Example #1
    def _update_mean(self, posts):
        Update the current mean.
        if len(posts) != self._nchains:
            raise ValueError("You must update all %d chains simultaneously." % self._nchains)
        for i in range(self._nchains):
            # update based on posterior
            # update.mu=function(x,use.core,use.sigma,prior){
            #     X=use.core[x,]
            X = np.array(posts[i]).flatten()
            #     n=length(X)
            n = len(X)
            #     mu0=prior$mu
            mu0 = self._mu
            #     sigma.sq0=prior$sigma^2
            sigma_sq0 = self._sigma ** 2
            #     sigma.sq=use.sigma[x]^2
            sigma_sq = self._std[i] ** 2
            #     num=mu0/sigma.sq0 + sum(X)/sigma.sq
            num = mu0 / sigma_sq0 + X.sum() / sigma_sq
            #     den=1/sigma.sq0 + n/sigma.sq
            den = 1.0 / sigma_sq0 + n / sigma_sq
            #     mean=num/den
            mu = num / den
            #     sigma=den^(-1/2)
            sigma = den ** (-1 / 2.0)
            #     rnorm(1,mean,sigma)
            self._mean[i] = normal(mu, sigma).rvs()

        return self._mean
Example #2
    def _update_mean(self, posts):
        Update the current mean.
        if len(posts) != self._nchains:
            raise ValueError("You must update all %d chains simultaneously." %
        for i in range(self._nchains):
            # update based on posterior
            # update.mu=function(x,use.core,use.sigma,prior){
            #     X=use.core[x,]
            X = np.array(posts[i]).flatten()
            #     n=length(X)
            n = len(X)
            #     mu0=prior$mu
            mu0 = self._mu
            #     sigma.sq0=prior$sigma^2
            sigma_sq0 = self._sigma**2
            #     sigma.sq=use.sigma[x]^2
            sigma_sq = self._std[i]**2
            #     num=mu0/sigma.sq0 + sum(X)/sigma.sq
            num = mu0 / sigma_sq0 + X.sum() / sigma_sq
            #     den=1/sigma.sq0 + n/sigma.sq
            den = 1. / sigma_sq0 + n / sigma_sq
            #     mean=num/den
            mu = num / den
            #     sigma=den^(-1/2)
            sigma = den**(-1 / 2.)
            #     rnorm(1,mean,sigma)
            self._mean[i] = normal(mu, sigma).rvs()

        return self._mean
Example #3
 def rvs(self, shape):
     rvs = np.zeros(shape)
     for i in range(shape[0]):
         ind = i % self._nchains
         rvs[i] = normal(self._mean[ind],
                         self._std[ind]).rvs([1] + list(shape[1:]))
     return np.array(rvs)
Example #4
    def __init__(self,
        self.name = name

        if display_name is None:
            display_name = self.name
        self.display_name = display_name

        # save the priors
        self._mu = mu
        self._sigma = sigma
        self._alpha = alpha
        self._beta = beta

        # save number of chains
        self._nchains = nchains

        # set initial values
        self._mean = normal(mu, sigma).rvs(nchains)
        self._std = np.sqrt(invgamma(alpha, beta).rvs(nchains))
Example #5
 def pdf(self, x):
     x = np.atleast_1d(x)
     if len(x) != self._nchains:
         # raise ValueError("You must request pdf for all %d chains simultaneously."%self._nchains)
         # warning, should only happen during initialization
     pdf = np.zeros(len(x))
     for i in range(len(x)):
         # wrap around as necessary (might only happen at initialization)
         ind = i % self._nchains
         pdf[i] = normal(self._mean[ind], self._std[ind]).pdf(x[i])
     return np.array(pdf)
Example #6
 def pdf(self, x):
     x = np.atleast_1d(x)
     if len(x) != self._nchains:
         #raise ValueError("You must request pdf for all %d chains simultaneously."%self._nchains)
         # warning, should only happen during initialization
     pdf = np.zeros(len(x))
     for i in range(len(x)):
         # wrap around as necessary (might only happen at initialization)
         ind = i % self._nchains
         pdf[i] = normal(self._mean[ind], self._std[ind]).pdf(x[i])
     return np.array(pdf)
Example #7
    def __init__(self, name="", display_name=None, mu=0.0, sigma=1.0, alpha=1.0, beta=1.0, nchains=1):
        self.name = name

        if display_name is None:
            display_name = self.name
        self.display_name = display_name

