def skeletonize(fdpy,flsc,points=3): dpr=Dpy(fdpy,'r') T=dpr.read_tracks() dpr.close() print len(T) Td=[downsample(t,points) for t in T] C=local_skeleton_clustering(Td,d_thr=10.,points=points) #Tobject=np.array(T,dtype=np.object) #''' skeleton=[] for c in C: #color=np.random.rand(3) if C[c]['N']>0: Ttmp=[] for i in C[c]['indices']: Ttmp.append(T[i]) si,s=most_similar_track_mam(Ttmp,'avg') print si,C[c]['N'] C[c]['most']=Ttmp[si] #fvtk.add(r,fvtk.line(Ttmp[si],color)) print len(skeleton) #fos.add(r,fos.line(skeleton,color)) #fos.add(r,fos.line(T, #''' save_pickle(flsc,C)
def spherical_rois(fdpy,fsr,sq_radius=4): R=atlantic_points() dpr=Dpy(fdpy,'r') T=dpr.read_tracks() dpr.close() center=R['BCC'] refimg=nib.load(fref) aff=refimg.get_affine() SR={} for key in R: center=R[key] #back to world space,np.array(center+(1,)))[:3] centerw.shape=(1,)+centerw.shape centerw=centerw.astype(np.float32) res= [track_roi_intersection_check(t,centerw,sq_radius) for t in T] res= np.array(res, ind=np.where(res>0)[0] SR[key]={} SR[key]['center']=center SR[key]['centerw']=tuple(np.squeeze(centerw)) SR[key]['radiusw']=np.sqrt(sq_radius) SR[key]['indices']=ind save_pickle(fsr,SR)
def bloat_bundle(self,tracks): tracksn=[] #c=np.array([0,0,0],np.float32) import dipy.core.track_performance as pf #c=tracks[0][-4] ct=tracks[pf.most_similar_track_mam(tracks,'avg')[0]] c=ct[len(ct)/2] #tracks2=[tm.downsample(t,200) for t in tracks] for X in tracks2: Xn = X + np.multiply(10/np.sum((X-c)**2,axis=1).reshape(len(X),1),X-c) #Xn = X + 2*(X-c) tracksn.append(Xn) from import pickles as pkl pkl.save_pickle('bundles.pkl',{'init':tracks[10],'after':tracksn[10]}) return tracksn
def a_few_phantoms(): #fibres_1_SNR_100_angle_00_l1_1.4_l2_0.35_l3_0.35_iso_0_diso_00 table={} #sd=['fibres_1_SNR_60_angle_00_l1_1.4_l2_0.35_l3_0.35_iso_0_diso_00'] #sd=['fibres_1_SNR_20_angle_00_l1_1.4_l2_0.35_l3_0.35_iso_0_diso_00'] sd=['fibres_2_SNR_100_angle_90_l1_1.4_l2_0.35_l3_0.35_iso_0_diso_00'] #for simfile in simdata: for simfile in sd: data=np.loadtxt(simdir+simfile) sf=simfile.split('_') print sf print sf[1],sf[3],sf[5],sf[7],sf[9],sf[11],sf[13],sf[15] b_vals_dirs=np.loadtxt(simdir+'Dir_and_bvals_DSI_marta.txt') bvals=b_vals_dirs[:,0]*1000 gradients=b_vals_dirs[:,1:] data2=data[::1000,:] table={'fibres':sf[1],'snr':sf[3],'angle':sf[5],'l1':sf[7],'l2':sf[9],\ 'l3':sf[11],'iso':sf[13],'diso':sf[15],\ 'data':data2,'bvals':bvals,'gradients':gradients} #print table print table['data'].shape pkl.save_pickle('test0.pkl',table) break
def gq_tn_calc_save(): for simfile in simdata: dataname = simfile print dataname sim_data=np.loadtxt(simdir+dataname) marta_table_fname='/home/ian/Data/SimData/Dir_and_bvals_DSI_marta.txt' b_vals_dirs=np.loadtxt(marta_table_fname) bvals=b_vals_dirs[:,0]*1000 gradients=b_vals_dirs[:,1:] gq = dgqs.GeneralizedQSampling(sim_data,bvals,gradients) gqfile = simdir+'gq/'+dataname+'.pkl' pkl.save_pickle(gqfile,gq) ''' gq.IN gq.__doc__ gq.glob_norm_param gq.QA gq.__init__ gq.odf gq.__class__ gq.__module__ gq.q2odf_params ''' tn = ddti.Tensor(sim_data,bvals,gradients) tnfile = simdir+'tn/'+dataname+'.pkl' pkl.save_pickle(tnfile,tn) ''' tn.ADC tn.__init__ tn._getevals tn.B tn.__module__ tn._getevecs tn.D tn.__new__ tn._getndim tn.FA tn.__reduce__ tn._getshape tn.IN tn.__reduce_ex__ tn._setevals tn.MD tn.__repr__ tn._setevecs tn.__class__ tn.__setattr__ tn.adc tn.__delattr__ tn.__sizeof__ tn.evals tn.__dict__ tn.__str__ tn.evecs tn.__doc__ tn.__subclasshook__ tn.fa tn.__format__ tn.__weakref__ tn.__getattribute__ tn._evals tn.ndim tn.__getitem__ tn._evecs tn.shape tn.__hash__ tn._getD ''' ''' file has one row for every voxel, every voxel is repeating 1000
def gq_tn_calc_save(): for simfile in simdata: dataname = simfile print dataname sim_data=np.loadtxt(simdir+dataname) marta_table_fname='/home/ian/Data/SimData/Dir_and_bvals_DSI_marta.txt' b_vals_dirs=np.loadtxt(marta_table_fname) bvals=b_vals_dirs[:,0]*1000 gradients=b_vals_dirs[:,1:] gq = dp.GeneralizedQSampling(sim_data,bvals,gradients) gqfile = simdir+'gq/'+dataname+'.pkl' pkl.save_pickle(gqfile,gq) ''' gq.IN gq.__doc__ gq.glob_norm_param gq.QA gq.__init__ gq.odf gq.__class__ gq.__module__ gq.q2odf_params ''' tn = dp.Tensor(sim_data,bvals,gradients) tnfile = simdir+'tn/'+dataname+'.pkl' pkl.save_pickle(tnfile,tn) ''' tn.ADC tn.__init__ tn._getevals tn.B tn.__module__ tn._getevecs tn.D tn.__new__ tn._getndim tn.FA tn.__reduce__ tn._getshape tn.IN tn.__reduce_ex__ tn._setevals tn.MD tn.__repr__ tn._setevecs tn.__class__ tn.__setattr__ tn.adc tn.__delattr__ tn.__sizeof__ tn.evals tn.__dict__ tn.__str__ tn.evecs tn.__doc__ tn.__subclasshook__ tn.fa tn.__format__ tn.__weakref__ tn.__getattribute__ tn._evals tn.ndim tn.__getitem__ tn._evecs tn.shape tn.__hash__ tn._getD ''' ''' file has one row for every voxel, every voxel is repeating 1000
