def _plot_psnr_against_var(self, image, deg_type, name="no_name"): fh = ImageFileHandler() im_degrader = ImageDegrader() im = fh.open_image_file_as_matrix(file) vars = np.linspace(0.01, 0.5, 10) restored_psnrs = [] degraded_psnrs = [] generic_psnrs = [] count = 0 comparison_func = lambda x, y: dip.PSNR(x, y) for var in vars: degraded_im = im_degrader.degrade(im, degradation_type=deg_type, severity_value=var) restored_im, _, h_params = self.multiplicative_clustering_restore( degraded_im) restored_generic_im = self.fast_multiplicative_restore( degraded_im, h_param=int(np.mean(h_params)), search_window_size=21) degraded_psnrs.append(comparison_func(im, degraded_im)) restored_psnrs.append(comparison_func(im, restored_im)) generic_psnrs.append(comparison_func(im, restored_generic_im)) count += 1 plt.plot(vars, restored_psnrs, "b", label="Clustering Restore") plt.plot(vars, degraded_psnrs, "r", label="Degraded Image") plt.plot(vars, generic_psnrs, "y", label="fastN1Means Restore") plt.legend() plt.xlabel("Variance level of noise") plt.ylabel("PSNR") plt.title("Effect of clustering on PSNR for image {}".format(name))
def iqa_results(im1, im2): print('The MSE is: {:.2f}'.format( dip.MSE(cv2.cvtColor(im1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY), cv2.cvtColor(im2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)))) print('The PSNR is: {:.2f}'.format( dip.PSNR(cv2.cvtColor(im1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY), cv2.cvtColor(im2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY), np.amax(cv2.cvtColor(im1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)))))
def _test_restore_mode(self, file, deg_type, save_images=False, name=None): fh = ImageFileHandler() im_degrader = ImageDegrader() im = fh.open_image_file_as_matrix(file) degraded_im = im_degrader.degrade(im, degradation_type=deg_type, severity_value=.5) restored_im, clustered_im, h_params = self.multiplicative_clustering_restore( degraded_im) restored_im_2 = self.fast_multiplicative_restore( degraded_im, h_param=np.mean(h_params), search_window_size=21) if save_images: dip.im_write(dip.float_to_im(degraded_im), "./" + name + "_degraded_image.jpg", quality=95) dip.im_write(dip.float_to_im(restored_im), "./" + name + "_restored_image.jpg", quality=95) dip.im_write(dip.float_to_im(clustered_im), "./" + name + "_clustered_image.jpg", quality=95) dip.figure() dip.subplot(141) dip.imshow(im, cmap="gray") dip.subplot(142) dip.imshow(degraded_im, cmap="gray") dip.xlabel("PSNR: {0:.2f}, SSIM: {1:.2f}".format( dip.PSNR(im, degraded_im), dip.SSIM(im, degraded_im)[0])) dip.subplot(143) dip.imshow(restored_im, cmap="gray") dip.xlabel("PSNR: {0:.2f}, SSIM: {1:.2f}".format( dip.PSNR(im, restored_im), dip.SSIM(im, restored_im)[0])) dip.subplot(144) dip.imshow(restored_im_2, cmap="gray") dip.xlabel("PSNR: {0:.2f}, SSIM: {1:.2f}".format( dip.PSNR(im, restored_im_2), dip.SSIM(im, restored_im_2)[0]))
def _test_noise_mode(self, file, deg_type): fh = ImageFileHandler() im = fh.open_image_file_as_matrix(file) degraded_im = self.degrade(im, degradation_type=deg_type) dip.figure() dip.subplot(121) dip.imshow(im, cmap="gray") dip.subplot(122) dip.imshow(degraded_im, cmap="gray") dip.xlabel("PSNR: {0:.2f}".format(dip.PSNR(im, degraded_im)))
def param_search_multiplicative_restore(self, degraded_image, original_image): int_image = dip.float_to_im(degraded_image) psnr_max = None best_denoise = None for i in range(1, 25): cur_denoised = dip.im_to_float( cv2.fastNlMeansDenoising(int_image, h=i, searchWindowSize=31)) cur_psnr = dip.PSNR(original_image, cur_denoised) if psnr_max is None or cur_psnr > psnr_max: best_denoise = cur_denoised psnr_max = cur_psnr return best_denoise