        # save the priors
        self._mu = mu
        self._sigma = sigma
        self._alpha = alpha
        self._beta = beta

        # save number of chains
        self._nchains = nchains

        # set initial values
        self._mean = normal(mu, sigma).rvs(nchains)
        self._std = np.sqrt(invgamma(alpha, beta).rvs(nchains))
Example #8
 def rvs(self, shape):
     rvs = np.zeros(shape)
     for i in range(shape[0]):
         ind = i % self._nchains
         rvs[i] = normal(self._mean[ind], self._std[ind]).rvs([1] + list(shape[1:]))
     return np.array(rvs)
Example #9
def kdensity(
    # function (x, bw = "nrd0", adjust = 1, kernel = c("gaussian",
    #     "epanechnikov", "rectangular", "triangular", "biweight",
    #     "cosine", "optcosine"), weights = NULL, window = kernel,
    #     width, give.Rkern = FALSE, n = 512, from, to, cut = 3, na.rm = FALSE,
    #     ...)
    # {
    #     if (length(list(...)))
    #         warning("non-matched further arguments are disregarded")
    #     if (!missing(window) && missing(kernel))
    #         kernel <- window
    #     kernel <- match.arg(kernel)
    #     if (give.Rkern)
    #         return(switch(kernel, gaussian = 1/(2 * sqrt(pi)), rectangular = sqrt(3)/6,
    #             triangular = sqrt(6)/9, epanechnikov = 3/(5 * sqrt(5)),
    #             biweight = 5 * sqrt(7)/49, cosine = 3/4 * sqrt(1/3 -
    #                 2/pi^2), optcosine = sqrt(1 - 8/pi^2) * pi^2/16))
    #     if (!is.numeric(x))
    #         stop("argument 'x' must be numeric")
    #     name <- deparse(substitute(x))
    #     x <- as.vector(x)
    #     x.na <- is.na(x)
    #     if (any(x.na)) {
    #         if (na.rm)
    #             x <- x[!x.na]
    #         else stop("'x' contains missing values")
    #     }
    #     N <- nx <- length(x)
    N = len(x)
    nx = len(x)
    #     x.finite <- is.finite(x)
    #     if (any(!x.finite)) {
    #         x <- x[x.finite]
    #         nx <- length(x)
    #     }
    #     if (is.null(weights)) {
    #         weights <- rep.int(1/nx, nx)
    #         totMass <- nx/N
    #     }
    #     else {
    #         if (length(weights) != N)
    #             stop("'x' and 'weights' have unequal length")
    #         if (!all(is.finite(weights)))
    #             stop("'weights' must all be finite")
    #         if (any(weights < 0))
    #             stop("'weights' must not be negative")
    #         wsum <- sum(weights)
    #         if (any(!x.finite)) {
    #             weights <- weights[x.finite]
    #             totMass <- sum(weights)/wsum
    #         }
    #         else totMass <- 1
    #         if (!isTRUE(all.equal(1, wsum)))
    #             warning("sum(weights) != 1  -- will not get true density")
    #     }
    if weights is None:
        weights = np.ones(nx) / float(nx)
        totMass = nx / float(N)
        totMass = 1.0

    #     n.user <- n
    #     n <- max(n, 512)
    #     if (n > 512)
    #         n <- 2^ceiling(log2(n))
    nbins_user = nbins
    nbins = max(nbins, 512)
    if nbins > 512:
        nbins = int(2**np.ceil(np.log2(nbins)))
    #     if (missing(bw) && !missing(width)) {
    #         if (is.numeric(width)) {
    #             fac <- switch(kernel, gaussian = 4, rectangular = 2 *
    #                 sqrt(3), triangular = 2 * sqrt(6), epanechnikov = 2 *
    #                 sqrt(5), biweight = 2 * sqrt(7), cosine = 2/sqrt(1/3 -
    #                 2/pi^2), optcosine = 2/sqrt(1 - 8/pi^2))
    #             bw <- width/fac
    #         }
    #         if (is.character(width))
    #             bw <- width
    #     }
    #     if (is.character(bw)) {
    #         if (nx < 2)
    #             stop("need at least 2 points to select a bandwidth automatically")
    #         bw <- switch(tolower(bw), nrd0 = bw.nrd0(x), nrd = bw.nrd(x),
    #             ucv = bw.ucv(x), bcv = bw.bcv(x), sj = , `sj-ste` = bw.SJ(x,
    #                 method = "ste"), `sj-dpi` = bw.SJ(x, method = "dpi"),
    #             stop("unknown bandwidth rule"))
    #     }
    bw = nrd0(x)
    #     if (!is.finite(bw))
    #         stop("non-finite 'bw'")
    #     bw <- adjust * bw
    bw *= adjust