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description='Given the DWI data, the corresponding b-value and b-vecs files\n\ and the type of fODF model. This scripts\n\ computes the fODF for every voxel.' ) parser.add_argument('-d', '--dwi', required=True, metavar='<dwi>', help='Path to the diffusion weighted image file (4D in NIFTI format).') parser.add_argument('-bvals', required=True, metavar='<bvals>', help='Path to the b-value file (FSL format).') parser.add_argument('-bvecs', required=True, metavar='<bvecs>', help='Path to the b-vectors file (FSL format).') parser.add_argument('-m','--mask', metavar='<mask_file>', help='Path to the brain mask file.') parser.add_argument('-t', '--type', metavar='<type>', default='dti', choices=['dti','csd','csa'], help='The type of the fODF model (default dti).') parser.add_argument('-b0', metavar='<b0>', type=float, default=0., help='Threshold to use for defining b0 images.') parser.add_argument('--order', type=int, metavar='<order>', default=4, help='Order of fODF (not used for DTI).') parser.add_argument('-o','--output', required=True, metavar='<output>', help='Specifies the output file.') #parse command line arguments args = parser.parse_args() #read DWI img = nib.load(args.dwi) data = img.get_data() #read mask if args.mask: img = nib.load(args.mask) mask = img.get_data().astype(bool) mask = np.logical_not(mask) #apply mask to data data[mask,:] = 0 sys.stdout.write('Data read.\n') start = time() #fit the model if args.mask: model_fit = reconstruction(data, args.bvals, args.bvecs, mask=np.logical_not(mask), type=args.type, b0=args.b0, order=args.order) else: model_fit = reconstruction(data, args.bvals, args.bvecs, type=args.type, b0=args.b0, order=args.order) sys.stdout.write('Fitted %s model with order %i in %.2f sec.\n' % (args.type,args.order,time()-start)) sys.stdout.flush() #save the fODF fit, depends on chosen model if args.type == 'dti': save_pickle(args.output+'.fit',model_fit.model_params) elif args.type == 'csd': save_pickle(args.output+'.fit',model_fit.fit_array) elif args.type == 'csa': save_pickle(args.output+'.fit',model_fit.shm_coeff) #save the model save_pickle(args.output+'.model',model_fit.model)
def plot_timings(): #dir='/home/eg309/Data/LSC_limits/full_1M' dir='/tmp/full_1M' fs=['.npy','_2.npy','_3.npy','_4.npy','_5.npy']#,'_6.npy','_7.npy','_8.npy','_9.npy','_10.npy'] T=[] for f in fs: fs1=dir+f T+=change_dtype(list(np.load(fs1))) #return T T=T[:100000] print len(T) #dists=[4.,6.,8.,10.] dists=[8.] #pts=[3,6,12,18] pts=[12] #sub=10**5 sub=10**3 res={} for p in pts: print p res[p]={} for d in dists: print d res[p][d]={} res[p][d]['time']=[] res[p][d]['len']=[] step=0 while step <= len(T): print step Td=[downsample(t,p) for t in T[0:step+sub]] t1=time() C=local_skeleton_clustering(Td,d) t2=time() res[p][d]['time'].append(t2-t1) res[p][d]['len'].append(len(C)) step=step+sub save_pickle('/tmp/res.pkl',res) print('Result saved in /tmp/res.pkl') #return res save_pickle('/tmp/res.pkl',res)
def gq_tn_calc_save(): for simfile in simdata: dataname = simfile print dataname sim_data=np.loadtxt(simdir+dataname) marta_table_fname=simdir+'Dir_and_bvals_DSI_marta.txt' b_vals_dirs=np.loadtxt(marta_table_fname) bvals=b_vals_dirs[:,0]*1000 gradients=b_vals_dirs[:,1:] gq = GeneralizedQSampling(sim_data,bvals,gradients) gqfile = '/tmp/gq'+dataname+'.pkl' pkl.save_pickle(gqfile,gq) tn = Tensor(sim_data,bvals,gradients) tnfile = '/tmp/tn'+dataname+'.pkl' pkl.save_pickle(tnfile,tn) ''' file has one row for every voxel, every voxel is repeating 1000
def training_check(dres, prefix): seeds_per_vox = 5 num_of_cpus = 6 cmd = 'python ~/Devel/scilpy/scripts/ -odf ' + dres + prefix + 'odf_sh.nii.gz -m data/training-data_mask.nii.gz -s data/training-data_rois.nii.gz -n -' + str( seeds_per_vox) + ' -process ' + str(num_of_cpus) + ' -o ' + dres + prefix + 'streams.trk' pipe(cmd) mat, conn_mats, diffs, ratio = streams_to_connmat(dres + prefix + 'streams.trk', seeds_per_vox) save_pickle(dres + prefix + 'conn_mats.pkl', {'mat': mat, 'conn_mats': conn_mats, 'diffs': diffs, 'ratio':ratio}) print dres + prefix + 'conn_mats.pkl' return diffs
