class TrayMenu: def __init__(self):"Started Mirrorcast") self.indicator = "mirrorMenu", os.path.abspath('/opt/mirrorcast/mirrorcast_tray.png'), appindicator.IndicatorCategory.SYSTEM_SERVICES) self.indicator.set_status(appindicator.IndicatorStatus.ACTIVE) #A string so we know what the user is doing self.state = "stopped" = gtk.Menu() #Set up menu item_start = gtk.MenuItem('Start Mirroring') item_start.connect('activate', self.start) #Media Sub Menu self.media_sub = gtk.Menu() item_media = gtk.MenuItem('Play Media (Experimental)') item_media.set_submenu(self.media_sub) item_file = gtk.MenuItem('Media File') item_file.connect('activate', self.file) self.media_sub.append(item_file) item_dvd = gtk.MenuItem('Play DVD') item_dvd.connect('activate', self.dvd) self.media_sub.append(item_dvd) item_youtube = gtk.MenuItem('Youtube URL') item_youtube.connect('activate', self.media_sub.append(item_youtube) item_freeze = gtk.MenuItem('Freeze') item_freeze.connect('activate', self.freeze) item_update = gtk.MenuItem('Update Mirrorcast') item_update.connect('activate', self.update) item_quit = gtk.MenuItem('Quit') item_quit.connect('activate', self.quit) sep = gtk.SeparatorMenuItem() self.outputSub = gtk.Menu() output = gtk.MenuItem("Cast To") output.set_submenu(self.outputSub) '''Recievers/Hosts Menu''' self.hosts = hosts() #Varaibles for sorting receivers into sub-menus self.list_receivers = [] self.sortedMenu = [] sortSub = [] subitems = [] sortInd = 0 sortInd2 = 0 #Add receivers to menu self.list_receivers.append(gtk.RadioMenuItem('None')) for ind, i in enumerate(self.hosts.receivers): #allow user to sort their receivers into sublists if i['aspect'] == "sub": self.sortedMenu.append(gtk.Menu()) sortSub.append(gtk.MenuItem(i['host'])) sortSub[sortInd].set_submenu(self.sortedMenu[sortInd]) self.outputSub.append(sortSub[sortInd]) sortInd = sortInd + 1 elif sortInd > 0: try: subitems.append( gtk.RadioMenuItem(str(i['host']), group=self.subitems[sortInd2 - 1])) except: subitems.append( gtk.RadioMenuItem(str(i['host']), group=self.list_receivers[0])) subitems[sortInd2].connect('toggled', self.hosts.set_receiver, subitems[sortInd2].get_label()) self.sortedMenu[sortInd - 1].append(subitems[sortInd2]) sortInd2 = sortInd2 + 1 else: self.list_receivers.append( gtk.RadioMenuItem(str(i['host']), group=self.list_receivers[ind - 1])) for i in self.list_receivers: self.outputSub.append(i) i.connect('toggled', self.hosts.set_receiver, i.get_label()) self.list_receivers[0].set_active(True) self.Display = Displays() self.displaysSub = gtk.Menu() displays = gtk.MenuItem("Select Display to Mirror") displays.set_submenu(self.displaysSub) self.list_displays = [] #Add displays/monitors to menu for ind, i in enumerate(self.Display.monitors): if ind != 0: self.list_displays.append( gtk.RadioMenuItem(str(i[0]), group=self.list_displays[ind - 1])) else: self.list_displays.append( gtk.RadioMenuItem(self.Display.monitors[0][0])) for i in self.list_displays: self.displaysSub.append(i) i.connect('toggled', self.Display.set_display, i.get_label()) self.list_displays[0].set_active(True) self.indicator.set_menu( self.sound = Audio() self.ffmpeg = None self.vlc = None self.sleep = dbus_listen(item_start, self.ffmpeg) #the following function is run when the user clicks "Start/Stop Mirroring" def start(self, w): notify.init("mirrorMenu")"Detected Audio Device: " + str(self.sound.audioDev)) if w.get_label() == 'Start Mirroring': #If the user did not select a receiver if self.hosts.receiver == "None": notify.init("mirrorMenu")"Error", "You did not select a receiver", None).show() return "Connecting to Receiver", "Attempting to establish connection to " + self.hosts.receiver, None).show()"User is trying to connect to " + self.hosts.receiver) #If we cannot connect to the receiver if self.connect("play,") == False: notify.init("mirrorMenu") "Connection Error", "Could not connect to" + self.hosts.receiver + ". please try again and if problem persists then please contact your system administrator.", None).show() mirror_logger.warning("Failed to connect to " + self.hosts.receiver) return #Create and start loop that checks if receiver can still be reached"User connected to " + self.hosts.receiver) w.set_label("Stop Mirroring") self.start_casting() #Start a loop that will keep checking if the