def main(): DevList = {} FormedAll = [] # Ana Dig values after passing through Format() FormedAnalog = [] # Ana values after passing through Format() FormedDigital = [] # Dig values after passing through Format() example_text = '''Example usage: # Run discovery process on nework to find XBEE-IO devices ./ --port ttyUSB1 --discover # Readback all IO in default format and output style ./ --port ttyUSB1 --remote XBEE1 --readall # Read all IO and format analogue readings as rounded up voltages ./ --port ttyUSB1 --remote XBEE1 --readall --format volts # Read ADC inputs 0,1 & 3 and format readings as rounded up (TMP36) temperatures ./ --port ttyUSB1 --remote XBEE1 --readadc 031 --format temp # Read ADC input 2 and format reading as rounded up 4-20mA ./ --port ttyUSB1 --remote XBEE1 --readadc 2 --format 420 # Read Dig Ins 0,1,2 & 3 ./ --port ttyUSB1 --remote XBEE1 --readdigin 0321 # Read Dig In 0 ./ --port ttyUSB1 --remote XBEE1 --readdigin 0 # Set Dig Out 0,1 & 3 Enabled ./ --port ttyUSB1 --remote XBEE1 --setdigouts 1101 # Set Dig out 1 & 3 Enabled ./ --port ttyUSB1 --remote XBEE1 --setdigouts 0101 # Set Dig Out 0 = Enabled ./ --port ttyUSB1 --remote XBEE1 --setdigouts 1000 # Read all inputs and output in a logline format with analog voltage formatted as rounded up volts ./ --port ttyUSB1 --remote XBEE1 --readall --outputlogline --format volts ''' ap = ArgParser(description='XBEE-IO Communication Script', epilog=example_text, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) ap.add_argument("--port", action='store', dest='port', help="serial port to connect to", required=True) ap.add_argument("--discover", action='store_true', dest='show', help="discover the digimesh network devices") ap.add_argument("--remote", action='store', dest='remote', help="specify the target XBee NI identifier to talk to") ap.add_argument("--readall", action='store_true', dest='readall', help="read back all input/output states") ap.add_argument("--format", action='store', dest='format', help="printable format : volts|420|temp") ap.add_argument("--readadc", action='store', dest='anapins', help="read back on or more analog inputs") ap.add_argument("--readdigin", action='store', dest='digipins', help="read back one or more digital inputs") ap.add_argument("--outputstd", action='store_true', dest='std', help="display the output in human readable form (default)") ap.add_argument("--outputlogline", action='store_true', dest='log', help="display output in single data log format") ap.add_argument("--outputjson", action='store_true', dest='json', help="display output in JSON format") ap.add_argument("--setdigouts", action='store', dest='setdigout', help="set digouts as 4bit state <0123>") ap.add_argument("--quiet", action='store_true', dest='quiet', help="suppress extra output") if len(sys.argv) == 1: ap.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) args = ap.parse_args() PORT = '/dev/' + args.port try: if # Instatiate RPi Main Hub RPi = DigiMeshDevice(PORT, BAUD_RATE) DevList = ShowRemote(RPi, args.quiet) # Export network devices to file with open('network.conf', 'w+') as f: f.truncate(0) # Reset file contents for node, address in DevList.items(): f.write(node + '|' + address + '\n') elif args.remote: # Instatiate RPi Main Hub RPi = DigiMeshDevice(PORT, BAUD_RATE) # Scan and save network if it does not exist if not os.path.exists('network.conf'): DevList = NetworkDiscovery(RPi, args.quiet) with open('network.conf', 'w+') as f: for node, address in DevList.items(): f.write(node + '|' + address + '\n') # Repopulate dictionary for practicality with open("network.conf") as f: for line in f: (node, address) = line.strip().split('|') DevList.update({node: address}) # Make sure target NodeID exists in network if args.remote in DevList.keys(): RemoteXBee = RemoteDigiMeshDevice( RPi, XBee64BitAddress.from_hex_string( str(DevList.get(args.remote)))) #print("\n") else: print("Target NodeID: " + args.remote + " not found in network.conf, try rescan first.") exit() if args.setdigout: SetDigitalOut(RemoteXBee, args.setdigout, args.quiet) # Either --readall if args.readall: