat.b, "zoom_Mole_B")
    recipe.constrain(lat.c, "zoom_Mole_B")
    # Constrain fractional xyz parameters
    atoms = phase_ROY_Mole_B.getScatterers()
    # Constrain ADPs
    #recipe.newVar("Uiso_Inter", 0.05, tag = "T2")

    for atom in atoms:
        if atom.element.title() == "C":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

        elif atom.element.title() == "O":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

        elif atom.element.title() == "N":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

        elif atom.element.title() == "H":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

        elif atom.element.title() == "S":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Inter")

    generator_ROY_Mole_B.delta2.value = 0

    #    recipe.addVar(generator_IMC_Mole_B.delta2, name = "delta2_IMC_Mole_B", value
    #            = 5.66086478091, tag = "delta")

    ############### Third the intra molecule parameters##########################################
    phase_ROY_Intra = generator_ROY_Intra.phase
    recipe.newVar("zoom_Intra", 1, tag="lat3")

    lat = phase_ROY_Intra.getLattice()
    recipe.constrain(lat.a, "zoom_Intra")
    recipe.constrain(lat.b, "zoom_Intra")
    recipe.constrain(lat.c, "zoom_Intra")
    # Constrain fractional xyz parameters
    atoms = phase_ROY_Intra.getScatterers()
    # Constrain ADPs
    recipe.newVar("Uiso_Intra", 0.005, tag="T2")

    for atom in atoms:
        if atom.element.title() == "C":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Intra")

        elif atom.element.title() == "O":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Intra")

        elif atom.element.title() == "N":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Intra")

        elif atom.element.title() == "H":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Intra")

        elif atom.element.title() == "S":
            recipe.constrain(atom.Uiso, "Uiso_Intra")

    generator_ROY_Intra.delta2.value = 0

    # Give the recipe away so it can be used!
    return recipe
def makeRecipe(ciffile, xdatname, ndatname):
    """Create a fitting recipe for crystalline PDF data."""

    ## The Profiles
    # We need a profile for each data set. This means that we will need two
    # FitContributions as well.
    xprofile = Profile()
    nprofile = Profile()

    # Load data and add it to the proper Profile.
    parser = PDFParser()
    xprofile.setCalculationRange(xmax = 20)

    parser = PDFParser()
    nprofile.setCalculationRange(xmax = 20)

    ## The ProfileGenerators
    # We need one of these for the x-ray data.
    xgenerator = PDFGenerator("G")
    stru = CreateCrystalFromCIF(file(ciffile))

    # And we need one for the neutron data. We want to refine the same
    # structure object in each PDFGenerator. This would suggest that we add the
    # same Crystal to each. However, if we do that then we will have two
    # Parameters for each Crystal data member (two Parameters for the "a"
    # lattice parameter, etc.), held in different ObjCrystCrystalParSets, each
    # managed by its own PDFGenerator. Thus, changes made to the Crystal
    # through one PDFGenerator will not be known to the other PDFGenerator
    # since their ObjCrystCrystalParSets don't know about each other. The
    # solution is to share ObjCrystCrystalParSets rather than Crystals. This
    # way there is only one Parameter for each Crystal data member. (An
    # alternative to this is to constrain each structure Parameter to be varied
    # to the same variable. The present approach is easier and less error
    # prone.)
    # Tell the neutron PDFGenerator to use the phase from the x-ray
    # PDFGenerator.
    ngenerator = PDFGenerator("G")

    ## The FitContributions
    # We associate the x-ray PDFGenerator and Profile in one FitContribution...
    xcontribution = FitContribution("xnickel")
    xcontribution.setProfile(xprofile, xname = "r")
    # and the neutron objects in another.
    ncontribution = FitContribution("nnickel")
    ncontribution.setProfile(nprofile, xname = "r")

    # This example is different than the previous ones in that we are composing
    # a residual function from other residuals (one for the x-ray contribution
    # and one for the neutron contribution). The relative magnitude of these
    # residuals effectively determines the influence of each contribution over
    # the fit. This is a problem in this case because the x-ray data has
    # uncertainty values associated with it (on the order of 1e-4), and the
    # chi^2 residual is proportional to 1 / uncertainty**2. The neutron has no
    # uncertainty, so it's chi^2 is proportional to 1. Thus, my optimizing
    # chi^2 we would give the neutron data practically no weight in the fit. To
    # get around this, we will optimize a different metric.
    # The contribution's residual can be either chi^2, Rw^2, or custom crafted.
    # In this case, we should minimize Rw^2 of each contribution so that each
    # one can contribute roughly equally to the fit.