    # for some reason I have to multiply bw by 2
    #bw *= 2.

    #     if (bw <= 0)
    #         stop("'bw' is not positive.")
    #     if (missing(from))
    #         from <- min(x) - cut * bw
    #     if (missing(to))
    #         to <- max(x) + cut * bw
    if extrema is None:
        extrema = (np.min(x) - cut * bw, np.max(x) + cut * bw)
    #     if (!is.finite(from))
    #         stop("non-finite 'from'")
    #     if (!is.finite(to))
    #         stop("non-finite 'to'")
    #     lo <- from - 4 * bw
    #     up <- to + 4 * bw
    lo = extrema[0] - 4 * bw
    up = extrema[1] + 4 * bw
    #print extrema,lo,up
    #     y <- .Call(C_BinDist, x, weights, lo, up, n) * totMass
    #y = np.histogram(x, nbins=nbins, weights=weights, range=(lo,up))*totMass
    xi = x.copy()
    xi -= lo
    xi /= (up - lo) / (nbins - 1)
    xi = np.floor(xi)

    # Next, make a histogram of x
    # Avoiding np.histogram2d due to excessive memory usage with many points
    y = sp.sparse.coo_matrix((weights, np.vstack([xi, np.zeros_like(xi)])),
                             shape=(nbins, 1)).toarray()[:, 0] * totMass

    #     kords <- seq.int(0, 2 * (up - lo), length.out = 2L * n)
    kords = np.linspace(0, 2 * (up - lo), 2 * nbins)
    #     kords[(n + 2):(2 * n)] <- -kords[n:2]
    kords[nbins + 1:] = -kords[nbins - 1:0:-1]
    #     kords <- switch(kernel, gaussian = dnorm(kords, sd = bw),
    #         rectangular = {
    #             a <- bw * sqrt(3)
    #             ifelse(abs(kords) < a, 0.5/a, 0)
    #         }, triangular = {
    #             a <- bw * sqrt(6)
    #             ax <- abs(kords)
    #             ifelse(ax < a, (1 - ax/a)/a, 0)
    #         }, epanechnikov = {
    #             a <- bw * sqrt(5)
    #             ax <- abs(kords)
    #             ifelse(ax < a, 3/4 * (1 - (ax/a)^2)/a, 0)
    #         }, biweight = {
    #             a <- bw * sqrt(7)
    #             ax <- abs(kords)
    #             ifelse(ax < a, 15/16 * (1 - (ax/a)^2)^2/a, 0)
    #         }, cosine = {
    #             a <- bw/sqrt(1/3 - 2/pi^2)
    #             ifelse(abs(kords) < a, (1 + cos(pi * kords/a))/(2 *
    #                 a), 0)
    #         }, optcosine = {
    #             a <- bw/sqrt(1 - 8/pi^2)
    #             ifelse(abs(kords) < a, pi/4 * cos(pi * kords/(2 *
    #                 a))/a, 0)
    #         })

    # NOTE: bw is doubled here to match doubled width of kernel
    bw2 = bw * 2.
    if kernel == 'gaussian':
        kords = normal(std=bw2).pdf(kords)
    elif kernel == 'epanechnikov':
        a = bw2 * np.sqrt(5)
        ax = np.abs(kords)
        ind = ax < a
        ax[ind] = .75 * (1 - (ax[ind] / a)**2) / a
        ax[~ind] = 0.0
        kords = ax
        raise ValueError("Unknown kernel type.")

