Example #1
    def __init__(self, faceted_search, context, request):
        # if True, we group all the results by document to avoid stacking
        # graphs or clauses
        self.faceted_search = faceted_search
        self.settings = self.faceted_search.settings.getGlobal('visualisation')

        self.context = context
        self.request = request
        # an index used to detect data point overlap and create stack
        # [y][[x0, x1], [x0, x1]]
        self.stack = {}

        self.cat_hits = {}
        self.font_size = 12
        # margin on each side of a label (in pixels)
        self.margin = 3
        self.font_size_margin = self.font_size + 2 * self.margin
        self.bar_height = utils.get_int_from_request_var(request, 'vz_bh', 7)
        self.graph_size = utils.get_int_from_request_var(request, 'vz_gs', 40)

        context['viz'] = {}
        context['viz']['vz_bh'] = self.bar_height
        context['viz']['vz_gs'] = self.graph_size

        self.mins = [None, None]
        self.maxs = [None, None]
        # histogram at the bottom of the chart with the sum of all the ocurrences
        # above
        # format = {0: {0: 3, 1: 2}, 1: {0:2, 1:1}, ... }
        # format = {X/year: {layer index: bar count, layer index: bar count,
        # ...}, ...}
        self.histogram = {}
        self.histogram_height = 0

        self.band_width = 1000000
Example #2
    def __init__(self, faceted_search, context, request):
        # if True, we group all the results by document to avoid stacking graphs or clauses
        self.faceted_search = faceted_search
        self.context = context
        self.request = request
        # an index used to detect data point overlap and create stack
        # [y][[x0, x1], [x0, x1]]
        self.stack = {}

        self.cat_hits = {}
        self.font_size = 12
        # margin on each side of a label (in pixels)
        self.margin = 3
        self.font_size_margin = self.font_size + 2 * self.margin
        self.bar_height = utils.get_int_from_request_var(request, 'vz_bh', 7)
        self.graph_size = utils.get_int_from_request_var(request, 'vz_gs', 40)

        context['viz'] = {}
        context['viz']['vz_bh'] = self.bar_height
        context['viz']['vz_gs'] = self.graph_size

        self.mins = [None, None]
        self.maxs = [None, None]
        # histogram at the bottom of the chart with the sum of all the ocurrences
        # above
        # format = {0: {0: 3, 1: 2}, 1: {0:2, 1:1}, ... }
        # format = {X/year: {layer index: bar count, layer index: bar count, ...}, ...}
        self.histogram = {}
        self.histogram_height = 0

        self.band_width = 1000000
Example #3
def text_api_view_location(request, item_partid, content_type, location_type, location, user=None, max_size=MAX_FRAGMENT_SIZE):
    '''This content type is for the list of all available locations (text, images)
        Used by the master location widget on top of the Text Viewer web page
    from digipal.models import ItemPart

    load_locations = utils.get_int_from_request_var(request, 'load_locations')

    if load_locations:
        context = {'item_part': ItemPart.objects.filter(
        resolve_master_location(context, location_type, location)

        ret = {
            'location_type': context['master_location_type'],
            'location': context['master_location'],
            'locations': context['master_locations'],
            'toc': context.get('master_toc', {'39a2': 'toc2', '39r': 'toc3', '39a1': 'toc1'}),
        ret = {
            'location_type': location_type,
            'location': location,

    return ret
Example #4
    def set_from_request(self, request, faceted_search):
        Query 0: a full search on the currently selected result type (always there)
        Query 1: the current result set (but if it's a full search, it is invalidated)
        Query 2, ...: the query saved in the query string. qi_X=Y
        if self.index < 1:
            self.is_valid = 1
        if self.index == 1:
            if not faceted_search.is_full_search():
                self.is_valid = 1

        index = utils.get_int_from_request_var(request, 'qi', 1)
        if self.index == index:
            self.is_active = 1

        self.request = request
        self.request_current = request
        if request.GET.get('q%s_result_type' % (self.index), ''):
            self.is_valid = 1

        self.is_hidden = utils.get_int_from_request_var(
            request, 'q%s_hidden' % self.index, 0)

