Example #1
    def on_create(self, activity: Activity) -> (bool, int, str):
        if not hasattr(activity, 'object') or not hasattr(
                activity.object, 'url'):
            return False, ECodes.MISSING_OBJECT_URL, 'no channel id set'
        if not hasattr(activity.target, 'display_name'):
            return False, ECodes.MISSING_TARGET_DISPLAY_NAME, 'no room name set'

        room_name = activity.target.display_name
        channel_id = activity.object.url

        if not hasattr(activity, 'actor') or not hasattr(activity.actor, 'id'):
            return False, ECodes.MISSING_ACTOR_ID, 'need actor.id (user uuid)'

            activity.object.display_name = utils.get_channel_name(channel_id)
        except NoSuchChannelException:
            return False, ECodes.NO_SUCH_CHANNEL, 'channel does not exist'

        if room_name is None or room_name.strip() == '':
            return False, ECodes.MISSING_TARGET_DISPLAY_NAME, 'got blank room name, can not create'

        if not utils.is_base64(room_name):
            return False, ECodes.NOT_BASE64, 'invalid room name, not base64 encoded'
        room_name = utils.b64d(room_name)

        if not environ.env.db.channel_exists(channel_id):
            return False, ECodes.NO_SUCH_CHANNEL, 'channel does not exist'

        if utils.room_name_restricted(room_name):
            return False, ECodes.ROOM_NAME_RESTRICTED, 'restricted room name'

        if environ.env.db.room_name_exists(channel_id, room_name):
            return False, ECodes.ROOM_ALREADY_EXISTS, 'a room with that name already exists'

        if not hasattr(activity.target, 'object_type') or \
                activity.target.object_type is None or \
                len(str(activity.target.object_type).strip()) == 0:
            # for acl validation to know we're trying to create a room
            activity.target.object_type = 'room'

        channel_acls = utils.get_acls_in_channel_for_action(
            channel_id, ApiActions.CREATE)
        is_valid, msg = validation.acl.validate_acl_for_action(
            activity, ApiTargets.CHANNEL, ApiActions.CREATE, channel_acls)

        if not is_valid:
            return False, ECodes.NOT_ALLOWED, msg

        return True, None, None
Example #2
    def on_kick(self, activity: Activity) -> (bool, int, str):
        room_id = activity.target.id
        user_id_to_kick = activity.object.id

        if room_id is None or room_id.strip() == '':
            return False, ECodes.MISSING_TARGET_ID, 'got blank room id, can not kick'

        except NoSuchRoomException:
            return False, ECodes.NO_SUCH_ROOM, 'no room with id "%s" exists' % room_id

        if user_id_to_kick is None or user_id_to_kick.strip() == '':
            return False, ECodes.MISSING_TARGET_DISPLAY_NAME, 'got blank user id, can not kick'

        if utils.is_super_user(user_id_to_kick) or utils.is_global_moderator(
            return False, ECodes.NOT_ALLOWED, "not allowed to kick operators"

        channel_id = utils.get_channel_for_room(room_id)
        channel_acls = utils.get_acls_in_channel_for_action(
            channel_id, ApiActions.KICK)
        is_valid, msg = validation.acl.validate_acl_for_action(
            activity, ApiTargets.CHANNEL, ApiActions.KICK, channel_acls)

        if not is_valid:
            return False, ECodes.NOT_ALLOWED, msg

            room_acls = utils.get_acls_in_room_for_action(
                room_id, ApiActions.KICK)
        except NoSuchRoomException:
            return False, ECodes.NO_SUCH_ROOM, 'no such room'

        is_valid, msg = validation.acl.validate_acl_for_action(
            activity, ApiTargets.ROOM, ApiActions.KICK, room_acls)
        if not is_valid:
            return False, ECodes.NOT_ALLOWED, msg

        return True, None, None
Example #3
    def on_whisper(self, activity: Activity) -> (bool, int, str):
        if not hasattr(activity, 'target') or not hasattr(
                activity.target, 'id'):
            return False, ECodes.MISSING_TARGET_ID, 'no target.id (user uuid to whisper to)'
        if not hasattr(activity, 'actor') or not hasattr(activity.actor, 'id'):
            return False, ECodes.MISSING_ACTOR_ID, 'no actor.id (id of user who is whispering)'
        if not hasattr(activity, 'actor') or not hasattr(
                activity.actor, 'url'):
            return False, ECodes.MISSING_ACTOR_URL, 'no actor.url (room uuid to whisper in)'
        if not hasattr(activity, 'object') or not hasattr(
                activity.object, 'content'):
            return False, ECodes.MISSING_OBJECT_CONTENT, 'no object.content (message to whisper)'

        if not utils.is_base64(activity.object.content):
            return False, ECodes.NOT_BASE64, 'object.content needs to be base64 encoded'

            activity.object.url = utils.get_channel_for_room(
        except (NoSuchChannelException, NoChannelFoundException):
            return False, ECodes.NO_SUCH_ROOM, 'no room found for actor.url (room uuid to whisper in)'

            activity.object.display_name = utils.get_channel_name(
        except (NoSuchChannelException, NoChannelFoundException):
            return False, ECodes.NO_SUCH_CHANNEL, 'no channel found for actor.url (room uuid to whisper in)'

        channel_acls = utils.get_acls_in_channel_for_action(
            activity.object.url, ApiActions.WHISPER)
        is_valid, msg = validation.acl.validate_acl_for_action(
            activity, ApiTargets.CHANNEL, ApiActions.WHISPER, channel_acls)

        if not is_valid:
            return False, ECodes.NOT_ALLOWED, msg

        return True, None, None
Example #4
    def on_list_rooms(self, activity: Activity) -> (bool, int, str):
        if not hasattr(activity, 'object') or not hasattr(
                activity.object, 'url'):
            return False, ECodes.MISSING_OBJECT_URL, 'need channel ID to list rooms'

        channel_id = activity.object.url
        if channel_id is None or channel_id == '':
            return False, ECodes.MISSING_OBJECT_URL, 'need channel ID to list rooms'

        user_id = activity.actor.id
        is_banned, duration = utils.is_banned_globally(user_id)
        if is_banned:
            reason = utils.reason_for_ban(user_id)
            json_act = utils.activity_for_already_banned(duration, reason)

            logger.info('user %s is banned from chatting for: %ss' %
                        (user_id, duration))
            return False, ECodes.USER_IS_BANNED, json_act

        activity.target = Target({'objectType': 'channel'})
        acls = utils.get_acls_in_channel_for_action(channel_id,
        is_valid, msg = validation.acl.validate_acl_for_action(
            activity, ApiTargets.CHANNEL, ApiActions.LIST, acls)
        if not is_valid:
            return False, ECodes.NOT_ALLOWED, msg

        return True, None, None