    # Make the FitRecipe and add the FitContributions.
    recipe = FitRecipe()

    # Now we vary and constrain Parameters as before.
    recipe.addVar(xgenerator.scale, 1, "xscale")
    recipe.addVar(ngenerator.scale, 1, "nscale")
    recipe.addVar(xgenerator.qdamp, 0.01, "xqdamp")
    recipe.addVar(ngenerator.qdamp, 0.01, "nqdamp")
    # delta2 is a non-structual material propery. Thus, we constrain together
    # delta2 Parameter from each PDFGenerator.
    delta2 = recipe.newVar("delta2", 2)
    recipe.constrain(xgenerator.delta2, delta2)
    recipe.constrain(ngenerator.delta2, delta2)

    # We only need to constrain phase properties once since there is a single
    # ObjCrystCrystalParSet for the Crystal.
    phase = xgenerator.phase
    for par in phase.sgpars:
    recipe.B11_0 = 0.1

    # Give the recipe away so it can be used!
    return recipe
Example #24
def makeRecipe(ciffile, grdata, iqdata):
    """Make complex-modeling recipe where I(q) and G(r) are fit

    The fit I(q) is fed into the calculation of G(r), which provides feedback
    for the fit parameters of both.


    # Create a PDF contribution as before
    pdfprofile = Profile()
    pdfparser = PDFParser()
    pdfprofile.setCalculationRange(xmin = 0.1, xmax = 20)

    pdfcontribution = FitContribution("pdf")
    pdfcontribution.setProfile(pdfprofile, xname = "r")

    pdfgenerator = PDFGenerator("G")
    stru = loadCrystal(ciffile)

    # Create a SAS contribution as well. We assume the nanoparticle is roughly
    # elliptical.
    sasprofile = Profile()
    sasparser = SASParser()
    if all(sasprofile.dy == 0):
        sasprofile.dy[:] = 1

    sascontribution = FitContribution("sas")

    from sas.models.EllipsoidModel import EllipsoidModel
    model = EllipsoidModel()
    sasgenerator = SASGenerator("generator", model)

    # Now we set up a characteristic function calculator that depends on the
    # sas model.
    cfcalculator = SASCF("f", model)

    # Register the calculator with the pdf contribution and define the fitting
    # equation.
    # The PDF for a nanoscale crystalline is approximated by
    # Gnano = f * Gcryst
    pdfcontribution.setEquation("f * G")

    # Moving on
    recipe = FitRecipe()

    # PDF
    phase = pdfgenerator.phase
    for par in phase.sgpars:

    recipe.addVar(pdfgenerator.scale, 1)
    recipe.addVar(pdfgenerator.delta2, 0)

    # SAS
    recipe.addVar(sasgenerator.scale, 1, name = "iqscale")
    recipe.addVar(sasgenerator.radius_a, 10)
    recipe.addVar(sasgenerator.radius_b, 10)

    # Even though the cfcalculator and sasgenerator depend on the same sas
    # model, we must still constrain the cfcalculator Parameters so that it is
    # informed of changes in the refined parameters.
    recipe.constrain(cfcalculator.radius_a, "radius_a")
    recipe.constrain(cfcalculator.radius_b, "radius_b")

    return recipe
Example #25
def makerecipe(structure_file, data_file):
    Basic function for creating and properly constraining a fit recipe.

    structure_file : Path object or str
        Path to *.cif file, containing a structural model to use to fit the PDF data.
    data_file : Path object or str
        Path to data file containing PDF data to fit against.

    recipe : FitRecipe object
        An initialized fit recipe object, ready for fitting.
    ######## Profile Section ##################
    # Create a Profile object for the experimental dataset.
    # This handles all details about the dataset.
    # We also tell this profile the range and mesh of points in r-space.
    profile = Profile()
    parser = PDFParser()

    p_cif = getParser('cif')
    structure = p_cif.parseFile(str(structure_file))
    space_group = p_cif.spacegroup.short_name

    ######## PDF Generator Section ##################
    # Create a PDF Generator object for a periodic structure model.
    # Here we name it "G1" and we give it the structure object.
    # This Generator will later compute the model PDF for the structure
    # object we provide it here.
    generator_crystal1 = PDFGenerator("G1")
    generator_crystal1.setStructure(structure, periodic=True)

    ######## Fit Contribution Section ##################
    # Create a Fit Contribution object, and name it "crystal."
    # We then give the PDF Generator object we created just above
    # to this Fit Contribution object. The Fit Contribution holds
    # the equation used to fit the PDF.
    contribution = FitContribution("crystal")

    # Set an equation, within the Fit Contribution, based on your PDF
    # Generators. Here we simply have one Generator, G1, and a scale variable,
    # s1. Using this structure is a very flexible way of adding additional
    # Generators (ie. multiple structural phases), experimental Profiles,
    # PDF characteristic functions (ie. shape envelopes), and more.

