Example #1
File: blas.py Project: davin/disco
def dgema(disco, transA, transB, m, n, alpha, A, B, beta, maxTotalBlocks=128):
	Compute general matrix addition alpha*op(A) + beta*op(B) in double precision where op(X) = X or transpose(X).
	@param transA A boolean value for transposing matrix A or not.
	@param transB A boolean value for transposing matrix B or not.
	@param m Number of rows of matrix op(A).
	@param n Number of columns of matrix op(B).
	@param alpha Scalar multiplier for matrix A.
	@param beta Scalar multiplier for matrix B.
	@param A MatrixWrapper object encapsulating matrix A.
	@param B MatrixWrapper object encapsulating matrix B.
	@param disco A Disco instance.
	@param maxTotalBlocks Suggested number of matrix blocks to use for carrying out the addition. Ideally, this should equal to the number of cores available in the cluster. The actual number of blocks is selected based on the size of the matrix.
	@return MatrixWrapper object encapsulating the resulting matrix.
	def _mapBlocks(e, params):
		from math import ceil
		from numpy import float64
		if type(e) == tuple:
			e = e[0]
		output = []
		elems = e.split(";")
		for elem in elems:
			i, j, val = map(float64, elem.split(","))
			if params.transpose:
				i, j = j, i
			assert i < params.m, "row index %d exceeds matrix dimensions" % int(i)
			assert j < params.n, "col index %d exceeds matrix dimensions" % int(j)
			blockX = int(j / params.blockWidth)
			blockY = int(i / params.blockHeight)
			offsetX = ceil(params.blockWidth * blockX)
			offsetY = ceil(params.blockHeight * blockY)
			val = params.scaling * val
			if val != 0.0:
				output += [(blockY*params.blocksPerRow+blockX, "%d,%d,%.14f" % (int(i-offsetY), int(j-offsetX), val))]
		return output

	def nop_map(e, params):
		return [e]

	def _reduceAddBlocks(iter, out, params):
		from numpy import float64
		s = {}
		# add matrices
		for blockId, t in iter:
			blockId = int(blockId)
			rowIdx, colIdx, val = t.split(",")
			rowIdx = int(rowIdx)
			colIdx = int(colIdx)
			if not s.has_key(blockId):
				s[blockId] = {}
			if not s[blockId].has_key(rowIdx):
				s[blockId][rowIdx] = {}
			s[blockId][rowIdx][colIdx] = s[blockId][rowIdx].get(colIdx, 0) + float64(val)
		# output results
		from math import ceil
		from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
		for blockId in s.keys():
			# compute the index offset in the original matrix
			offsetY = ceil(params.blockHeight * (blockId / params.blocksPerRow))
			offsetX = ceil(params.blockWidth * (blockId % params.blocksPerRow))
			# map block indices into original indices
			for rowIdx in s[blockId].keys():
				for colIdx in s[blockId][rowIdx].keys():
					out.add("%d,%d,%.14f" % (rowIdx+offsetY, colIdx+offsetX, s[blockId][rowIdx][colIdx]), "")

	# find the best way to partition matrix to blocks
	blocksPerRow, blocksPerCol = _partition(m, n, maxTotalBlocks)
	blockHeight = float(m) / blocksPerCol
	blockWidth = float(n) / blocksPerRow
	totalBlocks = blocksPerRow * blocksPerCol
	# map and scale matrices
	params = Params(blocksPerRow=blocksPerRow, blocksPerCol=blocksPerCol, blockHeight=blockHeight, blockWidth=blockWidth)
	params.transpose = transA
	params.scaling = alpha
	params.m = m
	params.n = n
	jobMapA = disco.new_job(input=A.urls, name="dgema_mapA", map_reader=A.mapReader, map=_mapBlocks, params=params, nr_reduces=totalBlocks)
	resA = jobMapA.wait(clean=False, poll_interval=2)
	params.transpose = transB
	params.scaling = beta
	jobMapB = disco.new_job(input=B.urls, name="dgema_mapB", map_reader=B.mapReader, map=_mapBlocks, params=params, nr_reduces=totalBlocks)
	resB = jobMapB.wait(clean=False, poll_interval=2)
	# add matrices
	res = disco.new_job(input=resA+resB, name="dgema_reduce", map_reader=chain_reader, map=nop_map, params=params, reduce=_reduceAddBlocks, nr_reduces=totalBlocks).wait(clean=False, poll_interval=2)
	# clean up
	return MatrixWrapper(res, chain_reader)