def main(N, t_end, z, C="SeBa", plot=False): if "SeBa" not in C: x_label = "T [K]" y_label = "L [L$_\odot$]" figure = single_frame(x_label, y_label, logx=True, logy=True, xsize=14, ysize=10) color = get_distinct(4) pyplot.xlim(1.e+5, 1.e+3) pyplot.ylim(1.e-4, 1.e+4) filename = "Stellar_"+"SeBa"+".h5" plot_HRD(filename, color[0]) filename = "Stellar_"+C+".h5" plot_HRD(filename, color[1]) pyplot.savefig("HRD_N3000at4500Myr") elif not plot: numpy.random.seed(1) masses = new_salpeter_mass_distribution(N) stars = Particles(mass=masses) get_stellar_temperature_and_luminosity(stars, C=C, z=z, t_end=t_end, write=True) else: x_label = "T [K]" y_label = "L [L$_\odot$]" figure = single_frame(x_label, y_label, logx=True, logy=True, xsize=14, ysize=10) color = get_distinct(4) pyplot.xlim(1.e+5, 1.e+3) pyplot.ylim(1.e-4, 1.e+4) filename = "Stellar_"+C+".h5" plot_HRD(filename, color[0]) # pyplot.savefig("HRD_N3000at4500Myr")
def plot_tracks(temperatures_original, luminosities_original, temperatures_helium, luminosities_helium): x_label = "T [K]" y_label = "L [$L_\odot$]" figure = single_frame(x_label, y_label, logx=True, logy=True, xsize=14, ysize=10) colors = get_distinct(2) loglog(temperatures_original, luminosities_original, label='progenitor', c=colors[0]) loglog(temperatures_helium, luminosities_helium, label='helium star', c=colors[1]) scatter(temperatures_helium[-1], luminosities_helium[-1], marker='*', s=400, c=colors[1]) xlabel('Effective Temperature') ylabel('Luminosity') pyplot.xlim(1.0e5, 4000) pyplot.ylim(1.0,1.0e5) pyplot.legend(loc=4, fontsize=24) save_file = 'HertzsprungRussel_HeliumStar.png' pyplot.savefig(save_file) print('\nSaved figure in file', save_file,'\n')
def plot_XiTau(filename, nj): from matplotlib import pyplot colors = get_distinct(4) figure = pyplot.figure(figsize=(16, 12)) ax = pyplot.gca() ax.minorticks_on() # switch on the minor ticks ax.locator_params(nbins=3) t, a_out, a_new, e_out = retrieve_semi_major_axis_evolution(filename, nj) from matplotlib import pyplot #pyplot.plot(t.value_in(units.yr), e_out, c=colors[0]) pyplot.plot(t.value_in(units.yr), a_out.value_in(units.AU), c=colors[0]) pyplot.plot(t.value_in(units.yr), a_new.value_in(units.AU), c=colors[1]) t, a_out, a_new, e_out = retrieve_semi_major_axis_evolution(filename, 4.0) pyplot.plot(t.value_in(units.yr), a_new.value_in(units.AU), c=colors[2], lw=2) t, a_out, a_new, e_out = retrieve_semi_major_axis_evolution(filename, 8.0) pyplot.plot(t.value_in(units.yr), a_new.value_in(units.AU), c=colors[3], lw=2) pyplot.xlim(0, 12) pyplot.xlabel("t [year]") pyplot.ylabel("$a_{outer}$ [AU]") pyplot.savefig("fig_XiTau_orbital_separation")
def plot_galaxy_and_stars(galaxy, stars): colors = get_distinct(3) single_frame('X [pc]', 'Y [pc]') xlim = 60 pyplot.xlim(-xlim, xlim) pyplot.ylim(-xlim, xlim) ax = pyplot.gca() import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy import stats, integrate import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns sns.set(color_codes=True) p = x: x<60|units.parsec,["x"]) p = x: x>-60|units.parsec,["x"]) p = y: y<60|units.parsec,["y"]) p = y: y>-60|units.parsec,["y"]) x = p.x.value_in(units.parsec) y = p.y.value_in(units.parsec) sns.kdeplot(x, y, ax=ax) m = 100*numpy.sqrt(stars.mass/stars.mass.max()) pyplot.scatter(stars.x.value_in(units.parsec), stars.y.value_in(units.parsec), c=colors[0], s=m, lw=0) # pyplot.savefig("Fujii_Comparison_Figure")
def main(M, z, output_filename): numpy.random.seed(31415) x_label = "$R$ [R$_\odot$]" y_label = "$\\rho$ [g/cm$^{3}$]" fig, ax = figure_frame(x_label, y_label, xsize=12, ysize=8) cols = get_distinct(3) r, rho = get_density_profile(EVtwin, M, z) pyplot.plot(r.value_in(units.RSun), rho.value_in(units.g/**3), label="EVtwin", c=cols[0]) r, rho = get_density_profile(MESA, M, z) pyplot.plot(r.value_in(units.RSun), rho.value_in(units.g/**3), label="MESA", c=cols[1]) # Run the merger code. r, rho = merge_two_stars(0.5*M, 0.5*M, 1|units.yr) pyplot.plot(r.value_in(units.RSun), rho.value_in(units.g/**3), label="MESA", c=cols[2]) pyplot.semilogy() if output_filename is not None: pyplot.savefig(output_filename) print '\nSaved figure in file', output_filename,'\n' else: output_filename = 'merger_stellar_density_profile.png' pyplot.savefig(output_filename) print '\nSaved figure in file', output_filename,'\n'
def main(): x_label = "$log_{10}[(t_{end}-t)/t_{MS}]$" y_label = "$\zeta$" figure = single_frame(x_label, y_label, logx=False, logy=False, xsize=14, ysize=10) color = get_distinct(12) pyplot.text(-2.2, 0.8, "giant branch") pyplot.text(-0.1, 0.8, "main sequence") pyplot.xlim(0.5, -4.) pyplot.ylim(-0.6, 1.2) fii = 0 ti=0 for dmi in dmdt: for fi in filenames: f = open(fi) for line in f: t, z, tms = process_file(f, dmi) #print t, z, tms for i in range(len(t)): if z[i]<0: ti = i break for i in range(len(t)): t[i] = numpy.log10((t[-1]-t[i])/tms) # pyplot.scatter(t, z) pyplot.plot(t[ti:], z[ti:], c=color[fii], ls=ls[fii], lw=lw[fii]) f.close() fii += 1
def plot_galaxy_and_stars(galaxy, stars): colors = get_distinct(3) single_frame('X [kpc]', 'Y [kpc]') xlim = 10 pyplot.xlim(-xlim, xlim) pyplot.ylim(-xlim, xlim) ax = pyplot.gca() import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy import stats, integrate import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns sns.set(color_codes=True) lim = 10|units.kpc p = x: x<lim,["x"]) p = x: x>-lim,["x"]) p = y: y<lim,["y"]) p = y: y>-lim,["y"]) p = r: r.length()>5|units.kpc,["position"]) x = p.x.value_in(units.kpc) y = p.y.value_in(units.kpc) sns.kdeplot(x, y, ax=ax, shade=True, n_levels=20, shade_lowest=False) m = 100*numpy.sqrt(stars.mass/stars.mass.max()) pyplot.scatter(stars.x.value_in(units.kpc), stars.y.value_in(units.kpc), c=colors[0], s=m, lw=0) pyplot.savefig("SolarSiblings_life_galaxy")
def plot_projected_density(model, xmin=-1, xmax=1, col=0): pyplot.xlim(xmin, xmax) pyplot.ylim(xmin, xmax) cols = get_distinct(4) pyplot.scatter(model.x.value_in(nbody_system.length), model.z.value_in(nbody_system.length), c=cols[col], s=80, lw=0)
def main(N, m, M, ximf): numpy.random.seed(31415) x_label = "M$_\odot$" y_label = "N" fig, ax = figure_frame(x_label, y_label, xsize=12, ysize=8) cols = get_distinct(2) masses = new_salpeter_mass_distribution(N, m, M, ximf) masses = new_salpeter_mass_distribution(N, m, M, ximf) lm = math.log10(0.5*m.value_in(units.MSun)) lM = math.log10(1.5*M.value_in(units.MSun)) bins = 10**numpy.linspace(lm, lM, 51) Nbin, bin_edges= numpy.histogram(masses.value_in(units.MSun), bins=bins) bin_sizes = bin_edges[1:] - bin_edges[:-1] y = Nbin / bin_sizes x = (bin_edges[1:] + bin_edges[:-1]) / 2.0 for i in range(len(y)): y[i] = max(y[i], 1.e-10) pyplot.scatter(x, y, s=100, c=cols[0], lw=0) c = ((M.value_in(units.MSun)**(ximf+1)) - (m.value_in(units.MSun)**(ximf+1))) / (ximf+1) pyplot.plot(x, N/ c * (x**ximf), c=cols[1]) pyplot.loglog() pyplot.xlabel('$M [M_\odot]$') pyplot.ylabel('N') #pyplot.xlim(-3, 3) # pyplot.savefig("salpeter")
def main(N, W0, t_end, Rvir, Mmin, Mmax): bodies = generate_initial_conditions(N, W0, Rvir, Mmin, Mmax) x_label = "t [Myr]" y_label = "R [pc]" fig = single_frame(x_label, y_label, logx=False, logy=False, xsize=14, ysize=12) color = get_distinct(4) time, Lr25, Lr50, Lr75 = run_only_gravity(bodies.copy(), t_end) pyplot.plot(time.value_in(units.Myr), Lr25.value_in(units.parsec), c=color[0], label= 'without mass loss') pyplot.plot(time.value_in(units.Myr), Lr50.value_in(units.parsec), c=color[0]) pyplot.plot(time.value_in(units.Myr), Lr75.value_in(units.parsec), c=color[0]) time, Lr25, Lr50, Lr75 = run_sequential_gravity_and_stellar(bodies.copy(), t_end) pyplot.plot(time.value_in(units.Myr), Lr25.value_in(units.parsec), c=color[1], label= 'with mass loss') pyplot.plot(time.value_in(units.Myr), Lr50.value_in(units.parsec), c=color[1]) pyplot.plot(time.value_in(units.Myr), Lr75.value_in(units.parsec), c=color[1]) time, Lr25, Lr50, Lr75 = run_event_driven_gravity_and_stellar(bodies.copy(), t_end) pyplot.plot(time.value_in(units.Myr), Lr25.value_in(units.parsec), c=color[2], label= 'Event driven') pyplot.plot(time.value_in(units.Myr), Lr50.value_in(units.parsec), c=color[2]) pyplot.plot(time.value_in(units.Myr), Lr75.value_in(units.parsec), c=color[2]) pyplot.legend(loc="upper left", ncol=1, shadow=False, fontsize=24) pyplot.savefig("gravity_stellar_comparison")