client can still reach the server connection = threading.Thread(target=self.alive, args=[w]) connection.start() elif w.get_label() == 'Stop Mirroring': self.state = "stopped" self.Display.display(False, self.hosts.aspect) if self.ffmpeg != None: if self.ffmpeg.poll() == None: self.ffmpeg.terminate() w.set_label('Start Mirroring') return def start_casting(self): res = self.Display.resolution self.sleep.sleep = False #If receiver is set to display 4:3 and the client is 16:9 then change screen resoltion to 1024x768 if (self.hosts.aspect == "wide" or self.hosts.aspect == "16:9" or self.hosts.aspect == "16:10") and self.Display.get_ratio(res) == "16:9": self.hosts.aspect = "16:9" else: self.hosts.aspect = "4:3" if self.Display.get_ratio(self.Display.resolution) != "4:3": res = "1024x768" try:"xrandr --output " + self.Display.type + " --mode 1024x768", shell=True) except: mirror_logger.warning( "Could now change screen resolution to 4:3") "Resolution Error", "Failed to change screen resolution to match receiver.", None).show() return #Start encoding and sending the stream to the receiver self.state = "casting" time.sleep(1) display = os.environ['DISPLAY'] #get display of current user self.ffmpeg = subprocess.Popen([ "ffmpeg", "-loglevel", "warning", "-f", "pulse", "-ac", "2", "-i", "default", "-async", "1", "-f", "x11grab", "-r", "25", "-s", str(res), "-i", str(display) + "+" + str(int(self.Display.xoffset)) + "," + str(self.Display.yoffset), "-aspect", self.hosts.aspect, "-vcodec", "libx264", "-pix_fmt", "yuv420p", "-tune", "zerolatency", "-preset", "ultrafast", "-vf", "scale=" + str(res).replace('x', ':'), "-f", "mpegts", "udp://" + self.hosts.receiver + ":8090" ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) self.sound.monitor_audio() "Connection Established", "Connection to " + self.hosts.receiver + " established.", None).show() def alive(self, w):"Sending Alive Packets") timestamp = time.localtime() timeout = 10 retries = 1 i = 0 command = "active," + socket.gethostname() while True: try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(5) sock.connect((self.hosts.receiver, 8092)) sock.settimeout(None) #If the user's computer is going to sleep if self.state == "stopped" or self.sleep.sleep == True:"User stopped casting") command = "stop," + socket.gethostname() sock.send(command.encode('ascii')) sock.close() return if self.state == "freeze":"User frooze their screen") command = "freeze," + socket.gethostname() sock.send(command.encode('ascii')) status = sock.recv(1024) if status.decode('ascii') == "paused": self.ffmpeg.terminate() w.set_label('Start Mirroring') notify.init("mirrorMenu") "Freezed", "You have frozen your current desktop, click Start Mirroring to resume", None).show() self.state = "stopped" time.sleep(1) self.Display.display(False, self.hosts.aspect) sock.close() return sock.send(command.encode('ascii')) status = sock.recv(1024) if status.decode('ascii') == "ok": timestamp = time.localtime() sock.close() except: #time.sleep(1) if ( time.mktime(time.localtime()) - time.mktime(timestamp) ) >= timeout and self.state != "stopped" and self.sleep.sleep != True: i = i + 1 if i == 1: mirror_logger.warning("Attempting to reconnect to " + self.hosts.receiver) if self.ffmpeg.poll() == None: self.ffmpeg.terminate() "Reconnecting", "Connection to " + self.hosts.receiver + " has been lost. Attempting to reconnect.", None).show() time.sleep(2) if self.connect("play,") == True:"Reconnected to " + self.hosts.receiver) self.start_casting() i = 0 if i == retries: self.state = "stopped" w.set_label('Start Mirroring') notify.init("mirrorMenu") "Connection Lost", "Connection to " + self.hosts.receiver + " timed out.", None).show() mirror_logger.warning( "Connection Lost: Connection to " + self.hosts.receiver + " timed out.") return def quit(self, w): self.state = "stopped" self.Display.display(False, self.hosts.aspect) #kill ffmpeg incase user forgot to click "stop" if self.ffmpeg != None: if self.ffmpeg.poll() == None: self.ffmpeg.terminate() gtk.main_quit() def freeze(self, w): if self.state == "stopped": notify.init("mirrorMenu") "Not Mirroring", "To freeze your screen you need to Start Mirroring.", None).show() return self.state = "freeze" return def update(self, w): if self.state == "casting": notify.init("mirrorMenu") "Cannot