Example #1
    def test_unstructured_sampler(self):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

        nested = dimod.TrackingComposite(dimod.NullSampler())

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Example #2
    def test_composed_sampler(self):
        nodelist = list(range(5))
        edgelist = list(itertools.combinations(nodelist, 2))

        structured_sampler = dimod.StructureComposite(dimod.NullSampler(),
                                                      nodelist, edgelist)

        sampler = dimod.TrackingComposite(structured_sampler)

        structure = dimod.child_structure_dfs(sampler)
        self.assertEqual(structure.nodelist, nodelist)
        self.assertEqual(structure.edgelist, edgelist)
 def embed_graph(self):
     Separate function as graph embedding can be reused so long as self.dim, self.k remain constant
     Embed graph maps the fully connected Ising model we have defined to the D-Wave Chimera topology
     source_edgelist = [(i, j) for i in range(int(self.nqubits))
                        for j in range(i, int(self.nqubits))]
     dws = DWaveSampler(qpu=True)  # instantiate DWaveSampler
     dws_structure = dimod.child_structure_dfs(dws)
     target_edgelist = dws_structure.edgelist
     self.embedding = mm.find_embedding(source_edgelist, target_edgelist)
     physical_qubits = []
     for qubit_list in self.embedding.values(
     ):  # this loop just puts all the physical qubit indices into one list
         physical_qubits += qubit_list
     print("Number of physical qubits: ", len(physical_qubits))
Example #4
    def test_sampler(self):
        # not a composed sampler

        nodelist = list(range(5))
        edgelist = list(itertools.combinations(nodelist, 2))

        class Dummy(dimod.Structured):
            def nodelist(self):
                return nodelist

            def edgelist(self):
                return edgelist

        sampler = Dummy()

        structure = dimod.child_structure_dfs(sampler)
        self.assertEqual(structure.nodelist, nodelist)
        self.assertEqual(structure.edgelist, edgelist)