Example #1
    def createScriptDoc(self, script: str):
        """Create script description.

        Folders and indices already exist, just call the scripts and get the help messages. Format the help message.

        :return: Script -- system name, script name, parsed help message
        executor = "bash"
        scriptName = os.path.basename(script)
        systemName = script.split("/")[-3].replace("System", "")
        if scriptName.endswith(".py"):
            executor = "python"
            scriptName = scriptName.replace("_", "-")[:-3]

        if scriptName in self.config.com_ignore_commands:

        LOG.info("Creating Doc for %r", scriptName)
        helpMessage = runCommand("%s %s -h" % (executor, script))
        if not helpMessage:
            LOG.warning("NO DOC for %s", scriptName)
            helpMessage = "Oops, we couldn't generate a description for this command."

        # Script reference
        fileContent = textwrap.dedent(f"""

                .. _{scriptName}:

                {'-' * len(scriptName)}
                {'-' * len(scriptName)}


        # Script description payload
        rstLines = []
        genOptions = False
        lineIndented = False
        for line in helpMessage.splitlines():
            line = line.rstrip()
            newLine = "\n" + ":".join(line.rsplit(
                "::", 1)) + ":\n" if line.endswith(":") else line
            # ensure dedented lines are separated by newline from previous block
            if lineIndented and not newLine.startswith(" "):
                newLine = "\n" + newLine
            lineIndented = newLine.startswith(" ")
        fileContent += "\n\n" + "\n".join(rstLines).strip() + "\n"

        # remove the standalone '-' when no short option exists
        fileContent = fileContent.replace("-   --", "    --")
        return Script(scriptName, systemName, fileContent)
Example #2
  def createScriptDocFiles(self, script, sectionPath, scriptName, referencePrefix=''):
    """Create the RST files for all the scripts.

    Folders and indices already exist, just call the scripts and get the help messages. Format the help message.

    if scriptName in self.config.com_ignore_commands:
      return False

    LOG.info('Creating Doc for %r in %r', scriptName, sectionPath)
    helpMessage = runCommand('python %s -h' % script)
    if not helpMessage:
      LOG.warning('NO DOC for %s', scriptName)
      return False

    rstLines = []
    rstLines.append(' .. _%s%s:' % (referencePrefix, scriptName))
    rstLines.append('=' * len(scriptName))
    rstLines.append('%s' % scriptName)
    rstLines.append('=' * len(scriptName))
    lineIndented = False
    genOptions = False
    for line in helpMessage.splitlines():
      line = line.rstrip()
      if not line:
      # strip general options from documentation
      elif line.lower().strip() == 'general options:':
        LOG.debug("Found general options in line %r", line) if self.debug else None
        genOptions = True
      elif genOptions and line.startswith(' '):
        LOG.debug("Skipping General options line %r", line) if self.debug else None
      elif genOptions and not line.startswith(' '):
        LOG.debug("General options done") if self.debug else None
        genOptions = False

      newLine = '\n' + line + ':\n' if line.endswith(':') else line
      # ensure dedented lines are separated by newline from previous block
      if lineIndented and not newLine.startswith(' '):
        newLine = '\n' + newLine
      lineIndented = newLine.startswith(' ')

    scriptRSTPath = os.path.join(sectionPath, scriptName + '.rst')
    fileContent = '\n'.join(rstLines).strip() + '\n'

    for index, marker in enumerate(['example', '.. note::']):
      if scriptName in self.config.com_module_docstring:
        if index == 0:
          content = self.getContentFromModuleDocstring(script)
          fileContent += '\n' + content.strip() + '\n'
        content = self.getContentFromScriptDoc(scriptRSTPath, marker)
        if not content:
          break  # nothing in content, files probably does not exist
        if content and marker not in fileContent.lower():
          fileContent += '\n' + content.strip() + '\n'
      LOG.debug('\n' + '*' * 88 + '\n' + fileContent + '\n' + '*' * 88) if self.debug else None
    while '\n\n\n' in fileContent:
      fileContent = fileContent.replace('\n\n\n', '\n\n')

    # remove the standalone '-' when no short option exists
    fileContent = fileContent.replace('-   --', '--')
    writeLinesToFile(scriptRSTPath, fileContent)
    return True
Example #3
    def createScriptDocFiles(self, script, sectionPath, sectionDict):
        """Create the RST files for all the scripts.

        Folders and indices already exist, just call the scripts and get the help messages. Format the help message.
        scriptName = os.path.basename(script)
        if scriptName.endswith(".py"):
            scriptName = scriptName[:-3]
        scriptName = scriptName.replace("_", "-")
        referencePrefix = sectionDict[PREFIX].lower()
        referencePrefix = referencePrefix + "_" if referencePrefix else ""

        if scriptName in self.config.com_ignore_commands:
            return scriptName, False

        LOG.info("Creating Doc for %r in %r", scriptName, sectionPath)
        helpMessage = runCommand("python %s -h" % script)
        if not helpMessage:
            LOG.warning("NO DOC for %s", scriptName)
            return scriptName, False

        rstLines = []
        rstLines.append(" .. _%s%s:" % (referencePrefix, scriptName))
        rstLines.append("=" * len(scriptName))
        rstLines.append("%s" % scriptName)
        rstLines.append("=" * len(scriptName))
        lineIndented = False
        genOptions = False
        for line in helpMessage.splitlines():
            line = line.rstrip()
            if not line:
            # strip general options from documentation
            elif line.lower().strip() == "general options:":
                LOG.debug("Found general options in line %r", line) if self.debug else None
                genOptions = True
            elif genOptions and line.startswith(" "):
                LOG.debug("Skipping General options line %r", line) if self.debug else None
            elif genOptions and not line.startswith(" "):
                LOG.debug("General options done") if self.debug else None
                genOptions = False

            newLine = "\n" + line + ":\n" if line.endswith(":") else line
            # ensure dedented lines are separated by newline from previous block
            if lineIndented and not newLine.startswith(" "):
                newLine = "\n" + newLine
            lineIndented = newLine.startswith(" ")

        scriptRSTPath = os.path.join(sectionPath, scriptName + ".rst")
        fileContent = "\n".join(rstLines).strip() + "\n"

        for index, marker in enumerate(["example", ".. note::"]):
            if scriptName in self.config.com_module_docstring:
                if index == 0:
                    content = self.getContentFromModuleDocstring(script)
                    fileContent += "\n" + content.strip() + "\n"
                content = self.getContentFromScriptDoc(scriptRSTPath, marker)
                if not content:
                    break  # nothing in content, files probably does not exist
                if content and marker not in fileContent.lower():
                    fileContent += "\n" + content.strip() + "\n"
            LOG.debug("\n" + "*" * 88 + "\n" + fileContent + "\n" + "*" * 88) if self.debug else None
        while "\n\n\n" in fileContent:
            fileContent = fileContent.replace("\n\n\n", "\n\n")

        # remove the standalone '-' when no short option exists
        fileContent = fileContent.replace("-   --", "--")
        writeLinesToFile(scriptRSTPath, fileContent)
        return scriptName, True