Example #1
def test_sympyissue_7687():
    f = Function('f')(x)
    ff = Function('f')(x)
    match_with_cache = f.match(ff)
    assert isinstance(f, type(ff))
    ff = Function('f')(x)
    assert isinstance(f, type(ff))
    assert match_with_cache == f.match(ff)
Example #2
def test_implemented_function_evalf():
    from diofant.utilities.lambdify import implemented_function
    f = Function('f')
    f = implemented_function(f, lambda x: x + 1)
    assert str(f(x)) == "f(x)"
    assert str(f(2)) == "f(2)"
    assert f(2).evalf() == 3
    assert f(x).evalf() == f(x)
    del f._imp_     # XXX: due to caching _imp_ would influence all other tests
Example #3
def test_euler_high_order():
    # an example from hep-th/0309038
    m = Symbol('m')
    k = Symbol('k')
    x = Function('x')
    y = Function('y')
    t = Symbol('t')
    L = (m * diff(x(t), t)**2 / 2 + m * diff(y(t), t)**2 / 2 -
         k * diff(x(t), t) * diff(y(t), t, t) +
         k * diff(y(t), t) * diff(x(t), t, t))
    assert euler(L, [x(t), y(t)]) == [
        Eq(2 * k * diff(y(t), t, t, t) - m * diff(x(t), t, t)),
        Eq(-2 * k * diff(x(t), t, t, t) - m * diff(y(t), t, t))

    w = Symbol('w')
    L = diff(x(t, w), t, w)**2 / 2
    assert euler(L) == [Eq(diff(x(t, w), t, t, w, w))]
Example #4
def test_dummification():
    F = Function('F')
    G = Function('G')
    # "\alpha" is not a valid python variable name
    # lambdify should sub in a dummy for it, and return
    # without a syntax error
    alpha = symbols(r'\alpha')
    some_expr = 2 * F(t)**2 / G(t)
    lam = lambdify((F(t), G(t)), some_expr)
    assert lam(3, 9) == 2
    lam = lambdify(sin(t), 2 * sin(t)**2)
    assert lam(F(t)) == 2 * F(t)**2
    # Test that \alpha was properly dummified
    lam = lambdify((alpha, t), 2 * alpha + t)
    assert lam(2, 1) == 5
    pytest.raises(SyntaxError, lambda: lambdify(F(t) * G(t), F(t) * G(t) + 5))
    pytest.raises(SyntaxError, lambda: lambdify(2 * F(t), 2 * F(t) + 5))
    pytest.raises(SyntaxError, lambda: lambdify(2 * F(t), 4 * F(t) + 5))
Example #5
def test_user_functions():
    assert fcode(sin(x), user_functions={"sin": "zsin"}) == "      zsin(x)"
    assert fcode(
        gamma(x), user_functions={"gamma": "mygamma"}) == "      mygamma(x)"
    g = Function('g')
    assert fcode(g(x), user_functions={"g": "great"}) == "      great(x)"
    n = symbols('n', integer=True)
    assert fcode(
        factorial(n), user_functions={"factorial": "fct"}) == "      fct(n)"
Example #6
def test_not_fortran():
    g = Function('g')
    assert fcode(gamma(
        x)) == "C     Not supported in Fortran:\nC     gamma\n      gamma(x)"
    assert fcode(
    ) == "C     Not supported in Fortran:\nC     Integral\n      Integral(sin(x), x)"
    assert fcode(
        g(x)) == "C     Not supported in Fortran:\nC     g\n      g(x)"
Example #7
def test_vector_diff_integrate():
    f = Function('f')
    v = f(a)*C.i + a**2*C.j - C.k
    assert Derivative(v, a) == Derivative((f(a))*C.i +
                                          a**2*C.j + (-1)*C.k, a)
    assert (diff(v, a) == v.diff(a) == Derivative(v, a).doit() ==
            (Derivative(f(a), a))*C.i + 2*a*C.j)
    assert (Integral(v, a) == (Integral(f(a), a))*C.i +
            (Integral(a**2, a))*C.j + (Integral(-1, a))*C.k)
Example #8
def test_apply_finite_diff():
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: apply_finite_diff(1, [1, 2], [3], x))