        # if self.is_active:
        if self.index < 2:
            self.faceted_search = faceted_search
            from digipal.views.faceted_search.faceted_search import simple_search

            new_url = '/?'
            url_is_set = False
            for k, v in self.request.GET.iteritems():
                if k.startswith('q%s_' % self.index):
                    new_url += '&%s=%s' % (k.replace('q%s_' % self.index,
                                                     ''), v)
                    url_is_set = True

            if url_is_set:
                from django.test.client import RequestFactory
                request = RequestFactory().get(new_url)
                user = self.request.user
                self.request = request
                self.request.user = user

                self.faceted_search = simple_search(request)
Example #5
    def set_from_request(self, request, faceted_search):
        Query 0: a full search on the currently selected result type (always there)
        Query 1: the current result set (but if it's a full search, it is invalidated)
        Query 2, ...: the query saved in the query string. qi_X=Y
        if self.index < 1:
            self.is_valid = 1
        if self.index == 1:
            if not faceted_search.is_full_search():
                self.is_valid = 1

        index = utils.get_int_from_request_var(request, 'qi', 1)
        if self.index == index:
            self.is_active = 1

        self.request = request
        self.request_current = request
        if request.GET.get('q%s_result_type' % (self.index), ''):
            self.is_valid = 1

        self.is_hidden = utils.get_int_from_request_var(
            request, 'q%s_hidden' % self.index, 0)

        # if self.is_active:
        if self.index < 2:
            self.faceted_search = faceted_search
            from digipal.views.faceted_search.faceted_search import simple_search

            new_url = '/?'
            url_is_set = False
            for k, v in self.request.GET.iteritems():
                if k.startswith('q%s_' % self.index):
                    new_url += '&%s=%s' % (k.replace('q%s_' %
                                                     self.index, ''), v)
                    url_is_set = True

            if url_is_set:
                from django.test.client import RequestFactory
                request = RequestFactory().get(new_url)
                user = self.request.user
                self.request = request
                self.request.user = user

                self.faceted_search = simple_search(request)
Example #6
def text_api_view_search(request, item_partid, content_type, location_type, location, max_size=None):
        location = an identifier for the image. Relative to the item part
                    '#1000' => image with id = 1000
                    '1r'    => image with locus = 1r attached to selected item part
    ret = {}

    from digipal.templatetags.html_escape import iip_img
    from digipal.models import Image

    # return the locus of the images under this item part
    # return #ID for images which have no locus
    if location_type == 'default' or utils.get_int_from_request_var(request, 'load_locations'):
        ret['locations'] = OrderedDict()
        ret['locations']['locus'] = ['%s' % (rec[0] or '#%s' % rec[1]) for rec in Image.sort_query_set_by_locus(
            Image.objects.filter(item_part_id=item_partid)).values_list('locus', 'id')]

    # resolve 'default' location request
    location_type, location = resolve_default_location(
        location_type, location, ret)

    query = request.GET.get('query', '')
    entries = ''
    hit_count = 0
    if query:
        tcx = TextContentXML.objects.filter(
            text_content__type__slug='translation', text_content__item_part__id=item_partid).first()
        if tcx:
            for hit in get_entries_from_query(query):
                hit_count += 1
                entries += '<li><a data-location-type="entry" href="%s">%s</a><br/>%s</li>' % (
                    hit['entryid'], hit['entryid'], hit['snippets'])