def run_optical_flow(filepath_ind: int, OF_alg: int, param: int=100, display: bool=True): frame_1 = dip.im_read(filepaths[filepath_ind] + 'frame1.png')[:, :, :3] frame_2 = dip.im_read(filepaths[filepath_ind] + 'frame2.png')[:, :, :3] residual = np.abs(frame_1.astype(float) - frame_2.astype(float)) \ .astype(np.uint8) frame_1_gray = dip.rgb2gray(frame_1) frame_2_gray = dip.rgb2gray(frame_2) PSNR_val = dip.PSNR(frame_1_gray, frame_2_gray) if display: # Plot the initial images dip.figure() dip.subplot(1, 3, 1) dip.imshow(frame_1) dip.title('Frame 1', fontsize='x-small') dip.subplot(1, 3, 2) dip.imshow(frame_2) dip.title('Frame 2', fontsize='x-small') dip.subplot(1, 3, 3) dip.imshow(residual) dip.title('Residual - PSNR: {:.2f} dB'.format(PSNR_val), fontsize='x-small') # Convert to grayscale for analysis frame_1 = dip.im_to_float(frame_1_gray) frame_2 = dip.im_to_float(frame_2_gray) start_time = default_timer() # ============================ EDIT THIS PART ============================= mask_x = np.array([[-1, 1], [-1,1]]) mask_y = np.array([[-1, -1], [1,1]]) mask_t_2 = np.array([[-1, -1], [-1,-1]]) mask_t_1 = np.array([[1, 1], [1,1]]) dIx = dip.convolve2d(frame_1, mask_x, mode='same', like_matlab=True) dIy = dip.convolve2d(frame_1, mask_y, mode='same', like_matlab=True) dIt = dip.convolve2d(frame_1, mask_t_1, mode='same', like_matlab=True) + dip.convolve2d(frame_2, mask_t_2, mode='same', like_matlab=True) # ==========!!!!! DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW THIS !!!!!==================== # Instantiate blank u and v matrices u = np.zeros_like(frame_1) v = np.zeros_like(frame_1) if 0 == OF_alg: print('The optical flow is estimated using Horn-Schuck...') u, v = horn_schuck(u, v, dIx, dIy, dIt, param) elif 1 == OF_alg: print('The optical flow is estimated using Lucas-Kanade...') u, v = lucas_kanade(u, v, dIx, dIy, dIt, param) else: raise ValueError('OF_alg must be either 0 or 1') end_time = default_timer() # Determine run time duration = end_time - start_time clock = [int(duration // 60), int(duration % 60)] print('Flow estimation time was {} minutes and {} seconds' .format(*clock)) # Downsample for better visuals stride = 10 m, n = frame_1.shape x, y = np.meshgrid(range(n), range(m)) x = x.astype('float64') y = y.astype('float64') # Downsampled u and v u_ds = u[::stride, ::stride] v_ds = v[::stride, ::stride] # Coords for downsampled u and v x_ds = x[::stride, ::stride] y_ds = y[::stride, ::stride] # Estimated flow estimated_flow = np.stack((u, v), axis=2) # Read file for ground truth flow ground_truth_flow = read_flow_file(filepaths[filepath_ind] + 'flow1_2.flo') u_gt_orig = ground_truth_flow[:, :, 0] v_gt_orig = ground_truth_flow[:, :, 1] u_gt = np.where(np.isnan(u_gt_orig), 0, u_gt_orig) v_gt = np.where(np.isnan(v_gt_orig), 0, v_gt_orig) # Downsampled u_gt and v_gt u_gt_ds = u_gt[::stride, ::stride] v_gt_ds = v_gt[::stride, ::stride] if display: # Plot the optical flow field dip.figure() dip.subplot(2, 2, 1) dip.imshow(frame_2, 'gray') dip.quiver(x_ds, y_ds, u_ds, v_ds, color='r') dip.title('Estimated', fontsize='x-small') dip.subplot(2, 2, 2) dip.imshow(frame_2, 'gray') dip.quiver(x_ds, y_ds, u_gt_ds, v_gt_ds, color='r') dip.title('Ground truth', fontsize='x-small') # Draw colored velocity flow maps dip.subplot(2, 2, 3) dip.imshow(flow_to_color(estimated_flow)) dip.title('Estimated', fontsize='x-small') dip.subplot(2, 2, 4) dip.imshow(flow_to_color(ground_truth_flow)) dip.title('Ground truth', fontsize='x-small') # Normalization for metric computations normalize = lambda im: (im - np.min(im)) / (np.max(im) - np.min(im)) un = normalize(u) un_gt = normalize(u_gt) un_gt[np.isnan(u_gt_orig)] = 1 vn = normalize(v) vn_gt = normalize(v_gt) vn_gt[np.isnan(v_gt_orig)] = 