def load_pbc_data(id=None): if id is None: path = "/home/eg309/Data/PBC/pbc2009icdm/brain1/" streams, hdr = + "brain1_scan1_fiber_track_mni.trk") streamlines = [s[0] for s in streams] return streamlines if not osp.exists("/tmp/" + str(id) + ".pkl"): path = "/home/eg309/Data/PBC/pbc2009icdm/brain1/" streams, hdr = + "brain1_scan1_fiber_track_mni.trk") streamlines = [s[0] for s in streams] labels = np.loadtxt(path + "brain1_scan1_fiber_labels.txt") labels = labels[:, 1] mask_cst = labels == id cst_streamlines = [s for (i, s) in enumerate(streamlines) if mask_cst[i]] save_pickle("/tmp/" + str(id) + ".pkl", cst_streamlines) return cst_streamlines # return [approx_polygon_track(s, 0.7853) for s in cst_streamlines] else: return load_pickle("/tmp/" + str(id) + ".pkl")
def generate_skeletons(): img=nib.load(fbet) data=img.get_data() affine=img.get_affine() bvals=np.loadtxt(fbvals) bvecs=np.loadtxt(fbvecs).T t=time() gqs=GeneralizedQSampling(data,bvals,bvecs) print 'gqs time',time()-t,'s' for (i,sds) in enumerate(seeds): print i,sds t=time() eu=EuDX(,gqs.ind(),seeds=sds,a_low=0.0239) T=[downsample(e,12) for e in eu][i]+'.npy',np.array(T,dtype=np.object)) C=local_skeleton_clustering(T,4.) save_pickle(dout+outs[i]+'.skl',C) print time()-t del T print outs
def save_id_tract_plus_sff(tracks_filename, id_file, num_proto, distance, out_fname): if (tracks_filename[-3:]=='dpy'): dpr_tracks = Dpy(tracks_filename, 'r') all_tracks=dpr_tracks.read_tracks() dpr_tracks.close() else: all_tracks = load_whole_tract_trk(tracks_filename) tracks_id = load_pickle(id_file) tract = [all_tracks[i] for i in tracks_id] not_tract_fil = [] id_not_tract_fil = [] min_len = min(len(i) for i in tract) #print 'min_len of cst', min_len min_len = min_len*2.2/3#2./3.2# - 20 for i in np.arange(len(all_tracks)): if (i not in tracks_id) and (length(all_tracks[i]) > min_len): not_tract_fil.append(all_tracks[i]) id_not_tract_fil.append(i) not_tract_fil = np.array(not_tract_fil,dtype=np.object) sff_pro_id = sff(not_tract_fil, num_proto, distance) tract_sff_id = [] for i in tracks_id: tract_sff_id.append(i) for idx in sff_pro_id: tract_sff_id.append(id_not_tract_fil[idx]) #tract_sff_id.append(id_not_tract_fil[i] for i in sff_pro_id) print len(tract), len(tract_sff_id) save_pickle(out_fname, tract_sff_id) return tract_sff_id
def save_id_tract_plus_sff_in_ext(tracks_filename, id_file, num_proto, distance, out_fname_ext , out_fname_sff_in_ext, thres_len= 2.2/3., thres_vol = 1.4 , thres_dis = 3./2.): tract_ext_id = save_id_tract_ext1(tracks_filename,id_file, distance, out_fname_ext, thres_len, thres_vol , thres_dis) if (tracks_filename[-3:]=='dpy'): dpr_tracks = Dpy(tracks_filename, 'r') all_tracks=dpr_tracks.read_tracks() dpr_tracks.close() else: all_tracks = load_whole_tract_trk(tracks_filename) tracks_id = load_pickle(id_file) ext_not_tract_id = [] ext_not_tract = [] for idx in tract_ext_id: if idx not in tracks_id: ext_not_tract.append(all_tracks[idx]) ext_not_tract_id.append(idx) ext_not_tract = np.array(ext_not_tract,dtype=np.object) sff_pro_id = sff(ext_not_tract, num_proto, distance) tract_sff_in_ext_id = [] for i in tracks_id: tract_sff_in_ext_id.append(i) for k in sff_pro_id: tract_sff_in_ext_id.append(ext_not_tract_id[k]) #tract_sff_id.append(id_not_tract_fil[i] for i in sff_pro_id) print len(tracks_id), len(tract_sff_in_ext_id), len(tract_ext_id) save_pickle( out_fname_sff_in_ext, tract_sff_in_ext_id) return tract_sff_in_ext_id
def multiple_comparisons(T,samplesize = 10**4, lscdist = 4., replications = 2,subj='1'): labels1 = np.random.permutation(np.arange(len(T)))[:samplesize] #labels1 = np.arange(0*samplesize,1*samplesize) T1=T[labels1] print 'Number of tracks is %d' % (len(T1)) lists = {} C = {} results = {} C_size = {} for replication in np.arange(replications): print '... preparing LSC(%d)' % (replication) rearrangement = np.random.permutation(np.arange(samplesize)) #print '... min %d, max %d, len %d' % (np.min(rearrangement), np.max(rearrangement), len(rearrangement)) rearrangement = list(rearrangement) C[replication] = local_skeleton_clustering(T1[rearrangement],lscdist) print '... skeleton size %d' % (len(C[replication])) lists[replication] = rearrangement