            # import re
            # match = re.search()
            # tcx.content
            # print tcx

    # e.g. if the requested location is 'default' we resolve it
    from django.utils.html import escape
    ret['location_type'] = location_type
    ret['location'] = location

    ret['content'] = ur'''<form class="text-search-form" method="GET" style="margin:0.2em">
        <p>Query: <input type="text" class="control" name="query" value="%s"/><input type="submit" name="s" value="Search"/></p>
        <p>%s entries</p>
    </form>''' % (escape(query), hit_count, entries)

    return ret
Example #7
def text_api_view_text(request, item_partid, content_type, location_type, location, content_type_record, user=None, max_size=MAX_FRAGMENT_SIZE):
    ret = {}

    text_content_xml = None

    if not user and request:
        user = request.user

    # print 'content type %s' % content_type_record
    # 1. Fetch or Create the necessary DB records to hold this text
    from digipal.models import ItemPart
    item_part = ItemPart.objects.filter(id=item_partid).first()
    if item_part:
        # print 'item_part %s' % item_part
        text_content_xml, created, error = get_or_create_text_content_records(
            item_part, content_type_record)
        if error:
            return error

    if not text_content_xml:
        return set_message(ret, '%s not found' % content_type.capitalize())

    from digipal.utils import is_user_staff
    if not is_user_staff(user):
        if text_content_xml.is_private():
            if text_content_xml.content and len(text_content_xml.content) > 10:
                return set_message(ret, 'The %s will be made available at a later stage of the project' % content_type)
                return set_message(ret, '%s not found' % content_type.capitalize())

    record_content = text_content_xml.content or ''

    # 2. Load the list of possible location types and locations
    # return the locus of the entries
    if location_type == 'default' or utils.get_int_from_request_var(request, 'load_locations'):
        # whole
        ret['locations'] = OrderedDict()

        # whole
        if max_size is not None and len(record_content) <= max_size and (content_type != 'codicology'):
            ret['locations']['whole'] = []

        # entry
        for ltype in ['entry', 'locus']:
            ret['locations'][ltype] = []
            if text_content_xml.content:
                for entry in re.findall(ur'(?:<span data-dpt="location" data-dpt-loctype="' + ltype + '">)([^<]+)', text_content_xml.content):
            if not ret['locations'][ltype]:
                del ret['locations'][ltype]
Example #8
    def set_from_request(self, request, faceted_search):
        if self.index < 1:
            self.is_valid = 1
        if self.index == 1:
            if not faceted_search.is_full_search:
                self.is_valid = 1

        index = utils.get_int_from_request_var(request, 'qi', 1)
        if self.index == index:
            self.is_active = 1

        self.request = request
        self.request_current = request
        if request.REQUEST.get('q%s_result_type'%(self.index), ''):
            self.is_valid = 1

        self.is_hidden = utils.get_int_from_request_var(request, 'q%s_hidden' % self.index, 0)

        #if self.is_active:
        if self.index < 2:
            self.faceted_search = faceted_search
            from digipal.views.faceted_search.faceted_search import simple_search

            new_url = '/?'
            for k, v in self.request.GET.iteritems():
                if k.startswith('q%s_' % self.index):
                    new_url += '&%s=%s' % (k.replace('q%s_' % self.index, ''), v)

            from django.test.client import RequestFactory
            request = RequestFactory().get(new_url)
            user = self.request.user
            self.request = request
            self.request.user = user

            self.faceted_search = simple_search(request)
Example #9
def text_api_view_location(request,
    '''This content type is for the list of all available locations (text, images)
        Used by the master location widget on top of the Text Viewer web page
    from digipal.models import ItemPart

    load_locations = utils.get_int_from_request_var(request, 'load_locations')

    if load_locations:
        context = {
            'item_part': ItemPart.objects.filter(id=item_partid).first()
        resolve_master_location(context, location_type, location)

        ret = {
            context.get('master_toc', {
                '39a2': 'toc2',
                '39r': 'toc3',
                '39a1': 'toc1'
        ret = {
            'location_type': location_type,
            'location': location,

    return ret
Example #10
def text_api_view_image(request, item_partid, content_type, location_type, location, content_type_record, max_size=None, ignore_sublocation=False):
        location = an identifier for the image. Relative to the item part
                    '#1000' => image with id = 1000
                    '1r'    => image with locus = 1r attached to selected item part
    ret = {}

