Example #1
def test_patch2self_random_noise():
    S0 = 30 + 2 * np.random.standard_normal((20, 20, 20, 50))

    bvals = np.repeat(30, 50)

    # shift = True
    S0den_shift = p2s.patch2self(S0, bvals, model='ols', shift_intensity=True)

    assert_greater_equal(S0den_shift.min(), S0.min())
    assert_less_equal(np.round(S0den_shift.mean()), 30)

    # clip = True
    S0den_clip = p2s.patch2self(S0, bvals, model='ols',

    assert_greater(S0den_clip.min(), S0.min())
    assert_equal(np.round(S0den_clip.mean()), 30)

    # both clip and shift = True, and int patch_radius
    S0den_clip = p2s.patch2self(S0, bvals, patch_radius=0, model='ols',

    assert_greater(S0den_clip.min(), S0.min())
    assert_equal(np.round(S0den_clip.mean()), 30)

    # both clip and shift = False
    S0den_clip = p2s.patch2self(S0, bvals, model='ols',

    assert_greater(S0den_clip.min(), S0.min())
    assert_equal(np.round(S0den_clip.mean()), 30)
Example #2
def test_csd_superres():
    """ Check the quality of csdfit with high SH order. """
    _, fbvals, fbvecs = get_fnames('small_64D')
    bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(fbvals, fbvecs)
    gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs)

    # img, gtab = read_stanford_hardi()
    evals = np.array([[1.5, .3, .3]]) * [[1.], [1.]] / 1000.
    S, sticks = multi_tensor(gtab, evals, snr=None, fractions=[55., 45.])

    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
                                message="Number of parameters required.*",
        model16 = ConstrainedSphericalDeconvModel(gtab, (evals[0], 3.),
        assert_greater_equal(len(w), 1)
        npt.assert_(issubclass(w[-1].category, UserWarning))

    fit16 = model16.fit(S)

    sphere = HemiSphere.from_sphere(get_sphere('symmetric724'))
    # print local_maxima(fit16.odf(default_sphere), default_sphere.edges)
    d, v, ind = peak_directions(fit16.odf(sphere), sphere,

    # Check that there are two peaks
    assert_equal(len(d), 2)

    # Check that peaks line up with sticks
    cos_sim = abs((d * sticks).sum(1)) ** .5
    assert_(all(cos_sim > .99))
Example #3
def test_leastsq_error():
    Test error handling of the `_leastsq` method works when unfeasible x0 is
    passed. If an unfeasible x0 value is passed using which leastsq fails, the
    x0 value is returned as it is.
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        warnings.simplefilter("always", category=UserWarning)
        fit = ivim_model_LM._leastsq(data_single, [-1, -1, -1, -1])
        assert_greater_equal(len(w), 1)
        assert_(issubclass(w[-1].category, UserWarning))
        assert_("" in str(w[-1].message))
        assert_("x0 is unfeasible" in str(w[-1].message))

    assert_array_almost_equal(fit, [-1, -1, -1, -1])
Example #4
def test_leastsq_failing():
    Test for cases where leastsq fitting fails and the results from a linear
    fit is returned.
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        warnings.simplefilter("always", category=UserWarning)
        fit_single = ivim_model_LM.fit(noisy_single)
        assert_greater_equal(len(w), 3)
        u_warn = [l_w for l_w in w if issubclass(l_w.category, UserWarning)]
        assert_greater_equal(len(u_warn), 3)
        message = ["x0 obtained from linear fitting is not feasibile",
                   "x0 is unfeasible",
                   "Bounds are violated for leastsq fitting"]
        assert_greater_equal(len([lw for lw in u_warn for m in message
                                  if m in str(lw.message)]), 3)

    # Test for the S0 and D values
    assert_array_almost_equal(fit_single.S0_predicted, 4356.268901117833)
    assert_array_almost_equal(fit_single.D, 6.936684e-04)
Example #5
def test_metric_minimum_average_direct_flip():
    feature = dipysfeature.IdentityFeature()

    class MinimumAverageDirectFlipMetric(dipysmetric.Metric):
        def __init__(self, feature):

        def is_order_invariant(self):
            return True  # Ordering is handled in the distance computation

        def are_compatible(self, shape1, shape2):
            return shape1[0] == shape2[0]

        def dist(self, v1, v2):
            def average_euclidean(x, y):
                return np.mean(norm(x - y, axis=1))

            dist_direct = average_euclidean(v1, v2)
            dist_flipped = average_euclidean(v1, v2[::-1])
            return min(dist_direct, dist_flipped)

    for metric in [

        # Test special cases of the MDF distance.
        assert_equal(metric.dist(s, s), 0.)
        assert_equal(metric.dist(s, s[::-1]), 0.)