    #     kords <- fft(fft(y) * Conj(fft(kords)), inverse = TRUE)
    kords = np.fft.ifft(
        np.concatenate([np.fft.fft(y)] * 2) * np.conj(np.fft.fft(kords)))
    #     kords <- pmax.int(0, Re(kords)[1L:n]/length(y))
    #kords = (np.real(kords)[:nbins]/float(len(y))).clip(0,np.inf)
    #kords = (np.real(kords)[::2]/float(len(y))).clip(0,np.inf)
    #kords = (np.real(kords)/float(len(y))).clip(0,np.inf)
    #kords = (np.real(kords)).clip(0,np.inf)*2.
    kords = (np.real(kords)[::2]).clip(0, np.inf) * 2.
    #     xords <- seq.int(lo, up, length.out = n)
    xords = np.linspace(lo, up, nbins)
    #     x <- seq.int(from, to, length.out = n.user)
    if xx is None:
        xx = np.linspace(extrema[0], extrema[1], nbins_user)
    pdf = np.interp(xx, xords, kords)
    #     structure(list(x = x, y = approx(xords, kords, x)$y, bw = bw,
    #         n = N, call = match.call(), data.name = name, has.na = FALSE),
    #         class = "density")
    # }

    return pdf, xx
Example #10
def kdensity(x, extrema=None, kernel="gaussian", 
            binwidth=None, nbins=512, weights=None, 
            adjust=1.0, cut=3, xx=None):
    # function (x, bw = "nrd0", adjust = 1, kernel = c("gaussian", 
    #     "epanechnikov", "rectangular", "triangular", "biweight", 
    #     "cosine", "optcosine"), weights = NULL, window = kernel, 
    #     width, give.Rkern = FALSE, n = 512, from, to, cut = 3, na.rm = FALSE, 
    #     ...) 
    # {
    #     if (length(list(...))) 
    #         warning("non-matched further arguments are disregarded")
    #     if (!missing(window) && missing(kernel)) 
    #         kernel <- window
    #     kernel <- match.arg(kernel)
    #     if (give.Rkern) 
    #         return(switch(kernel, gaussian = 1/(2 * sqrt(pi)), rectangular = sqrt(3)/6, 
    #             triangular = sqrt(6)/9, epanechnikov = 3/(5 * sqrt(5)), 
    #             biweight = 5 * sqrt(7)/49, cosine = 3/4 * sqrt(1/3 - 
    #                 2/pi^2), optcosine = sqrt(1 - 8/pi^2) * pi^2/16))
    #     if (!is.numeric(x)) 
    #         stop("argument 'x' must be numeric")
    #     name <- deparse(substitute(x))
    #     x <- as.vector(x)
    #     x.na <- is.na(x)
    #     if (any(x.na)) {
    #         if (na.rm) 
    #             x <- x[!x.na]
    #         else stop("'x' contains missing values")
    #     }
    #     N <- nx <- length(x)
    N = len(x)
    nx = len(x)
    #     x.finite <- is.finite(x)
    #     if (any(!x.finite)) {
    #         x <- x[x.finite]
    #         nx <- length(x)
    #     }
    #     if (is.null(weights)) {
    #         weights <- rep.int(1/nx, nx)
    #         totMass <- nx/N
    #     }
    #     else {
    #         if (length(weights) != N) 
    #             stop("'x' and 'weights' have unequal length")
    #         if (!all(is.finite(weights))) 
    #             stop("'weights' must all be finite")
    #         if (any(weights < 0)) 
    #             stop("'weights' must not be negative")
    #         wsum <- sum(weights)
    #         if (any(!x.finite)) {
    #             weights <- weights[x.finite]
    #             totMass <- sum(weights)/wsum
    #         }
    #         else totMass <- 1
    #         if (!isTRUE(all.equal(1, wsum))) 
    #             warning("sum(weights) != 1  -- will not get true density")
    #     }
    if weights is None:
        weights = np.ones(nx)/float(nx)
        totMass = nx/float(N)
        totMass = 1.0
    #     n.user <- n
    #     n <- max(n, 512)
    #     if (n > 512) 
    #         n <- 2^ceiling(log2(n))
    nbins_user = nbins
    nbins = max(nbins,512)
    if nbins > 512:
        nbins = int(2**np.ceil(np.log2(nbins)))
    #     if (missing(bw) && !missing(width)) {
    #         if (is.numeric(width)) {
    #             fac <- switch(kernel, gaussian = 4, rectangular = 2 * 
    #                 sqrt(3), triangular = 2 * sqrt(6), epanechnikov = 2 * 
    #                 sqrt(5), biweight = 2 * sqrt(7), cosine = 2/sqrt(1/3 - 
    #                 2/pi^2), optcosine = 2/sqrt(1 - 8/pi^2))
    #             bw <- width/fac
    #         }
    #         if (is.character(width)) 
    #             bw <- width
    #     }
    #     if (is.character(bw)) {
    #         if (nx < 2) 
    #             stop("need at least 2 points to select a bandwidth automatically")
    #         bw <- switch(tolower(bw), nrd0 = bw.nrd0(x), nrd = bw.nrd(x), 
    #             ucv = bw.ucv(x), bcv = bw.bcv(x), sj = , `sj-ste` = bw.SJ(x, 
    #                 method = "ste"), `sj-dpi` = bw.SJ(x, method = "dpi"), 
    #             stop("unknown bandwidth rule"))
    #     }
    bw = nrd0(x)
    #     if (!is.finite(bw)) 
    #         stop("non-finite 'bw'")
    #     bw <- adjust * bw
    bw *= adjust