def plot_ionization(ism, N, which, rmax, t_end, rS, ip): r, x, R, X = get_ionization_fraction1d(ism) xx, yy, xi, hh, ll = get_ionization_fraction2d(ism) w = 14 if ip > 1: pyplot.close('all') pyplot.clf() pyplot.figure(figsize=(w,6)) pyplot.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22}) colors = get_distinct(3) # rscolor = 'green' ax1 = pyplot.subplot(1,2,1) #ax1.scatter(r, x, c=colors[0], lw=0, s=10) ax1.scatter(r, x, c=x, lw=0, s=20, alpha=0.5, cmap="jet") ax1.plot(R[1:], X[1:], c=colors[1], lw=3) ax1.plot([rS, rS], [-1,2], color=colors[2], linestyle='dashed', lw=3) ax1.text(rS+0.08, 1.06, r'$R_s$', color=colors[2], fontsize=20) ax1.set_xlim(0, rmax) ax1.set_ylim(-0.04, 1.19) ax1.set_xlabel("r [pc]", fontsize=20) ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\xi_{\rm ion}$', fontsize=20) ax2 = pyplot.subplot(1,2,2) h = numpy.array(hh) h *= 72*w/(6.*ll) # approximate scaling ax2.set_aspect(1) sc2 = ax2.scatter(xx, yy, c=xi, s=numpy.pi*h**2, alpha=0.05, edgecolor=None, cmap="jet") if ll < rmax: ll = rmax ax2.set_xlim(-ll,ll) ax2.set_ylim(-ll,ll) ax2.set_xlabel("x [pc]", fontsize=20) ax2.set_ylabel("y [pc]", fontsize=20) #for axi in ax2.flat: ax2.xaxis.set_major_locator(pyplot.MaxNLocator(6)) ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(pyplot.MaxNLocator(6)) #pyplot.colorbar(sc2, ax=ax2, fraction=0.046, pad=0.04) # magic numbers! circle = pyplot.Circle((0, 0), rS, color=colors[2], fill=False, linestyle='dashed', lw=3) ax2.add_artist(circle) if which == 0: id_string = 'Plummer_model' else: id_string = 'Homogeneous_sphere' param_string = "_N=%d_t=%.3f_Myr" % (N, t_end) #pyplot.suptitle(id_string+param_string, y=0.96, fontsize=16) savefile = 'fig_ionization_of_GMC_'+id_string+param_string+'.png' pyplot.savefig(savefile, dpi=300) print 'Figure saved in file', savefile if ip == 0:
def get_color_based_on_stellar_type(istp): color = get_distinct(5) if istp.value_in(units.stellar_type) < 2: c = color[0] elif istp.value_in(units.stellar_type) < 6: c = color[3] else: c = color[4] return c
def plot_single_image(particles, lim): # nullfmt = NullFormatter() # no labels left, width = 0.1, 0.65 bottom, height = 0.1, 0.65 bottom_h = left_h = left+width+0.05 rect_scatter = [left, bottom, width, height] rect_histx = [left, bottom_h, width, 0.2] rect_histy = [left_h, bottom, 0.2, height] colors = get_distinct(4) # pyplot.rcParams.update({'font.size': 30}) fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(12,12)) # ax = pyplot.gca() # ax.minorticks_on() # switch on the minor ticks # ax.locator_params(nbins=3) time = particles.get_timestamp() # pyplot.title("Cluster at t="+str(time.in_(units.Gyr))) xy = pyplot.axes(rect_scatter) xy.text(11,11, "Galaxy at t="+str(time.in_(units.Gyr)), ha='left', va='bottom') xz = pyplot.axes(rect_histx) yz = pyplot.axes(rect_histy) xy.set_xlabel("X [kpc]") xy.set_ylabel("Y [kpc]") xz.set_ylabel("Z [kpc]") yz.set_xlabel("Z [kpc]") xy.scatter([0.0], [0.0], s=200, c=colors[1], marker='+') xz.scatter([0.0], [0.0], s=200, c=colors[1], marker='+') yz.scatter([0.0], [0.0], s=200, c=colors[1], marker='+') xy.scatter([8.5], [0.0], s=100, c=colors[2], marker='o', lw=0) xz.scatter([8.5], [0.0], s=100, c=colors[2], marker='o', lw=0) yz.scatter([0.0], [0.0], s=100, c=colors[2], marker='o', lw=0) # axHistx.xaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) # axHisty.yaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) positions = particles.position x, y, z = positions.x.value_in(units.kpc), positions.y.value_in(units.kpc), positions.z.value_in(units.kpc) xy.scatter(x, y, c=colors[0], lw=0) xy.set_xlim( (-lim, lim) ) xy.set_ylim( (-lim, lim) ) xz.scatter(x, z, c=colors[0], lw=0) yz.scatter(z, y, c=colors[0], lw=0) xz.set_xlim( xy.get_xlim() ) # yz.set_xlim( (-0.2*lim, 0.2*lim) ) # yz.set_xlim( xy.get_xlim() ) yz.set_ylim( xy.get_xlim() ) yz.set_xlim( (-0.1*lim, 0.1*lim) ) xz.set_ylim( (-0.1*lim, 0.1*lim) ) # # fig.savefig('test.png') fig.savefig('SolarSiblings_static_galaxy')
def main(): """ Mb = (2. + 1.) | units.MSun Mb = 2. | units.MSun a0 = 10. | units.AU # vs = 35. | units.kms vs = 30. | units.kms Mdot_donor = 0.11 |units.MSun/units.Myr Mdot = Bondi_Hoyle_Littleton_accretion_rate(Mb, vs, a0, Mdot_donor) print Mdot.in_(units.MEarth/units.yr) t = numpy.arange(0, 3, 0.1) | units.yr mdot = Mdot*t t += 4 | units.yr """ Mb = (2. + 1.) | units.MSun Mb = 2. | units.MSun a0 = 10. | units.AU #vs = 30. | units.kms # vs = 18. | units.kms vs = 17.26 | units.kms vorb = numpy.sqrt(constants.G*Mb/a0) print "vorb=", vorb.in_(units.kms) k = vorb/vs m1 = 1.924785833858|units.MSun m2 = 1.|units.MSun mu = m2/(m1+m2) Mdot_donor = 0.11 |units.MSun/units.Myr cvw = 0. print "k and mu:", k, mu Mdot = Mdot_donor * mu**2 * k**4/(1 + k**2 + cvw**2)**(3./2.) # print "Mdot:", Mdot.in_(units.MEarth/units.yr) print "Mdot:", Mdot.in_(units.MSun/units.Myr) t = numpy.arange(0, 3, 0.1) | units.yr mdot = Mdot*t t += 4.2 | units.yr c = get_distinct(3) x_label = 't [yr]' y_label = 'M [$10^{-9}$M$_{\odot}$]' figure = single_frame(x_label, y_label, logy=False, xsize=14, ysize=10) filename = "" print t, mdot.value_in(units.MSun) mdot /= (1.e-9|units.MSun) pyplot.plot(t.value_in(units.yr), mdot, c=c[2]) plot_accretion_from_wind(filename, c[0]) filename = "" plot_accretion_from_wind(filename, c[1]) pyplot.savefig("hydro_accretion_from_windy_star")
def plot_ionization_fraction(pos, xion): r = [] | units.parsec x = [] for pi, xi in zip(pos, xion): r.append(pi.length()) x.append(xi) r, x = zip(*sorted(zip(r.value_in(units.parsec), x))) R, X = binned_mean_data(r, x) from matplotlib import pyplot x_label = "r [pc]" y_label = r'$\xi_{\rm ion}$' figure = single_frame(x_label, y_label, logx=False, logy=False, xsize=14, ysize=8) pyplot.scatter(r, x, c=get_distinct(1), lw=0, s=100) pyplot.plot(R, X, c=get_distinct(2)[1], lw=2) pyplot.xlim(0, 6) pyplot.ylim(-0.04, 1.19) pyplot.savefig("fig_ionization_of_GMC")
def plot_function(data): print_times_Myr,print_smas_AU,print_rps_AU,print_parent_is_deg,canonical_rp_min_A_AU,canonical_rp_min_B_AU = data N_binaries = len(print_smas_AU) pyplot.rc('text',usetex=True) pyplot.rc('legend',fancybox=True) linewidth=4 dlinewidth=2 fig=pyplot.figure(figsize=(10,9)) plot1=fig.add_subplot(2,1,1,yscale="log") plot2=fig.add_subplot(2,1,2) from distinct_colours import get_distinct colors = get_distinct(4) labels = ["$A$","$B$","$C$"] labels_i = ["$i_{AC}$","$i_{BC}$",None] for index_binary in range(N_binaries): label = labels[index_binary] label_i = labels_i[index_binary] color = colors[index_binary] plot1.plot(print_times_Myr,print_smas_AU[index_binary],color=color,linestyle='dashed',linewidth=dlinewidth) plot1.plot(print_times_Myr,print_rps_AU[index_binary],color=color,linewidth=linewidth,label=label) plot2.plot(print_times_Myr,print_parent_is_deg[index_binary],color=color,linewidth=linewidth,label=label_i) plot1.axhline(y = canonical_rp_min_A_AU, color= colors[0],linestyle='dotted',linewidth=dlinewidth) plot1.axhline(y = canonical_rp_min_B_AU, color= colors[1],linestyle='dotted',linewidth=dlinewidth) handles,labels = plot1.get_legend_handles_labels() plot1.legend(handles,labels,loc="upper right",fontsize=12) handles,labels = plot2.get_legend_handles_labels() plot2.legend(handles,labels,loc="lower right",fontsize=12) plot1.set_xlabel("t [Myr]",fontsize=18) plot2.set_xlabel("t [Myr]",fontsize=18) plot1.set_ylabel("$a_i [\mathrm{AU}]$",fontsize=18) plot2.set_ylabel("$i_{kl} [\mathrm{deg}]$",fontsize=18) plot1.set_xlim(0.0,print_times_Myr[-1]) plot2.set_xlim(0.0,print_times_Myr[-1]) plot1.tick_params(axis='both', which ='major', labelsize = 18) plot2.tick_params(axis='both', which ='major', labelsize = 18) fig.savefig("figure.eps")
def plot_temperature_line(radii, electron_temperatures, ci): colors = get_distinct(4) s = 100 if ci==1: s = 50 pyplot.scatter(radii.value_in(units.parsec), electron_temperatures.value_in(units.K), c=colors[ci], lw=0, s=s) pyplot.xlabel('R [pc]') pyplot.ylabel('T [K]') pyplot.xlim(0.8, 3.2)
def make_plot(disk1, disk2, filename): x_label = "X [kpc]" y_label = "Y [kpc]" figure = single_frame(x_label, y_label, logy=False, xsize=14, ysize=14) from distinct_colours import get_distinct c = get_distinct(2) pyplot.xlim(-300, 300) pyplot.ylim(-300, 300) pyplot.scatter(disk1.x.value_in(units.kpc), disk1.y.value_in(units.kpc), c=c[0], alpha=1, s=1, lw=0) pyplot.scatter(disk2.x.value_in(units.kpc), disk2.y.value_in(units.kpc), c=c[1], alpha=1, s=1, lw=0) pyplot.savefig(filename)
def plot_HD971331(filename): t_end = 4000| t_start = 8000| from matplotlib import pyplot colors = get_distinct(4) figure = pyplot.figure(figsize=(16, 12)) ax = pyplot.gca() ax.minorticks_on() # switch on the minor ticks ax.locator_params(nbins=3) t, a_out, e_out, M_out, m1, m2 = read_orbital_elements(filename) pyplot.plot(t.value_in(units.yr), a_out.value_in(units.AU), c=colors[0]) """ t, a_out, a_new = retrieve_semi_major_axis_evolution(filename, nj=4.0, t_end=8000| pyplot.plot(t.value_in(units.yr), a_new.value_in(units.AU), c='r') pyplot.scatter(t[-1].value_in(units.yr), a_new[-1].value_in(units.AU), s=50, c=colors[1]) """ t, a_out, a_new = retrieve_semi_major_axis_evolution(filename, nj=6, t_end=2000| pyplot.plot(t.value_in(units.yr), a_new.value_in(units.AU), c='r') pyplot.scatter(t[-1].value_in(units.yr), a_new[-1].value_in(units.AU), s=50, c=colors[1]) t, a_out, a_new = retrieve_semi_major_axis_evolution(filename, nj=4, t_start=2000|, t_end=5000| pyplot.plot(t.value_in(units.yr), a_new.value_in(units.AU), c=colors[1]) #pyplot.scatter(t[0].value_in(units.yr), a_new[0].value_in(units.AU), s=50, c=colors[1]) #pyplot.scatter(t[-1].value_in(units.yr), a_new[-1].value_in(units.AU), s=50, c=colors[1]) t, a_out, a_new = retrieve_semi_major_axis_evolution(filename, nj=2, t_start=5000|, t_end=8000| print t.value_in(units.yr), a_new.value_in(units.AU) #pyplot.plot(t.value_in(units.yr), a_new.value_in(units.AU), c=colors[1]) #pyplot.scatter(t[0].value_in(units.yr), a_new[0].value_in(units.AU), s=50, c=colors[1]) #pyplot.scatter(t[-1].value_in(units.yr), a_new[-1].value_in(units.AU), s=50, c=colors[1]) t, a_out, a_new = retrieve_semi_major_axis_evolution(filename, nj=-7, t_start=8000| pyplot.plot(t.value_in(units.yr), a_new.value_in(units.AU), c=colors[1]) #pyplot.scatter(t[0].value_in(units.yr), a_new[0].value_in(units.AU), s=50, c=colors[1]) pyplot.xlabel("t [year]") pyplot.ylabel("$a_{giant}$ [AU]") pyplot.ylim(0.77, 0.8201) pyplot.xlim(0.0, 50.0)
