Example #1
def test_uniform():
    l = Symbol('l', real=True)
    w = Symbol('w', positive=True, finite=True)
    X = Uniform('x', l, l + w)

    assert simplify(E(X)) == l + w/2
    assert simplify(variance(X)) == w**2/12

    # With numbers all is well
    X = Uniform('x', 3, 5)
    assert P(X < 3) == 0 and P(X > 5) == 0
    assert P(X < 4) == P(X > 4) == Rational(1, 2)
Example #2
def test_cdf():
    X = Normal('x', 0, 1)

    d = cdf(X)
    assert P(X < 1) == d(1)
    assert d(0) == Rational(1, 2)

    d = cdf(X, X > 0)  # given X>0
    assert d(0) == 0

    Y = Exponential('y', 10)
    d = cdf(Y)
    assert d(-5) == 0
    assert P(Y > 3) == 1 - d(3)

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: cdf(X + Y))

    Z = Exponential('z', 1)
    f = cdf(Z)
    z = Symbol('z')
    assert f(z) == Piecewise((1 - exp(-z), z >= 0), (0, True))

    U = Uniform('x', 3, 5)
    u = cdf(U)
    assert u(z) == z/2 - Rational(3, 2)
Example #3
def test_uniform_P():
    """This stopped working because SingleContinuousPSpace.compute_density no
    longer calls integrate on a DiracDelta but rather just solves directly.
    integrate used to call UniformDistribution.expectation which special-cased
    subsed out the Min and Max terms that Uniform produces.

    I decided to regress on this class for general cleanliness (and I suspect
    speed) of the algorithm.
    l = Symbol('l', real=True)
    w = Symbol('w', positive=True, finite=True)
    X = Uniform('x', l, l + w)
    assert P(X < l) == 0 and P(X > l + w) == 0
Example #4
def test_prefab_sampling():
    N = Normal('X', 0, 1)
    L = LogNormal('L', 0, 1)
    E = Exponential('Ex', 1)
    P = Pareto('P', 1, 3)
    W = Weibull('W', 1, 1)
    U = Uniform('U', 0, 1)
    B = Beta('B', 2, 5)
    G = Gamma('G', 1, 3)

    variables = [N, L, E, P, W, U, B, G]
    niter = 10
    for var in variables:
        for i in range(niter):
            assert sample(var) in var.pspace.domain.set