Example #1
  def submit( self ):

    Returns flatten list of components (services, agents) installed on hosts
    returned by getHosts function

    DN = getUserDN()
    group = getSelectedGroup()

    callback = list()
    request = self.request()
    if not 'Hostname' in request:
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : "Name of the host is absent" }
    host = request[ 'Hostname' ]
    client = SystemAdministratorClient( host , None , delegatedDN=DN ,
                                          delegatedGroup=group )
    result = client.getOverallStatus()
    gLogger.debug( "Result of getOverallStatus(): %s" % result )

    if not result[ "OK" ]:
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : result[ "Message" ] }
    overall = result[ "Value" ]

    for record in self.flatten( overall ):
      record[ "Host" ] = host
      callback.append( record )

    return { "success" : "true" , "result" : callback }
Example #2
    def __sendMessage(self):
    This function is used to send a mail to specific group of DIRAC user
    Expected parameters from request are group, title, body

        gLogger.info("Start message broadcasting")

        dn = getUserDN()
        if not dn:
            error = "Certificate is not loaded in the browser or DN is absent"
            gLogger.error("Service response: %s" % error)
            return {"success": "false", "error": error}
        username = getUsername()
        if username == "anonymous":
            error = "Sending an anonymous message is forbidden"
            gLogger.error("Service response: %s" % error)
            return {"success": "false", "error": error}
        gLogger.info("DN: %s" % dn)

        email = gConfig.getValue("/Registry/Users/%s/Email" % username, "")
        gLogger.debug("/Registry/Users/%s/Email - '%s'" % (username, email))
        emil = email.strip()

        if not email:
            error = "Can't find value for option /Registry/Users/%s/Email" % user
            gLogger.error("Service response: %s" % error)
            return {"success": "false", "error": error}

        test = ["group", "title", "body"]
        for i in test:
            if not i in request.params:
                error = "The required parameter %s is absent in request" % i
                gLogger.error("Service response: %s" % error)
                return {"success": "false", "error": error}

        group = request.params["group"]
        users = gConfig.getValue("/Registry/Groups/%s/Users" % group, [])
        if not len(users) > 0:
            error = "No users for %s group found" % group
            gLogger.error("Service response: %s" % error)
            return {"success": "false", "error": error}

        sendDict = self.getMailDict(users)
        if not len(sendDict) > 0:
            error = "Can't get a mail address for users in %s group" % group
            gLogger.debug("Service response: %s" % error)
            return {"success": "false", "error": error}
        gLogger.debug("Final dictionary with mails to be used %s" % sendDict)

        title = self.checkUnicode(request.params["title"])
        gLogger.debug("email title: %s" % title)

        body = self.checkUnicode(request.params["body"])
        gLogger.debug("email body: %s" % body)

        self.__messageLog(user, group, title, body)

        return self.sendMail(sendDict, title, body, email)
Example #3
    def display(self):
        dn = getUserDN()
        user = getUsername()
        group = getSelectedGroup()
        gLogger.always("User: %s, Group: %s, DN: %s" % (user, group, dn))
        templates = ["reg_%s.mako" % i for i in ["done", "form", "info"]]
        html = [
            "reg_%s.html" % i
            for i in ["footer", "header", "conditions", "form", "done"]
        files = templates + html
        basedir = os.path.join(rootPath, "Web", "dirac", "templates")
        for i in files:
            f = os.path.join(basedir, i)
            if not os.path.exists(f):
                gLogger.error("File does not exists: %s" % f)
                return render("web/External.mako")
        if dn and user == "anonymous":
            upc = UserProfileClient("Registration", getRPCClient)
            result = upc.retrieveVar(dn)
            if result["OK"]:
                c.sent = result["Value"]
                return render("/reg_done.mako")
                return render("/reg_form.mako")
        if not dn or dn == "":
            return render("/reg_info.mako")

        if "site" not in request.params:
            c.select = gConfig.getValue("/Website/DefaultExternalURL",
            return render("web/External.mako")