    f = Function('f')
    assert (apply_finite_diff(1, [x - h, x + h], [f(x - h), f(x + h)], x) -
            (f(x + h) - f(x - h)) / (2 * h)).simplify() == 0

    assert (apply_finite_diff(1, [5, 6, 7], [f(5), f(6), f(7)], 5) -
            (-3 * f(5) / 2 + 2 * f(6) - f(7) / 2)).simplify() == 0
Example #9
def test_derivative_bug1():
    f = Function("f")
    a = Wild("a", exclude=[f, x])
    b = Wild("b", exclude=[f])
    pattern = a * Derivative(f(x), x, x) + b
    expr = Derivative(f(x), x) + x**2
    d1 = {b: x**2}
    d2 = pattern.xreplace(d1).matches(expr, d1)
    assert d2 is None
Example #10
def test_sympyissue_7688():
    f = Function('f')  # actually an UndefinedFunction

    class A(UndefinedFunction):

    a = A('f')
    assert isinstance(a, type(f))
Example #11
def test_numexpr_userfunctions():
    a, b = numpy.random.randn(2, 10)
    uf = type('uf', (Function, ), {'eval': classmethod(lambda x, y: y**2 + 1)})
    func = lambdify(x, 1 - uf(x), modules='numexpr')
    assert numpy.allclose(func(a), -(a**2))

    uf = implemented_function(Function('uf'), lambda x, y: 2 * x * y + 1)
    func = lambdify((x, y), uf(x, y), modules='numexpr')
    assert numpy.allclose(func(a, b), 2 * a * b + 1)
Example #12
def test_derivative_bug1():
    f = Function('f')
    a = Wild('a', exclude=[f, x])
    b = Wild('b', exclude=[f])
    pattern = a * Derivative(f(x), x, x) + b
    expr = Derivative(f(x), x) + x**2
    d1 = {b: x**2}
    d2 = expr.match(pattern.xreplace(d1))
    assert d2 is None
Example #13
def test_undefined_function():
    from diofant import Function, MellinTransform
    f = Function('f')
    assert mellin_transform(f(x), x, s) == MellinTransform(f(x), x, s)
    assert mellin_transform(f(x) + exp(-x), x, s) == \
        (MellinTransform(f(x), x, s) + gamma(s), (0, oo), True)

    assert laplace_transform(2 * f(x), x,
                             s) == 2 * LaplaceTransform(f(x), x, s)
Example #14
def test_sympyissue_4757():
    x = Symbol('x', extended_real=True)
    y = Symbol('y', imaginary=True)
    f = Function('f')
    assert arg(f(x)).diff(x).subs({
        f(x): 1 + I * x**2
    }).doit() == 2 * x / (1 + x**4)
    assert arg(f(y)).diff(y).subs({
        f(y): I + y**2
    }).doit() == 2 * y / (1 + y**4)
Example #15
def test_function_subs():
    f = Function("f")
    S = Sum(x * f(y), (x, 0, oo), (y, 0, oo))
    assert S.subs(f(y), y) == Sum(x * y, (x, 0, oo), (y, 0, oo))
    assert S.subs(f(x), x) == S
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: S.subs(f(y), x + y))
    S = Sum(x * log(y), (x, 0, oo), (y, 0, oo))
    assert S.subs(log(y), y) == S
    S = Sum(x * f(y), (x, 0, oo), (y, 0, oo))
    assert S.subs(f(y), y) == Sum(x * y, (x, 0, oo), (y, 0, oo))
Example #16
def test_derivative_subs():
    y = Symbol('y')
    f = Function('f')
    assert Derivative(f(x), x).subs(f(x), y) != 0
    assert Derivative(f(x), x).subs(f(x), y).subs(y, f(x)) == \
        Derivative(f(x), x)
    # issues 5085, 5037
    assert cse(Derivative(f(x), x) + f(x))[1][0].has(Derivative)
    assert cse(Derivative(f(x, y), x) +
               Derivative(f(x, y), y))[1][0].has(Derivative)
Example #17
def test_derivative_subs():
    y = Symbol('y')
    f = Function('f')
    assert Derivative(f(x), x).subs({f(x): y}) != 0
    assert Derivative(f(x), x).subs({f(x): y}).subs({y: f(x)}) == \
        Derivative(f(x), x)
    # issues sympy/sympy#5085, sympy/sympy#5037
    assert cse(Derivative(f(x), x) + f(x))[1][0].has(Derivative)
    assert cse(Derivative(f(x, y), x) +
               Derivative(f(x, y), y))[1][0].has(Derivative)
Example #18
def test_function_subs():
    f = Function("f")
    s = Sum(x * f(y), (x, 0, oo), (y, 0, oo))
    assert s.subs({f(y): y}) == Sum(x * y, (x, 0, oo), (y, 0, oo))
    assert s.subs({f(x): x}) == s
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: s.subs({f(y): x + y}))
    s = Sum(x * log(y), (x, 0, oo), (y, 0, oo))
    assert s.subs({log(y): y}) == s
    s = Sum(x * f(y), (x, 0, oo), (y, 0, oo))
    assert s.subs({f(y): y}) == Sum(x * y, (x, 0, oo), (y, 0, oo))
Example #19
def test_simplify_expr():
    A = Symbol('A')
    f = Function('f')