    # Set the experimental profile, within the Fit Contribution object,
    # to the Profile object we created earlier.
    contribution.setProfile(profile, xname="r")

    ######## Recipe Section ##################
    # Create the Fit Recipe object that holds all the details of the fit,
    # defined in the lines above. We give the Fit Recipe the Fit
    # Contribution we created earlier.
    recipe = FitRecipe()

    # Return the Fit Recipe object to be optimized
    return recipe
def makeRecipe(ciffile, xdatname, ndatname):
    """Create a fitting recipe for crystalline PDF data."""

    ## The Profiles
    # We need a profile for each data set. This means that we will need two
    # FitContributions as well.
    xprofile = Profile()
    nprofile = Profile()

    # Load data and add it to the proper Profile.
    parser = PDFParser()
    xprofile.setCalculationRange(xmax = 20)

    parser = PDFParser()
    nprofile.setCalculationRange(xmax = 20)

    ## The ProfileGenerators
    # We need one of these for the x-ray data.
    xgenerator = PDFGenerator("G")
    stru = loadCrystal(ciffile)

    # And we need one for the neutron data. We want to refine the same
    # structure object in each PDFGenerator. This would suggest that we add the
    # same Crystal to each. However, if we do that then we will have two
    # Parameters for each Crystal data member (two Parameters for the "a"
    # lattice parameter, etc.), held in different ObjCrystCrystalParSets, each
    # managed by its own PDFGenerator. Thus, changes made to the Crystal
    # through one PDFGenerator will not be known to the other PDFGenerator
    # since their ObjCrystCrystalParSets don't know about each other. The
    # solution is to share ObjCrystCrystalParSets rather than Crystals. This
    # way there is only one Parameter for each Crystal data member. (An
    # alternative to this is to constrain each structure Parameter to be varied
    # to the same variable. The present approach is easier and less error
    # prone.)
    # Tell the neutron PDFGenerator to use the phase from the x-ray
    # PDFGenerator.
    ngenerator = PDFGenerator("G")

    ## The FitContributions
    # We associate the x-ray PDFGenerator and Profile in one FitContribution...
    xcontribution = FitContribution("xnickel")
    xcontribution.setProfile(xprofile, xname = "r")
    # and the neutron objects in another.
    ncontribution = FitContribution("nnickel")
    ncontribution.setProfile(nprofile, xname = "r")

    # This example is different than the previous ones in that we are composing
    # a residual function from other residuals (one for the x-ray contribution
    # and one for the neutron contribution). The relative magnitude of these
    # residuals effectively determines the influence of each contribution over
    # the fit. This is a problem in this case because the x-ray data has
    # uncertainty values associated with it (on the order of 1e-4), and the
    # chi^2 residual is proportional to 1 / uncertainty**2. The neutron has no
    # uncertainty, so it's chi^2 is proportional to 1. Thus, my optimizing
    # chi^2 we would give the neutron data practically no weight in the fit. To
    # get around this, we will optimize a different metric.
    # The contribution's residual can be either chi^2, Rw^2, or custom crafted.
    # In this case, we should minimize Rw^2 of each contribution so that each
    # one can contribute roughly equally to the fit.

    # Make the FitRecipe and add the FitContributions.
    recipe = FitRecipe()

    # Now we vary and constrain Parameters as before.
    recipe.addVar(xgenerator.scale, 1, "xscale")
    recipe.addVar(ngenerator.scale, 1, "nscale")
    recipe.addVar(xgenerator.qdamp, 0.01, "xqdamp")
    recipe.addVar(ngenerator.qdamp, 0.01, "nqdamp")
    # delta2 is a non-structual material propery. Thus, we constrain together
    # delta2 Parameter from each PDFGenerator.
    delta2 = recipe.newVar("delta2", 2)
    recipe.constrain(xgenerator.delta2, delta2)
    recipe.constrain(ngenerator.delta2, delta2)

    # We only need to constrain phase properties once since there is a single
    # ObjCrystCrystalParSet for the Crystal.
    phase = xgenerator.phase
    for par in phase.sgpars:
    recipe.B11_0 = 0.1

    # Give the recipe away so it can be used!
    return recipe
def main():
    This will run by default when the file is executed using
    "python" in the command line



    # Make some folders to store our output files.
    resdir = "res"
    fitdir = "fit"
    figdir = "fig"

    folders = [resdir, fitdir, figdir]

    # Let's define our working directory.
    base_dir = Path()

    yaml_file = base_dir / (FIT_ID_BASE + "refined_params.yml")

    # This is a bit different than what we've done before.
    # We are going to look at a set of temperatures, so we want
    # to find all the relevant data files in the "DPATH" folder
    # we identified earlier which match a certain pattern.