        # No idea what this code should do...
        if request.params.has_key("site") and len(request.params["site"]) > 0:
            if str(request.params["site"]) != "All":
                c.select = str(request.params["site"])
                gLogger.debug("Request's body:")
                for key in request.params.keys():
                    if not key == "site" and len(request.params[key]) > 0:
                        c.select = c.select + "&" + key + "=" + request.params[
                            gLogger.debug("%s - %s" %
                                          (key, request.params[key]))
                        except Exception, x:
                            gLogger.error("Exception: %s" % str(x))
Example #4
  def display(self):
    dn = getUserDN()
    user = getUsername()
    group = getSelectedGroup()
    gLogger.always( "User: %s, Group: %s, DN: %s" % ( user , group , dn ) )
    templates = [ "reg_%s.mako" % i for i in [ "done" , "form" , "info" ] ]
    html = [ "reg_%s.html" % i for i in [ "footer" , "header" , "conditions" , "form" , "done" ] ]
    files = templates + html
    basedir = os.path.join( rootPath , "Web" , "dirac" , "templates" )
    for i in files:
      f = os.path.join( basedir , i )
      if not os.path.exists( f ):
        gLogger.error( "File does not exists: %s" % f )
        return render( "web/External.mako" )
    if dn and user == "anonymous":
      upc = UserProfileClient( "Registration" , getRPCClient )
      result =  upc.retrieveVar( dn )
      if result[ "OK" ]:
        c.sent = result[ "Value" ]
        return render( "/reg_done.mako" )
        return render("/reg_form.mako")
    if not dn or dn == "":
      return render("/reg_info.mako")

    if "site" not in request.params:
      c.select =  gConfig.getValue( "/Website/DefaultExternalURL", "http://diracgrid.org" )
      return render( "web/External.mako" )

    # No idea what this code should do...
    if request.params.has_key( "site" ) and len( request.params[ "site" ] ) > 0:
      if str( request.params[ "site" ] ) != "All":
        c.select = str( request.params[ "site" ] )
        gLogger.debug("Request's body:")
        for key in request.params.keys():
          if not key == "site" and len(request.params[key]) > 0:
            c.select = c.select + "&" + key + "=" + request.params[key]
              gLogger.debug("%s - %s" % (key,request.params[key]))
            except Exception,x:
              gLogger.error("Exception: %s" % str(x))
Example #5
    def registerUser(self):
    This function is used to notify DIRAC admins about user registration request
    The logic is simple:
    0) Check if request from this e-mail has already registered or not
    1) Send mail to VO admin of requested VO
    2) Send mail to users in group with UserAdministrator property
    3) Send mail to users indicated in /Website/UserRegistrationAdmin option

        gLogger.info("Start processing a registration request")

        # Check for having a DN but no username
        dn = getUserDN()
        if not dn:
            error = "Certificate is not loaded in the browser or DN is absent"
            gLogger.error("Service response: %s" % error)
            return {"success": "false", "error": error}
        username = getUsername()
        if not username == "anonymous":
            error = "You are already registered in DIRAC with username: %s" % username
            gLogger.error("Service response: %s" % error)
            return {"success": "false", "error": error}
        gLogger.info("DN: %s" % dn)

        if not "email" in request.params:
            error = "Can not get your email address from the request"
            gLogger.debug("Service response: %s" % error)
            return {"success": "false", "error": error}
        userMail = request.params["email"]

        result = self.isRequested(userMail)
        if result["OK"]:
            return render("/reg_done.mako")

        result = self.registerRequest(dn, userMail)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return {"success": "false", "error": result["Message"]}

        vo = fromChar(request.params["vo"])
        if not vo:
            error = "You should indicate a VirtualOrganization for membership"
            gLogger.debug("Service response: %s" % error)
            return {"success": "false", "error": error}
        gLogger.info("User want to be register in VO(s): %s" % vo)