    assert all(simplify(tmp) == tmp for tmp in [I, E, oo, x, -x, -oo, -E, -I])

    e = 1 / x + 1 / y
    assert e != (x + y) / (x * y)
    assert simplify(e) == (x + y) / (x * y)

    e = A**2 * s**4 / (4 * pi * k * m**3)
    assert simplify(e) == e

    e = (4 + 4 * x - 2 * (2 + 2 * x)) / (2 + 2 * x)
    assert simplify(e) == 0

    e = (-4 * x * y**2 - 2 * y**3 - 2 * x**2 * y) / (x + y)**2
    assert simplify(e) == -2 * y

    e = -x - y - (x + y)**(-1) * y**2 + (x + y)**(-1) * x**2
    assert simplify(e) == -2 * y

    e = (x + x * y) / x
    assert simplify(e) == 1 + y

    e = (f(x) + y * f(x)) / f(x)
    assert simplify(e) == 1 + y

    e = (2 * (1 / n - cos(n * pi) / n)) / pi
    assert simplify(e) == (-cos(pi * n) + 1) / (pi * n) * 2

    e = integrate(1 / (x**3 + 1), x).diff(x)
    assert simplify(e) == 1 / (x**3 + 1)

    e = integrate(x / (x**2 + 3 * x + 1), x).diff(x)
    assert simplify(e) == x / (x**2 + 3 * x + 1)

    f = Symbol('f')
    A = Matrix([[2 * k - m * w**2, -k], [-k, k - m * w**2]]).inv()
    assert simplify((A*Matrix([0, f]))[1]) == \
        -f*(2*k - m*w**2)/(k**2 - (k - m*w**2)*(2*k - m*w**2))

    f = -x + y / (z + t) + z * x / (z + t) + z * a / (z + t) + t * x / (z + t)
    assert simplify(f) == (y + a * z) / (z + t)

    A, B = symbols('A,B', commutative=False)

    assert simplify(A * B - B * A) == A * B - B * A
    assert simplify(A / (1 + y / x)) == x * A / (x + y)
    assert simplify(A * (1 / x + 1 / y)) == A / x + A / y  # (x + y)*A/(x*y)

    assert simplify(log(2) + log(3)) == log(6)
    assert simplify(log(2 * x) - log(2)) == log(x)

    assert simplify(hyper([], [], x)) == exp(x)
Example #20
def test_functional_exponent():
    t = standard_transformations + (convert_xor, function_exponentiation)
    x = Symbol('x')
    y = Symbol('y')
    a = Symbol('a')
    yfcn = Function('y')
    assert parse_expr('sin^2(x)', transformations=t) == (sin(x))**2
    assert parse_expr('sin^y(x)', transformations=t) == (sin(x))**y
    assert parse_expr('exp^y(x)', transformations=t) == (exp(x))**y
    assert parse_expr('E^y(x)', transformations=t) == exp(yfcn(x))
    assert parse_expr('a^y(x)', transformations=t) == a**(yfcn(x))
def test_other_sums():
    f = m**2 + m*exp(m)
    g = 3*exp(Rational(3, 2))/2 + exp(Rational(1, 2))/2 - exp(-Rational(1, 2))/2 - 3*exp(-Rational(3, 2))/2 + 5

