Example #1
def extract_phase_history_proto(game,
    """ Extracts the phase_history_proto from a diplomacy.Game object
        :param game: The diplomacy.Game object
        :param nb_previous_phases: Integer. If set, only the last x phases will be returned.
                                            If None, the full history since the beginning of the game is returned.
        :return: A list of `.proto.game.PhaseHistory` proto.
        :type game: diplomacy.Game
    from_phase = None if nb_previous_phases is None else -1 * nb_previous_phases
    phase_history = Game.get_phase_history(game, from_phase=from_phase)
    return [
        dict_to_proto(hist.to_dict(), PhaseHistoryProto)
        for hist in phase_history
Example #2
def main(sl_model, other_agent):
    """ Plays a local game with 7 bots """
    # player1 = RandomPlayer() # Use main player here x1
    player1 = sl_model  # (Use when get_orders is ready)
    player2 = other_agent  # Use other player here x6

    game = Game()
    reward_class = Reward(game)
    supply_centers_dist = game.get_centers()

    # For randomly choosing the power of the special player
    powers = list(game.powers)
    powers1 = powers[0]
    powers2 = powers[1:7]

    # Playing game
    while not game.is_game_done:
        if reward_class.get_terminal_reward(powers1) == 0:
            return "defeated"
        orders1, action_prob = player1.get_orders(game, [powers1])
        # orders1 = {power_name: player1.get_orders(game, power_name) for power_name in powers1}
        orders2 = yield {
            power_name: player2.get_orders(game, power_name)
            for power_name in powers2

        # for power_name, power_orders in orders1.items():
        # for power_name, power_orders in orders1.items():
        if reward_class.get_terminal_reward(powers1) != 0:
            game.set_orders(powers1, orders1[0])
        for power_name, power_orders in orders2.items():
            game.set_orders(power_name, power_orders)
        # input()


    # Calculating support
    phase_history = game.get_phase_history()
    support_count, x_support_count, eff_x_support_count = 0, 0, 0
    for phase in phase_history:
        for order_index in range(len(phase.orders[powers1])):
            order_split = phase.orders[powers1][order_index].split()
            if 'S' in order_split:
                support_count += 1
                s_loc = order_split.index('S')
                supported = order_split[s_loc + 1] + " " + order_split[s_loc +
                if supported not in phase.state['units'][powers1]:
                    x_support_count += 1
                    supporter = order_split[s_loc -
                                            2] + " " + order_split[s_loc - 1]
                    if phase.results[supporter] == []:
                        eff_x_support_count += 1

    print("X-Support Ratio: " + str(x_support_count / support_count))
    print("Eff-X-Support Ratio: " + str(eff_x_support_count / x_support_count))

    # Saving to disk
    with open('game.json', 'w') as file:

    sc_dict = reward_class.get_terminal_reward_all_powers()

    if len(game.outcome) == 2 and game.outcome[-1] == powers1:
        return "won"
    elif len(game.outcome) == 2 and game.outcome[-1] != powers1:
        return "defeated"
    elif len(game.outcome) != 2 and [
        (k, sc_dict[k]) for k in sorted(sc_dict, key=sc_dict.get, reverse=True)
    ][0][0] == powers1:
        return "most_sc"
    elif len(game.outcome) != 2 and [
        (k, sc_dict[k]) for k in sorted(sc_dict, key=sc_dict.get, reverse=True)
    ][0][0] != powers1:
        return "survived"

    # won = len(game.outcome) == 2 and game.outcome[-1] == powers1
    # defeated = len(game.outcome) == 2 and game.outcome[-1] != powers1
    # most_sc = len(game.outcome) != 2 and [(k, sc_dict[k]) for k in sorted(sc_dict, key=sc_dict.get, reverse=True)][0][0] == powers1
    # survived = len(game.outcome) != 2 and [(k, sc_dict[k]) for k in sorted(sc_dict, key=sc_dict.get, reverse=True)][0][0] != powers1

    return {
        "Game outcome":
        x_support_count / support_count