Example #1
def test_nanny(s):
    n = Nanny(s.ip, s.port, ncores=2, loop=s.loop)

    yield n._start(0)
    with rpc(n.address) as nn:
        assert n.is_alive()
        assert s.ncores[n.worker_address] == 2
        assert s.worker_info[n.worker_address]['services']['nanny'] > 1024

        yield nn.kill()
        assert not n.is_alive()
        assert n.worker_address not in s.ncores
        assert n.worker_address not in s.worker_info

        yield nn.kill()
        assert not n.is_alive()
        assert n.worker_address not in s.ncores
        assert n.worker_address not in s.worker_info

        yield nn.instantiate()
        assert n.is_alive()
        assert s.ncores[n.worker_address] == 2
        assert s.worker_info[n.worker_address]['services']['nanny'] > 1024

        yield nn.terminate()
        assert not n.is_alive()

    yield n._close()
Example #2
def test_nanny(s):
    n = Nanny(s.ip, s.port, ncores=2, loop=s.loop)

    yield n._start(0)
    with rpc(n.address) as nn:
        assert n.is_alive()
        assert s.ncores[n.worker_address] == 2
        assert s.workers[n.worker_address].services['nanny'] > 1024

        yield nn.kill()
        assert not n.is_alive()
        assert n.worker_address not in s.ncores
        assert n.worker_address not in s.workers

        yield nn.kill()
        assert not n.is_alive()
        assert n.worker_address not in s.ncores
        assert n.worker_address not in s.workers

        yield nn.instantiate()
        assert n.is_alive()
        assert s.ncores[n.worker_address] == 2
        assert s.workers[n.worker_address].services['nanny'] > 1024

        yield nn.terminate()
        assert not n.is_alive()

    yield n._close()
Example #3
def test_many_kills(s):
    n = Nanny(s.address, ncores=2, loop=s.loop)
    yield n._start(0)
    assert n.is_alive()
    yield [n.kill() for i in range(5)]
    yield [n.kill() for i in range(5)]
    yield n._close()
Example #4
def test_many_kills(s):
    n = Nanny(s.address, ncores=2, loop=s.loop)
    yield n._start(0)
    assert n.is_alive()
    yield [n.kill() for i in range(5)]
    yield [n.kill() for i in range(5)]
    yield n._close()
Example #5
def test_nanny_process_failure(c, s):
    n = Nanny(s.ip, s.port, ncores=2, loop=s.loop)
    yield n._start()
    first_dir = n.worker_dir

    assert os.path.exists(first_dir)

    original_address = n.worker_address
    ww = rpc(n.worker_address)
    yield ww.update_data(data=valmap(dumps, {'x': 1, 'y': 2}))
    pid = n.pid
    assert pid is not None
    with ignoring(CommClosedError):
        yield c._run(os._exit, 0, workers=[n.worker_address])

    start = time()
    while n.pid == pid:  # wait while process dies and comes back
        yield gen.sleep(0.01)
        assert time() - start < 5

    start = time()
    while not n.is_alive():  # wait while process comes back
        yield gen.sleep(0.01)
        assert time() - start < 5

    # assert n.worker_address != original_address  # most likely

    start = time()
    while n.worker_address not in s.ncores or n.worker_dir is None:
        yield gen.sleep(0.01)
        assert time() - start < 5

    second_dir = n.worker_dir

    yield n._close()
    assert not os.path.exists(second_dir)
    assert not os.path.exists(first_dir)
    assert first_dir != n.worker_dir
Example #6
def test_nanny_process_failure(c, s):
    n = Nanny(s.ip, s.port, ncores=2, loop=s.loop)
    yield n._start()
    first_dir = n.worker_dir

    assert os.path.exists(first_dir)

    original_address = n.worker_address
    ww = rpc(n.worker_address)
    yield ww.update_data(data=valmap(dumps, {'x': 1, 'y': 2}))
    pid = n.pid
    assert pid is not None
    with ignoring(CommClosedError):
        yield c._run(os._exit, 0, workers=[n.worker_address])

    start = time()
    while n.pid == pid:  # wait while process dies and comes back
        yield gen.sleep(0.01)
        assert time() - start < 5

    start = time()
    while not n.is_alive():  # wait while process comes back
        yield gen.sleep(0.01)
        assert time() - start < 5

    # assert n.worker_address != original_address  # most likely

    start = time()
    while n.worker_address not in s.ncores or n.worker_dir is None:
        yield gen.sleep(0.01)
        assert time() - start < 5

    second_dir = n.worker_dir

    yield n._close()
    assert not os.path.exists(second_dir)
    assert not os.path.exists(first_dir)
    assert first_dir != n.worker_dir