Example #1
    def _declare_as_ontology(self, version_info=None):
        Declare the distribution level IRI as an ontology, and also make triple
        distribution level IRI - version_iri -> version level IRI

        TEC: I am not convinced dipper reformatting external data as RDF triples
        makes an OWL ontology (nor that it should be considered a goal).

        Proper ontologies are built by ontologists. Dipper reformats data
        and annotates/decorates it with a minimal set of carefully arranged
        terms drawn from from multiple proper ontologies.
        Which allows the whole (dipper's RDF triples and parent ontologies)
        to function as a single ontology we can reason over when combined
        in a store such as SciGraph.

        Including more than the minimal ontological terms in dipper's RDF
        output constitutes a liability as it allows greater divergence
        between dipper artifacts and the proper ontologies.

        :param version_info: a string describing version info for the ontology

        model = Model(self.graph)
        if version_info is not None:
Example #2
    def declareAsOntology(self, graph):
        The file we output needs to be declared as an ontology,
        including it's version information.

        TEC: I am not convinced dipper reformating external data as RDF triples
        makes an OWL ontology (nor that it should be considered a goal).

        Proper ontologies are built by ontologists. Dipper reformats data
        and anotates/decorates it with a minimal set of carefully arranged
        terms drawn from from multiple proper ontologies.
        Which allows the whole (dipper's RDF triples and parent ontologies)
        to function as a single ontology we can reason over when combined
        in a store such as SciGraph.

        Including more than the minimal ontological terms in dipper's RDF
        output constitutes a liability as it allows greater divergence
        between dipper artifacts and the proper ontologies.

        Further information will be augmented in the dataset object.
        :param version:


        # <http://data.monarchinitiative.org/ttl/biogrid.ttl> a owl:Ontology ;
        # owl:versionInfo
        # <https://archive.monarchinitiative.org/YYYYMM/ttl/biogrid.ttl>

        model = Model(graph)

        # is self.outfile suffix set yet???
        ontology_file_id = 'MonarchData:' + self.name + ".ttl"

        # add timestamp as version info

        t = datetime.now()
        t_string = t.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        ontology_version = t_string
        # TEC this means the MonarchArchive IRI needs the release updated
        # maybe extract the version info from there

        # should not hardcode the suffix as it may change
        archive_url = 'MonarchArchive:' + 'ttl/' + self.name + '.ttl'
        model.addOWLVersionIRI(ontology_file_id, archive_url)
        model.addOWLVersionInfo(ontology_file_id, ontology_version)

        # TODO make sure this is synced with the Dataset class

Example #3
    def declareAsOntology(self, graph):
        The file we output needs to be declared as an ontology,
        including it's version information.

        TEC: I am not convinced dipper reformating external data as RDF triples
        makes an OWL ontology (nor that it should be considered a goal).

        Proper ontologies are built by ontologists. Dipper reformats data
        and anotates/decorates it with a minimal set of carefully arranged
        terms drawn from from multiple proper ontologies.
        Which allows the whole (dipper's RDF triples and parent ontologies)
        to function as a single ontology we can reason over when combined
        in a store such as SciGraph.

        Including more than the minimal ontological terms in dipper's RDF
        output constitutes a liability as it allows greater divergence
        between dipper artifacts and the proper ontologies.

        Further information will be augmented in the dataset object.
        :param version:


        # <http://data.monarchinitiative.org/ttl/biogrid.ttl> a owl:Ontology ;
        # owl:versionInfo
        # <https://archive.monarchinitiative.org/YYYYMM/ttl/biogrid.ttl>

        model = Model(graph)

        ontology_file_id = 'MonarchData:' + self.name + ".ttl"

        # add timestamp as version info

        t = datetime.now()
        t_string = t.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        ontology_version = t_string
        # TEC this means the MonarchArchive IRI needs the release updated
        # maybe extract the version info from there

        yrmth = str(datetime.now().year) + str(datetime.now().month)
        archive_url = 'MonarchArchive:' + yrmth + '/ttl/' + self.name + '.ttl'
        model.addOWLVersionIRI(ontology_file_id, archive_url)
        model.addOWLVersionInfo(ontology_file_id, ontology_version)

        # TODO make sure this is synced with the Dataset class
