Example #1
def readoutput(maindirmeta):
        This function reads the saved output of the relative TEC measurement processing.
        If the processed data directory doesn't exist it returns None.

            maindir (:obj:`str`): Path for RF data.

            outdict (dict[str, obj]): Output data dictionary. If the directory
            doesn't exists it returns None::

                           "rTEC": Relative TEC in TECU,
                           "rTEC_sig":Relative TEC STD in TECU,
                           "S4": The S4 parameter,
                           "time": Time for each measurement in posix format,
        dmeta = drf.DigitalMetadataReader(maindirmeta)
    except IOError:
        return None
    metadict = dmeta.read_latest()
    outdict = list(metadict.values())[0]

    return outdict
Example #2
def ephem_doponly(maindir, tleoff=10.):
        This function will output a dictionary that can be used to remove the
        frequency offset.

            maindir (:obj:'str'): Directory that holds the digital rf and metadata.
            tleoff (:obj:'float'): Offset of the tle from the actual data.

            outdict (dict[str, obj]): Output data dictionary::

                        't': Time in posix,
                        'dop1': Doppler frequency of 150 MHz channel from TLE ,
                        'dop2': Doppler frequency of 400 MHz channel from TLE ,

    #%% Get Ephem info
    # Assuming this will stay the same
    ut0 = 25567.5
    e2p = 3600. * 24  #ephem day to utc seconds
    passpath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(maindir, 'metadata/pass/'))
    passmeta = drf.DigitalMetadataReader(passpath)
    pdict = passmeta.read_latest()
    pdict1 = pdict[pdict.keys()[0]]
    rtime = (pdict1['rise_time'] - ut0) * e2p

    Dop_bw = pdict1['doppler_bandwidth']
    t = sp.arange(0, (Dop_bw.shape[0] + 1) * 10, 10.) + rtime
    t = t.astype(float)

    # XXX Extend t vector because for the most part the velocities at the edge
    # are not changing much so to avoid having the interpolation extrapolate.
    # If extrapolation used then error messages that the time was off
    t[-1] = t[-1] + 600
    t[-2] = t[-2] + 500
    t[0] = t[0] - 70

    tdop = (t[0:(len(t) - 1)] + t[1:len(t)]) / 2.0
    tdop[0] = tdop[0] - 35.0
    # XXX Used this to line up inital TLE times
    tdop = tdop - tleoff
    return ({
        "t": t,
        "dop1": sp.interpolate.interp1d(tdop, Dop_bw[:, 0], kind="cubic"),
        "dop2": sp.interpolate.interp1d(tdop, Dop_bw[:, 1], kind="cubic")
Assumes the example Digital Metadata write script has already been run.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import os
import tempfile

import digital_rf
import numpy as np

metadata_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "example_metadata")
stime = 1447082580

    dmr = digital_rf.DigitalMetadataReader(metadata_dir)
except IOError:
    print("Run example_write_digital_metadata.py before running this script.")

print("init okay")
start_idx = int(np.uint64(stime * dmr.get_samples_per_second()))
first_sample, last_sample = dmr.get_bounds()
print("bounds are %i to %i" % (first_sample, last_sample))

fields = dmr.get_fields()
print("Available fields are <%s>" % (str(fields)))

print("first read - just get one column simple_complex")
data_dict = dmr.read(start_idx, start_idx + 2, "single_complex")
for key in data_dict.keys():
Example #4
def ephem_doponly(maindir, tleoff=10.):
        This function will output a dictionary that can be used to remove the
        frequency offset.

            maindir (:obj:'str'): Directory that holds the digital rf and metadata.
            tleoff (:obj:'float'): Offset of the tle from the actual data.

            outdict (dict[str, obj]): Output data dictionary::

                        't': Time in posix,
                        'dop1': Doppler frequency of 150 MHz channel from TLE ,
                        'dop2': Doppler frequency of 400 MHz channel from TLE ,

    #%% Get Ephem info
    # Assuming this will stay the same
    ut0 = 25567.5
    e2p = 3600. * 24  #ephem day to utc seconds

    sitepath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(maindir,
    sitemeta = drf.DigitalMetadataReader(sitepath)
    sdict = sitemeta.read_latest()
    sdict1 = list(sdict.values())[0]

    infopath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(maindir, 'metadata/info'))
    infometa = drf.DigitalMetadataReader(infopath)
    idict = infometa.read_latest()
    idict1 = list(idict.values())[0]

    passpath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(maindir, 'metadata/pass/'))
    passmeta = drf.DigitalMetadataReader(passpath)
    pdict = passmeta.read_latest()
    pdict1 = list(pdict.values())[0]
    rtime = (pdict1['rise_time'] - ut0) * e2p
    tsave = list(pdict.keys())[0]

    Dop_bw = pdict1['doppler_bandwidth']
    t = sp.arange(0, (Dop_bw.shape[0] + 1) * 10, 10.) + rtime
    t = t.astype(float)

    obsLoc = ephem.Observer()
    obsLoc.lat = sdict1['latitude']
    obsLoc.long = sdict1['longitude']

    satObj = ephem.readtle(idict1['name'], idict1['tle1'][1:-1],
    tephem = (t - rtime) * ephem.second + pdict1['rise_time']

    sublat = sp.zeros_like(tephem)
    sublon = sp.zeros_like(tephem)
    for i, itime in enumerate(tephem):
        obsLoc.date = itime
        sublat[i] = sp.rad2deg(satObj.sublat)
        sublon[i] = sp.rad2deg(satObj.sublong)