def plot_riemann_shock_tube_rho(): x_label = "[length]" y_label = "[mass/length$^3$]" figure = single_frame(x_label, y_label, logx=False, logy=False, xsize=14, ysize=10) color = get_distinct(3) x, rho = read_csv("riemann_shock_tube_problem_exact.csv") pyplot.plot(x,rho, c=color[0]) x, rho = read_csv("riemann_shock_tube_problem_fiN5.csv") pyplot.scatter(x, rho, c=color[1], s=100, marker="o", lw=0) x, rho = read_csv("riemann_shock_tube_problem_athenaN2.csv") pyplot.scatter(x, rho, c=color[2], s=100, marker="s", lw=0) pyplot.xlim(0.0,1.0) # pyplot.savefig("riemann_shock_tube_rho_"+model.name_of_the_code+".png") pyplot.savefig("riemann_shock_tube_rho")
def energy_plot(time, E_kin, E_pot, E_therm, figname): if not HAS_MATPLOTLIB: return x_label = 'Time [hour]' y_label = 'Energy [foe]' single_frame(x_label, y_label, logx=False, logy=False, xsize=14, ysize=10, ymin=-1, ymax=-1) cols = get_distinct(4) FOE = 1.e+51 | units.erg hour = 1|units.hour pyplot.plot(time/hour, E_kin/FOE, label='E_kin', c=cols[0]) pyplot.plot(time/hour, E_pot/FOE, label='E_pot', c=cols[1]) pyplot.plot(time/hour, E_therm/FOE, label='E_therm', c=cols[2]) pyplot.plot(time/hour, (E_kin+E_pot+E_therm)/FOE, label='E_total', c=cols[3]) pyplot.legend(loc=4) pyplot.savefig(figname) print "\nPlot of energy evolution was saved to: ", figname pyplot.close()
def plot_single_image(groups_of_particles, lim=10): left, width = 0.1, 0.4 bottom, height = 0.1, 0.4 bottom_h = left_h = left+width+0.05 rect_xy = [left, bottom, width, height] rect_xz = [left, bottom_h, width, 0.4] rect_yz = [left_h, bottom, 0.4, height] from distinct_colours import get_distinct colors = get_distinct(12) fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(10,10)) xy = pyplot.axes(rect_xy) xz = pyplot.axes(rect_xz) yz = pyplot.axes(rect_yz) xy.set_xlabel("X [pc]") xy.set_ylabel("Y [pc]") xz.set_ylabel("Z [pc]") yz.set_xlabel("Z [pc]") i = 0 for group in groups_of_particles: x = group.x.value_in(units.parsec) y = group.y.value_in(units.parsec) z = group.z.value_in(units.parsec) xy.scatter(x, y, lw=0, c=colors[min(11, i)], s=8) xz.scatter(x, z, lw=0, c=colors[min(11, i)], s=8) yz.scatter(z, y, lw=0, c=colors[min(11, i)], s=8) i += 1 xy.set_xlim((-lim, lim)) xy.set_ylim((-lim, lim)) xz.set_xlim(xy.get_xlim()) yz.set_ylim(xy.get_xlim()) yz.set_xlim(xy.get_xlim()) xz.set_ylim(xy.get_xlim()) save_file = 'FractalClusterHop.png' pyplot.savefig(save_file) print '\nSaved figure in file', save_file,'\n'
def main(M, z, output_filename): numpy.random.seed(31415) x_label = "$R$ [R$_\odot$]" y_label = "$\\rho$ [g/cm$^{3}$]" fig, ax = figure_frame(x_label, y_label, xsize=12, ysize=8) cols = get_distinct(3) r, rho = get_density_profile(EVtwin, M, z) pyplot.plot(r.value_in(units.RSun), rho.value_in(units.g/**3), label="EVtwin", c=cols[0]) r, rho = get_density_profile(MESA, M, z) pyplot.plot(r.value_in(units.RSun), rho.value_in(units.g/**3), label="MESA", c=cols[1]) # run merger r, rho = merge_two_stars(0.5*M, 0.5*M, 1|units.yr) pyplot.plot(r.value_in(units.RSun), rho.value_in(units.g/**3), label="MESA", c=cols[2]) pyplot.semilogy() if output_filename: pyplot.savefig(output_filename) else:
def main(M1, M2, M3, Pora, Pin, ain, aout, ein, eout, t_end, nsteps, scheme, dtse_fac): from matplotlib import pyplot x_label = "$a/a_{0}$" y_label = "$e/e_{0}$" fig = single_frame(x_label, y_label, logx=False, logy=False, xsize=10, ysize=8) color = get_distinct(4) if scheme == 0: srange = [1,2,3] else: srange = [scheme] i = 0 for s in srange: time, ai, ei, ao, eo = evolve_triple_with_wind(M1, M2, M3, Pora, Pin, ain, aout, ein, eout, t_end, nsteps, s, dtse_fac) if i == 0: pyplot.plot(ai, ei, c=color[0], label='inner') pyplot.plot(ao, eo, c=color[1], label='outer') i = 1 else: pyplot.plot(ai, ei, c=color[0]) pyplot.plot(ao, eo, c=color[1]) pyplot.legend(loc='best', ncol=1, shadow=False, fontsize=20) #save_file = 'evolve_triple_with_wind.png' save_file = 'evolve_triple_with_wind' \ +'_s={:d}_dtse={:.3f}'.format(scheme, dtse_fac) \ +'.png' pyplot.savefig(save_file) print '\nSaved figure in file', save_file,'\n'
def main(N, t_end): t_end = t_end | nbody_system.time Q_init = 0.2 particles = new_plummer_model(N) codes = [ph4, Huayno, BHTree] cols = get_distinct(3) ci = 0 x_label = "time [N-body units]" # y_label = "$Q [\equiv -E_{\rm kin}/E_{\rm pot}]$" y_label = "virial ratio $Q$" figure = single_frame(x_label, y_label, xsize=14, ysize=10) ax1 = pyplot.gca() ax1.set_xlim(0, t_end.value_in(t_end.unit)) ax1.set_ylim(0, 0.65) pyplot.plot([0, t_end.value_in(t_end.unit)], [0.5, 0.5], lw=1, ls='--', c='k') for code in codes: time, Q = virial_ratio_evolution(code, particles, Q_init, t_end) pyplot.plot(time.value_in(t_end.unit), Q, c=cols[ci]) ci+=1 # pyplot.savefig("gravity_to_virial")
def main(M1, M2, M3, ain, aout, ein, eout, t_end, nsteps): from matplotlib import pyplot x_label = "$a/a_{0}$" # x_label = "$t [Myr]$" y_label = "ecc, $a/a_{0}$" fig = single_frame(x_label, y_label, logx=False, logy=False, xsize=14, ysize=12) color = get_distinct(4) time, ain, ein, aout, eout = evolve_triple_with_wind(M1, M2, M3, ain, aout, ein, eout, t_end, nsteps) pyplot.plot(ain, ein, c=color[0], label="inner") pyplot.plot(aout, eout, c=color[1], label="outer") """ pyplot.plot(time, ein, c=color[0], label= '$e_{inner}$') pyplot.plot(time, ain, c=color[1], label= '$a_{inner}$') pyplot.plot(time, eout, c=color[2], label= '$e_{outer}$') pyplot.plot(time, aout, c=color[3], label= '$a_{outer}$') """ pyplot.legend(loc="upper left", ncol=1, shadow=False, fontsize=24) # pyplot.savefig("evolve_triple_with_wind")
0.09890162549942522, 0.2971536318319011, 0.5047269929821525, 0.6955052866807527, 0.8934247174201266, 1.0960741121502846, 1.296349286674131 ] S_all_gas = [ 1011.82389615108, 382.3950057709804, 262.3523868909657, 154.2500699106347, 107.5704842567941, 88.9640154049995, 68.72257895441606 ] pyplot.rcParams.update({'font.size': 30}) fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize=[16, 10]) ax.minorticks_on() # switch on the minor ticks ax.tick_params('both', length=15, width=2, which='major') ax.tick_params('both', length=6, width=1, which='minor') from distinct_colours import get_distinct colors = get_distinct(10) pyplot.scatter(R_young_stars, S_young_stars, s=100, marker='s', c=colors[6], lw=0) pyplot.scatter(R_all_stars, S_all_stars, s=100, marker='s', c=colors[0], lw=0) #pyplot.scatter(R_dense_gas, S_dense_gas, s=100, marker='s', c=colors[7], lw=0) pyplot.scatter(R_all_gas, S_all_gas, s=100, marker='s', c=colors[3], lw=0) def plot_radial_distribution(gas, nbin, c, lw): X = [] Ymean = []
help="Dimension-less depth of the King potential (W0) [7.0]") result.add_option("-z", dest="z", type="float", default = 0.02, help="metalicity [0.02]") return result if __name__ in ('__main__', '__plot__'): o, arguments = new_option_parser().parse_args() time, Lr_stars25, Lr_bodies25, Lr_stars50, Lr_bodies50, Lr_stars75, Lr_bodies75 = main(**o.__dict__) from matplotlib import pyplot from prepare_figure import single_frame from distinct_colours import get_distinct x_label = "t [Myr]" y_label = "R [pc]" fig = single_frame(x_label, y_label, logx=False, logy=False, xsize=14, ysize=12) color = get_distinct(4) # import numpy # Lr_stars = numpy.matrix.transpose(numpy.matrix(Lr_stars)) # Lr_bodies = numpy.matrix.transpose(numpy.matrix(Lr_bodies)) # print Lr_stars[6], Lr_bodies[6] pyplot.plot(time.value_in(units.Myr), Lr_stars25.value_in(units.parsec), c=color[0], label= 'with mass loss') pyplot.plot(time.value_in(units.Myr), Lr_bodies25.value_in(units.parsec), c=color[1], label= 'without mass loss') pyplot.plot(time.value_in(units.Myr), Lr_stars50.value_in(units.parsec), c=color[0]) pyplot.plot(time.value_in(units.Myr), Lr_bodies50.value_in(units.parsec), c=color[1]) pyplot.plot(time.value_in(units.Myr), Lr_stars75.value_in(units.parsec), c=color[0]) pyplot.plot(time.value_in(units.Myr), Lr_bodies75.value_in(units.parsec), c=color[1])
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.5, 9.)) jj = 111 ax = fig.add_subplot(jj) x = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3]) elabels = ['Voids', 'Sheets', 'Filaments', 'Knots'] plt.xticks(x, elabels) ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='minor', bottom='off') ytit = "$log_{10}(\Phi/ \\rm{h^{3} Mpc^{-3}})$" ax.set_ylabel(ytit) ymin = -7. ymax = -1. ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) cols = get_distinct(nfiles) # Bins emin = -0.5 emax = 3.5 dm = 1. frac = 0.85 lbar = dm * frac / nfiles ebins = np.arange(emin, emax, dm) vol = 500.**3. # Simulation volume in (Mpc/h)^3 for ii, ending in enumerate(endings): infile = epath + root[ii] + survey + ending if (not os.path.isfile(infile)): print('STOP: {} not found'.format(infile)) sys.exit()