    # To do this we will use list comprehension

    # For every file we find, we will link it up with the data path
    data_files = list(DPATH.glob(f"*{GR_NAME_BASE}*.gr"))

    # We now want to grab the temperature at which each file was measured.
    # We again use list comprehension, and we re-use the variable "temp"
    # This specific procedure depends on how the file is named.
    # In our case, we carefully named each file as:
    # "" where TTT is the temperature in Kelvin.

    # First we strip off the directory information for every file in "data_files"
    # This gives us a list of just full file names, without directories.
    temps = [f.stem for f in data_files]

    # Next we split every base filename into a list, delimited by "_"
    # We keep the second entry from this list, because we know it has the
    # temperature in the form TTTK.
    temps = [t.split('_')[1] for t in temps]

    # We want the temperature as an integer, so we need to drop the "K"
    # from each string and cast the values as integers using "int()"
    # Strings can be slides like arrays, so "[:-1]" means "take all the
    # values except the last one."
    temps = [int(t[:-1]) for t in temps]

    # This will sort the data files and temperatures in descending order
    # based on the temperature values.
    temps, data_files = zip(*sorted(zip(temps, data_files), reverse=True))

    # We want to test two structure models, so we should find both the cif files.
    # Similar to how we found the data files, we use list comprehension

    # For every file we find, we will link it up with the data path
    cif_files = list(DPATH.glob(f"*{CIF_NAME_BASE}*.cif"))

    # We initialize and empty dictionary, where we will save all
    # the details of the refined parameters.
    if yaml_file.exists():
        print(f"\n{} exists, loading!\n")
        with open(yaml_file, 'r') as infile:
            refined_dict = yaml.safe_load(infile)
        print(f"\n{} does not exist, creating!\n")
        refined_dict = dict()

    # We want to do a separate temperature series on each of the structures,
    # so we will use a loop on all the cif files we found.
    for cif in cif_files:

        # Let's get the space group, so we can refer to it later.
        p_cif = getParser('cif')
        space_group = p_cif.spacegroup.short_name

        # Backslashes are bad form, so let's remove them...
        structure_string = space_group.replace("/", "_on_")

        # Lets check if we already ran this we dont duplicate work
        if structure_string not in refined_dict:
            print(f"\n{structure_string} IS NOT in dictionary!\n")
            # Nest a dictionary inside "refined_dict" with a key defined by "structure_string"
            refined_dict[structure_string] = dict()

            # This is just for ease of coding/readability
            sg_dict = refined_dict[structure_string]
            done = False
        elif structure_string in refined_dict:
            print(f"\n{structure_string} IS IN dictionary!\n")
            sg_dict = refined_dict[structure_string]
            done = True

        # Where will we work? here!
        work_dir = base_dir / structure_string

        # Make our folders!
        for folder in folders:
            new_folder = work_dir / folder
            if not new_folder.exists():

        # Make a recipe based on this cif file, and the first data file in
        # "data_files"
        # We can pass in any data file at this point, this is only to initialize
        # the recipe, and we will replace this data before refining.
        recipe = makerecipe(cif, data_files[0])

        # Let's set the calculation range!

        # Initialize the instrument parameters, Q_damp and Q_broad, and
        # assign Q_max and Q_min.
        recipe.crystal.G1.qdamp.value = QDAMP_I
        recipe.crystal.G1.qbroad.value = QBROAD_I

        # Add, initialize, and tag the scale variable.
        recipe.addVar(recipe.crystal.s1, SCALE_I, tag="scale")

        # Use the srfit function constrainAsSpaceGroup to constrain
        # the lattice and ADP parameters according to the space group setting,
        # in this case, contained in the function argument "sg"
        from diffpy.srfit.structure import constrainAsSpaceGroup

        spacegroupparams = constrainAsSpaceGroup(recipe.crystal.G1.phase,

        for par in spacegroupparams.latpars:
            recipe.addVar(par, fixed=False, tag="lat")

        for par in spacegroupparams.adppars:
            recipe.addVar(par, fixed=False, tag="adp")