C_size[replication] = len(C[replication]) save_pickle('labels'+str(samplesize)+'_'+subj+'.pkl',labels1) save_pickle('C'+str(samplesize)+'_'+subj+'.pkl',C) save_pickle('lists'+str(samplesize)+'_'+subj+'.pkl',lists) save_pickle('C_size'+str(samplesize)+'_'+subj+'.pkl',C_size) for rep1 in np.arange(replications-1): for rep2 in np.arange(rep1+1,replications): #report_comparisons(C[rep1],lists[rep1],C[rep2],lists[rep2]) print 'comparing %d and %d' % (rep1,rep2) results[(rep1,rep2)] = return_comparisons(C[rep1],lists[rep1],C[rep2],lists[rep2]) ''' labels2 = np.arange(1*samplesize,2*samplesize) T2=T[labels2] list21 = np.random.permutation(np.arange(samplesize)) C21=local_skeleton_clustering(T2[list21],lscdist) list22 = np.random.permutation(np.arange(samplesize)) C22=local_skeleton_clustering(T2[list22],lscdist) ''' #print 'C11 vs C12' ''' print 'C21 vs C22' report_comparisons(C21,list21,C22,list22) ''' return results
print base_dir + "../MPRAGE_1/T1_flirt_out.nii.gz" img = nib.load(base_dir + "../MPRAGE_1/T1_flirt_out.nii.gz") data = img.get_data() for i in range(len(tracks_filename_arr)): print ">>>>" print base_dir2 + tracks_filename_arr[i] tracks = load_tracks(base_dir2 + tracks_filename_arr[i]) print len(tracks) # tracks = [downsample(t, 12) - np.array(data.shape[:3])/2. for t in tracks] tracks = [downsample(t, 12) - np.array(data.shape) / 2.0 for t in tracks] # shift in the center of the volume # tracks=[t-np.array(data.shape)/2. for t in tracks] # 1/0 print base_dir2 + qb_filename_15[i] qb = QuickBundles(tracks, 15.0, 12) save_pickle(base_dir2 + qb_filename_15[i], qb) print base_dir2 + qb_filename_20[i] qb = QuickBundles(tracks, 20.0, 12) save_pickle(base_dir2 + qb_filename_20[i], qb) print base_dir2 + qb_filename_30[i] qb = QuickBundles(tracks, 30.0, 12) save_pickle(base_dir2 + qb_filename_30[i], qb) # ================ quick bundles ============================================== print ("Done") print (linear_filename) # stop
scene.SetBackground(1, 1, 1) scene.add(actor.streamtube(streamlines, window.colors.white)) window.record(scene, out_path=outpath + 'fornix_initial.png', size=(600, 600)) if interactive: colormap = actor.create_colormap(np.arange(len(clusters))) scene.clear() scene.SetBackground(1, 1, 1) scene.add(actor.streamtube(streamlines, window.colors.white, opacity=0.05)) scene.add(actor.streamtube(clusters.centroids, colormap, linewidth=0.4)) window.record(scene, out_path=outpath + 'fornix_centroids.png', size=(600, 600)) if interactive: colormap_full = np.ones((len(streamlines), 3)) for cluster, color in zip(clusters, colormap): colormap_full[cluster.indices] = color scene.clear() scene.SetBackground(1, 1, 1) scene.add(actor.streamtube(streamlines, colormap_full)) window.record(scene, out_path=outpath + 'fornix_clusters.png', size=(600, 600)) if interactive: save_pickle(outpath + 'QB.pkl', clusters)
fvtk.label(r, text=str(len(bundle)), pos=(bundle[si][-1]), scale=(2, 2, 2)) fvtk.add(r, fvtk.line(skeleton, colors, opacity=1)) fvtk.record(r, n_frames=1, out_path='fornix_most', size=(600, 600)) """ .. figure:: fornix_most1000000.png :align: center **Showing skeleton with the most representative tracks as the skeletal representation**. The numbers are depicting the number of tracks in each cluster. This is a very compact way to see the underlying structures an alternative would be to draw the representative tracks with different widths. """ """ Save the skeleton information in the dictionary. Now try to play with different thresholds LSC and check the different results. Try it with your datasets and gives us some feedback. """ for (i, c) in enumerate(C): C[c]['most'] = skeleton[i] for c in C: print('Keys in bundle %d' % c) print(C[c].keys()) print('Shape of skeletal track (%d, %d) ' % C[c]['most'].shape) pkl.save_pickle('skeleton_fornix.pkl', C)
#tracks=tracks[:1000] #print 'Deleting unnecessary data...' del streams#,hdr if not os.path.isfile(C_fname): print 'Starting LARCH ...' tim=time.clock() C,atracks=tl.larch(tracks,[50.**2,20.**2,5.**2],True,True) #tracks=[tm.downsample(t,3) for t in tracks] #C=pf.local_skeleton_clustering(tracks,20.) print 'Done in total of ',time.clock()-tim,'seconds.' print 'Saving result...' pkl.save_pickle(C_fname,C) streams=[(i,None,None)for i in atracks] tv.write(appr_fname,streams,hdr) else: print 'Loading result...' C=pkl.load_pickle(C_fname) skel=[] for c in C: skel.append(C[c]['repz']) print 'Showing dataset after clustering...'