if __name__ in ('__main__','__plot__'): # High-level structure of and # are designed to be identical. set_printing_strategy("custom", #nbody_converter = converter, precision = 11, prefix = "", separator = " [", suffix = "]") o, arguments = new_option_parser().parse_args() Mprim = o.Mprim Msec = o.Msec tend = o.tend tcoll = o.tcoll color = get_distinct(4) # 0 = cyan, 1 = red, 2 = mustard, 3 = green x_label = "T [K]" y_label = "L [$L_\odot$]" figure = single_frame(x_label, y_label, logx=True, logy=True, xsize=14, ysize=10) pyplot.xlim(2.e+4, 3.e3) pyplot.ylim(20., 2.e+3) print "Evolve single star of mass", Mprim.in_(units.MSun) time, stp, mass, radius, temperature, luminosity \ = evolve_single_star(Mprim, tend) pyplot.plot(temperature.value_in(units.K), luminosity.value_in(units.LSun), c=color[1], lw=2, zorder=1) pyplot.scatter(temperature[0].value_in(units.K),
def plot_single_image(planets, disk, lim, index): #centered on the Sun com = planets[0].position planets.position -= com disk.position -= com left, width = 0.1, 0.65 bottom, height = 0.1, 0.65 bottom_h = left_h = left + width + 0.05 rect_scatter = [left, bottom, width, height] rect_histx = [left, bottom_h, width, 0.2] rect_histy = [left_h, bottom, 0.2, height] fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) time = disk.get_timestamp() # pyplot.title("Cluster at t="+str(time.in_(units.Gyr))) xy = pyplot.axes(rect_scatter) xy.text(110, 110, "protoplanetary disk (img#" + str(index) + ")", ha='left', va='bottom') xz = pyplot.axes(rect_histx) yz = pyplot.axes(rect_histy) xy.set_xlabel("X [AU]") xy.set_ylabel("Y [AU]") xz.set_ylabel("Z [AU]") yz.set_xlabel("Z [AU]") positions = disk.position x, y, z = positions.x.value_in(units.AU), positions.y.value_in(units.AU), \ positions.z.value_in(units.AU) alpha = 0.01 us = disk.u u_min, u_max = min(us), max(us) print "u=", u_min, u_max log_u = numpy.log((us / u_min)) / numpy.log((u_max / u_min)) clipped_log_u = numpy.minimum( numpy.ones_like(log_u), numpy.maximum(numpy.zeros_like(log_u), log_u)) ps = disk.rho p_min, p_max = min(ps), max(ps) log_p = numpy.log((ps / p_min)) / numpy.log((p_max / p_min)) clipped_log_p = numpy.minimum( numpy.ones_like(log_p), numpy.maximum(numpy.zeros_like(log_p), log_p)) red = 1.0 - clipped_log_u blue = clipped_log_u green = clipped_log_p colors = numpy.transpose(numpy.array([red, green, blue])) sizes = 2000 * disk.h_smooth / disk.h_smooth.max() xy.scatter(x, y, sizes, c=colors, edgecolors="none", alpha=alpha) xy.set_xlim((-lim, lim)) xy.set_ylim((-lim, lim)) sizes = 100 * disk.h_smooth / disk.h_smooth.max() xz.scatter(x, z, sizes, c=colors, edgecolors="none", alpha=alpha) yz.scatter(z, y, sizes, c=colors, edgecolors="none", alpha=alpha) xz.set_xlim(xy.get_xlim()) yz.set_ylim(xy.get_xlim()) yz.set_xlim((-0.05 * lim, 0.05 * lim)) xz.set_ylim((-0.05 * lim, 0.05 * lim)) from distinct_colours import get_distinct c = get_distinct(len(planets)) # m = 1000 * planets.mass/planets.mass.max() m = 100 * numpy.log10(1 + planets.mass / planets.mass.min()) #m[0] = min(10*m[1:].max(), 30) xy.scatter(planets.x.value_in(units.AU), planets.y.value_in(units.AU), s=m, c=c, lw=0) xz.scatter(planets.x.value_in(units.AU), planets.z.value_in(units.AU), s=m, c=c, lw=0) yz.scatter(planets.z.value_in(units.AU), planets.y.value_in(units.AU), s=m, c=c, lw=0) filename = "planetary_system_i{0:04}.png".format(index) fig.savefig(filename)
dEi = energy_error_of_integrated_Nbody_system(code, particles, t_end, pri) dE.append(abs(dEi)) print "integrated with precision=", pri, "dE/E=", dEi return dE if __name__ in ('__main__', '__plot__'): numpy.random.seed(31415) particles = new_plummer_model(1000) precision = 10.**numpy.linspace(0., -3., 10) t_end = 1.0 | nbody_system.time cols = get_distinct(2) print 'ph4' code = ph4 dE = get_dE(code, precision, t_end) pyplot.scatter(precision, dE, c=cols[0], lw=0, s=50, marker='o') print 'BHTree' code = BHTree dE = get_dE(code, precision, t_end) pyplot.scatter(precision, dE, c=cols[1], lw=0, s=50, marker='^') t0 = 0.8 t1 = 0.02 ep = 4.e-5 eb = 0.07
def showSurveyStatistics(simulatedSurvey, pdfFile=None, pngFile=None, usekde=False): """ Produce a plot with the survey statistics. Parameters ---------- simulatedSurvey : Object containing the simulated survey. Keywords -------- pdfFile : string Name of optional PDF file in which to save the plot. pngFile : string Name of optional PNG file in which to save the plot. usekde : boolean If true use kernel density estimates to show the distribution of survey quantities instead of histograms. """ try: _ = simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes.shape except AttributeError: stderr.write("You have not generated the observations yet!\n") return parLimitPlot = 50.0 plxSnrLim = 5.0 positiveParallaxes = (simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes > 0.0) goodParallaxes = (simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes / simulatedSurvey.parallaxErrors >= plxSnrLim) estimatedAbsMags = ( simulatedSurvey.observedMagnitudes[positiveParallaxes] + 5.0 * np.log10(simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes[positiveParallaxes]) - 10.0) relParErr = (simulatedSurvey.parallaxErrors[positiveParallaxes] / simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes[positiveParallaxes]) deltaAbsMag = estimatedAbsMags - simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes[ positiveParallaxes] useagab(usetex=False, fontfam='sans') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(27, 12)) axA = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 1) apply_tufte(axA, withgrid=False) axA.set_prop_cycle(cycler('color', get_distinct(3))) minPMinThird = np.power(simulatedSurvey.minParallax, -3.0) maxPMinThird = np.power(parLimitPlot, -3.0) x = np.linspace(simulatedSurvey.minParallax, np.min([parLimitPlot, simulatedSurvey.maxParallax]), 1001) axA.plot(x, 3.0 * np.power(x, -4.0) / (minPMinThird - maxPMinThird), '--', label='model', lw=3) if usekde: scatter = rse(simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes) bw = 1.06 * scatter * simulatedSurvey.numberOfStarsInSurvey**(-0.2) kde = KernelDensity(bandwidth=bw)[:, None]) samples = np.linspace(simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes.min(), simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes.max(), 200)[:, None] logdens = kde.score_samples(samples) axA.plot(samples, np.exp(logdens), '-', lw=3, label='true') else: axA.hist(simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes, bins='auto', density=True, histtype='step', lw=3, label='true') if usekde: scatter = rse(simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes) bw = 1.06 * scatter * simulatedSurvey.numberOfStarsInSurvey**(-0.2) kde = KernelDensity(bandwidth=bw)[:, None]) samples = np.linspace(simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes.min(), simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes.max(), 200)[:, None] logdens = kde.score_samples(samples) axA.plot(samples, np.exp(logdens), '-', lw=3, label='observed') else: axA.hist(simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes, bins='auto', density=True, histtype='step', lw=3, label='observed') axA.set_xlabel(r'$\varpi$, $\varpi_\mathrm{true}$ [mas]') axA.set_ylabel(r'$p(\varpi)$, $p(\varpi_\mathrm{true})$') leg = axA.legend(loc='best', handlelength=1.0) for t in leg.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(14) axA.text(0.025, 0.9, 'a', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=axA.transAxes, weight='bold', fontsize=30) axB = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 2) apply_tufte(axB, withgrid=False) axB.set_prop_cycle(cycler('color', get_distinct(3))) m = np.linspace(simulatedSurvey.observedMagnitudes.min(), simulatedSurvey.observedMagnitudes.max(), 1000) axB.plot(m, np.exp(simulatedSurvey.apparentMagnitude_lpdf(m)), '--', lw=3, label='model') if usekde: scatter = rse(simulatedSurvey.apparentMagnitudes) bw = 1.06 * scatter * simulatedSurvey.numberOfStarsInSurvey**(-0.2) kde = KernelDensity(bandwidth=bw)[:, None]) samples = np.linspace(simulatedSurvey.apparentMagnitudes.min(), simulatedSurvey.apparentMagnitudes.max(), 200)[:, None] logdens = kde.score_samples(samples) axB.plot(samples, np.exp(logdens), '-', label='true', lw=3) else: axB.hist(simulatedSurvey.apparentMagnitudes, bins='auto', density=True, histtype='step', lw=3, label='true') if usekde: scatter = rse(simulatedSurvey.observedMagnitudes) bw = 1.06 * scatter * simulatedSurvey.numberOfStarsInSurvey**(-0.2) kde = KernelDensity(bandwidth=bw)[:, None]) samples = np.linspace(simulatedSurvey.observedMagnitudes.min(), simulatedSurvey.observedMagnitudes.max(), 200)[:, None] logdens = kde.score_samples(samples) axB.plot(samples, np.exp(logdens), '-', label='observed', lw=3) else: axB.hist(simulatedSurvey.observedMagnitudes, bins='auto', density=True, histtype='step', lw=3, label='observed') axB.set_xlabel("$m$, $m_\mathrm{true}$") axB.set_ylabel("$p(m)$, $p(m_\mathrm{true})$") leg = axB.legend(loc=(0.03, 0.55), handlelength=1.0) for t in leg.