    assert summation(f, (m, -Rational(3, 2), Rational(3, 2))).expand() == g
    assert summation(f, (m, -Rational(3, 2), Rational(3, 2))).evalf().epsilon_eq(g.evalf(), 1e-10)

    assert summation(n**x, (n, 1, oo)) == Sum(n**x, (n, 1, oo))

    f = Function('f')
    assert summation(f(n)*f(k), (k, m, n)) == Sum(f(n)*f(k), (k, m, n))
Example #22
def test_dont_cse_tuples():
    from diofant import Subs
    f = Function("f")
    g = Function("g")

    name_val, (expr,) = cse(
        Subs(f(x, y), (x, y), (0, 1))
        + Subs(g(x, y), (x, y), (0, 1)))

    assert name_val == []
    assert expr == (Subs(f(x, y), (x, y), (0, 1))
            + Subs(g(x, y), (x, y), (0, 1)))

    name_val, (expr,) = cse(
        Subs(f(x, y), (x, y), (0, x + y))
        + Subs(g(x, y), (x, y), (0, x + y)))

    assert name_val == [(x0, x + y)]
    assert expr == Subs(f(x, y), (x, y), (0, x0)) + \
        Subs(g(x, y), (x, y), (0, x0))
Example #23
def test_other_sums():
    f = m**2 + m * exp(m)
    g = E + 14 + 2 * E**2 + 3 * E**3

    assert summation(f, (m, 0, 3)) == g
    assert summation(f, (m, 0, 3)).evalf().epsilon_eq(g.evalf(), 1e-10)

    assert summation(n**x, (n, 1, oo)) == Sum(n**x, (n, 1, oo))

    f = Function('f')
    assert summation(f(n) * f(k), (k, m, n)) == Sum(f(n) * f(k), (k, m, n))
Example #24
def test_sympyissue_7688():
    from diofant.core.function import Function, UndefinedFunction

    f = Function('f')  # actually an UndefinedFunction

    class A(UndefinedFunction):

    a = A('f')
    assert isinstance(a, type(f))
Example #25
def test_euler_interface():
    x = Function('x')
    y = Symbol('y')
    t = Symbol('t')
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: euler())
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: euler(D(x(t), t) * y(t), [x(t), y]))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: euler(D(x(t), t) * x(y), [x(t), x(y)]))
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: euler(D(x(t), t)**2, x(0)))
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: euler(1, y))
    assert euler(D(x(t), t)**2 / 2, {x(t)}) == [Eq(-D(x(t), t, t))]
    assert euler(D(x(t), t)**2 / 2, x(t), {t}) == [Eq(-D(x(t), t, t))]
Example #26
def test_derivative1():
    p, q = map(Wild, 'pq')

    f = Function('f', nargs=1)
    fd = Derivative(f(x), x)

    assert fd.match(p) == {p: fd}
    assert (fd + 1).match(p + 1) == {p: fd}
    assert fd.match(fd) == {}
    assert (3 * fd).match(p * fd) is not None
    assert (3 * fd - 1).match(p * fd + q) == {p: 3, q: -1}
Example #27
def test_sympyissue_6920():
    e = [
        cos(x) + I * sin(x),
        cos(x) - I * sin(x),
        cosh(x) - sinh(x),
        cosh(x) + sinh(x)
    ok = [exp(I * x), exp(-I * x), exp(-x), exp(x)]
    # wrap in f to show that the change happens wherever ei occurs
    f = Function('f')
    assert [simplify(f(ei)).args[0] for ei in e] == ok
Example #28
def test_cosine_transform():
    from diofant import Si, Ci

    t = symbols("t")
    w = symbols("w")
    a = symbols("a")
    f = Function("f")

