Example #1
class CDotWeeklySchedule(OldDocument):
    """Weekly schedule where each day has a username"""
    schedule_id = StringProperty(default=make_uuid)

    sunday = StringProperty()
    monday = StringProperty()
    tuesday = StringProperty()
    wednesday = StringProperty()
    thursday = StringProperty()
    friday = StringProperty()
    saturday = StringProperty()

    comment = StringProperty()

    deprecated = BooleanProperty(default=False)

    started = OldDateTimeProperty(default=datetime.utcnow, required=True)
    ended = OldDateTimeProperty()

    created_by = StringProperty()  # user id
    edited_by = StringProperty()  # user id

    def is_current(self):
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        return self.started <= now and (self.ended is None or self.ended > now)

    class Meta:
        app_label = 'pact'
Example #2
class CObservationAddendum(OldDocument):
    observed_date = DateProperty()
    art_observations = SchemaListProperty(CObservation)
    nonart_observations = SchemaListProperty(CObservation)
    created_by = StringProperty()
    created_date = OldDateTimeProperty()
    notes = StringProperty()  # placeholder if need be

    class Meta:
        app_label = 'pact'
Example #3
class CObservation(OldDocument):
    doc_id = StringProperty()
    patient = StringProperty()  # case id

    pact_id = StringProperty()  # patient pact id
    provider = StringProperty()

    encounter_date = OldDateTimeProperty()
    anchor_date = OldDateTimeProperty()
    observed_date = OldDateTimeProperty()

    submitted_date = OldDateTimeProperty()
    created_date = OldDateTimeProperty()

    is_art = BooleanProperty()
    dose_number = IntegerProperty()
    total_doses = IntegerProperty()
    adherence = StringProperty()

    # DOT_OBSERVATION_ types
    method = StringProperty()

    is_reconciliation = BooleanProperty(default=False)

    day_index = IntegerProperty()

    # if there's something for that particular day, then it'll be here
    day_note = StringProperty()
    # new addition, if there's a slot for the day label, then retain it
    day_slot = IntegerProperty()
    # this is for the overall note for that submission,
    # will exist on the anchor date
    note = StringProperty()

    def wrap(cls, obj):
        ints = ['dose_number', 'total_doses', 'day_index', 'day_slot']
        for prop_name in ints:
            val = obj.get(prop_name)
            if val and isinstance(val, six.string_types):
                obj[prop_name] = int(val)
        return super(CObservation, cls).wrap(obj)

    def obs_score(self):
        """Gets the relative score of the observation.
        if self.method == "direct":
            return 3
        if self.method == "pillbox":
            return 2
        if self.method == "self":
            return 1

    def adinfo(self):
        """helper function to concatenate adherence and method to check for conflicts"""
        return ((self.is_art, self.dose_number, self.total_doses), "%s" % (self.adherence))

    class Meta:
        app_label = 'pact'

    def __unicode__(self):
        return "Obs %s [%s] %d/%d" % (json_format_date(self.observed_date), "ART" if self.is_art else "NonART", self.dose_number+1, self.total_doses)

    def __str__(self):
        return "Obs %s [%s] %d/%d" % (json_format_date(self.observed_date), "ART" if self.is_art else "NonART", self.dose_number+1, self.total_doses)

    def __repr__(self):
        return json.dumps(self.to_json(), indent=4)