        body = str()
        for i in request.params:
            if not i in ["registration_request", "email", "vo"]:
                text = self.checkUnicode(request.params[i])
                info = "%s - %s" % (i, text)
                body = body + info + "\n"
        body = body + "DN - " + dn
        gLogger.debug("email body: %s" % body)

        adminList = self.__getAdminList(vo)
        if not len(adminList) > 0:
            error = "Can't get in contact with administrators about your request\n"
            error = error + "Most likely this DIRAC instance is not configured yet"
            gLogger.debug("Service response: %s" % error)
            return {"success": "false", "error": error}
        adminList = uniqueElements(adminList)
        gLogger.info("Chosen admin(s): %s" % adminList)

        sendDict = self.getMailDict(adminList)
        if not len(sendDict) > 0:
            error = "Can't get in contact with administrators about your request\n"
            error = error + "Most likely this DIRAC instance is not configured yet"
            gLogger.debug("Service response: %s" % error)
            return {"success": "false", "error": error}
        gLogger.debug("Final dictionary with mails to be used %s" % sendDict)

        if socket.gethostname().find('.') >= 0:
            hostname = socket.gethostname()
            hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[0]
        title = "New user has sent registration request to %s" % hostname

        return self.sendMail(sendDict, title, body, userMail)
Example #6
  def registerUser( self ):

    This function is used to notify DIRAC admins about user registration request
    The logic is simple:
    0) Check if request from this e-mail has already registered or not
    1) Send mail to VO admin of requested VO
    2) Send mail to users in group with UserAdministrator property
    3) Send mail to users indicated in /Website/UserRegistrationAdmin option
    gLogger.info("Start processing a registration request")

    # Check for having a DN but no username
    dn = getUserDN()
    if not dn:
      error = "Certificate is not loaded in the browser or DN is absent"
      gLogger.error( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    username = getUsername()
    if not username == "anonymous":
      error = "You are already registered in DIRAC with username: %s" % username
      gLogger.error( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    gLogger.info( "DN: %s" % dn )

    if not "email" in request.params:
      error = "Can not get your email address from the request"
      gLogger.debug( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    userMail = request.params[ "email" ]

    result = self.isRequested( userMail )
    gLogger.debug( result )
    if result[ "OK" ]:
      return render( "/reg_done.mako" )

    result = self.registerRequest( dn , userMail )
    gLogger.debug( result )
    if not result[ "OK" ]:
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : result[ "Message" ] }

    vo = fromChar( request.params[ "vo" ] )
    if not vo:
      error = "You should indicate a VirtualOrganization for membership"
      gLogger.debug( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    gLogger.info( "User want to be register in VO(s): %s" % vo )

    body = str()
    for i in request.params:
      if not i in [ "registration_request" , "email" , "vo" ]:
        text = self.checkUnicode( request.params[ i ] )
        info = "%s - %s" % ( i , text )
        body = body + info + "\n"
    body = body + "DN - " + dn
    gLogger.debug( "email body: %s" % body )

    adminList = self.__getAdminList( vo )
    if not len( adminList ) > 0:
      error = "Can't get in contact with administrators about your request\n"
      error = error + "Most likely this DIRAC instance is not configured yet"
      gLogger.debug( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    adminList = uniqueElements( adminList )
    gLogger.info( "Chosen admin(s): %s" % adminList )
    sendDict = self.getMailDict( adminList )
    if not len( sendDict ) > 0:
      error = "Can't get in contact with administrators about your request\n"
      error = error + "Most likely this DIRAC instance is not configured yet"
      gLogger.debug( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    gLogger.debug( "Final dictionary with mails to be used %s" % sendDict )

    if socket.gethostname().find( '.' ) >= 0:
      hostname = socket.gethostname()
      hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr( socket.gethostname() )[ 0 ]
    title = "New user has sent registration request to %s" % hostname

    return self.sendMail( sendDict , title , body , userMail )
Example #7
  def __sendMessage( self ):
    This function is used to send a mail to specific group of DIRAC user
    Expected parameters from request are group, title, body
    gLogger.info("Start message broadcasting")