    # Test unevaluated form
    assert cosine_transform(f(t), t, w) == CosineTransform(f(t), t, w)
    assert inverse_cosine_transform(f(w), w,
                                    t) == InverseCosineTransform(f(w), w, t)

    assert cosine_transform(1 / sqrt(t), t, w) == 1 / sqrt(w)
    assert inverse_cosine_transform(1 / sqrt(w), w, t) == 1 / sqrt(t)

    assert cosine_transform(1 / (a**2 + t**2), t,
                            w) == sqrt(2) * sqrt(pi) * exp(-a * w) / (2 * a)

    assert cosine_transform(
        t**(-a), t, w) == 2**(-a + Rational(1, 2)) * w**(a - 1) * gamma(
            (-a + 1) / 2) / gamma(a / 2)
    assert inverse_cosine_transform(
        2**(-a + Rational(1, 2)) * w**(a - 1) *
        gamma(-a / 2 + Rational(1, 2)) / gamma(a / 2), w, t) == t**(-a)

    assert cosine_transform(exp(-a * t), t,
                            w) == sqrt(2) * a / (sqrt(pi) * (a**2 + w**2))
    assert inverse_cosine_transform(
        sqrt(2) * a / (sqrt(pi) * (a**2 + w**2)), w, t) == exp(-a * t)

    assert cosine_transform(exp(-a * sqrt(t)) * cos(a * sqrt(t)), t,
                            w) == a * exp(-a**2 /
                                          (2 * w)) / (2 * w**Rational(3, 2))

    assert cosine_transform(
        1 / (a + t), t,
        w) == sqrt(2) * ((-2 * Si(a * w) + pi) * sin(a * w) / 2 -
                         cos(a * w) * Ci(a * w)) / sqrt(pi)
    assert inverse_cosine_transform(
        sqrt(2) * meijerg(((Rational(1, 2), 0), ()),
                          ((Rational(1, 2), 0, 0),
                           (Rational(1, 2), )), a**2 * w**2 / 4) / (2 * pi), w,
        t) == 1 / (a + t)

    assert cosine_transform(1 / sqrt(a**2 + t**2), t, w) == sqrt(2) * meijerg(
        ((Rational(1, 2), ), ()),
        ((0, 0), (Rational(1, 2), )), a**2 * w**2 / 4) / (2 * sqrt(pi))
    assert inverse_cosine_transform(
        sqrt(2) * meijerg(
            ((Rational(1, 2), ), ()),
            ((0, 0), (Rational(1, 2), )), a**2 * w**2 / 4) / (2 * sqrt(pi)), w,
        t) == 1 / (a * sqrt(1 + t**2 / a**2))
Example #29
def test_fourier_transform():
    from diofant import simplify, expand, expand_complex, factor, expand_trig
    FT = fourier_transform
    IFT = inverse_fourier_transform

    def simp(x):
        return simplify(expand_trig(expand_complex(expand(x))))

    def sinc(x):
        return sin(pi * x) / (pi * x)

    k = symbols('k', extended_real=True)
    f = Function("f")

    # TODO for this to work with real a, need to expand abs(a*x) to abs(a)*abs(x)
    a = symbols('a', positive=True)
    b = symbols('b', positive=True)

    posk = symbols('posk', positive=True)

    # Test unevaluated form
    assert fourier_transform(f(x), x, k) == FourierTransform(f(x), x, k)
    assert inverse_fourier_transform(f(k), k,
                                     x) == InverseFourierTransform(f(k), k, x)

    # basic examples from wikipedia
    assert simp(FT(Heaviside(1 - abs(2 * a * x)), x, k)) == sinc(k / a) / a
    # TODO IFT is a *mess*
    assert simp(FT(Heaviside(1 - abs(a * x)) * (1 - abs(a * x)), x,
                   k)) == sinc(k / a)**2 / a
    # TODO IFT

    assert factor(FT(exp(-a*x)*Heaviside(x), x, k), extension=I) == \
        1/(a + 2*pi*I*k)
    # NOTE: the ift comes out in pieces
    assert IFT(1 / (a + 2 * pi * I * x), x, posk,
               noconds=False) == (exp(-a * posk), True)
    assert IFT(1 / (a + 2 * pi * I * x), x, -posk, noconds=False) == (0, True)
    assert IFT(1 / (a + 2 * pi * I * x),
               symbols('k', negative=True),
               noconds=False) == (0, True)
    # TODO IFT without factoring comes out as meijer g