    from digipal.models import Image

    # ##
    # The sub_location can override or contradict (location_type, location)
    # e.g. text: whole -> image: synced with text
    #      user clicks on entry in the text => we need to fetch that part
    if not ignore_sublocation:
        sub_location = get_sub_location_from_request(request)
        new_address = get_address_from_sub_location(sub_location)
        if new_address:
            location_type, location = new_address
    # ##

    request.visible_images = None

    visible_images = None

    def get_visible_images(item_partid, request, visible_images=None):
        if visible_images is None:
            ret = Image.objects.filter(item_part_id=item_partid)
            ret = Image.filter_permissions_from_request(ret, request, True)
            ret = Image.sort_query_set_by_locus(ret)
            visible_images = ret
        return visible_images

    # return the locus of the images under this item part
    # return #ID for images which have no locus
    if location_type == 'default' or utils.get_int_from_request_var(request, 'load_locations'):
        recs = Image.sort_query_set_by_locus(get_visible_images(
            item_partid, request, visible_images)).values_list('locus', 'id')
        ret['locations'] = OrderedDict()
        if recs:
            ret['locations']['locus'] = ['%s' %
                                         (rec[0] or '#%s' % rec[1]) for rec in recs]

    # resolve 'default' location request
    location_type, location = resolve_default_location(
        location_type, location, ret)

    # find the image
    image = find_image(request, item_partid, location_type,
                       location, get_visible_images, visible_images)

    if not image:
        set_message(ret, 'Image not found')
        ret['location_type'] = location_type
        ret['location'] = location
        if location_type == 'entry':
            # user asked for entry, we can only return a locus
            # so we add the entry as a sublocation
            ret['sub_location'] = ['', 'location'], [
                'loctype', 'entry'], ['@text', location]

        if request.method == 'POST':
            # deal with writing annotations
            update_text_image_link(request, image, ret)
            # display settings
            ret['presentation_options'] = [
                ["highlight", "Highlight Text Units"]]

            # image dimensions
            options = {}
            layout = dputils.get_request_var(request, 'layout', '')
            if layout == 'width':
                options['width'] = dputils.get_request_var(
                    request, 'width', '100')

            # we return the location of the returned fragment
            # this may not be the same as the requested location
            # e.g. if the requested location is 'default' we resolve it
            # ret['location_type'] = location_type
            ret['location_type'] = 'locus'
            ret['location'] = image.locus if image else location

            if image:
                # ret['content'] = iip_img(image, **options)
                ret['zoomify_url'] = image.zoomify()
                ret['width'] = image.width
                ret['height'] = image.height

                # add all the elements found on that page in the transcription
                # ret['text_elements'] = get_text_elements_from_image(request, item_partid, getattr(settings, 'TEXT_IMAGE_MASTER_CONTENT_TYPE', 'transcription'), location_type, location)
                ret['text_elements'] = get_text_elements_from_image(request, item_partid, getattr(
                    settings, 'TEXT_IMAGE_MASTER_CONTENT_TYPE', 'transcription'), 'locus', get_locus_from_location(location_type, location))

                # print ret['text_elements']

                # add all the non-graph annotations

    return ret
Example #11
            if text_content_xml.content:
                for entry in re.findall(ur'(?:<span data-dpt="location" data-dpt-loctype="' + ltype + '">)([^<]+)', text_content_xml.content):
            if not ret['locations'][ltype]:
                del ret['locations'][ltype]

    # resolve 'default' location request
    location_type, location = resolve_default_location(
        location_type, location, ret)

    # 3. Save the user fragment
    new_fragment = None
    if request:
        new_fragment = dputils.get_request_var(request, 'content', None)

    convert = utils.get_int_from_request_var(request, 'convert')
    save_copy = utils.get_int_from_request_var(request, 'save_copy')

    ret['content_status'] = text_content_xml.status.id

    extent = get_fragment_extent(record_content, location_type, location)
    ret['message'] = ''
    dry_run = 0
    if extent:
        # make sure we compare with None, as '' is a different case
        if new_fragment is not None:
            ret['message'] = 'Content saved'