def loss_function(mapping12): """Computes the loss function of a given mapping. This is the 'energy_function' of simulated annealing. """ global dm1, dm2 loss = np.linalg.norm(dm1[np.triu_indices(size1)] - dm2[mapping12[:,None], mapping12][np.triu_indices(size1)]) return loss #mapping12_coregistration_1nn, loss_coregistration_1nn, mapping12_best, energy_best = tracts_mapping1(tractography1, tractography2, loss_function,neighbour4, iterations_anneal, pre_map_fn) mapping12_coregistration_1nn, loss_coregistration_1nn, mapping12_best, energy_best = tracts_mapping(tractography1, tractography2, loss_function,neighbour4, iterations_anneal) print "Best enegery of annealing: ", energy_best from import save_pickle save_pickle(map_best_fn,mapping12_best) save_pickle(map_1nn_fn,mapping12_coregistration_1nn) print 'Saved ', map_best_fn print 'Saved ', map_1nn_fn ''' #visualize source and mapped source - red and blue ren3 = ren3 = visualize_source_mappedsource(ren3, tractography1[:- num_pro], tractography2, mapping12_best[:-num_pro]) #visualize target cst and mapped source cst - yellow and blue ren4 = target_cst_only = load_tract(t_file,t_cst) ren4 = visualize_tract(ren4, target_cst_only, fvtk.yellow) ren4 = visualize_mapped(ren4, tractography2, mapping12_best[:- num_pro],
''' marta_table_fname = '/home/ian/Data/SimData/Dir_and_bvals_DSI_marta.txt' sim_data = np.loadtxt(fname) #bvalsf='/home/eg01/Data_Backup/Data/Marta/DSI/SimData/bvals101D_float.txt' b_vals_dirs = np.loadtxt(marta_table_fname) bvals = b_vals_dirs[:, 0] * 1000 gradients = b_vals_dirs[:, 1:] gq = dp.GeneralizedQSampling(sim_data, bvals, gradients) tn = dp.Tensor(sim_data, bvals, gradients) #''' gqfile = '/home/ian/Data/SimData/gq_SNR030_1fibre.pkl' pkl.save_pickle(gqfile, gq) tnfile = '/home/ian/Data/SimData/tn_SNR030_1fibre.pkl' pkl.save_pickle(tnfile, tn) ''' print tn.evals.shape print tn.evecs.shape evals=tn.evals[0] evecs=tn.evecs[0] print evecs.shape first_directions = tn.evecs[:,:,0] first1000 = first_directions[:1000,:] cross =,first1000) np.linalg.eig(cross)
img_mask = nib.load(brain_mask_file) img, gtab = dwi.get_dwi_img_gtab(dwi_data_file, dwi_bval_file, dwi_bvec_file) data_mask = img_mask.get_data() affine = img.get_affine() data = img.get_data() model = TensorModel(gtab) ten =, mask=data_mask) sphere = get_sphere('symmetric724') ind = quantize_evecs(ten.evecs, sphere.vertices) p = Struct() p.affine = affine p.sphere = sphere p.ten = ten p.ind = ind return p if __name__ == '__main__': import sys print(sys.argv) if len(sys.argv) == 5: brain_mask = sys.argv[1] dwi_data = sys.argv[2] dwi_bval = sys.argv[3] dwi_bvec = sys.argv[4] outp = track_gen_model(brain_mask, dwi_data, dwi_bval, dwi_bvec) pickles.save_pickle('track_gen_model.pickle', outp)
for i in np.arange(size1): print 'sum row ', i , np.sum(prb_map12[i,:]) #compare to mapping results if t==0: pre_map12 = np.copy(prb_map12_init) norm = np.linalg.norm(prb_map12 - pre_map12) print "Norm of results - with previous: ", norm pre_map12 = np.copy(prb_map12) #print L plot_smooth(plt, np.arange(len(L)), L, False) if save: save_pickle(map_prob, prb_map12) plt.title('Loss function ') plt.xlabel('Gradient evaluations') if save: #plt.savefig(os.path.join(os.path.curdir, 'objective_function_'+ str(num_pro) + '_' + str(num_pro) + '_sparse_density_' + str(nearest) + '_neighbors.pdf')) plt.savefig(obj_func_file) #end of optimize with slsqp
for data_id in data_ids: print 'Subject/Control: ', data_id #data = load_data('big_dataset',data_id) #X = compute_disimilarity(data, bundles_distances_mam, 'random', num_prototype,len(data)) #file_name_dis = 'Results/'+str(data_id)+'/'+str(data_id)+'_data_disimilarity_full_tracks_' + str(num_prototype) + '_prototyes_random_modified_ward_full_tree_130524.dis' file_name_dis = 'Results/'+str(data_id)+'/'+str(data_id)+'_data_disimilarity_full_tracks_40_prototyes_random_130516.dis' #save_pickle(file_name_dis,X) #print 'Saving data_disimilarity: ',file_name_dis,' - done' X = load_pickle(file_name_dis) for num_neigh in num_neighbors: print "\tGenerating at ", num_neigh, " neighbor" file_name = str(data_id)+'_full_tracks_' + str(num_neigh) + '_neighbors_modified_ward_full_tree_130516_new.tree' connectivity = kneighbors_graph(X, n_neighbors=num_neigh) st = cpu_time()#time.clock() ward = Ward(n_clusters=num_cluster, compute_full_tree=True, connectivity=connectivity).fit(X) #t = time.clock() - st t = cpu_time() - st #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # saving the result save_pickle(file_name,ward) print '\tSaving tree: ',file_name,' - done'
''' marta_table_fname='/home/ian/Data/SimData/Dir_and_bvals_DSI_marta.txt' sim_data=np.loadtxt(fname) #bvalsf='/home/eg01/Data_Backup/Data/Marta/DSI/SimData/bvals101D_float.txt' b_vals_dirs=np.loadtxt(marta_table_fname) bvals=b_vals_dirs[:,0]*1000 gradients=b_vals_dirs[:,1:] gq = dp.GeneralizedQSampling(sim_data,bvals,gradients) tn = dp.Tensor(sim_data,bvals,gradients) #''' gqfile = '/home/ian/Data/SimData/gq_SNR030_1fibre.pkl' pkl.save_pickle(gqfile,gq) tnfile = '/home/ian/Data/SimData/tn_SNR030_1fibre.pkl' pkl.save_pickle(tnfile,tn) ''' print tn.evals.shape print tn.evecs.shape evals=tn.evals[0] evecs=tn.evecs[0] print evecs.shape first_directions = tn.evecs[:,:,0] first1000 = first_directions[:1000,:]