        # Note: here we also can refine atomic coordinates.
        # In our previous examples, all the atoms were on symmetry
        # operators, so their positions could not be refined.
        for par in spacegroupparams.xyzpars:
            recipe.addVar(par, fixed=False, tag="xyz")

        # Add delta, but not instrumental parameters to Fit Recipe.

        # Tell the Fit Recipe we want to write the maximum amount of
        # information to the terminal during fitting.
        recipe.fithooks[0].verbose = 0

        # As we are doing a temperature series through a phase transition, we want to fit many
        # different data sets, each at a different temperature.
        # for this we will loop over both "temps" and "data_files"
        for file, temp in zip(data_files, temps):
            print(f"\nProcessing {}!\n")

            if temp not in sg_dict:
                    f"\nT = {temp} K NOT IN {structure_string} dictionary, creating!\n"
                # Nest a dictionary inside the nested dictionary "refined_dict[stru_type]"
                # with a key defined by "temp"
                sg_dict[temp] = dict()
                temp_dict = sg_dict[temp]
                done = False
            elif temp in sg_dict:
                print(f"\nT = {temp} K IS IN {structure_string} dictionary!\n")
                temp_dict = sg_dict[temp]
                done = True

            # We create a unique string to identify our fit,
            # using the structure type and the temperature.
            # This will be used when we write files later.
            basename = f"{FIT_ID_BASE}{structure_string}_{str(temp)}_K"

            # Print the basename to the terminal.
            print(f"\nWorking on {basename}!\n")

            # We now want to load in the proper dataset for the given temperature.
            # We do this by creating a new profile object and loading it into the fit recipe.
            profile = Profile()
            parser = PDFParser()
            if not done:
                    f"{basename} is NOT DONE with structure {structure_string} at T = {temp} K\n"

                # We are now ready to start the refinement.
                # During the optimization, fix and free parameters as you would
                # PDFgui. This leads to more stability in the refinement

                refine_params = ["scale", "lat", "adp", "d2", "all"]

                for params in refine_params:
                    print(f"\n****\nFitting {recipe.getNames()} against "
                          f"{} with {}\n")

            elif done:

                    f"{basename} IS done with structure {structure_string} at T = {temp} K\n"


                print("\nLoading parameters...\n")
                for var in recipe.getNames():
                    if var not in temp_dict:
                            f"{var} is not in the dictionary!! Let's try to fix it..."
                        print(f"\nFitting {recipe.getNames()}\n")
                    elif var in temp_dict:
                        var_dict = temp_dict[var]
                        val = var_dict["value"]
                if not SKIP_DONE:
                    print(f"\nFitting {recipe.getNames()}\n")

                    print("\nPolishing done\n")
            if (done and not SKIP_DONE) or not done or REPLOT_DONE:
                print(f"\nStarting to write results for {basename}"
                      f" with structure {structure_string} at T = {temp} K\n")
                # Print the fit results to the terminal.
                res = FitResults(recipe)
                rw =

                # Write the fitted data to a file.
                profile = recipe.crystal.profile
                profile.savetxt(work_dir / fitdir / (basename + ".fit"))

                # Now, as we will use the optimized fit recipe in the next loop,
                # we want to keep all the refined parameters for this part of the loop
                # we do this by recording everything in the nested dictionaries we made earlier.

                # We loop over the variable names, the variable values, and the variable uncertainties (esd)
                for name, val, unc in zip(res.varnames, res.varvals,

                    # We create a new nested dictionary based on each variable name
                    if name not in temp_dict:
                        temp_dict[name] = dict()
                    var_dict = temp_dict[name]
                    # We store the refined value for this variable using the "value" key.
                    # We use the ".item()" method because "res.varvals" exist as
                    # numpy.float64 objects, and we want them as regular python floats.
                    var_dict["value"] = val.item()
                    var_dict["uncert"] = unc.item()

                # We also store the fit rw, for posterity.
                temp_dict['rw'] = rw.item()

                # Write the fit results to a file.
                header = "crystal_HF.\n"
                res.saveResults(work_dir / resdir / (basename + ".res"),

                # Write a plot of the fit to a (pdf) file.
                plotresults(recipe, work_dir / figdir / basename)
                # plt.ion()

                # We now write this dictionary to a file for later use.
                with open(yaml_file, 'w') as outfile:
                    yaml.safe_dump(refined_dict, outfile)

    # We now write this dictionary to a file for later use.
    with open(yaml_file, 'w') as outfile:
        yaml.safe_dump(refined_dict, outfile)