Example #1
def score_location(current_location, path, db_path):
    This function is used for comparing a user's given location
    against the scores for 1,000 most populous cities in the country.
    It returns a string the gives the percentile their location falls into.
    Input: current_location: user's input
           path: The path to the scored registry of cities
           db_path: The path to the ski-resorts database
    conn = lite.connect(db_path)
    c = conn.cursor()
    conn.create_function('time_between', 4, compute_time_between)
    lat, lon, city, state = get_lat_lon(current_location, locality=True)
    params = (lon,lat,lon,lat)
    query = "SELECT SUM(area), SUM(time_between(lon, lat, ?, ?)), COUNT(*)\
             FROM main WHERE time_between(lon, lat, ?, ?) < 3.25"
    result = c.execute(query, params)
    area, time, count = list(result)[0]
    score = (area)/(time/count)
    info = (city, state, area, time, count,lat,lon,score)
    percentile = compare_score(info, path)
    if type(percentile) == str:
        return percentile
        rv = (city + ", " + state + " is in the " + str(round(((1-percentile) * 100),1)) +
              " percentile of places to live for access to ski resorts")
        return rv
Example #2
def gather_city_data(city_csv, db_name, output_name):
    This function creates a csv that saves the total acreage, number of resorts
    and time to drive to them for all resorts within a 3.25 hour drive of the
    conn = lite.connect(db_name)
    c = conn.cursor()
    conn.create_function('time_between', 4, compute_time_between)
    cities = pd.read_csv(city_csv)
    rows = []
    for i, city in cities.iterrows():
        lat, lon = get_lat_lon(city['city'] + " " + city['state'])
        params = (lon,lat,lon,lat)
        query = "SELECT SUM(area), SUM(time_between(lon, lat, ?, ?)), COUNT(*) \
                 FROM main WHERE time_between(lon, lat, ?, ?) < 3.25"
        result = c.execute(query, params)
        area, time, count = list(result)[0]
        rows.append((city['city'], city['state'], area, time, count, lat, lon))

    labels = ['city','state','area','time','number', 'lat', 'lon']
Example #3
def gather_city_data(city_csv, db_name, output_name):
    This function creates a csv that saves the total acreage, number of resorts
    and time to drive to them for all resorts within a 3.25 hour drive of the

    conn = lite.connect(db_name)
    c = conn.cursor()
    conn.create_function('time_between', 4, compute_time_between)
    cities = pd.read_csv(city_csv)
    rows = []
    for i, city in cities.iterrows():
        lat, lon = get_lat_lon(city['city'] + " " + city['state'])
        params = (lon, lat, lon, lat)
        query = "SELECT SUM(area), SUM(time_between(lon, lat, ?, ?)), COUNT(*) \
                 FROM main WHERE time_between(lon, lat, ?, ?) < 3.25"

        result = c.execute(query, params)
        area, time, count = list(result)[0]
        rows.append((city['city'], city['state'], area, time, count, lat, lon))


    labels = ['city', 'state', 'area', 'time', 'number', 'lat', 'lon']
    csv_writer(labels, rows, output_name)
Example #4
def get_gps_coordinates(db_name, output_file):
    This function was used to git the gps coordinates for the resorts in our
    conn = lite.connect(db_name)
    c = conn.cursor()
    query = "SELECT ID, city, state FROM main"
    resorts = c.execute(query)

    coordinates = []
    for resort in resorts:
        ID, city, state = resort
        current_location = city + " " + state
        lat, lon = get_lat_lon(current_location)
        info = [ID, lat, lon]
    labels = ['ID', 'lat', 'lon']
    csv_writer(labels, coordinates, output_file)
Example #5
def score_location(current_location, path, db_path):
    This function is used for comparing a user's given location
    against the scores for 1,000 most populous cities in the country.
    It returns a string the gives the percentile their location falls into.
    Input: current_location: user's input
           path: The path to the scored registry of cities
           db_path: The path to the ski-resorts database

    conn = lite.connect(db_path)
    c = conn.cursor()
    conn.create_function('time_between', 4, compute_time_between)
    lat, lon, city, state = get_lat_lon(current_location, locality=True)
    params = (lon, lat, lon, lat)
    query = "SELECT SUM(area), SUM(time_between(lon, lat, ?, ?)), COUNT(*)\
             FROM main WHERE time_between(lon, lat, ?, ?) < 3.25"

    result = c.execute(query, params)

    area, time, count = list(result)[0]
    score = (area) / (time / count)
    info = (city, state, area, time, count, lat, lon, score)


    percentile = compare_score(info, path)
    if type(percentile) == str:
        return percentile
        rv = (city + ", " + state + " is in the " +
              str(round(((1 - percentile) * 100), 1)) +
              " percentile of places to live for access to ski resorts")
        return rv
Example #6
def build_ranking(search_dict, database_name='ski-resorts.db'):
    The main ranking algorithm. It takes the search results and builds a query
    that returns the top three results. The program returns the IDs, which are
    the primary keys for the resorts

    db = sqlite3.connect(database_name)
    db.create_function('score_size', 2, score_size)     
    db.create_function('time_between', 4, compute_time_between)
    cursor = db.cursor()    

    parameters = []

    query = 'SELECT ID, '  #size_score + run_score AS total_score,'

    ### SCORE RUNS ###
    addition, parameters = score_runs(search_dict, parameters)
    query += addition

    ### SCORE SIZE ###
    choice = search_dict['Resort Size']
    # print(choice)
    query += "score_size(area, " + "'" + choice + "')"  +  ' AS total_score'
    # Connect table

    where = []
    ### DISTANCE ###
    where.append(" time_between(lon,lat,?,?) <= ?")
    max_time = float(search_dict['max_drive_time']) + 0.5  #Marginally increase bounds
    cur_loc = search_dict['current_location']
    u_lat, u_lon = get_lat_lon(cur_loc)
    parameters.extend([u_lon, u_lat, max_time])

    query += ' FROM main WHERE'
    ### NIGHT SKIING ###
    if search_dict['night skiing'] != 'Indifferent':
        where.append(" night=1")

    ### MAX TICKET ###
    if search_dict['max_tic_price']:
        price = int(search_dict['max_tic_price'])
        where.append(" (max_price <= ? OR max_price='N/A')")

    ### Terrain Park ###
    if int(search_dict['Terrain parks']) > 1:
        where.append(" park > 0")

    where = " AND".join(where)
    query += where
    query += ' ORDER BY total_score DESC LIMIT 3'
    print('QUERY', query)
    parameters = tuple(parameters)
    print('PARAMS', parameters)
    exc = cursor.execute(query, parameters)
    output = exc.fetchall()

    resort_ids = []
    for i in range(len(output)):
        resort_id = output[i][0]
    return resort_ids