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(14) axB.text(0.025, 0.9, 'b', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=axB.transAxes, weight='bold', fontsize=30) axC = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 3) apply_tufte(axC, withgrid=False) axC.set_prop_cycle(cycler('color', get_distinct(3))) x = np.linspace(simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes.min(), simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes.max(), 300) axC.plot(x, norm.pdf(x, loc=simulatedSurvey.meanAbsoluteMagnitude, scale=simulatedSurvey.stddevAbsoluteMagnitude), '--', lw=3, label='model') if usekde: scatter = rse(simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes) bw = 1.06 * scatter * simulatedSurvey.numberOfStarsInSurvey**(-0.2) kde = KernelDensity(bandwidth=bw)[:, None]) samples = np.linspace(simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes.min(), simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes.max(), 200)[:, None] logdens = kde.score_samples(samples) axC.plot(samples, np.exp(logdens), '-', label='true', lw=3) else: axC.hist(simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes, bins='auto', density=True, histtype='step', lw=3, label='true') if (simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes[goodParallaxes].size >= 3): if usekde: scatter = rse(simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes[goodParallaxes]) bw = 1.06 * scatter * simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes[ goodParallaxes].size**(-0.2) kde = KernelDensity(bandwidth=bw)[goodParallaxes][:, None]) samples = np.linspace( simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes[goodParallaxes].min(), simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes[goodParallaxes].max(), 200)[:, None] logdens = kde.score_samples(samples) axC.plot( samples, np.exp(logdens), '-', label=r'$\varpi/\sigma_\varpi\geq{0:.1f}$'.format(plxSnrLim), lw=3) else: axC.hist( simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes[goodParallaxes], bins='auto', density=True, histtype='step', lw=3, label=r'$\varpi/\sigma_\varpi\geq{0:.1f}$'.format(plxSnrLim)) axC.set_xlabel("$M$") axC.set_ylabel("$p(M)$") leg = axC.legend(loc=(0.03, 0.55), handlelength=1.0) for t in leg.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(14) axC.text(0.025, 0.9, 'c', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=axC.transAxes, weight='bold', fontsize=30) axD = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 4) apply_tufte(axD, withgrid=False) axD.set_prop_cycle(cycler('color', get_distinct(3))) axD.plot(simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxesNoLim, simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxesNoLim - simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxesNoLim, 'k,', label=r'$m_\mathrm{lim}=\infty$') axD.plot(simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes, simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes - simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes, '.', label=r'$m_\mathrm{{lim}}={0}$'.format( simulatedSurvey.apparentMagnitudeLimit)) axD.plot(simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes[positiveParallaxes], simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes[positiveParallaxes] - simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes[positiveParallaxes], '.', label=r'$\varpi>0$') axD.plot(simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes[goodParallaxes], simulatedSurvey.observedParallaxes[goodParallaxes] - simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes[goodParallaxes], 'o', label=r'$\varpi/\sigma_\varpi\geq{0:.1f}$'.format(plxSnrLim)) axD.set_xlabel(r"$\varpi_\mathrm{true}$ [mas]") axD.set_ylabel("$\\varpi-\\varpi_\\mathrm{true}$ [mas]") leg = axD.legend(loc='best', handlelength=0.5, ncol=2) for t in leg.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(14) axD.text(0.025, 0.9, 'd', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=axD.transAxes, weight='bold', fontsize=30) axE = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 5) apply_tufte(axE, withgrid=False) axE.set_prop_cycle(cycler('color', get_distinct(3))) axE.plot(simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxesNoLim, simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudesNoLim, 'k,', label=r'$m_\mathrm{lim}=\infty$') axE.plot(simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes, simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes, '.', label=r'$m_\mathrm{{lim}}={0}$'.format( simulatedSurvey.apparentMagnitudeLimit)) axE.plot(simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes[positiveParallaxes], simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes[positiveParallaxes], '.', label=r'$\varpi>0$') axE.plot(simulatedSurvey.trueParallaxes[goodParallaxes], simulatedSurvey.absoluteMagnitudes[goodParallaxes], 'o', label=r'$\varpi/\sigma_\varpi\geq{0:.1f}$'.format(plxSnrLim)) axE.set_xlabel(r"$\varpi_\mathrm{true}$ [mas]") axE.set_ylabel("$M_\\mathrm{true}$") axE.axhline(y=simulatedSurvey.meanAbsoluteMagnitude) leg = axE.legend(loc='best', handlelength=0.5, ncol=2) for t in leg.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(14) axE.text(0.025, 0.9, 'e', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=axE.transAxes, weight='bold', fontsize=30) plt.suptitle( "Simulated survey statistics: $N_\\mathrm{{stars}}={0}$, ".format( simulatedSurvey.numberOfStars) + "$m_\\mathrm{{lim}}={0}$, ".format( simulatedSurvey.apparentMagnitudeLimit) + "$N_\\mathrm{{survey}}={0}$, ".format( simulatedSurvey.numberOfStarsInSurvey) + "${0}\\leq\\varpi\\leq{1}$, ".format(simulatedSurvey.minParallax, simulatedSurvey.maxParallax) + "$\\mu_M={0}$, ".format(simulatedSurvey.meanAbsoluteMagnitude) + "$\\sigma_M={0:.2f}$".format(simulatedSurvey.stddevAbsoluteMagnitude)) if pdfFile is not None: plt.savefig(pdfFile) if pngFile is not None: plt.savefig(pngFile) if (pdfFile is None and pngFile is None):
# are designed to be identical. set_printing_strategy( "custom", #nbody_converter = converter, precision=11, prefix="", separator=" [", suffix="]") o, arguments = new_option_parser().parse_args() Mprim = o.Mprim Msec = o.Msec tend = o.tend tcoll = o.tcoll color = get_distinct(4) # 0 = cyan, 1 = red, 2 = mustard, 3 = green x_label = "T [K]" y_label = "L [$L_\odot$]" figure = single_frame(x_label, y_label, logx=True, logy=True, xsize=14, ysize=10) pyplot.xlim(2.e+4, 3.e+3) pyplot.ylim(20., 2.e+3) print("Evolve single star of mass", Mprim.in_(units.MSun)) time, stp, mass, radius, temperature, luminosity \ = evolve_single_star(Mprim, tend)
def main(M1, M2, M3, Pora, Pin, ain, aout, ein, eout, t_end, nsteps, scheme, integrator, t_stellar, dt_se, dtse_fac, interp, show): two_frames = False plot_ae = True color = get_distinct(4) if two_frames: plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) else: plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) if scheme == 5: if integrator != 3: print 'Warning: scheme = 5 forces integrator = 3' integrator = 3 srange = [1,scheme] # 1 = no mass loss; other = mass loss # assume scheme > 1 i = 0 lw = [1,2] srange = [1, scheme] for s in srange: time, mtot, ai, ei, ao, eo \ = evolve_triple_with_wind(M1, M2, M3, Pora, Pin, ain, aout, ein, eout, t_end, nsteps, s, integrator, t_stellar, dt_se, dtse_fac, interp) if i == 0: if two_frames: plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.plot(time, ai, c=color[0], linewidth=lw[i], label='inner, no mass loss') plt.plot(time, ao, c=color[3], linewidth=lw[i], label='outer, no mass loss') plt.xlabel('time (yr)') plt.ylabel('$a/a_0$') if two_frames: plt.subplot(1,2,2) if plot_ae: plt.plot(ai, ei, c=color[0], linewidth=lw[i]) plt.plot(ao, eo, c=color[3], linewidth=lw[i]) plt.xlabel('$a/a_0$') plt.ylabel('$e/e_0$') else: plt.plot(time, mtot, c=color[0], linewidth=lw[i]) plt.xlabel('time (yr)') plt.ylabel('M') i = 1 else: if two_frames: plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.plot(time, ai, c=color[1], linewidth=lw[i], label='inner, mass loss') plt.plot(time, ao, c=color[2], linewidth=lw[i], label='outer, mass loss') if two_frames: plt.subplot(1,2,2) if plot_ae: plt.plot(ai, ei, c=color[1], linewidth=lw[i]) plt.plot(ao, eo, c=color[2], linewidth=lw[i]) else: plt.plot(time, mtot, c=color[1], linewidth=lw[i]) if two_frames: plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.legend(loc='best') integrators = ['hermite', 'smalln', 'huayno', 'symple'] label = integrators[integrator] label += ' integrator, stellev scheme= {:d}'.format(scheme) save_file \ = 'evolve_triple_with_wind_t={:.3f}'.format(t_end.value_in(units.Myr)) \ +'_i={:d}_s={:d}'.format(integrator, scheme) if scheme < 5: label += ', dtse_fac = {:.3f}'.format(dtse_fac) save_file += '_dtsefac={:.3f}'.format(dtse_fac) else: label += ', dt_se = {:.1f}'.format(dt_se.value_in(units.yr)) save_file += '_dtse={:.1f}'.format(dt_se.value_in(units.yr)) save_file += '.png' if two_frames: plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.88) #plt.suptitle(label, y=0.97, fontsize=15) ax = plt.gca() ax.minorticks_on() # switch on the minor ticks ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', direction='in') ax.locator_params(nbins=3) ax.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) plt.savefig(save_file, dpi=300) print '\nSaved figure in file', save_file,'\n' if show:
def load_matplot_stylefiles(self, catname, ncolours=0): color = {} linestyle = {} marker = {} markercol = {} colormap = {} colorbar = {} plottype = {} alpha = {} plotlegend = {} add_xaxis = {} add_yaxis = {} myData = aD.ArangeData() mypaths = { '0': self.mypath_handler['MATPLOT_LINESTYLE'], 'dic0': linestyle, '1': self.mypath_handler['MATPLOT_COL'], 'dic1': color, '2': self.mypath_handler['MATPLOT_MARKERSTYLE'], 'dic2': marker, '3': self.mypath_handler['MATPLOT_MARKERCOL'], 'dic3': markercol, '4': self.mypath_handler['MATPLOT_COLORMAP'], 'dic4': colormap, '5': self.mypath_handler['MATPLOT_COLORBAR'], 'dic5': colorbar, '6': self.mypath_handler['MATPLOT_PLOTTYPE'], 'dic6': plottype, '7': self.mypath_handler['MATPLOT_ALPHA'], 'dic7': alpha, '8': self.mypath_handler['MATPLOT_PLOTLEGEND'], 'dic8': plotlegend, '9': self.mypath_handler['MATPLOT_ADD_XAXIS'], 'dic9': add_xaxis, '10': self.mypath_handler['MATPLOT_ADD_YAXIS'], 'dic10': add_yaxis } a = 0 while a <= 10: data_array = myData.readAnyFormat(config=False, mydtype=np.str_, mypath=mypaths[str(a)], data_shape='shaped', comment='', delim='= ') #print 'mypath:', mypaths[str(a)] #print 'data_array:', data_array if data_array.size == 2: data_array = np.expand_dims(data_array, axis=0) i = 0 while i < data_array[:, 0].size: mypaths['dic' + str(a)].update( {data_array[i, 0]: data_array[i, 1]}) i += 1 a += 1 if ncolours != 0: import distinct_colours as cb_col #print 'use color-blind friendly colors!' # print catname cb_colours = cb_col.get_distinct(ncolours) if ncolours == 1: if catname.find('Galacticus') != -1: #print 'Gal' color['0'] = '#225588' elif catname.find('SAG_') != -1 or str(catname).find( 'SAG_1Gpc_v2') != -1: #print 'SAG' color['0'] = '#CC6677' elif catname.find('SAGE') != -1: #print 'SAGE' color['0'] = '#DDCC77' else: #print 'else' color['0'] = cb_colours[0] else: i = 0 while i < ncolours: color[str(i)] = cb_colours[i] i += 1 return linestyle, color, marker, markercol, colormap, colorbar, plottype, alpha, plotlegend, add_xaxis, add_yaxis
#path = '/gpfs/data/violeta/Galform_Out/v2.6.0/aquarius_trees/' #model = 'MillGas/gp15newmg.anders/' #.anders 'MillGas/gp15newmg/' path = '/gpfs/data/violeta/Galform_Out/v2.7.0/stable/' #model = 'MillGas/gp17/' #model = 'MillGas/gp17.spin/' #model = 'MillGas/gp17.spin.ramt0.01/' #model = 'MillGas/gp17.spin.ramt0.01.griffinBH/' #model = 'MillGas/gp17.spin.ramt0.01.griffinBH.stb075/' model = 'MillGas/gp17.spin.ramt0.01.stabledisk0.75.ac085/' line = 'OII3727' lline = '[OII]' outdir = '/gpfs/data/violeta/lines/desi_hod_o2/' ntypes = len(inleg) cols = get_distinct(ntypes - 1) cols.insert(0, 'k') # Initialize GSMF mmin = 8. mmax = 15. dm = 0.1 mbins = np.arange(mmin, mmax, dm) mhist = mbins + dm * 0.5 # Initialize SSFR smin = 3. smax = 12. ds = 0.1 sbins = np.arange(smin, smax, ds) shist = sbins + ds * 0.5
def plot_function(data): print_times_Myr, print_smas_AU, print_rps_AU, print_parent_is_deg, canonical_rp_min_A_AU, canonical_rp_min_B_AU = data N_binaries = len(print_smas_AU) pyplot.rc('text', usetex=True) pyplot.rc('legend', fancybox=True) linewidth = 4 dlinewidth = 2 fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(10, 9)) plot1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1, yscale="log") plot2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) from distinct_colours import get_distinct colors = get_distinct(4) labels = ["$A$", "$B$", "$C$"] labels_i = ["$i_{AC}$", "$i_{BC}$", None] for index_binary in range(N_binaries): label = labels[index_binary] label_i = labels_i[index_binary] color = colors[index_binary] plot1.plot(print_times_Myr, print_smas_AU[index_binary], color=color, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=dlinewidth) plot1.plot(print_times_Myr, print_rps_AU[index_binary], color=color, linewidth=linewidth, label=label) plot2.plot(print_times_Myr, print_parent_is_deg[index_binary], color=color, linewidth=linewidth, label=label_i) plot1.axhline(y=canonical_rp_min_A_AU, color=colors[0], linestyle='dotted', linewidth=dlinewidth) plot1.axhline(y=canonical_rp_min_B_AU, color=colors[1], linestyle='dotted', linewidth=dlinewidth) handles, labels = plot1.get_legend_handles_labels() plot1.legend(handles, labels, loc="upper right", fontsize=12) handles, labels = plot2.get_legend_handles_labels() plot2.legend(handles, labels, loc="lower right", fontsize=12) plot1.set_xlabel("t [Myr]", fontsize=18) plot2.set_xlabel("t [Myr]", fontsize=18) plot1.set_ylabel("$a_i [\mathrm{AU}]$", fontsize=18) plot2.set_ylabel("$i_{kl} [\mathrm{deg}]$", fontsize=18) plot1.set_xlim(0.0, print_times_Myr[-1]) plot2.set_xlim(0.0, print_times_Myr[-1]) plot1.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=18) plot2.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=18) fig.savefig("figure.eps")
# Prep plot path = '/cosma5/data/durham/violeta/lines/cosmicweb/fsat/' + model + '/' outplot = path + prop + '.pdf' ytit = ('% satellites (>x)') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8., 9.)) ax = plt.subplot() ax.set_xlabel(xtit) ax.set_ylabel(ytit) ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax.set_ylim(0., 30.) cols = get_distinct(len(surveys)) ################# # Loop over the snapshots, reading the percenage of satellites lstyle = ['-', '--'] for iz, sn in enumerate(snap_list): #infile = path+'test.dat' infile = path + prop + '_' + str(sn) + '.dat' # Read data data = np.loadtxt(infile) xdata = data[:, 0] for isy, survey in enumerate(surveys):
def plot_ionization(ism, N, which, rmax, t_end, rS, ip): r, x, R, X = get_ionization_fraction1d(ism) xx, yy, xi, hh, ll = get_ionization_fraction2d(ism) w = 14 if ip > 1: pyplot.close('all') pyplot.clf() pyplot.figure(figsize=(w, 6)) pyplot.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22}) colors = get_distinct(3) # rscolor = 'green' ax1 = pyplot.subplot(1, 2, 1) #ax1.scatter(r, x, c=colors[0], lw=0, s=10) ax1.scatter(r, x, c=x, lw=0, s=20, alpha=0.5, cmap="jet") ax1.plot(R[1:], X[1:], c=colors[1], lw=3) ax1.plot([rS, rS], [-1, 2], color=colors[2], linestyle='dashed', lw=3) ax1.text(rS + 0.08, 1.06, r'$R_s$', color=colors[2], fontsize=20) ax1.set_xlim(0, rmax) ax1.set_ylim(-0.04, 1.19) ax1.set_xlabel("r [pc]", fontsize=20) ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\xi_{\rm ion}$', fontsize=20) ax2 = pyplot.subplot(1, 2, 2) h = numpy.array(hh) h *= 72 * w / (6. * ll) # approximate scaling ax2.set_aspect(1) sc2 = ax2.scatter(xx, yy, c=xi, s=numpy.pi * h**2, alpha=0.05, edgecolor=None, cmap="jet") if ll < rmax: ll = rmax ax2.set_xlim(-ll, ll) ax2.set_ylim(-ll, ll) ax2.set_xlabel("x [pc]", fontsize=20) ax2.set_ylabel("y [pc]", fontsize=20) #for axi in ax2.flat: ax2.xaxis.set_major_locator(pyplot.MaxNLocator(6)) ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(pyplot.MaxNLocator(6)) #pyplot.colorbar(sc2, ax=ax2, fraction=0.046, pad=0.04) # magic numbers! circle = pyplot.Circle((0, 0), rS, color=colors[2], fill=False, linestyle='dashed', lw=3) ax2.add_artist(circle) if which == 0: id_string = 'Plummer_model' else: id_string = 'Homogeneous_sphere' param_string = "_N=%d_t=%.3f_Myr" % (N, t_end) #pyplot.suptitle(id_string+param_string, y=0.96, fontsize=16) savefile = 'fig_ionization_of_GMC_' + id_string + param_string + '.png' pyplot.savefig(savefile, dpi=300) print 'Figure saved in file', savefile if ip == 0:
def main(N, W0, t_end, n_steps, filename, Mtot, Rvir, rgc, vgc): numpy.random.seed(111) converter = nbody_system.nbody_to_si(Mtot, Rvir) dt = t_end / float(n_steps) sun = Particles(1) sun.mass = 1 | units.MSun sun.radius = 1 | units.RSun sun.position = [-8400.0, 0.0, 17.0] | units.parsec x_label = "X [kpc]" y_label = "Y [kpc]" fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) pyplot.xlim(-10, 10) pyplot.ylim(-10, 10) pyplot.axis('equal') pyplot.xlabel("X [kpc]") pyplot.ylabel("Y [kpc]") colors = get_distinct(6) MWG = MilkyWay_galaxy() vc = MWG.vel_circ(sun.position.length()) sun.velocity = [11.352, (12.24 + vc.value_in(units.kms)), 7.41] | units.kms sun.velocity *= -1 print "Current Sun:" print sun print "\nFinding birth location of the Sun..." x, y = integrate_single_particle_in_potential(sun, t_end, dt, converter) pyplot.plot(x, y, lw=4, alpha=0.2, c=colors[1]) print "Initial Sun:" print sun sun.velocity *= -1 cluster = new_king_model(N, W0=3, convert_nbody=converter) cluster.mass = new_salpeter_mass_distribution(len(cluster), 0.1 | units.MSun, 10.0 | units.MSun) eps2 = 0.25 * (float(N)) ** (-0.666667) * Rvir ** 2 cluster.scale_to_standard(convert_nbody=converter, smoothing_length_squared=eps2) cluster.position += sun.position cluster.velocity += sun.velocity cluster.radius = 0 | units.parsec pyplot.scatter(cluster.x.value_in(units.kpc), cluster.y.value_in(units.kpc), s=10, c=colors[3]) print '\nTracking', N, 'siblings' x, y = integrate_single_particle_in_potential(cluster, t_end, dt, converter) size = cluster.mass / (0.1 | units.MSun) pyplot.scatter(cluster.x.value_in(units.kpc), cluster.y.value_in(units.kpc), c=colors[0], alpha=1.0, lw=0, s=size) pyplot.scatter(sun.x.value_in(units.kpc), sun.y.value_in(units.kpc), marker='+', s=100, c=colors[2]) pyplot.scatter([0], [0], marker="+", s=300, c='r') pyplot.scatter([-8.4], [0], marker="o", s=100, c='g') save_file = 'SolarClusterInPotential.png' pyplot.savefig(save_file) print '\nSaved figure in file', save_file, '\n'