    dn = getUserDN()
    if not dn:
      error = "Certificate is not loaded in the browser or DN is absent"
      gLogger.error( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    username = getUsername()
    if username == "anonymous":
      error = "Sending an anonymous message is forbidden"
      gLogger.error( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    gLogger.info( "DN: %s" % dn )

    email = gConfig.getValue( "/Registry/Users/%s/Email" % username , "" )
    gLogger.debug( "/Registry/Users/%s/Email - '%s'" % ( username , email ) )
    emil = email.strip()
    if not email:
      error = "Can't find value for option /Registry/Users/%s/Email" % user
      gLogger.error( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }

    test = [ "group" , "title" , "body" ]
    for i in test:
      if not i in request.params:
        error = "The required parameter %s is absent in request" % i
        gLogger.error( "Service response: %s" % error )
        return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }

    group = request.params[ "group" ]
    users = gConfig.getValue( "/Registry/Groups/%s/Users" % group , [] )
    if not len( users ) > 0:
      error = "No users for %s group found" % group
      gLogger.error( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }

    sendDict = self.getMailDict( users )
    if not len( sendDict ) > 0:
      error = "Can't get a mail address for users in %s group" % group
      gLogger.debug( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    gLogger.debug( "Final dictionary with mails to be used %s" % sendDict )
    title = self.checkUnicode( request.params[ "title" ] )
    gLogger.debug( "email title: %s" % title )

    body = self.checkUnicode( request.params[ "body" ] )
    gLogger.debug( "email body: %s" % body )

    self.__messageLog( user , group , title , body )

    return self.sendMail( sendDict , title , body , email )
Example #8
  def registerUser( self ):

    This function is used to notify DIRAC admins about user registration request
    The logic is simple:
    0) Check if request from this e-mail has already registered or not
    1) Send mail to VO admin of requested VO
    2) Send mail to users in group with UserAdministrator property
    3) Send mail to users indicated in /Website/UserRegistrationAdmin option
    gLogger.info("Start processing a registration request")

    # Check for having a DN but no username
    dn = getUserDN()
    if not dn:
      error = "Certificate is not loaded in the browser or DN is absent"
      gLogger.error( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    username = getUsername()
    if not username == "anonymous":
      error = "You are already registered in DIRAC with username: %s" % username
      gLogger.error( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    gLogger.info( "DN: %s" % dn )

    if not request.params.has_key( "email" ):
      error = "Can not get your email address from the request"
      gLogger.debug( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    userMail = request.params[ "email" ]

    if self.alreadyRequested( userMail ):
      error = "Request associated with %s already registered" % userMail
      gLogger.debug( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }

    vo = fromChar( request.params[ "vo" ] )
    if not vo:
      error = "You should indicate a VirtualOrganization for membership"
      gLogger.debug( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    gLogger.info( "User want to be register in VO(s): %s" % vo )

    body = str()
    for i in request.params:
      if not i in [ "registration_request" , "email" , "vo" ]:
        info = self.__checkUnicode( i , request.params[ i ] )
        body = body + info + "\n"
    body = body + "DN - " + dn
    gLogger.debug( "email body: %s" % body )

    adminList = self.__getAdminList( vo )
    if not len( adminList ) > 0:
      error = "Can't get in contact with administrators about your request\n"
      error = error + "Most likely this DIRAC instance is not configured yet"
      gLogger.debug( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    adminList = uniqueElements( adminList )
    gLogger.info( "Chosen admin(s): %s" % adminList )
    sendDict = self.__getMailDict( adminList )
    if not len(sendDict) > 0:
      error = "Can't get in contact with administrators about your request\n"
      error = error + "Most likely this DIRAC instance is not configured yet"
      gLogger.debug( "Service response: %s" % error )
      return { "success" : "false" , "error" : error }
    gLogger.debug( "Final dictionary with mails to be used %s" % sendDict )

    return self.__sendAMail( sendDict , body , userMail )