Example #1
def test_dup_strip():
    assert dup_strip([]) == []
    assert dup_strip([0]) == []
    assert dup_strip([0, 0, 0]) == []

    assert dup_strip([1]) == [1]
    assert dup_strip([0, 1]) == [1]
    assert dup_strip([0, 0, 0, 1]) == [1]

    assert dup_strip([1, 2, 0]) == [1, 2, 0]
    assert dup_strip([0, 1, 2, 0]) == [1, 2, 0]
    assert dup_strip([0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0]) == [1, 2, 0]
Example #2
def dup_compose(f, g, K):
    Evaluate functional composition ``f(g)`` in ``K[x]``.


    >>> from diofant.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x = ring("x", ZZ)

    >>> R.dup_compose(x**2 + x, x - 1)
    x**2 - x
    if len(g) <= 1:
        return dup_strip([dup_eval(f, dup_LC(g, K), K)])

    if not f:
        return []

    h = [f[0]]

    for c in f[1:]:
        h = dup_mul(h, g, K)
        h = dup_add_term(h, c, 0, K)

    return h
Example #3
def dup_sub_term(f, c, i, K):
    Subtract ``c*x**i`` from ``f`` in ``K[x]``.


    >>> from diofant.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x = ring("x", ZZ)

    >>> R.dup_sub_term(2*x**4 + x**2 - 1, ZZ(2), 4)
    x**2 - 1
    if not c:
        return f

    n = len(f)
    m = n - i - 1

    if i == n - 1:
        return dup_strip([f[0] - c] + f[1:])
        if i >= n:
            return [-c] + [K.zero]*(i - n) + f
            return f[:m] + [f[m] - c] + f[m + 1:]
Example #4
def dup_trunc(f, p, K):
    Reduce a ``K[x]`` polynomial modulo a constant ``p`` in ``K``.


    >>> from diofant.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x = ring("x", ZZ)

    >>> R.dup_trunc(2*x**3 + 3*x**2 + 5*x + 7, ZZ(3))
    -x**3 - x + 1
    if K.is_ZZ:
        g = []

        for c in f:
            c = c % p

            if c > p // 2:
                g.append(c - p)
        g = [c % p for c in f]

    return dup_strip(g)
Example #5
def dup_sqf_list_include(f, K, all=False):
    Return square-free decomposition of a polynomial in ``K[x]``.


    >>> from diofant.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x = ring("x", ZZ)

    >>> f = 2*x**5 + 16*x**4 + 50*x**3 + 76*x**2 + 56*x + 16

    >>> R.dup_sqf_list_include(f)
    [(2, 1), (x + 1, 2), (x + 2, 3)]
    >>> R.dup_sqf_list_include(f, all=True)
    [(2, 1), (x + 1, 2), (x + 2, 3)]

    coeff, factors = dup_sqf_list(f, K, all=all)

    if factors and factors[0][1] == 1:
        g = dup_mul_ground(factors[0][0], coeff, K)
        return [(g, 1)] + factors[1:]
        g = dup_strip([coeff])
        return [(g, 1)] + factors
Example #6
def dup_sub(f, g, K):
    Subtract dense polynomials in ``K[x]``.


    >>> from diofant.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x = ring("x", ZZ)

    >>> R.dup_sub(x**2 - 1, x - 2)
    x**2 - x + 1
    if not f:
        return dup_neg(g, K)
    if not g:
        return f

    df = dup_degree(f)
    dg = dup_degree(g)

    if df == dg:
        return dup_strip([ a - b for a, b in zip(f, g) ])
        k = abs(df - dg)

        if df > dg:
            h, f = f[:k], f[k:]
            h, g = dup_neg(g[:k], K), g[k:]

        return h + [ a - b for a, b in zip(f, g) ]
Example #7
def dup_add(f, g, K):
    Add dense polynomials in ``K[x]``.


    >>> from diofant.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x = ring("x", ZZ)

    >>> R.dup_add(x**2 - 1, x - 2)
    x**2 + x - 3
    if not f:
        return g
    if not g:
        return f

    df = dup_degree(f)
    dg = dup_degree(g)

    if df == dg:
        return dup_strip([ a + b for a, b in zip(f, g) ])
        k = abs(df - dg)

        if df > dg:
            h, f = f[:k], f[k:]
            h, g = g[:k], g[k:]

        return h + [ a + b for a, b in zip(f, g) ]
Example #8
def dup_factor_list_include(f, K):
    """Factor polynomials into irreducibles in `K[x]`. """
    coeff, factors = dup_factor_list(f, K)

    if not factors:
        return [(dup_strip([coeff]), 1)]
        g = dup_mul_ground(factors[0][0], coeff, K)
        return [(g, factors[0][1])] + factors[1:]
Example #9
def dup_mul(f, g, K):
    Multiply dense polynomials in ``K[x]``.


    >>> from diofant.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x = ring("x", ZZ)

    >>> R.dup_mul(x - 2, x + 2)
    x**2 - 4
    if f == g:
        return dup_sqr(f, K)

    if not (f and g):
        return []

    df = dup_degree(f)
    dg = dup_degree(g)

    n = max(df, dg) + 1

    if n < 100:
        h = []

        for i in range(0, df + dg + 1):
            coeff = K.zero

            for j in range(max(0, i - dg), min(df, i) + 1):
                coeff += f[j]*g[i - j]


        return dup_strip(h)
        # Use Karatsuba's algorithm (divide and conquer), see e.g.:
        # Joris van der Hoeven, Relax But Don't Be Too Lazy,
        # J. Symbolic Computation, 11 (2002), section 3.1.1.
        n2 = n//2

        fl, gl = dup_slice(f, 0, n2, K), dup_slice(g, 0, n2, K)

        fh = dup_rshift(dup_slice(f, n2, n, K), n2, K)
        gh = dup_rshift(dup_slice(g, n2, n, K), n2, K)

        lo, hi = dup_mul(fl, gl, K), dup_mul(fh, gh, K)

        mid = dup_mul(dup_add(fl, fh, K), dup_add(gl, gh, K), K)
        mid = dup_sub(mid, dup_add(lo, hi, K), K)

        return dup_add(dup_add(lo, dup_lshift(mid, n2, K), K),
                       dup_lshift(hi, 2*n2, K), K)
Example #10
def dup_diff(f, m, K):
    ``m``-th order derivative of a polynomial in ``K[x]``.