ymax = -1. xtit = "${{\\rm M_{AB}(" + iband + ")}\, -\, 5log{\\rm h}}$" ytit = "$log(\Phi/ \\rm{h^{3} Mpc^{-3} mag^{-1}})$" fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.5, 9.)) jj = 111 ax = fig.add_subplot(jj) ax.set_autoscale_on(False) ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) ax.set_xlabel(xtit) ax.set_ylabel(ytit) #ax.tick_params(labelsize=fs-2) start, end = ax.get_xlim() cols = get_distinct(len(models)) colors = cols g = ['grey'] colors.extend(g) # Observational data dobs = '/cosma/home/violeta/Galform2/galform-2.6.0/Obs_Data2/' fobs = '' # Plot observations file = dobs + fobs # Driver observations mag, den, err, num = np.loadtxt(file, unpack=True) ind = np.where(den > 0.) x = mag[ind] y = np.log10(den[ind] / 0.5) # Observations are per 0.5 mag
def Sun_and_M67_in_the_Galaxy(): bodies = Particles(2) Sun = bodies[0] v_LSR = (-10, 5.2, 7.2) | units.kms Sun.mass = 1 | units.MSun Sun.radius = 1 | units.RSun Sun.position = (8.4, 0.0, 0.017) | units.kpc Sun.velocity = (-11.4, 232, 7.41) | units.kms # SPZ2009 M67 = bodies[1] M67.mass = 50000 | units.MSun M67.radius = 3 | units.parsec M67.position = Sun.position + ((0.766, 0.0, 0.49) | units.kpc) M67.velocity = Sun.velocity + ((31.92, -21.66, -8.87) | units.kms) bodies.velocity *= -1 simulation_time = 4600. | units.Myr dt_bridge = 5 | units.Myr OS = 20 | (units.kms / units.kpc) OB = 40 | (units.kms / units.kpc) A = 1300 | (units.kms**2 / units.kpc) M = 1.4e10 | units.MSun m = 2 phi_bar, phi_sp = -0.34906, -0.34906 inte = IntegrateOrbit(t_end=simulation_time, dt_bridge=dt_bridge, phase_bar=phi_bar, phase_spiral=phi_sp, omega_spiral=OS, omega_bar=OB, amplitude=A, m=m, mass_bar=M) MW = inte.galaxy() print(MW.parameters) print(MW.get_phi21()) print("Backwards integration") time, xf, yf, zf, vxf, vyf, vzf, bar_angle, spiral_angle, t1, d1 = inte.get_pos_vel_and_orbit( bodies) print("Birth position of the Sun:", xf, yf, zf, vxf, vyf, vzf) print("---") print('time after backward integration:', time) colors = get_distinct(4) figure = pyplot.figure(figsize=(16, 12)) ax = pyplot.gca() ax.minorticks_on() # switch on the minor ticks ax.locator_params(nbins=3) x_label = "t [Gyr]" y_label = "d [kpc]" pyplot.xlabel(x_label) pyplot.ylabel(y_label) pyplot.plot(-t1.value_in(units.Gyr), d1.value_in(units.kpc), lw=3, c=colors[0]) pyplot.ylim(0, 6) pyplot.xlim(-5, 0) pyplot.savefig("sun_and_M67") """
#snap_list = [44, 42, 40, 37, 34] #MillGas snap_list = [42, 40] nvol = 3 #64 #path = '/gpfs/data/violeta/Galform_Out/v2.6.0/aquarius_trees/' #model = 'MillGas/gp15newmg.anders/' #.anders 'MillGas/gp15newmg/' path = '/gpfs/data/violeta/Galform_Out/v2.7.0/stable/' #model = 'MillGas/gp17/' #model = 'MillGas/gp17.spin/' model = 'MillGas/gp17.spin.ramt0.01/' line = 'OII3727' ; lline = '[OII]' outdir = '/gpfs/data/violeta/lines/desi_hod_o2/' ntypes = len(inleg) cols = get_distinct(ntypes-1) ; cols.insert(0,'k') # Initialize GSMF mmin = 8. mmax = 15. dm = 0.1 mbins = np.arange(mmin,mmax,dm) mhist = mbins + dm*0.5 # Initialize SSFR smin = 3. smax = 12. ds = 0.1 sbins = np.arange(smin,smax,ds) shist = sbins + ds*0.5 nlevel = 10
from optparse import OptionParser from prepare_figure import single_frame, figure_frame, set_tickmarks from distinct_colours import get_distinct black = '#000000' green = '#00FF00' red = '#FF0000' blue = '#0000FF' lbl = '#FF00FF' magenta = '#00FFFF' Integrator = ["Hermite", "MI6", "ph4", "Huayno", "ph4_GPU", "Gadget2", "BHTree", "Fi_3", "Bonsai"] color = ['r', 'g', 'k', 'b', 'k', lbl, 'm', 'r', 'g', 'b', 'k', 'm'] color = get_distinct(len(color)) lstyles = ['-.', '-.', '-.', '-.', '--', '-', '-', '-', '-'] lwidth = [2, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4] def read_file(filename, column, keyword): x = [] fptr = open(filename) lines = fptr.readlines() for line in lines: l = line.split() if l[1]==keyword: # print line x.append(float(line.split()[column])) fptr.close() return x
def kira(tend, N, R, Nbin): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) mass = new_salpeter_mass_distribution(N, mass_min=10 | units.MSun) converter = nbody_system.nbody_to_si(mass.sum(), R) code = Hermite(converter) stars = new_plummer_model(N, convert_nbody=converter) stars.mass = mass stars.radius = 0.01 / len(stars) | R.unit single_stars, binary_stars, singles_in_binaries \ = make_secondaries(stars, Nbin) print(binary_stars) stellar = SeBa() stellar.particles.add_particles(single_stars) stellar.particles.add_particles(singles_in_binaries) stellar.binaries.add_particles(binary_stars) channel_to_stars = stellar.particles.new_channel_to(stars) encounter_code = encounters.HandleEncounter( kepler_code=new_kepler(converter), resolve_collision_code=new_smalln(converter), interaction_over_code=None, G=constants.G) multiples_code = encounters.Multiples(gravity_code=code, handle_encounter_code=encounter_code, G=constants.G) multiples_code.particles.add_particles((stars - binary_stars).copy()) multiples_code.singles_in_binaries.add_particles(singles_in_binaries) multiples_code.binaries.add_particles(binary_stars) multiples_code.commit_particles() channel_from_stars_to_particles \ = stellar.particles.new_channel_to(multiples_code.particles) stopping_condition \ = multiples_code.stopping_conditions.binaries_change_detection stopping_condition.enable() from matplotlib import pyplot from distinct_colours import get_distinct pyplot.rcParams.update({'font.size': 30}) figure = pyplot.figure(figsize=(12, 9)) ax = pyplot.gca() ax.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax.xaxis._autolabelpos = True ax.yaxis._autolabelpos = True color = get_distinct(2) pyplot.scatter(numpy.log10( stellar.binaries.semi_major_axis.value_in(units.AU)), stellar.binaries.eccentricity, c=color[0], s=200, lw=0) t = quantities.linspace(0 * tend, tend, 11) for ti in t: print(("t, Energy=", ti, multiples_code.particles.mass.sum(), \ multiples_code.get_total_energy())) multiples_code.evolve_model(ti) print(("at t=", multiples_code.model_time, \ "Nmultiples:", len(multiples_code.multiples))) if stopping_condition.is_set(): resolve_changed_binaries(stopping_condition, stellar, converter) stellar.evolve_model(ti) channel_from_stars_to_particles.copy_attributes(["mass", "radius"]) update_dynamical_binaries_from_stellar(stellar, multiples_code, converter) print(("Lagrangian radii:", \ multiples_code.all_singles.LagrangianRadii(converter))) print(("MC.particles", multiples_code.particles)) print(("Lagrangian radii:", \ multiples_code.particles.LagrangianRadii(converter))) print(("t, Energy=", ti, multiples_code.get_total_energy())) pyplot.scatter(numpy.log10( stellar.binaries.semi_major_axis.value_in(units.AU)), stellar.binaries.eccentricity, c=color[1], lw=0, s=50) pyplot.xlabel("$\log_{10}(a/R_\odot)$") pyplot.ylabel("eccentricity") save_file = 'kira_a_vs_e.pdf' pyplot.savefig(save_file) print('\nSaved figure in file', save_file, '\n') stellar.stop()
if __name__ == "__main__": x_label = "L [LSun]" y_label = "density [$g/cm^{3}$]" figure = single_frame(x_label, y_label, logx=True, logy=True, xsize=12, ysize=10) mass = [1, 1, 5, 5, 10, 10] | units.MSun age = [1, 10000, 1, 90, 1, 20] | units.Myr c = get_distinct(3) color = [] ls = [] for ci in c: color.append(ci) color.append(ci) ls.append("-") ls.append("--") symbol = ['v', 'v', 'o', 'o', '^', '^'] i = 0 for imass in range(len(mass)): dm = 0.2 * mass[imass] time = age[imass] m, L, rho = stellar_density_profile_at_time(mass[imass], time) pyplot.plot(L.value_in(units.LSun), rho.value_in(units.g /**3),
def plot_single_image(planets, debris, disk, shell, figfile=None): if len(shell)>0: disk.add_particles(shell) lim = 150 """ #centered on the Sun if len(planets)>1: print "Center on COM" com = planets[0].position vcom = planets[0].velocity planets.position -= com planets.velocity -= vcom disk.position -= com disk.velocity -= vcom debris.position -= com debris.velocity -= vcom """ left, width = 0.1, 0.65 bottom, height = 0.1, 0.65 bottom_h = left_h = left+width+0.05 rect_scatter = [left, bottom, width, height] rect_histx = [left, bottom_h, width, 0.2] rect_histy = [left_h, bottom, 0.2, height] fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(12,12)) time = disk.get_timestamp() # pyplot.title("Cluster at t="+str(time.in_(units.Gyr))) xy = pyplot.axes(rect_scatter) #xy.text(110,110, "protoplanetary disk (img#"+str(index)+")", ha='left', va='bottom') xz = pyplot.axes(rect_histx) yz = pyplot.axes(rect_histy) xy.set_xlabel("X [AU]") xy.set_ylabel("Y [AU]") xz.set_ylabel("Z [AU]") yz.set_xlabel("Z [AU]") positions = disk.position x, y, z = positions.x.value_in(units.AU), positions.y.value_in(units.AU), positions.z.value_in(units.AU) # sizes = 1000 # sizes = 1000*disk.rho/disk.rho.max() alpha = 0.01 us = disk.u if hasattr(disk, "xion"): xs = disk.xion else: xs = numpy.zeros(len(disk)) u_min, u_max = min(us), max(us) xion_min, xion_max = min(xs), max(xs) # if xion_min<=0: # xion_min = xion_max/100. # xs += xion_min # xion_max += xion_min print "u=", u_min, u_max