def save_id_tract_ext1(tracks_filename, id_file, distance, out_fname, thres_len= 2.2/3., thres_vol = 1.2 , thres_dis = 2.8/2.): print thres_len, thres_vol, thres_dis if (tracks_filename[-3:]=='dpy'): dpr_tracks = Dpy(tracks_filename, 'r') all_tracks=dpr_tracks.read_tracks() dpr_tracks.close() else: all_tracks = load_whole_tract_trk(tracks_filename) tracks_id = load_pickle(id_file) tract = [all_tracks[i] for i in tracks_id] not_tract_fil = [] id_not_tract_fil = [] min_len = min(len(i) for i in tract) #print 'min_len of cst', min_len min_len = min_len*thres_len for i in np.arange(len(all_tracks)): if (i not in tracks_id) and (length(all_tracks[i]) > min_len): not_tract_fil.append(all_tracks[i]) id_not_tract_fil.append(i) k = np.round(len(tract) * thres_vol ) from dipy.segment.quickbundles import QuickBundles qb = QuickBundles(tract,200,18) medoid_tract = qb.centroids[0] med_nottract_dm = distance([medoid_tract], not_tract_fil) med_tract_dm = distance([medoid_tract], tract) tract_rad = med_tract_dm[0][np.argmax(med_tract_dm[0])] len_dis = tract_rad * thres_dis# 2.8/2. #k_indices which close to the medoid sort = np.argsort(med_nottract_dm,axis = 1)[0] #print sort[:k+1] while (k>0 and med_nottract_dm[0][sort[k]]>=len_dis): k = k - 1 #print k close_indices = sort[0:k] #for idx in close_indices: # tract_ext.append(not_tract_fil[idx]) #print 'close indices', len(close_indices) tract_ext_id = [] for i in tracks_id: tract_ext_id.append(i) #print 'Before', len(tract_ext_id) for idx in close_indices: tract_ext_id.append(id_not_tract_fil[idx]) # print idx, id_not_tract_fil[idx] #print 'After', len(tract_ext_id) #tract_ext_id = [i for i in tracks_id] #tract_ext_id.append(id_not_tract_fil[i] for i in close_indices) save_pickle(out_fname, tract_ext_id) return tract_ext_id
""" .. figure:: fornix_most1000000.png :align: center **Showing skeleton with the most representative tracks as the skeletal representation**. The numbers are depicting the number of tracks in each cluster. This is a very compact way to see the underlying structures an alternative would be to draw the representative tracks with different widths. """ """ Save the skeleton information in the dictionary. Now try to play with different thresholds LSC and check the different results. Try it with your datasets and gives us some feedback. """ for (i,c) in enumerate(C): C[c]['most']=skeleton[i] for c in C: print('Keys in bundle %d' % c) print(C[c].keys()) print('Shape of skeletal track (%d, %d) ' % C[c]['most'].shape) pkl.save_pickle('skeleton_fornix.pkl',C)
""" """ Show the labeled *Fornix* (colors from centroids): """ colormap_full = np.ones((len(tracks), 3)) for i, centroid in enumerate(centroids): inds=qb.label2tracksids(i) colormap_full[inds]=colormap[i] fvtk.add(r, fvtk.line(tracks, colormap_full, opacity=1., linewidth=3)) fvtk.record(r,n_frames=1,out_path='fornix_clust',size=(600,600)) """ .. figure:: fornix_clust1000000.png :align: center **Showing the different clusters with random colors**. """ """ It is also possible to save the QuickBundles object with pickling. """ save_pickle('QB.pkl',qb)
#tracks=tracks[:1000] #print 'Deleting unnecessary data...' del streams #,hdr if not os.path.isfile(C_fname): print 'Starting LARCH ...' tim = time.clock() C, atracks = tl.larch(tracks, [50.**2, 20.**2, 5.**2], True, True) #tracks=[tm.downsample(t,3) for t in tracks] #C=pf.local_skeleton_clustering(tracks,20.) print 'Done in total of ', time.clock() - tim, 'seconds.' print 'Saving result...' pkl.save_pickle(C_fname, C) streams = [(i, None, None) for i in atracks] tv.write(appr_fname, streams, hdr) else: print 'Loading result...' C = pkl.load_pickle(C_fname) skel = [] for c in C: skel.append(C[c]['repz']) print 'Showing dataset after clustering...'
diffs.append(np.sum(np.abs(conn_mat-golden_mat))) return mat, conn_mats, diffs Np = 100 Ni = 50 for NC in [1, 2, 3]: for iso in [0, 1]: for fr in [0, 1]: for snr in [30, 10]: for typ in [0, 1, 2, 3]: for ang_t in [20,23,25, 30,33,35]: for category in ['dti']:#, 'hardi']: filename = '{}_pso_track_sel={}_NC={}_iso={}_fr={}_Np={}_Ni={}_snr={}_type={}'.format(category, ang_t, NC, iso, fr, Np, Ni, snr, typ) filepath = '/media/Data/work/isbi2013/pso_track/' + filename + '.trk' if os.path.exists(filepath): mat, conn_mats, diffs = streams_to_connmat(filepath, seeds_per_voxel=5, thr=[0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9])#thr=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75]) print(filename, diffs) filename2 = '{}_pso_conn_mat_sel={}_NC={}_iso={}_fr={}_Np={}_Ni={}_snr={}_type={}'.format(category, ang_t, NC, iso, fr, Np, Ni, snr, typ) save_pickle('/media/Data/work/isbi2013/pso_conn_mat/' + filename2 + '.pkl', {'mat':mat, 'conn_mats':conn_mats, 'diffs':diffs})