Update", "Please stop mirroring before you try to update", None).show() return"/opt/mirrorcast/", shell=True) gtk.main_quit() return def file(self, w): if self.state == "casting": notify.init("mirrorMenu") "Error", "Please stop mirroring before you try to use this feature", None).show() else: if self.hosts.receiver == "None": notify.init("mirrorMenu")"Error", "Please select a receiving device", None).show() return if self.connect("media,") == False: notify.init("mirrorMenu") "Connection Error", "Could not connect to" + self.hosts.receiver + ". please try again and if problem persists then please contact your system administrator.", None).show() mirror_logger.warning("Failed to connect to " + self.hosts.receiver) return"User connected to " + self.hosts.receiver + " to play media file") select = Tk() select.withdraw() types = [("Video Files", ("*.mp4", "*.avi", "*.mov", "*.mkv", "*.flv", "*.mpeg", "*.mpg", "*.wmv")), ("All files", "*.*")] file = askopenfilename(filetypes=types) select.destroy() print(file) if file == () or file == None or file == "": return if self.vlc != None: if self.vlc.poll() == None: self.vlc.terminate() subprocess.Popen([ "vlc", "-q", "file://" + file, "--sout-avcodec-strict=-2", "--sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=2000,scale=Auto}:duplicate{dst=http{mux=ts,dst=:8090/video},dst=display}", ":sout-keep" ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) time.sleep(2) self.send_cmd("media-start,") ui = mediaui(self.hosts.receiver) def dvd(self, w): if self.state == "casting": notify.init("mirrorMenu") "Error", "Please stop mirroring before you try to use this feature", None).show() else: if self.hosts.receiver == "None": notify.init("mirrorMenu")"Error", "Please select a receiving device", None).show() return if self.connect("media,") == False: notify.init("mirrorMenu") "Connection Error", "Could not connect to" + self.hosts.receiver + ". please try again and if problem persists then please contact your system administrator.", None).show() mirror_logger.warning("Failed to connect to " + self.hosts.receiver) return"User connected to " + self.hosts.receiver + " to stream DVD") if self.vlc != None: if self.vlc.poll() == None: self.vlc.terminate() self.vlc = subprocess.Popen([ "vlc", "-q", "dvdsimple://", "--sout-avcodec-strict=-2", "--sout-x264-preset", "ultrafast", "--sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=2000,scale=Auto}:duplicate{dst=http{mux=ts,dst=:8090/video},dst=display}", ":sout-keep" ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) time.sleep(2) self.send_cmd("media-start,") ui = mediaui(self.hosts.receiver) def youtube(self, w): if self.state == "casting": notify.init("mirrorMenu") "Error", "Please stop mirroring before you try to use this feature", None).show() else: if self.hosts.receiver == "None": notify.init("mirrorMenu")"Error", "Please select a receiving device", None).show() if self.connect("tu-media,") == False: notify.init("mirrorMenu") "Connection Error", "Could not connect to" + self.hosts.receiver + ". please try again and if problem persists then please contact your system administrator.", None).show() mirror_logger.warning("Failed to connect to " + self.hosts.receiver) return ui = tubeui(self.hosts.receiver) def connect(self, cmd): command = cmd + socket.gethostname() try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(5) sock.connect((self.hosts.receiver, 8092)) sock.settimeout(None) sock.send(command.encode('ascii')) while True: status = sock.recv(8024) #if server returns busy then some one else is already using this receiver if status.decode('ascii') == "busy": notify.init("mirrorMenu")"User attempted to connect to " + self.hosts.receiver + " but receiver was busy") "Error", "Sorry some one else is already connected to this receiver, please try again later.", None).show() sock.close() return False #If client succeeds in connecting to receiver elif status.decode('ascii') == "ready":"Server is ready") break sock.close() except: return False if cmd == "play,": self.state = "casting" return True def send_cmd(self, cmd): command = cmd + socket.gethostname() try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(5) sock.connect((self.hosts.receiver, 8092)) sock.settimeout(None) sock.send(command.encode('ascii')) sock.close() except: return False