Ts = mu() / constants.kB * disk.u T_min = max(20|units.K, mu() / constants.kB * u_min) T_max = min(1800|units.K, mu() / constants.kB * u_max) print "T=", T_min, T_max print "X=", xion_min, xion_max log_u = numpy.log((us / u_min)) / numpy.log((u_max / u_min)) clipped_log_u = numpy.minimum(numpy.ones_like(log_u), numpy.maximum(numpy.zeros_like(log_u), log_u)) # log_x = numpy.log((xs / xion_min)) / numpy.log((xion_max / xion_min)) # clipped_log_x = numpy.minimum(numpy.ones_like(log_x), numpy.maximum(numpy.zeros_like(log_x), log_x)) # xrange = (xs/xion_min) / (xion_max/xion_min) # print "xrange=", xrange.min(), xrange.max() clipped_log_x = xs log_T = numpy.log((Ts / T_min)) / numpy.log((T_max / T_min)) clipped_log_T = numpy.minimum(numpy.ones_like(log_T), numpy.maximum(numpy.zeros_like(log_T), log_T)) ps = disk.rho p_min, p_max = min(ps), max(ps) log_p = numpy.log((ps / p_min)) / numpy.log((p_max / p_min)) clipped_log_p = numpy.minimum(numpy.ones_like(log_p), numpy.maximum(numpy.zeros_like(log_p), log_p)) # red = 1 - clipped_log_u**(1./2.) # blue = clipped_log_u**(1./2.) # green = numpy.minimum(red, blue) # red = 1.0 - clipped_log_T # red = 1-clipped_log_x**(1./2.) blue = clipped_log_T red = 1-clipped_log_T #green = numpy.minimum(red, blue) green = clipped_log_p colors = numpy.transpose(numpy.array([red, green, blue])) sizes = 2*2000*disk.h_smooth/disk.h_smooth.max() xy.scatter(x, y, sizes, c=colors, edgecolors = "none", alpha = alpha) xy.set_xlim( (-lim, lim) ) xy.set_ylim( (-lim, lim) ) sizes = 2*200*disk.h_smooth/disk.h_smooth.max() xz.scatter(x, z, sizes, c=colors, edgecolors = "none", alpha = alpha) yz.scatter(z, y, sizes, c=colors, edgecolors = "none", alpha = alpha) xz.set_xlim( xy.get_xlim() ) yz.set_ylim( xy.get_xlim() ) yz.set_xlim( (-0.1*lim, 0.1*lim) ) xz.set_ylim( (-0.1*lim, 0.1*lim) ) # yz.set_xlim( (-lim, lim) ) # xz.set_ylim( (-lim, lim) ) if len(debris)>0: c = 'k' m = 0.1 xy.scatter(debris.x.value_in(units.AU), debris.y.value_in(units.AU), s=m, c=c, lw=0) xz.scatter(debris.x.value_in(units.AU), debris.z.value_in(units.AU), s=m, c=c, lw=0) yz.scatter(debris.z.value_in(units.AU), debris.y.value_in(units.AU), s=m, c=c, lw=0) if len(planets)>0: from distinct_colours import get_distinct c = get_distinct(len(planets)) m = 1000 * planets.mass/planets.mass.max() m[0] = min(10*m[1:].max(), 30) xy.scatter(planets.x.value_in(units.AU), planets.y.value_in(units.AU), s=m, c=c, lw=0) xz.scatter(planets.x.value_in(units.AU), planets.z.value_in(units.AU), s=m, c=c, lw=0) yz.scatter(planets.z.value_in(units.AU), planets.y.value_in(units.AU), s=m, c=c, lw=0) filename = "planetary_system.png" fig.savefig(filename)
result.add_option("-R", unit=units.parsec, dest="Rcluster", type="int", default = 1000|units.AU, help="Cluster size [%default]") result.add_option("-n", dest="n", type="int", default = 100, help="Number of pebbels per star [%default]") return result if __name__ in ('__main__', '__plot__'): o, arguments = new_option_parser().parse_args() filename = "sunandM67.hdf5" sun_and_planets = read_set_from_file(filename, "amuse") colors = get_distinct(4) figure = pyplot.figure(figsize=(16, 12)) ax = pyplot.gca() ax.minorticks_on() # switch on the minor ticks ax.locator_params(nbins=3) x_label = "t [Gyr]" y_label = "$Z [kpc]$" pyplot.xlabel(x_label) pyplot.ylabel(y_label) # pyplot.ylim(0, 1) R = [] Z = [] | units.kpc d = [] | units.kpc t = [] | units.Gyr
def main(M1, M2, M3, Pora, Pin, ain, aout, ein, eout, t_end, nsteps, scheme, dtse_fac): t_begin = ctime.time() x_label = "$a/a_{0}$" y_label = "$e/e_{0}$" fig = single_frame(x_label, y_label, logx=False, logy=False, xsize=10, ysize=8) color = get_distinct(4) if scheme == 0: srange = [1, 2, 3] else: srange = [scheme] i = 0 for s in srange: time, ai, ei, ao, eo, inci, inco, time_framework = evolve_triple_with_wind( M1, M2, M3, Pora, Pin, ain, aout, ein, eout, t_end, nsteps, s, dtse_fac) if i == 0: pyplot.plot(ai, ei, c=color[0], label='inner') pyplot.plot(ao, eo, c=color[1], label='outer') i = 1 else: pyplot.plot(ai, ei, c=color[0]) pyplot.plot(ao, eo, c=color[1]) pyplot.legend(loc='best', ncol=1, shadow=False, fontsize=20) pyplot.title('Relative orbital parameters for t=0.1Myr') pyplot.xlabel('$a/a_0$') pyplot.ylabel('$e/e_0$') #save_file = 'evolve_triple_with_wind.png' save_file = 'evolve_triple_with_wind' \ +'_s={:d}_dtse={:.3f}'.format(scheme, dtse_fac) \ +'.png' pyplot.savefig(save_file) print '\nSaved figure in file', save_file, '\n' data = numpy.array(zip(ai, ei))'aiei0', data) data = numpy.array(zip(inci, inco))'incoinci0', data) data = numpy.array(zip(ao, eo))'aoeo0', data) t_end = ctime.time() total_time = t_end - t_begin print 'Total time, ', total_time print 'Total time in framework, ', time_framework print time_framework / total_time * 100, '% spend in non-Amuse framework' data = numpy.array( [total_time, time_framework, time_framework / total_time * 100])'time0', data)
for pri in precision: dEi = energy_error_of_integrated_Nbody_system(code, particles, t_end, pri) dE.append(abs(dEi)) print "integrated with precision=", pri, "dE/E=", dEi return dE if __name__ in ('__main__','__plot__'): numpy.random.seed(31415) particles = new_plummer_model(1000) precision = 10.**numpy.linspace(0., -3., 10) t_end = 1.0| nbody_system.time cols = get_distinct(2) print 'ph4' code = ph4 dE = get_dE(code, precision, t_end) pyplot.scatter(precision, dE, c=cols[0], lw=0, s=50, marker='o') print 'BHTree' code = BHTree dE = get_dE(code, precision, t_end) pyplot.scatter(precision, dE, c=cols[1], lw=0, s=50, marker='^') t0 = 0.8 t1 = 0.02 ep = 4.e-5 eb = 0.07
help="Cluster size [%default]") result.add_option("-n", dest="n", type="int", default=100, help="Number of pebbels per star [%default]") return result if __name__ in ('__main__', '__plot__'): o, arguments = new_option_parser().parse_args() filename = "sunandM67.hdf5" sun_and_planets = read_set_from_file(filename, "amuse") colors = get_distinct(4) figure = pyplot.figure(figsize=(16, 12)) ax = pyplot.gca() ax.minorticks_on() # switch on the minor ticks ax.locator_params(nbins=3) x_label = "t [Gyr]" y_label = "$Z [kpc]$" pyplot.xlabel(x_label) pyplot.ylabel(y_label) # pyplot.ylim(0, 1) R = [] Z = [] | units.kpc d = [] | units.kpc t = [] | units.Gyr
matplotlib.use('Agg') from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from Cosmology import * import scipy.ndimage from distinct_colours import get_distinct import mpl_style from import fits dir = '/cosma5/data/durham/violeta/Galform_Out/v2.7.0/stable/MillGas/' nvol = 64 model = 'gp19/' zlist = [61, 44, 41, 39, 34] #z=0.6, 0.83, 1., 1.5 cols = get_distinct(len(zlist)) ############################# line = 'OII3727' lline = '[OII]' outdir = '/cosma5/data/durham/violeta/lines/cosmicweb/plots/' + model plotfile = outdir + line + '_decam.pdf' fluxcut = 8. * 10.**-17. ############################# # Prepare plots fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.5, 9.)) plt.xlabel("$(r-z)_{\\rm DECam}$") plt.ylabel("$(g-r)_{\\rm DECam}$")
for i in range(len(mbins)): if ntot[index, i] > 0.: npas[index, i] = npas[index, i] / ntot[index, i] nsp[index, i] = nsp[index, i] / ntot[index, i] nsat[index, i] = nsat[index, i] / ntot[index, i] else: npas[index, i] = -999. nsp[index, i] = -999. nsat[index, i] = -999. ############ # Figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.5, 9.)) ax = plt.subplot() cols = get_distinct(len(inleg) + 1) colors = cols g = ['grey'] #; colors.extend(g) ; colors.extend(g) colors[len(colors) - 1] = 'grey' colors.extend(g) xtit = "$log(\\rm{M_{*}/M_{\odot} h^{-1}})$" ytit = "Passive fraction" ax.set_xlabel(xtit) ax.set_ylabel(ytit) ax.set_autoscale_on(False) ax.minorticks_on() ax.set_xlim(mmin, 12) ax.set_ylim(0., 1.) # Observations
help="metalicity [0.02]") return result if __name__ in ('__main__', '__plot__'): o, arguments = new_option_parser().parse_args() x_label = "T [$K$]" y_label = "L [$L_\odot$]" figure = single_frame(x_label, y_label, logx=False, logy=True, xsize=14, ysize=10) color = get_distinct(6) L, T = single_star_evolution(M=1.4 | units.MSun, z=0.04, model_time=4 | units.Gyr) pyplot.plot(T.value_in(units.K), L.value_in(units.LSun), c=color[0]) L, T = single_star_evolution(**o.__dict__) pyplot.plot(T.value_in(units.K), L.value_in(units.LSun), c=color[4]) m67 = plot_M67Data.Cluster() pyplot.scatter(m67.Teff, m67.L, c=color[1], lw=0, s=100) pyplot.scatter(TBSS, LBSS, c=color[3], lw=0, s=250) pyplot.scatter(TBSS[3], LBSS[3], c=color[2], lw=0, s=250)
snap_list = [42] nvol = 3 #64 zleg = [] bands = ['DEIMOS-R', 'MegaCam-i-atmos', 'MegaCam-i-atmos'] mcuts = [24.1, 22.5, 24] fcuts = [ 2.7 * 10.**-17., 3.5 * 10.**-17., 1.9 * 10.**-17., 10.**-16., 8. * 10.**-17. ] inleg = [ 'DEEP2 cuts', 'VVDS-Wide cuts', 'VVDS-Deep cuts', 'eBOSS cuts', 'DESI cuts' ] cols = ['gray'] cols.extend(get_distinct(len(inleg))) # Initialize histogram lmin = 8.5 lmax = 16. dl = 0.1 lbins = np.arange(lmin, lmax, dl) lhist = lbins + dl * 0.5 ############################################ # Initialize the parameters for the figures ytit = "$log_{10} (\\rm M_{*}/M_{\odot}h^{-1})$" xtit = "$log_{10} (\\rm M_{\\rm halo}/M_{\odot}h^{-1})$" ymin = 8. ymax = 11.5 xmin = 10.5