        # Translation
        offset = np.array([0.8, 1.3, 5], dtype=dtype)
        assert_almost_equal(metric.dist(s, s + offset), norm(offset), 5)

        # Scaling
        M_scaling = np.diag([1.2, 2.8, 3]).astype(dtype)
        s_mean = np.mean(s, axis=0)
        s_zero_mean = s - s_mean
        s_scaled = np.dot(M_scaling, s_zero_mean.T).T + s_mean
        d = np.mean(norm((np.diag(M_scaling) - 1) * s_zero_mean, axis=1))
        assert_almost_equal(metric.dist(s, s_scaled), d, 5)

        # Rotation
        from dipy.core.geometry import rodrigues_axis_rotation
        rot_axis = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=dtype)
        M_rotation = rodrigues_axis_rotation(rot_axis, 60.).astype(dtype)
        s_mean = np.mean(s, axis=0)
        s_zero_mean = s - s_mean
        s_rotated = np.dot(M_rotation, s_zero_mean.T).T + s_mean

        opposite = norm(np.cross(rot_axis, s_zero_mean),
                        axis=1) / norm(rot_axis)
        distances = np.sqrt(2 * opposite**2 *
                            (1 - np.cos(60. * np.pi / 180.))).astype(dtype)
        d = np.mean(distances)
        assert_almost_equal(metric.dist(s, s_rotated), d, 5)

        # All possible pairs
        for s1, s2 in itertools.product(*[streamlines] * 2):
            # Extract features since metric doesn't work
            # directly on streamlines
            f1 = metric.feature.extract(s1)
            f2 = metric.feature.extract(s2)

            # Test method are_compatible
            same_nb_points = f1.shape[0] == f2.shape[0]
            assert_equal(metric.are_compatible(f1.shape, f2.shape),

            # Test method dist if features are compatible
            if metric.are_compatible(f1.shape, f2.shape):
                distance = metric.dist(f1, f2)
                if np.all(f1 == f2):
                    assert_equal(distance, 0.)

                assert_almost_equal(distance, dipysmetric.dist(metric, s1, s2))
                assert_almost_equal(distance, dipymetric.mdf(s1, s2))
                assert_greater_equal(distance, 0.)

        # This metric type is order invariant
        # All possible pairs
        for s1, s2 in itertools.product(*[streamlines] * 2):
            f1 = metric.feature.extract(s1)
            f2 = metric.feature.extract(s2)

            if not metric.are_compatible(f1.shape, f2.shape):

            f1_flip = metric.feature.extract(s1[::-1])
            f2_flip = metric.feature.extract(s2[::-1])

            distance = metric.dist(f1, f2)
            assert_almost_equal(metric.dist(f1_flip, f2_flip), distance)

            if not np.all(f1_flip == f2_flip):
                assert_true(np.allclose(metric.dist(f1, f2_flip), distance))
                assert_true(np.allclose(metric.dist(f1_flip, f2), distance))
Example #6
def test_metric_cosine():
    feature = dipysfeature.VectorOfEndpointsFeature()

    class CosineMetric(dipysmetric.Metric):
        def __init__(self, feature):
            super(CosineMetric, self).__init__(feature=feature)

        def are_compatible(self, shape1, shape2):
            # Cosine metric works on vectors.
            return shape1 == shape2 and shape1[0] == 1

        def dist(self, v1, v2):
            # Check if we have null vectors
            if norm(v1) == 0:
                return 0. if norm(v2) == 0 else 1.

            v1_normed = v1.astype(np.float64) / norm(v1.astype(np.float64))
            v2_normed = v2.astype(np.float64) / norm(v2.astype(np.float64))
            cos_theta = np.dot(v1_normed, v2_normed.T)
            # Make sure it's in [-1, 1], i.e. within domain of arccosine
            cos_theta = np.minimum(cos_theta, 1.)
            cos_theta = np.maximum(cos_theta, -1.)
            return np.arccos(cos_theta) / np.pi  # Normalized cosine distance

    for metric in [CosineMetric(feature), dipysmetric.CosineMetric(feature)]:
        # Test special cases of the cosine distance.
        v0 = np.array([[0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.float32)
        v1 = np.array([[1, 2, 3]], dtype=np.float32)
        v2 = np.array([[1, -1. / 2, 0]], dtype=np.float32)
        v3 = np.array([[-1, -2, -3]], dtype=np.float32)

        assert_equal(metric.dist(v0, v0), 0.)  # dot-dot
        assert_equal(metric.dist(v0, v1), 1.)  # dot-line
        assert_equal(metric.dist(v1, v1), 0.)  # collinear
        assert_equal(metric.dist(v1, v2), 0.5)  # orthogonal
        assert_equal(metric.dist(v1, v3), 1.)  # opposite