            # insert user fragment
            len_previous_record_content = len(record_content)
            # TODO: UNCOMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Example #12
def text_api_view_image(request,
        location = an identifier for the image. Relative to the item part
                    '#1000' => image with id = 1000
                    '1r'    => image with locus = 1r attached to selected item part
    ret = {}

    from digipal.models import Image

    # ##
    # The sub_location can override or contradict (location_type, location)
    # e.g. text: whole -> image: synced with text
    #      user clicks on entry in the text => we need to fetch that part
    if not ignore_sublocation:
        sub_location = get_sub_location_from_request(request)
        new_address = get_address_from_sub_location(sub_location)
        if new_address:
            location_type, location = new_address
    # ##

    request.visible_images = None

    visible_images = None

    def get_visible_images(item_partid, request, visible_images=None):
        if visible_images is None:
            ret = Image.objects.filter(item_part_id=item_partid)
            ret = Image.filter_permissions_from_request(ret, request, True)
            ret = Image.sort_query_set_by_locus(ret)
            visible_images = ret
        return visible_images

    # return the locus of the images under this item part
    # return #ID for images which have no locus
    if location_type == 'default' or utils.get_int_from_request_var(
            request, 'load_locations'):
        recs = Image.sort_query_set_by_locus(
            get_visible_images(item_partid, request,
                               visible_images)).values_list('locus', 'id')
        ret['locations'] = OrderedDict()
        if recs:
            ret['locations']['locus'] = [
                '%s' % (rec[0] or '#%s' % rec[1]) for rec in recs

    # resolve 'default' location request
    location_type, location = resolve_default_location(location_type, location,

    # find the image
    image = find_image(request, item_partid, location_type, location,
                       get_visible_images, visible_images)

    if not image:
        set_message(ret, 'Image not found')
        ret['location_type'] = location_type
        ret['location'] = location
        if location_type == 'entry':
            # user asked for entry, we can only return a locus
            # so we add the entry as a sublocation
            ret['sub_location'] = ['',
                                   'location'], ['loctype',
                                                 'entry'], ['@text', location]

        if request.method == 'POST':
            # deal with writing annotations
            update_text_image_link(request, image, ret)
            # display settings
            ret['presentation_options'] = [[
                "highlight", "Highlight Text Units"

            # image dimensions
            options = {}
            layout = dputils.get_request_var(request, 'layout', '')
            if layout == 'width':
                options['width'] = dputils.get_request_var(
                    request, 'width', '100')

            # we return the location of the returned fragment
            # this may not be the same as the requested location
            # e.g. if the requested location is 'default' we resolve it
            # ret['location_type'] = location_type
            ret['location_type'] = 'locus'
            ret['location'] = image.locus if image else location

            if image:
                # ret['content'] = iip_img(image, **options)
                ret['zoomify_url'] = image.zoomify()
                ret['width'] = image.width
                ret['height'] = image.height

                # add all the elements found on that page in the transcription
                # ret['text_elements'] = get_text_elements_from_image(request, item_partid, getattr(settings, 'TEXT_IMAGE_MASTER_CONTENT_TYPE', 'transcription'), location_type, location)
                ret['text_elements'] = get_text_elements_from_image(
                    request, item_partid,
                    getattr(settings, 'TEXT_IMAGE_MASTER_CONTENT_TYPE',
                            'transcription'), 'locus',
                    get_locus_from_location(location_type, location))