args.anapins = '0,1,2,3' args.digipins = '0,1,2,3' readall = '0,1,2,3' ReadInputs = ReadAnalog(RemoteXBee, readall, args.quiet) + ReadDigital( RemoteXBee, readall, args.quiet) FormedAll = Format(RemoteXBee, ReadInputs, args.format, args.anapins, args.digipins) # Or read specific else: if args.anapins: ReadInputs = ReadAnalog(RemoteXBee, args.anapins, args.quiet) FormedAnalog = Format(RemoteXBee, ReadInputs, args.format, args.anapins, '') # No digital '' if args.digipins: ReadInputs = ReadDigital(RemoteXBee, args.digipins, args.quiet) FormedDigital = Format(RemoteXBee, ReadInputs, args.format, '', args.digipins) # No analog '' if args.std: if FormedAll: Output(RemoteXBee, FormedAll, args.format, args.remote, 'std', args.anapins, args.digipins, args.quiet) else: Output(RemoteXBee, FormedAnalog + FormedDigital, args.format, args.remote, 'std', args.anapins, args.digipins, args.quiet) elif args.json: if FormedAll: Output(RemoteXBee, FormedAll, args.format, args.remote, 'json', args.anapins, args.digipins, args.quiet) else: Output(RemoteXBee, FormedAnalog + FormedDigital, args.format, args.remote, 'json', args.anapins, args.digipins, args.quiet) elif args.log: if FormedAll: Output(RemoteXBee, FormedAll, args.format, args.remote, 'log', args.anapins, args.digipins, args.quiet) else: Output(RemoteXBee, FormedAnalog + FormedDigital, args.format, args.remote, 'log', args.anapins, args.digipins, args.quiet) else: if not if FormedAll: Output(RemoteXBee, FormedAll, args.format, args.remote, 'default', args.anapins, args.digipins, args.quiet) else: Output(RemoteXBee, FormedAnalog + FormedDigital, args.format, args.remote, 'default', args.anapins, args.digipins, args.quiet) finally: if RPi is not None and RPi.is_open(): RPi.close()
def main(): print(" +----------------------------------------+") print(" | XBee Python discovery time chronometer |") print(" +----------------------------------------+\n") device = DigiMeshDevice(PORT, BAUD_RATE) try: protocolo = device.get_protocol() print(protocolo) funcao = device.get_role() print("Funcao: %s" % funcao) xbee_network = device.get_network() xbee_network.set_discovery_timeout(15) # 15 seconds. xbee_network.clear() def callback_device_discovered(remote): print("Device discovered: %s" % remote) def callback_discovery_finished(status): if status == NetworkDiscoveryStatus.SUCCESS: print("Discovery process finished successfully.") else: print("There was an error discovering devices: %s" % status.description) xbee_network.add_device_discovered_callback(callback_device_discovered) xbee_network.add_discovery_process_finished_callback( callback_discovery_finished) options = xbee_network.get_discovery_options() print(utils.hex_to_string(options)) xbee_network.start_discovery_process() print("Discovering remote XBee devices...") while xbee_network.is_discovery_running(): time.sleep(0.1) devices = xbee_network.get_devices() remote = devices[0] print(remote.get_protocol()) print("Dispositivo %s " % devices[0].get_node_id()) sourceAddres = device.get_64bit_addr() print("Endereco Local: %s" % sourceAddres) destAddress = device.get_dest_address() print("Endereco Destino: %s" % destAddress) modoDeOperacao = device.operating_mode print("Mode de Operacao: %s" % modoDeOperacao) finally: if device is not None and device.is_open(): device.close()
info.start_timer() xbee_network.set_discovery_timeout(25) # 25 seconds. xbee_network.clear() xbee_network.add_device_discovered_callback(callback_device_discovered) xbee_network.add_discovery_process_finished_callback( callback_discovery_finished) print("\t=-------- Starting Device discover process --------=\n") xbee_network.start_discovery_process() while xbee_network.is_discovery_running(): sleep(0.1) print("\nNumber of devices found on the network:", info.n_devices) print("Discovery time of each device:", info.discovery_time) finally: if device is not None and device.is_open(): device.close() print("\n\t--------- Device Closed Successfully ---------\n") print("*discovery time order to be printed in the csv file:", order_device_list(info)) send_data_to_csv(order_device_list(info))