    # XXX Extend t vector because for the most part the velocities at the edge
    # are not changing much so to avoid having the interpolation extrapolate.
    # If extrapolation used then error messages that the time was off
    t[-1] = t[-1] + 600
    t[-2] = t[-2] + 500
    t[0] = t[0] - 240

    tdop = (t[0:(len(t) - 1)] + t[1:len(t)]) / 2.0
    tdop[0] = tdop[0] - 35.0
    # XXX Used this to line up inital TLE times
    tdop = tdop - tleoff

    tephem = (tdop - rtime) * ephem.second + pdict1['rise_time']

    sublat = sp.zeros_like(tephem)
    sublon = sp.zeros_like(tephem)
    for i, itime in enumerate(tephem):
        obsLoc.date = itime
        sublat[i] = sp.rad2deg(satObj.sublat)
        sublon[i] = sp.rad2deg(satObj.sublong)
    return ({
        "t": t,
        'tsave': tsave,
        "dop1": sp.interpolate.interp1d(tdop, Dop_bw[:, 0], kind="cubic"),
        "dop2": sp.interpolate.interp1d(tdop, Dop_bw[:, 1], kind="cubic"),
        'sublat': sp.interpolate.interp1d(tdop, sublat, kind="cubic"),
        'sublon': sp.interpolate.interp1d(tdop, sublon, kind="cubic"),
        'site_latitude': float(sdict1['latitude']),
        'site_longitude': float(sdict1['longitude'])
Example #5
    def __init__(self, control):
        """__init__: Initializes a data plotter for STI plotting.

        self.control = control

        self.dio = []
        self.dmd = []
        self.channel = []
        self.sub_channel = []
        self.bounds = []

        for idx, p in enumerate(self.control.path):

            ch = string.split(self.control.channel[idx], ':')

            # open digital RF path

            if self.control.verbose:
                print 'bounds:', self.dio[idx].get_bounds(self.channel[idx])


            # oepn digital metadata path
                drf.DigitalMetadataReader(p + '/' + self.channel[idx] +

        # processing pair list
        pl = range(len(self.dio))

        if self.control.xtype == 'self':
            self.xlist = list(it.product(pl, repeat=2))

        elif self.control.xtype == 'pairs':
            args = [iter(pl)] * 2
            self.xlist = list(it.izip_longest(*args))

        elif self.control.xtype == 'combo':
            self.xlist = list(it.combinations(pl, 2))

        elif self.control.xtype == 'permute':
            self.xlist = list(it.permutations(pl, 2))
            print 'unknown processing pair type ', self.control.xtype

        print 'pair list ', pl
        print 'xlist ', self.xlist

        # Figure setup
        # two plots coherence and phase for each pair
        self.f = []
        self.gridspec = []
        self.subplots = []

        for n in numpy.arange(len(self.xlist)):
            f = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(
                figsize=(7, numpy.min([numpy.max([4, self.control.frames]),

            gridspec = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(self.control.frames * 2, 1)

            subplots = []
        """ Setup the subplots for this display """
        for n in numpy.arange(len(self.xlist)):
            for m in numpy.arange(self.control.frames * 2):
                ax = self.f[n].add_subplot(self.gridspec[n][m])
    def __init__(self, startDT, endDT, source, dest, verbose=False):
        __init__ will create a Digital RF archive

            startDT - start datetime for the data archive
            endDT end datetime for the data archive
            source - string defining data source. Either a path, or a url.
            dest - where archive is to be created.  May be a path, or a scp
                type path (user@host:/path) If scp-type, keypair must allow
                scp without passwords
            verbose - if True, print one line for each subdirectory.  If False (the default),
                no output except for errors.

            self._source_type - local if local input data, remote if remote

        # verify arguments
        if endDT <= startDT:
            print('endDT <%s> must be after startDT <%s>' %
                  (str(endDT), str(startDT)))

        # save args
        self.startDT = startDT
        self.endDT = endDT
        if source[-1] == '/':
            source = source[:-1]
        self.source = source
        # name of digital metadata directory
        self.dm_basename = os.path.basename(source)
        self.dest = dest
        self.verbose = bool(verbose)

        self._source_type = 'local'
        if len(self.source) > 5:
            if self.source[0:5] == 'http:':
                self._source_type = 'remote'

        if self._source_type == 'local':
            # make sure source is full path
            if self.source[0] != '/':
                self.source = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.source)

        dmd = digital_rf.DigitalMetadataReader(self.source)
        self._samples_per_second = int(dmd.get_samples_per_second())
        self._subdir_cadence_secs = int(dmd.get_subdir_cadence_secs())
        self._file_cadence_secs = int(dmd.get_file_cadence_secs())
        self._file_name = dmd.get_file_name_prefix()

        self.metadata_dir = os.path.basename(self.source)
        if len(self.metadata_dir) == 0:
            raise ValueError, 'No metadata dir found in %s' % (self.source)

        self._dest_type = 'local'
        hyphen = self.dest.find(':')
        slash = self.dest.find('/')
        if hyphen != -1:
            if slash == -1:
                self._dest_type = 'remote'
            elif hyphen < slash:
                self._dest_type = 'remote'

        if self.verbose:
            # set up a timer
            t = time.time()

        # get start and end sample
        sample0 = calendar.timegm(
            self.startDT.timetuple()) * self._samples_per_second
        sample1 = calendar.timegm(
            self.endDT.timetuple()) * self._samples_per_second
        file_list = self._get_file_list(sample0, sample1)

        if self._source_type == 'local' and self._dest_type == 'local':
            count = self._archive_local_local(file_list)
        elif self._source_type == 'local' and self._dest_type == 'remote':
            count = self._archive_local_remote(file_list)

        if self.verbose:
                'digital_metadata_archive took %f seconds, and backed up %i files'
                % (time.time() - t, count))

        if count == 0:
            print("WARNING - no digital metadata files backed up")