Example #1
def _get_output_shape(rank, strides, padding, dilations,
                      input_shape, output_size, filter_shape, output_padding):
  """Compute the `output_shape` and `strides` arg used by `conv_transpose`."""
  if output_padding is None:
    output_padding = (None,) * rank
    output_padding = convolution_lib.prepare_tuple_argument(
        output_padding, rank, 'output_padding')
    for stride, out_pad in zip(strides, output_padding):
      if out_pad >= stride:
        raise ValueError('Stride {} must be greater than output '
                         'padding {}.'.format(strides, output_padding))
  assert len(filter_shape) == rank
  assert len(strides) == rank
  assert len(output_padding) == rank
  event_shape = []
  for i in range(-rank, 0):
        input_shape[i - 1],
  batch_shape = input_shape[:-rank-1]
  output_shape = prefer_static.concat([batch_shape, event_shape], axis=0)
  strides = (1,) + strides + (1,)
  return output_shape, strides
Example #2
  def __init__(
      output_size,          # keras::Conv::filters
      # ConvTranspose specific.
      filter_shape,         # keras::Conv::kernel_size
      rank=2,               # keras::Conv::rank
      strides=1,            # keras::Conv::strides
      padding='VALID',      # keras::Conv::padding; 'CAUSAL' not implemented.
                            # keras::Conv::data_format is not implemented
      dilations=1,          # keras::Conv::dilation_rate
      output_padding=None,  # keras::Conv::output_padding
      # Weights
      init_kernel_fn=None,  # glorot_uniform
      init_bias_fn=tf.zeros,  # Same as Keras.
      # Misc
    """Constructs layer.

    Note: `data_format` is not supported since all nn layers operate on
    the rightmost column. If your channel dimension is not rightmost, use
    `tf.transpose` before calling this layer. For example, if your channel
    dimension is second from the left, the following code will move it

    inputs = tf.transpose(inputs, tf.concat([
        [0], tf.range(2, tf.rank(inputs)), [1]], axis=0))

      input_size: ...
        In Keras, this argument is inferred from the rightmost input shape,
        i.e., `tf.shape(inputs)[-1]`. This argument specifies the size of the
        second from the rightmost dimension of both `inputs` and `kernel`.
        Default value: `None`.
      output_size: ...
        In Keras, this argument is called `filters`. This argument specifies the
        rightmost dimension size of both `kernel` and `bias`.
      filter_shape: ...
        In Keras, this argument is called `kernel_size`. This argument specifies
        the leftmost `rank` dimensions' sizes of `kernel`.
      rank: An integer, the rank of the convolution, e.g. "2" for 2D
        convolution. This argument implies the number of `kernel` dimensions,
        i.e.`, `kernel.shape.rank == rank + 2`.
        In Keras, this argument has the same name and semantics.
        Default value: `2`.
      strides: An integer or tuple/list of n integers, specifying the stride
        length of the convolution.
        In Keras, this argument has the same name and semantics.
        Default value: `1`.
      padding: One of `"VALID"` or `"SAME"` (case-insensitive).
        In Keras, this argument has the same name and semantics (except we don't
        support `"CAUSAL"`).
        Default value: `'VALID'`.
      dilations: An integer or tuple/list of `rank` integers, specifying the
        dilation rate to use for dilated convolution. Currently, specifying any
        `dilations` value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any `strides`
        value != 1.
        In Keras, this argument is called `dilation_rate`.
        Default value: `1`.
      output_padding: An `int` or length-`rank` tuple/list representing the
        amount of padding along the input spatial dimensions (e.g., depth,
        height, width). A single `int` indicates the same value for all spatial
        dimensions. The amount of output padding along a given dimension must be
        lower than the stride along that same dimension.  If set to `None`
        (default), the output shape is inferred.
        In Keras, this argument has the same name and semantics.
        Default value: `None` (i.e., inferred).
      make_kernel_bias_fn: ...
        Default value: `nn.util.make_kernel_bias`.
      init_kernel_fn: ...
        Default value: `None` (i.e., `tf.initializers.glorot_uniform()`).
      init_bias_fn: ...
        Default value: `tf.zeros`.
      dtype: ...
        Default value: `tf.float32`.
      name: ...
        Default value: `None` (i.e., `'ConvolutionTranspose'`).
    filter_shape = convolution_lib.prepare_tuple_argument(
        filter_shape, rank, 'filter_shape')
    kernel_shape = filter_shape + (output_size, input_size)  # Note transpose.
    kernel, bias = make_kernel_bias_fn(
        kernel_shape, [output_size], dtype, init_kernel_fn, init_bias_fn)
    super(ConvolutionTranspose, self).__init__(
            rank, strides, padding, dilations,
            filter_shape, output_size, output_padding),