    assert factor(FT(x*exp(-a*x)*Heaviside(x), x, k), extension=I) == \
        1/(a + 2*pi*I*k)**2
    assert FT(exp(-a*x)*sin(b*x)*Heaviside(x), x, k) == \
        b/(b**2 + (a + 2*I*pi*k)**2)

    assert FT(exp(-a * x**2), x,
              k) == sqrt(pi) * exp(-pi**2 * k**2 / a) / sqrt(a)
    assert IFT(sqrt(pi / a) * exp(-(pi * k)**2 / a), k, x) == exp(-a * x**2)
    assert FT(exp(-a * abs(x)), x, k) == 2 * a / (a**2 + 4 * pi**2 * k**2)
Example #30
def test_getn():
    # other lines are tested incidentally by the suite
    assert O(x).getn() == 1
    assert O(x / log(x)).getn() == 1
    assert O(x**2 / log(x)**2).getn() == 2
    assert O(x * log(x)).getn() == 1
    pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, (O(x) + O(y)).getn)
    pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, O(x**y * log(x)**z, (x, 0)).getn)
    pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, O(x**pi * log(x), (x, 0)).getn)

    f = Function('f')
    pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, O(f(x)).getn)
Example #31
def test_separatevars():
    n = Symbol('n')
    assert separatevars(2 * n * x * z + 2 * x * y * z) == 2 * x * z * (n + y)
    assert separatevars(x * z + x * y * z) == x * z * (1 + y)
    assert separatevars(pi * x * z + pi * x * y * z) == pi * x * z * (1 + y)
    assert separatevars(x*y**2*sin(x) + x*sin(x)*sin(y)) == \
        x*(sin(y) + y**2)*sin(x)
    assert separatevars(x * exp(x + y) +
                        x * exp(x)) == x * (1 + exp(y)) * exp(x)
    assert separatevars((x * (y + 1))**z).is_Pow  # != x**z*(1 + y)**z
    assert separatevars(1 + x + y + x * y) == (x + 1) * (y + 1)
    assert separatevars(y/pi*exp(-(z - x)/cos(n))) == \
    assert separatevars((x + y) * (x - y) + y**2 + 2 * x + 1) == (x + 1)**2
    # issue sympy/sympy#4858
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)
    assert separatevars(sqrt(p**2 + x * p**2)) == p * sqrt(1 + x)
    assert separatevars(sqrt(y * (p**2 + x * p**2))) == p * sqrt(y * (1 + x))
    assert separatevars(sqrt(y*(p**2 + x*p**2)), force=True) == \
        p*sqrt(y)*sqrt(1 + x)
    # issue sympy/sympy#4865
    assert separatevars(sqrt(x * y)).is_Pow
    assert separatevars(sqrt(x * y), force=True) == sqrt(x) * sqrt(y)
    # issue sympy/sympy#4957
    # any type sequence for symbols is fine
    assert separatevars(((2*x + 2)*y), dict=True, symbols=()) == \
        {'coeff': 1, x: 2*x + 2, y: y}
    # separable
    assert separatevars(((2*x + 2)*y), dict=True, symbols=[x]) == \
        {'coeff': y, x: 2*x + 2}
    assert separatevars(((2*x + 2)*y), dict=True, symbols=[]) == \
        {'coeff': 1, x: 2*x + 2, y: y}
    assert separatevars(((2*x + 2)*y), dict=True) == \
        {'coeff': 1, x: 2*x + 2, y: y}
    assert separatevars(((2*x + 2)*y), dict=True, symbols=None) == \
        {'coeff': y*(2*x + 2)}
    # not separable
    assert separatevars(3, dict=True) is None
    assert separatevars(2 * x + y, dict=True, symbols=()) is None
    assert separatevars(2 * x + y, dict=True) is None
    assert separatevars(2 * x + y, dict=True, symbols=None) == {
        'coeff': 2 * x + y
    # issue sympy/sympy#4808
    n, m = symbols('n,m', commutative=False)
    assert separatevars(m + n * m) == (1 + n) * m
    assert separatevars(x + x * n) == x * (1 + n)
    # issue sympy/sympy#4910
    f = Function('f')
    assert separatevars(f(x) + x * f(x)) == f(x) + x * f(x)
    # a noncommutable object present
    eq = x * (1 + hyper((), (), y * z))
    assert separatevars(eq) == eq