def humans(): no_seeds=10**6 visualize = False save_odfs = False dirname = "data/" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirname): if root.endswith('101_32'): base_dir = root+'/' filename = 'raw' base_filename = base_dir + filename nii_filename = base_filename + 'bet.nii.gz' bvec_filename = base_filename + '.bvec' bval_filename = base_filename + '.bval' flirt_mat = base_dir + 'DTI/flirt.mat' fa_filename = base_dir + 'DTI/fa.nii.gz' fsl_ref = '/usr/share/fsl/data/standard/FMRIB58_FA_1mm.nii.gz' dpy_filename = base_dir + 'DTI/res_tracks_dti.dpy' print bvec_filename img = nib.load(nii_filename) data = img.get_data() affine = img.get_affine() bvals = np.loadtxt(bval_filename) gradients = np.loadtxt(bvec_filename).T # this is the unitary direction of the gradient tensors = Tensor(data, bvals, gradients, thresh=50) FA = tensors.fa() FA = tensors.fa() famask=FA>=.2 ds=DiffusionSpectrum(data,bvals,gradients,odf_sphere='symmetric642',mask=famask,half_sphere_grads=True,auto=True,save_odfs=save_odfs) gq=GeneralizedQSampling(data,bvals,gradients,1.2,odf_sphere='symmetric642',mask=famask,squared=False,save_odfs=save_odfs) ei=EquatorialInversion(data,bvals,gradients,odf_sphere='symmetric642',mask=famask,half_sphere_grads=True,auto=False,save_odfs=save_odfs,fast=True) ei.radius=np.arange(0,5,0.4) ei.gaussian_weight=0.05 ei.set_operator('laplacian') ei.update() ds.PK[FA<.2]=np.zeros(5) ei.PK[FA<.2]=np.zeros(5) gq.PK[FA<.2]=np.zeros(5) print 'create seeds' x,y,z,g=ei.PK.shape seeds=np.zeros((no_seeds,3)) sid=0 while sid<no_seeds: rx=(x-1)*np.random.rand() ry=(y-1)*np.random.rand() rz=(z-1)*np.random.rand() seed=np.ascontiguousarray(np.array([rx,ry,rz]),dtype=np.float64) seeds[sid]=seed sid+=1 euler = EuDX(a=FA, ind=tensors.ind(), seeds=seeds, a_low=.2) dt_tracks = [track for track in euler] euler2 = EuDX(a=ds.PK, ind=ds.IN, seeds=seeds, odf_vertices=ds.odf_vertices, a_low=.2) ds_tracks = [track for track in euler2] euler3 = EuDX(a=gq.PK, ind=gq.IN, seeds=seeds, odf_vertices=gq.odf_vertices, a_low=.2) gq_tracks = [track for track in euler3] euler4 = EuDX(a=ei.PK, ind=ei.IN, seeds=seeds, odf_vertices=ei.odf_vertices, a_low=.2) ei_tracks = [track for track in euler4] if visualize: renderer = fvtk.add(renderer, fvtk.line(tensor_tracks,, opacity=1.0)) print 'Load images to be used for registration' img_fa =nib.load(fa_filename) img_ref =nib.load(fsl_ref) mat=flirt2aff(np.loadtxt(flirt_mat),img_fa,img_ref) del img_fa del img_ref print 'transform the tracks' dt_linear = transform_tracks(dt_tracks,mat) ds_linear = transform_tracks(ds_tracks,mat) gq_linear = transform_tracks(gq_tracks,mat) ei_linear = transform_tracks(ei_tracks,mat) print 'save tensor tracks' dpy_filename = base_dir + 'DTI/dt_linear.dpy' print dpy_filename dpr_linear = Dpy(dpy_filename, 'w') dpr_linear.write_tracks(dt_linear) dpr_linear.close() print 'save ei tracks' dpy_filename = base_dir + 'DTI/ei_linear.dpy' print dpy_filename dpr_linear = Dpy(dpy_filename, 'w') dpr_linear.write_tracks(ei_linear) dpr_linear.close() print 'save ds tracks' dpy_filename = base_dir + 'DTI/ds_linear.dpy' print dpy_filename dpr_linear = Dpy(dpy_filename, 'w') dpr_linear.write_tracks(ds_linear) dpr_linear.close() print 'save gq tracks' dpy_filename = base_dir + 'DTI/gq_linear.dpy' print dpy_filename dpr_linear = Dpy(dpy_filename, 'w') dpr_linear.write_tracks(gq_linear) dpr_linear.close() print 'save lengths' pkl_filename = base_dir + 'DTI/dt_lengths.pkl' save_pickle(pkl_filename,lengths(dt_linear)) pkl_filename = base_dir + 'DTI/ei_lengths.pkl' save_pickle(pkl_filename,lengths(ei_linear)) pkl_filename = base_dir + 'DTI/gq_lengths.pkl' save_pickle(pkl_filename,lengths(gq_linear)) pkl_filename = base_dir + 'DTI/ds_lengths.pkl' save_pickle(pkl_filename,lengths(ds_linear))
xdata = np.zeros(len(x.keys())) ydata = np.zeros(len(y.keys())) for i,k in enumerate(x.keys()): xdata[i]=x[k] ydata[i]=y[k] #maxKappa(xdata,ydata) #maxkappa, maxorder = maxKappa(xdata,ydata) #print 'maxkappa ', maxkappa #print 'max order', maxorder ''' """ fsolid='/home/eg309/Data/LSC_limits/solid_1M.npy' #fsolid='/home/ian/Data/LSC_stability/solid_1M.npy' T=np.load(fsolid) print 'Before',len(T) T=np.array([t for t in list(T) if length(t)>= 40. and length(t)< 120.],dtype=np.object) # 100mm - 200mm print 'After',len(T) results = multiple_comparisons(samplesize=len(T), replications=3) save_pickle('results_full.pkl', results) """ """ results = multiple_comparisons(samplesize=25*10**3, replications=12) save_pickle('results25k.pkl', results)
clusters = qb.cluster(streamlines) # extract > 100 # print len(clusters) # 89 for c in clusters: if len(c) < 100: clusters.remove_cluster(c) out_path = '/home/brain/workingdir/data/dwi/hcp/' \ 'preprocessed/response_dhollander/101006/result/CC_fib_length1_2.png' show(imgtck, clusters, out_path) metric = CosineMetric() qb = QuickBundles(threshold=0.1, metric=metric) clusters = qb.cluster(streamlines) # extract > 100 # print len(clusters) # 41 for c in clusters: if len(c) < 100: clusters.remove_cluster(c) out_path = '/home/brain/workingdir/data/dwi/hcp/' \ 'preprocessed/response_dhollander/101006/result/CC_fib_length2_2.png' show(imgtck, clusters, out_path) # save the complete ClusterMap object with picking save_pickle( '/home/brain/workingdir/data/dwi/hcp/preprocessed/' 'response_dhollander/101006/result/CC_fib_length_2.pk2', clusters)
from common_functions import init_prb_state_sparse prb_map12_init, cs_idxs = init_prb_state_sparse(s_cst_sff,t_cst_ext,nn) #aang lam do den fan nay #load cai map va chon cai co prob cao nhat #------------------------------------------------------- #only for saving the higest prob map cst_sff_len = len(s_cst_sff) map_idxs_all = [map_all[i].argsort()[-1] for i in np.arange(cst_sff_len)] mapped_all = [cs_idxs[i][map_idxs_all[i]] for i in np.arange(cst_sff_len)] save_pickle(map_file+'choose_highest.txt',mapped_all) stop # end only for saving the higest prob map #------------------------------------------------------- cst_len = len(s_cst) map_tmp = map_all[:cst_len] map_idxs = [map_tmp[i].argsort()[-1] for i in np.arange(cst_len)] mapped = [cs_idxs[i][map_idxs[i]] for i in np.arange(cst_len)] #print map_tmp[:10], map_idxs[:10], cs_idxs[:10], mapped[:10]