    >>> from diofant.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x = ring("x", ZZ)

    >>> R.dup_diff(x**3 + 2*x**2 + 3*x + 4, 1)
    3*x**2 + 4*x + 3
    >>> R.dup_diff(x**3 + 2*x**2 + 3*x + 4, 2)
    6*x + 4
    if m <= 0:
        return f

    n = dup_degree(f)

    if n < m:
        return []

    deriv = []

    if m == 1:
        for coeff in f[:-m]:
            deriv.append(K(n) * coeff)
            n -= 1
        for coeff in f[:-m]:
            k = n

            for i in range(n - 1, n - m, -1):
                k *= i

            deriv.append(K(k) * coeff)
            n -= 1

    return dup_strip(deriv)
Example #11
def dup_sqr(f, K):
    Square dense polynomials in ``K[x]``.


    >>> from diofant.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x = ring("x", ZZ)

    >>> R.dup_sqr(x**2 + 1)
    x**4 + 2*x**2 + 1
    df, h = len(f) - 1, []

    for i in range(0, 2*df + 1):
        c = K.zero

        jmin = max(0, i - df)
        jmax = min(i, df)

        n = jmax - jmin + 1

        jmax = jmin + n // 2 - 1

        for j in range(jmin, jmax + 1):
            c += f[j]*f[i - j]

        c += c

        if n & 1:
            elem = f[jmax + 1]
            c += elem**2


    return dup_strip(h)
Example #12
def dmp_zz_modular_resultant(f, g, p, u, K):
    Compute resultant of `f` and `g` modulo a prime `p`.


    >>> from diofant.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x,y = ring("x,y", ZZ)

    >>> f = x + y + 2
    >>> g = 2*x*y + x + 3

    >>> R.dmp_zz_modular_resultant(f, g, 5)
    -2*y**2 + 1

    if not u:
        return gf_int(dup_prs_resultant(f, g, K)[0] % p, p)

    v = u - 1

    n = dmp_degree(f, u)
    m = dmp_degree(g, u)

    N = dmp_degree_in(f, 1, u)
    M = dmp_degree_in(g, 1, u)

    B = n * M + m * N

    D, a = [K.one], -K.one
    r = dmp_zero(v)

    while dup_degree(D) <= B:
        while True:
            a += K.one

            if a == p:
                raise HomomorphismFailed('no luck')

            F = dmp_eval_in(f, gf_int(a, p), 1, u, K)

            if dmp_degree(F, v) == n:
                G = dmp_eval_in(g, gf_int(a, p), 1, u, K)

                if dmp_degree(G, v) == m:

        R = dmp_zz_modular_resultant(F, G, p, v, K)
        e = dmp_eval(r, a, v, K)

        if not v:
            R = dup_strip([R])
            e = dup_strip([e])
            R = [R]
            e = [e]

        d = K.invert(dup_eval(D, a, K), p)
        d = dup_mul_ground(D, d, K)
        d = dmp_raise(d, v, 0, K)

        c = dmp_mul(d, dmp_sub(R, e, v, K), v, K)
        r = dmp_add(r, c, v, K)

        r = dmp_ground_trunc(r, p, v, K)

        D = dup_mul(D, [K.one, -a], K)
        D = dup_trunc(D, p, K)

    return r
Example #13
def dup_cyclotomic_p(f, K, irreducible=False):
    Efficiently test if ``f`` is a cyclotomic polnomial.


    >>> from diofant.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x = ring("x", ZZ)

    >>> f = x**16 + x**14 - x**10 + x**8 - x**6 + x**2 + 1
    >>> R.dup_cyclotomic_p(f)

    >>> g = x**16 + x**14 - x**10 - x**8 - x**6 + x**2 + 1
    >>> R.dup_cyclotomic_p(g)
    if K.is_QQ:
            K0, K = K, K.get_ring()
            f = dup_convert(f, K0, K)
        except CoercionFailed:
            return False
    elif not K.is_ZZ:
        return False

    lc = dup_LC(f, K)
    tc = dup_TC(f, K)

    if lc != 1 or (tc != -1 and tc != 1):
        return False

    if not irreducible:
        coeff, factors = dup_factor_list(f, K)

        if coeff != K.one or factors != [(f, 1)]:
            return False

    n = dup_degree(f)
    g, h = [], []

    for i in range(n, -1, -2):
        g.insert(0, f[i])

    for i in range(n - 1, -1, -2):
        h.insert(0, f[i])

    g = dup_sqr(dup_strip(g), K)
    h = dup_sqr(dup_strip(h), K)

    F = dup_sub(g, dup_lshift(h, 1, K), K)

    if K.is_negative(dup_LC(F, K)):
        F = dup_neg(F, K)

    if F == f:
        return True

    g = dup_mirror(f, K)

    if K.is_negative(dup_LC(g, K)):
        g = dup_neg(g, K)

    if F == g and dup_cyclotomic_p(g, K):
        return True

    G = dup_sqf_part(F, K)

    if dup_sqr(G, K) == F and dup_cyclotomic_p(G, K):
        return True

    return False