Example #1
class Equation(Operator):
    """Class for holding and evaluating a Literal tree.

    Instances have attributes that are the non-const Arguments of the tree
    (accessed by name) and a __call__ method that evaluates the tree.  It is
    assumed, but not enforced that Arguments have unique names.  If this is not
    the case, then one should keep its own list of Arguments.

    The tree is scanned for errors when it is added. Thus, the tree should be
    complete before putting it inside an Equation.

    Equations can act as Operator nodes within a literal tree. In this context,
    they evaluate as the root node, but provide a calling interface that
    accepts new argument values for the literal tree.

    root    --  The root Literal of the equation tree
    argdict --  An OrderedDict of Arguments from the root.
    args    --  Property that gets the values of argdict.

    Operator Attributes
    args    --  List of Literal arguments, set with 'addLiteral'
    name    --  A name for this operator. e.g. "add" or "sin"
    nin     --  Number of inputs (<1 means this is variable)
    nout    --  Number of outputs
    operation   --  Function that performs the operation. e.g. numpy.add.
    symbol  --  The symbolic representation. e.g. "+" or "sin".
    _value  --  The value of the Operator.
    value   --  Property for 'getValue'.


    def __init__(self, name = None, root = None):

        name    --  A name for this Equation.
        root    --  The root node of the Literal tree (default None). If root
                    is not passed here, you must call the 'setRoot' method to
                    set or change the root node.

        # Operator stuff. We circumvent Operator.__init__ since we're using
        # args as a property. We cannot set it, as the Operator tries to do.
        if name is None and root is not None:
            name = "eq_%s"%root.name
        Literal.__init__(self, name)
        self.symbol = name
        self.nin = None
        self.nout = 1
        self.operation = self.__call__

        self.root = None
        self.argdict = OrderedDict()
        if root is not None:


    def _getArgs(self):
        return self.argdict.values()

    args = property(_getArgs)

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        """Gives access to the Arguments as attributes."""
        arg = self.argdict.get(name)
        if arg is None:
            raise AttributeError("No argument named '%s' here"%name)
        return arg

    def setRoot(self, root):
        """Set the root of the Literal tree.

        ValueError if errors are found in the Literal tree.


        # Validate the new root

        # Stop observing the old root
        if self.root is not None:

        # Add the new root
        self.root = root

        # Get the args
        args = getArgs(root, getconsts=False)
        self.argdict = OrderedDict( [(arg.name, arg) for arg in args] )

        # Set Operator attributes
        self.nin = len(self.args)


    def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
        """Call the equation.

        New Argument values are acceped as arguments or keyword assignments (or
        both).  The order of accepted arguments is given by the args
        attribute.  The Equation will remember values set in this way.

        ValueError when a passed argument cannot be found

        # Process args
        for idx, val in enumerate(args):
            if idx > len(self.argdict):
                raise ValueError("Too many arguments")
            arg = self.args[idx]

        # Process kw
        for name, val in kw.items():
            arg = self.argdict.get(name)
            if arg is None:
                raise ValueError("No argument named '%s' here"%name)

        self._value = self.root.getValue()
        return self._value

    def swap(self, oldlit, newlit):
        """Swap a literal in the equation for another.

        Note that this may change the root and the operation interface

        newroot = swap(self.root, oldlit, newlit)

    # Operator methods

    def addLiteral(self, literal):
        """Cannot add a literal to an Equation."""
        raise AttributeError("Cannot add literals to an Equation.")

    # Visitors can treat us differently than an Operator.

    def identify(self, visitor):
        """Identify self to a visitor."""
        return visitor.onEquation(self)
Example #2
class Equation(Operator):
    """Class for holding and evaluating a Literal tree.

    Instances have attributes that are the non-const Arguments of the tree
    (accessed by name) and a __call__ method that evaluates the tree.  It is
    assumed, but not enforced that Arguments have unique names.  If this is not
    the case, then one should keep its own list of Arguments.

    The tree is scanned for errors when it is added. Thus, the tree should be
    complete before putting it inside an Equation.

    Equations can act as Operator nodes within a literal tree. In this context,
    they evaluate as the root node, but provide a calling interface that
    accepts new argument values for the literal tree.

    root    --  The root Literal of the equation tree
    argdict --  An OrderedDict of Arguments from the root.
    args    --  Property that gets the values of argdict.

    Operator Attributes
    args    --  List of Literal arguments, set with 'addLiteral'
    name    --  A name for this operator. e.g. "add" or "sin"
    nin     --  Number of inputs (<1 means this is variable)
    nout    --  Number of outputs
    operation   --  Function that performs the operation. e.g. numpy.add.
    symbol  --  The symbolic representation. e.g. "+" or "sin".
    _value  --  The value of the Operator.
    value   --  Property for 'getValue'.
    def __init__(self, name=None, root=None):

        name    --  A name for this Equation.
        root    --  The root node of the Literal tree (default None). If root
                    is not passed here, you must call the 'setRoot' method to
                    set or change the root node.

        # Operator stuff. We circumvent Operator.__init__ since we're using
        # args as a property. We cannot set it, as the Operator tries to do.
        if name is None and root is not None:
            name = "eq_%s" % root.name
        Literal.__init__(self, name)
        self.symbol = name
        self.nin = None
        self.nout = 1
        self.operation = self.__call__

        self.root = None
        self.argdict = OrderedDict()
        if root is not None:


    def _getArgs(self):
        return self.argdict.values()

    args = property(_getArgs)

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        """Gives access to the Arguments as attributes."""
        # Avoid infinite loop on argdict lookup.
        argdict = object.__getattribute__(self, 'argdict')
        if not name in argdict:
            raise AttributeError("No argument named '%s' here" % name)
        return argdict[name]

    def setRoot(self, root):
        """Set the root of the Literal tree.

        ValueError if errors are found in the Literal tree.


        # Validate the new root

        # Stop observing the old root
        if self.root is not None:

        # Add the new root
        self.root = root
        self._flush(other=(self, ))

        # Get the args
        args = getArgs(root, getconsts=False)
        self.argdict = OrderedDict([(arg.name, arg) for arg in args])

        # Set Operator attributes
        self.nin = len(self.args)


    def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
        """Call the equation.

        New Argument values are acceped as arguments or keyword assignments (or
        both).  The order of accepted arguments is given by the args
        attribute.  The Equation will remember values set in this way.

        ValueError when a passed argument cannot be found

        # Process args
        for idx, val in enumerate(args):
            if idx > len(self.argdict):
                raise ValueError("Too many arguments")
            arg = self.args[idx]

        # Process kw
        for name, val in kw.items():
            arg = self.argdict.get(name)
            if arg is None:
                raise ValueError("No argument named '%s' here" % name)

        self._value = self.root.getValue()
        return self._value

    def swap(self, oldlit, newlit):
        """Swap a literal in the equation for another.

        Note that this may change the root and the operation interface

        newroot = swap(self.root, oldlit, newlit)

    # Operator methods

    def addLiteral(self, literal):
        """Cannot add a literal to an Equation."""
        raise AttributeError("Cannot add literals to an Equation.")

    # Visitors can treat us differently than an Operator.

    def identify(self, visitor):
        """Identify self to a visitor."""
        return visitor.onEquation(self)