        # All possible pairs
        for s1, s2 in itertools.product(*[streamlines] * 2):
            # Extract features since metric doesn't
            # work directly on streamlines
            f1 = metric.feature.extract(s1)
            f2 = metric.feature.extract(s2)

            # Test method are_compatible
            are_vectors = f1.shape[0] == 1 and f2.shape[0] == 1
            same_dimension = f1.shape[1] == f2.shape[1]
            assert_equal(metric.are_compatible(f1.shape, f2.shape), are_vectors
                         and same_dimension)

            # Test method dist if features are compatible
            if metric.are_compatible(f1.shape, f2.shape):
                distance = metric.dist(f1, f2)
                if np.all(f1 == f2):
                    assert_almost_equal(distance, 0.)

                assert_almost_equal(distance, dipysmetric.dist(metric, s1, s2))
                assert_greater_equal(distance, 0.)
                assert_less_equal(distance, 1.)

        # This metric type is not order invariant
        # All possible pairs
        for s1, s2 in itertools.product(*[streamlines] * 2):
            f1 = metric.feature.extract(s1)
            f2 = metric.feature.extract(s2)

            if not metric.are_compatible(f1.shape, f2.shape):

            f1_flip = metric.feature.extract(s1[::-1])
            f2_flip = metric.feature.extract(s2[::-1])

            distance = metric.dist(f1, f2)
            assert_almost_equal(metric.dist(f1_flip, f2_flip), distance)

            if not np.all(f1_flip == f2_flip):
                assert_false(metric.dist(f1, f2_flip) == distance)
                assert_false(metric.dist(f1_flip, f2) == distance)
Example #7
def test_metric_minimum_average_direct_flip():
    feature = dipymetric.IdentityFeature()

    class MinimumAverageDirectFlipMetric(dipymetric.Metric):
        def __init__(self, feature):
            super(MinimumAverageDirectFlipMetric, self).__init__(

        def is_order_invariant(self):
            return True  # Ordering is handled in the distance computation

        def are_compatible(self, shape1, shape2):
            return shape1[0] == shape2[0]

        def dist(self, v1, v2):
            def average_euclidean(x, y):
                return np.mean(norm(x-y, axis=1))
            dist_direct = average_euclidean(v1, v2)
            dist_flipped = average_euclidean(v1, v2[::-1])
            return min(dist_direct, dist_flipped)

    for metric in [MinimumAverageDirectFlipMetric(feature),

        # Test special cases of the MDF distance.
        assert_equal(metric.dist(s, s), 0.)
        assert_equal(metric.dist(s, s[::-1]), 0.)

        # Translation
        offset = np.array([0.8, 1.3, 5], dtype=dtype)
        assert_almost_equal(metric.dist(s, s+offset), norm(offset), 5)

        # Scaling
        M_scaling = np.diag([1.2, 2.8, 3]).astype(dtype)
        s_mean = np.mean(s, axis=0)
        s_zero_mean = s - s_mean
        s_scaled = np.dot(M_scaling, s_zero_mean.T).T + s_mean
        d = np.mean(norm((np.diag(M_scaling)-1)*s_zero_mean, axis=1))
        assert_almost_equal(metric.dist(s, s_scaled), d, 5)

        # Rotation
        from dipy.core.geometry import rodrigues_axis_rotation
        rot_axis = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=dtype)
        M_rotation = rodrigues_axis_rotation(rot_axis, 60.).astype(dtype)
        s_mean = np.mean(s, axis=0)
        s_zero_mean = s - s_mean
        s_rotated = np.dot(M_rotation, s_zero_mean.T).T + s_mean

        opposite = norm(np.cross(rot_axis, s_zero_mean),
                        axis=1) / norm(rot_axis)
        distances = np.sqrt(2*opposite**2 *
                            (1 - np.cos(60.*np.pi/180.))).astype(dtype)
        d = np.mean(distances)
        assert_almost_equal(metric.dist(s, s_rotated), d, 5)

        # All possible pairs
        for s1, s2 in itertools.product(*[streamlines]*2):
            # Extract features since metric doesn't work
            # directly on streamlines
            f1 = metric.feature.extract(s1)
            f2 = metric.feature.extract(s2)

            # Test method are_compatible
            same_nb_points = f1.shape[0] == f2.shape[0]
            assert_equal(metric.are_compatible(f1.shape, f2.shape),

            # Test method dist if features are compatible
            if metric.are_compatible(f1.shape, f2.shape):
                distance = metric.dist(f1, f2)
                if np.all(f1 == f2):
                    assert_equal(distance, 0.)

                assert_almost_equal(distance, dipymetric.dist(metric, s1, s2))
                assert_almost_equal(distance, dipymetric.mdf(s1, s2))
                assert_greater_equal(distance, 0.)