                # print ret['text_elements']

                # add all the non-graph annotations

    return ret
Example #13
def text_api_view_text(request,
    ret = {}

    text_content_xml = None

    if not user and request:
        user = request.user

    # print 'content type %s' % content_type_record
    # 1. Fetch or Create the necessary DB records to hold this text
    from digipal.models import ItemPart
    item_part = ItemPart.objects.filter(id=item_partid).first()
    if item_part:
        # print 'item_part %s' % item_part
        text_content_xml, created, error = get_or_create_text_content_records(
            item_part, content_type_record)
        if error:
            return error

    if not text_content_xml:
        return set_message(ret, '%s not found' % content_type.capitalize())

    from digipal.utils import is_user_staff
    if not is_user_staff(user):
        if text_content_xml.is_private():
            if text_content_xml.content and len(text_content_xml.content) > 10:
                return set_message(
                    'The %s will be made available at a later stage of the project'
                    % content_type)
                return set_message(ret,
                                   '%s not found' % content_type.capitalize())

    record_content = text_content_xml.content or ''

    # 2. Load the list of possible location types and locations
    # return the locus of the entries
    if location_type == 'default' or utils.get_int_from_request_var(
            request, 'load_locations'):
        # whole
        ret['locations'] = OrderedDict()

        # whole
        if max_size is not None and len(record_content) <= max_size and (
                content_type != 'codicology'):
            ret['locations']['whole'] = []

        # entry
        for ltype in ['entry', 'locus']:
            ret['locations'][ltype] = []
            if text_content_xml.content:
                for entry in re.findall(
                        ur'(?:<span data-dpt="location" data-dpt-loctype="' +
                        ltype + '">)([^<]+)', text_content_xml.content):
            if not ret['locations'][ltype]:
                del ret['locations'][ltype]
Example #14
def text_api_view_search(request,
        location = an identifier for the image. Relative to the item part
                    '#1000' => image with id = 1000
                    '1r'    => image with locus = 1r attached to selected item part
    ret = {}

    from digipal.templatetags.html_escape import iip_img
    from digipal.models import Image

    # return the locus of the images under this item part
    # return #ID for images which have no locus
    if location_type == 'default' or utils.get_int_from_request_var(
            request, 'load_locations'):
        ret['locations'] = OrderedDict()
        ret['locations']['locus'] = [
            '%s' % (rec[0] or '#%s' % rec[1])
            for rec in Image.sort_query_set_by_locus(
                    item_part_id=item_partid)).values_list('locus', 'id')

    # resolve 'default' location request
    location_type, location = resolve_default_location(location_type, location,

    query = request.GET.get('query', '')
    entries = ''
    hit_count = 0
    if query:
        tcx = TextContentXML.objects.filter(
        if tcx:
            for hit in get_entries_from_query(query):
                hit_count += 1
                entries += '<li><a data-location-type="entry" href="%s">%s</a><br/>%s</li>' % (
                    hit['entryid'], hit['entryid'], hit['snippets'])

            # import re
            # match = re.search()
            # tcx.content
            # print tcx

    # e.g. if the requested location is 'default' we resolve it
    from django.utils.html import escape
    ret['location_type'] = location_type
    ret['location'] = location

    ret['content'] = ur'''<form class="text-search-form" method="GET" style="margin:0.2em">
        <p>Query: <input type="text" class="control" name="query" value="%s"/><input type="submit" name="s" value="Search"/></p>
        <p>%s entries</p>
    </form>''' % (escape(query), hit_count, entries)

    return ret
Example #15
                        ur'(?:<span data-dpt="location" data-dpt-loctype="' +
                        ltype + '">)([^<]+)', text_content_xml.content):
            if not ret['locations'][ltype]:
                del ret['locations'][ltype]

    # resolve 'default' location request
    location_type, location = resolve_default_location(location_type, location,

    # 3. Save the user fragment
    new_fragment = None
    if request:
        new_fragment = dputils.get_request_var(request, 'content', None)

    convert = utils.get_int_from_request_var(request, 'convert')
    save_copy = utils.get_int_from_request_var(request, 'save_copy')

    ret['content_status'] = text_content_xml.status.id

    extent = get_fragment_extent(record_content, location_type, location)
    ret['message'] = ''
    dry_run = 0
    if extent:
        # make sure we compare with None, as '' is a different case
        if new_fragment is not None:
            ret['message'] = 'Content saved'

            # insert user fragment
            len_previous_record_content = len(record_content)
            # TODO: UNCOMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!