colormap_full = np.ones((len(streamlines), 3)) for i, centroid in enumerate(centroids): inds = qb.label2tracksids(i) colormap_full[inds] = colormap[i] fvtk.clear(r) fvtk.add(r, fvtk.line(streamlines, colormap_full, opacity=1.0, linewidth=3)) fvtk.record(r, n_frames=1, out_path="fornix_clust.png", size=(600, 600)) """ .. figure:: fornix_clust.png :align: center **Showing the different clusters with random colors**. It is also possible to save the complete QuickBundles object with pickling. """ save_pickle("QB.pkl", qb) """ Finally, here is a video of QuickBundles applied on a larger dataset. .. raw:: html <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> .. include:: ../ """
source = source_ext[:len(s_cst_idx)] t_cst_idx = load_pickle(t_cst_idx_file) target = target_ext[:len(t_cst_idx)] #print len(source), len(target) tractography1 = source tractography2 = target_ext map_all = mapping_nn(tractography1, tractography2) if save: #print 'Saving 1-NN tract based: ', out_file save_pickle(out_file, map_all) s_cst = source t_cst = target t_cst_ext = target_ext cst_len = len(s_cst) mapped = map_all[:cst_len] mapped_s_cst = [t_cst_ext[idx] for idx in mapped] #jac0, bfn0 = Jac_BFN(s_cst, t_cst, vol_dims, disp=False) #jac1, bfn1 = Jac_BFN(mapped_s_cst, t_cst, vol_dims, disp=False) #jac0, bfn0 = Jac_BFN2(s_cst, t_cst, vol_dims, disp=False)
colormap_full[inds] = colormap[i] fvtk.clear(ren) ren.SetBackground(1, 1, 1) fvtk.add(ren, fvtk.streamtube(streamlines, colormap_full)) fvtk.record(ren, n_frames=1, out_path='fornix_clust.png', size=(600, 600)) """ .. figure:: fornix_clust.png :align: center **Showing the different clusters with random colors**. It is also possible to save the complete QuickBundles object with pickling. """ save_pickle('QB.pkl', qb) """ Finally, here is a video of QuickBundles applied on a larger dataset. .. raw:: html <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> .. include:: ../ .. [Garyfallidis12] Garyfallidis E. et al., QuickBundles a method for tractography simplification, Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol 6, no 175, 2012. """
ren.SetBackground(1, 1, 1) ren.add(actor.streamtube(streamlines, colormap_full)) window.record(ren, out_path='fornix_clusters.png', size=(600, 600)) if interactive: """ .. figure:: fornix_clusters.png :align: center Showing the different clusters. It is also possible to save the complete `ClusterMap` object with pickling. """ save_pickle('QB.pkl', clusters) """ Finally, here is a video of QuickBundles applied on a larger dataset. .. raw:: html <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> .. include:: ../ References ---------- .. [Garyfallidis12] Garyfallidis E. et al., QuickBundles a method for tractography simplification, Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol
def track_gen_net(trackpickle, templatepath): tracks = dwi.load_streamlines_from_trk(trackpickle) img_template = nib.load(templatepath) p = track_gen_net_work(tracks, img_template) pickles.save_pickle('net_gen_net.pickle', p)
# Display streamlines ren = window.Renderer() ren.add(actor.streamtube(streamlines, window.colors.white)) window.record(ren, out_path=filename + '_stream_lines_eu.png', size=(600, 600)) # Display centroids window.clear(ren) colormap = actor.create_colormap(np.arange(qb.total_clusters)) ren.add(actor.streamtube(streamlines, window.colors.white, opacity=0.1)) ren.add(actor.streamtube(qb.centroids, colormap, linewidth=0.5)) window.record(ren, out_path=filename + '_centroids_eu.png', size=(600, 600)) # Display tracks window.clear(ren) colormap_full = np.ones((len(streamlines), 3)) for cluster, color in zip(clusters.items(), colormap): colormap_full[cluster[1]['indices']] = color ren.add(actor.streamtube(streamlines, colormap_full)) window.record(ren, out_path=filename + '_stream_line_cluster_eu.png', size=(600, 600)) # Save Streamline files save_trk(filename + "_stream_line_eu.trk", streamlines=streamlines, affine=np.eye(4)) save_pickle(filename + '_qb_eu.pkl', clusters)
ren.SetBackground(1, 1, 1) fvtk.add(ren, fvtk.streamtube(streamlines, fvtk.colors.white, opacity=0.05)) fvtk.add(ren, fvtk.streamtube(clusters.centroids, colormap, linewidth=0.4)) fvtk.record( ren, n_frames=1, out_path='/home/brain/workingdir/data/dwi/hcp/preprocessed/' 'response_dhollander/100206/result/CC_fib1_remove_non_cc_z-10_x-min_10_jet.png', size=(600, 600)) # # show the label CC (colors form centroids) colormap_full = np.ones((len(streamlines)), np.float64(3)) for clusters, color in zip(clusters, colormap): colormap_full[clusters.indices] = color fvtk.clear(ren) ren.SetBackground(1, 1, 1) fvtk.add(ren, fvtk.streamtube(streamlines, colormap_full)) fvtk.record( ren, n_frames=1, out_path='/home/brain/workingdir/data/dwi/hcp/preprocessed/' 'response_dhollander/100206/result/CC_fib2_remove_non_cc_z-10_x-min_10_jet.png', size=(600, 600)) # # save the complete ClusterMap object with picking save_pickle( '/home/brain/workingdir/data/dwi/hcp/preprocessed/response_dhollander/' '100206/result/CC_fib_remove_non_cc_z-10_x-min_10_jet.pk2', clusters)