        # This metric type is order invariant
        # All possible pairs
        for s1, s2 in itertools.product(*[streamlines]*2):
            f1 = metric.feature.extract(s1)
            f2 = metric.feature.extract(s2)

            if not metric.are_compatible(f1.shape, f2.shape):

            f1_flip = metric.feature.extract(s1[::-1])
            f2_flip = metric.feature.extract(s2[::-1])

            distance = metric.dist(f1, f2)
            assert_almost_equal(metric.dist(f1_flip, f2_flip), distance)

            if not np.all(f1_flip == f2_flip):
                assert_true(np.allclose(metric.dist(f1, f2_flip), distance))
                assert_true(np.allclose(metric.dist(f1_flip, f2), distance))
Example #8
def test_metric_cosine():
    feature = dipymetric.VectorOfEndpointsFeature()

    class CosineMetric(dipymetric.Metric):
        def __init__(self, feature):
            super(CosineMetric, self).__init__(feature=feature)

        def are_compatible(self, shape1, shape2):
            # Cosine metric works on vectors.
            return shape1 == shape2 and shape1[0] == 1

        def dist(self, v1, v2):
            # Check if we have null vectors
            if norm(v1) == 0:
                return 0. if norm(v2) == 0 else 1.

            v1_normed = v1.astype(np.float64) / norm(v1.astype(np.float64))
            v2_normed = v2.astype(np.float64) / norm(v2.astype(np.float64))
            cos_theta = np.dot(v1_normed, v2_normed.T)
            # Make sure it's in [-1, 1], i.e. within domain of arccosine
            cos_theta = np.minimum(cos_theta, 1.)
            cos_theta = np.maximum(cos_theta, -1.)
            return np.arccos(cos_theta) / np.pi  # Normalized cosine distance

    for metric in [CosineMetric(feature), dipymetric.CosineMetric(feature)]:
        # Test special cases of the cosine distance.
        v0 = np.array([[0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.float32)
        v1 = np.array([[1, 2, 3]], dtype=np.float32)
        v2 = np.array([[1, -1./2, 0]], dtype=np.float32)
        v3 = np.array([[-1, -2, -3]], dtype=np.float32)

        assert_equal(metric.dist(v0, v0), 0.)   # dot-dot
        assert_equal(metric.dist(v0, v1), 1.)   # dot-line
        assert_equal(metric.dist(v1, v1), 0.)   # collinear
        assert_equal(metric.dist(v1, v2), 0.5)  # orthogonal
        assert_equal(metric.dist(v1, v3), 1.)   # opposite

        # All possible pairs
        for s1, s2 in itertools.product(*[streamlines]*2):
            # Extract features since metric doesn't
            # work directly on streamlines
            f1 = metric.feature.extract(s1)
            f2 = metric.feature.extract(s2)

            # Test method are_compatible
            are_vectors = f1.shape[0] == 1 and f2.shape[0] == 1
            same_dimension = f1.shape[1] == f2.shape[1]
            assert_equal(metric.are_compatible(f1.shape, f2.shape),
                         are_vectors and same_dimension)

            # Test method dist if features are compatible
            if metric.are_compatible(f1.shape, f2.shape):
                distance = metric.dist(f1, f2)
                if np.all(f1 == f2):
                    assert_almost_equal(distance, 0.)

                assert_almost_equal(distance, dipymetric.dist(metric, s1, s2))
                assert_greater_equal(distance, 0.)
                assert_less_equal(distance, 1.)

        # This metric type is not order invariant
        # All possible pairs
        for s1, s2 in itertools.product(*[streamlines]*2):
            f1 = metric.feature.extract(s1)
            f2 = metric.feature.extract(s2)

            if not metric.are_compatible(f1.shape, f2.shape):

            f1_flip = metric.feature.extract(s1[::-1])
            f2_flip = metric.feature.extract(s2[::-1])

            distance = metric.dist(f1, f2)
            assert_almost_equal(metric.dist(f1_flip, f2_flip), distance)

            if not np.all(f1_flip == f2_flip):
                assert_false(metric.dist(f1, f2_flip) == distance)
                assert_false(metric.dist(f1_flip, f2) == distance)