Example #1
    def test_parsing_fails_raise(self):
        # If request succeeds but parsing the html data fails show error for it
        # Use url format context for request to force load dummy file
        url = (DUMMY_FILE_DIR / 'badhtml.html').as_uri()
        errormsg = 'Error parsing search response for url "%s"' % url

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, errormsg):
            with url_context(url):
                search(VALIDPKG, '1.0')
Example #2
    def test_request_fails_raise(self):
        # If request to DistroWatch fails show error message indicating that
        # Use url format context for requests to force failure
        url = (SCRIPTDIR / 'foobar.txt').as_uri()
        errormsg = 'Error sending search request with url "%s"' % url

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, errormsg):
            with url_context(url):
                search(VALIDPKG, '1.0')
Example #3
    def test_one_result_return_list_of_one(self):
        url = (DUMMY_FILE_DIR / 'oneresult.html').as_uri()
        xp = "./body/div[@id='search-results']/ul/li"

        with url_context(url), xpath_context(xp):
            result = search(VALIDPKG, '1.0')
            self.assertEqual(['The Only One'], result)
Example #4
    def test_three_results_return_list_of_three(self):
        url = (DUMMY_FILE_DIR / 'threeresults.html').as_uri()
        xp = "./body/div[@id='search-results']/ul/li"
        expected = ['The First', 'The   2nd: Number Two', 'Third Result']

        with url_context(url), xpath_context(xp):
            result = search(VALIDPKG, '1.0')
            self.assertEqual(expected, result)
Example #5
package_list = []

with open(LFSPKG_FILE) as pf:
    for pkg in pf:

print('List of packages to search for:')
print('\n'.join([pkg[0] + ' ' + pkg[2] for pkg in package_list]))

# Do the search for all packages and add the list of results to the map
print('\nPerforming package searches...\n')

for (name, mode, version) in package_list:
    print('Searching for distros with "%s %s"...' % (name, version))
    key = '%s (%s %s)' % (name, mode, version)
    package_map[key] = distrosearch.search(name, version, mode)

print('\nPackages (and number of qualifying distros):\n')

for pkg in sorted(package_map.keys()):
    print('{: <20}: {}'.format(pkg, len(package_map[pkg])))

# Get set of distros which comply with all host requirements
good_distros = set()
bad_distros = set()
distro_sets = list(filter(None, package_map.values()))

# Check each distro in each list and ensure it's in all the other lists
for distro_set in distro_sets:
    for distro in distro_set:
        if distro in good_distros or distro in bad_distros:
Example #6
    def test_no_search_results_return_empty_list(self):
        url = (DUMMY_FILE_DIR / 'noresults.html').as_uri()

        with url_context(url), xpath_context(''):
            result = search(VALIDPKG, '1.0')
            self.assertEqual([], result)
Example #7
 def test_version_invalid_raise(self):
     # Ensure it's a non-empty string
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Version cannot be empty'):
         search(VALIDPKG, '')
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Version cannot be empty'):
         search(VALIDPKG, '\t  ')
Example #8
 def test_package_invalid_raise(self):
     # Ensure package is a valid value
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
                                 'Unknown package: "foobarfoo"'):
         search('foobarfoo', '1.0')
Example #9
 def test_mode_invalid_raise(self):
     # Ensure mode is a valid value
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Invalid mode: "badmode"'):
         search(VALIDPKG, '1.0', 'badmode')