1 # Error calculations and displays EPE = ((un - un_gt) ** 2 + (vn - vn_gt) ** 2) ** 0.5 AE = np.arccos(((un * un_gt) + (vn * vn_gt) + 1) / (((un + vn + 1) * (un_gt + vn_gt + 1)) ** 0.5)) EPE_nan_ratio = np.sum(np.isnan(EPE)) / EPE.size AE_nan_ratio = np.sum(np.isnan(AE)) / AE.size EPE_inf_ratio = np.sum(np.isinf(EPE)) / EPE.size AE_inf_ratio = np.sum(np.isinf(AE)) / AE.size print('Error nan ratio: EPE={:.2f}, AE={:.2f}' .format(EPE_nan_ratio, AE_nan_ratio)) print('Error inf ratio: EPE={:.2f}, AE={:.2f}' .format(EPE_inf_ratio, AE_inf_ratio)) EPE_avg = np.mean(EPE[~np.isnan(EPE)]) AE_avg = np.mean(AE[~np.isnan(AE)]) print('EPE={:.2f}, AE={:.2f}'.format(EPE_avg, AE_avg)) if display: return clock, EPE_avg, AE_avg
img3 = dip.convolve2d(img2, Gaussian, mode='same') Lap_kernel = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, -4, 1], [0, 1, 0]]) ELap_kernel = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, -8, 1], [1, 1, 1]]) Lap1 = dip.convolve2d(img1, Lap_kernel, mode='same') Lap2 = dip.convolve2d(img2, Lap_kernel, mode='same') Lap3 = dip.convolve2d(img3, Lap_kernel, mode='same') ELap1 = dip.convolve2d(img1, ELap_kernel, mode='same') ELap2 = dip.convolve2d(img2, ELap_kernel, mode='same') ELap3 = dip.convolve2d(img3, ELap_kernel, mode='same') sharpen1 = scale(img1 - Lap1) print('sharpen1') print(dip.PSNR(img, sharpen1)) sharpen2 = scale(img2 - Lap2) print('sharpen2') print(dip.PSNR(img, sharpen2)) sharpen3 = scale(img3 - Lap3) print('sharpen3') print(dip.PSNR(img, sharpen3)) Esharpen1 = scale(img1 - ELap1) print('Esharpen1') print(dip.PSNR(img, Esharpen1)) Esharpen2 = scale(img2 - ELap2) print('Esharpen2') print(dip.PSNR(img, Esharpen2)) Esharpen3 = scale(img3 - ELap3) print('Esharpen3')
def calc_score(self, reconstructed_image): return dip.PSNR(self.image, reconstructed_image, np.max(self.image))
tmp2 = np.pad(tmp2, ((0, 0), (error_col, error_col), (0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values=(0, 0)) tmp3 = tmp2[int(tmp2.shape[0] / 2 - 1 - row / 2 + 1):int(tmp2.shape[0] / 2 + row / 2), int(tmp2.shape[1] / 2 - 1 - col / 2 + 1):int(tmp2.shape[1] / 2 + col / 2), :] tmp4 = np.clip(tmp3, 0, 1) return tmp4 #example filename = 'images/airplane.jpg' im = dip.im_read(filename) #downSampling down_IMG = zoomAndshrink(im, 2.5, 1.0 / 1.7, 27.5 / 180.0 * np.pi) dip.figure(1) dip.imshow(down_IMG) #upSampling up_IMG = zoomAndshrink_inv(down_IMG, 0.4, 1.7, -27.5 / 180.0 * np.pi, im.shape) dip.figure(2) dip.imshow(up_IMG) #show difference dip.figure(3) dip.imshow(im - up_IMG) #show PSNR print(dip.PSNR(im, up_IMG))
im_DCT_reconstructed = dip.block_process(im_DCT_quantized_reconstructed, dequantize, block_size) # STEP 13: Inverse DCT # ============================ EDIT THIS PART ================================= im_reconstructed = dip.block_process(im_DCT_reconstructed, dip.idct_2d, block_size) # STEP 14: Add 127 to every pixel # ============================ EDIT THIS PART ================================= im_reconstructed = im_reconstructed + 127 # ===================!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS PART !!!!!========================= dip.subplot(2, 2, 2) dip.imshow(im_reconstructed, 'gray') dip.title('Reconstructed image') # ===================!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS PART !!!!!========================= im = im + 127 # STEP 15: Calculating MSE and PSNR # ============================ EDIT THIS PART ================================= MSE = dip.MSE(im, im_reconstructed) PSNR = dip.PSNR(im, im_reconstructed, np.max(im)) # ===================!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS PART !!!!!========================= print("MSE = {:.2f}".format(MSE)) print("PSNR = {:.2f} dB".format(PSNR))