    # for some reason I have to multiply bw by 2
    #bw *= 2.
    #     if (bw <= 0) 
    #         stop("'bw' is not positive.")
    #     if (missing(from)) 
    #         from <- min(x) - cut * bw
    #     if (missing(to)) 
    #         to <- max(x) + cut * bw
    if extrema is None:
        extrema = (np.min(x) - cut*bw, np.max(x) + cut*bw)
    #     if (!is.finite(from)) 
    #         stop("non-finite 'from'")
    #     if (!is.finite(to)) 
    #         stop("non-finite 'to'")
    #     lo <- from - 4 * bw
    #     up <- to + 4 * bw
    lo = extrema[0] - 4*bw
    up = extrema[1] + 4*bw
    #print extrema,lo,up
    #     y <- .Call(C_BinDist, x, weights, lo, up, n) * totMass
    #y = np.histogram(x, nbins=nbins, weights=weights, range=(lo,up))*totMass
    xi = x.copy()
    xi -= lo
    xi /= (up - lo) / (nbins - 1)
    xi = np.floor(xi)

    # Next, make a histogram of x
    # Avoiding np.histogram2d due to excessive memory usage with many points
    y = sp.sparse.coo_matrix((weights, np.vstack([xi,np.zeros_like(xi)])),
                             shape=(nbins,1)).toarray()[:,0] * totMass
    #     kords <- seq.int(0, 2 * (up - lo), length.out = 2L * n)
    kords = np.linspace(0,2*(up-lo),2*nbins)
    #     kords[(n + 2):(2 * n)] <- -kords[n:2]
    kords[nbins+1:] = -kords[nbins-1:0:-1]
    #     kords <- switch(kernel, gaussian = dnorm(kords, sd = bw), 
    #         rectangular = {
    #             a <- bw * sqrt(3)
    #             ifelse(abs(kords) < a, 0.5/a, 0)
    #         }, triangular = {
    #             a <- bw * sqrt(6)
    #             ax <- abs(kords)
    #             ifelse(ax < a, (1 - ax/a)/a, 0)
    #         }, epanechnikov = {
    #             a <- bw * sqrt(5)
    #             ax <- abs(kords)
    #             ifelse(ax < a, 3/4 * (1 - (ax/a)^2)/a, 0)
    #         }, biweight = {
    #             a <- bw * sqrt(7)
    #             ax <- abs(kords)
    #             ifelse(ax < a, 15/16 * (1 - (ax/a)^2)^2/a, 0)
    #         }, cosine = {
    #             a <- bw/sqrt(1/3 - 2/pi^2)
    #             ifelse(abs(kords) < a, (1 + cos(pi * kords/a))/(2 * 
    #                 a), 0)
    #         }, optcosine = {
    #             a <- bw/sqrt(1 - 8/pi^2)
    #             ifelse(abs(kords) < a, pi/4 * cos(pi * kords/(2 * 
    #                 a))/a, 0)
    #         })

    # NOTE: bw is doubled here to match doubled width of kernel
    bw2 = bw*2.
    if kernel == 'gaussian':
        kords = normal(std=bw2).pdf(kords)
    elif kernel == 'epanechnikov':
        a = bw2 * np.sqrt(5)
        ax = np.abs(kords)
        ind = ax<a
        ax[ind] = .75 * (1-(ax[ind]/a)**2)/a
        ax[~ind] = 0.0
        kords = ax
        raise ValueError("Unknown kernel type.")

    #     kords <- fft(fft(y) * Conj(fft(kords)), inverse = TRUE)
    kords = np.fft.ifft(np.concatenate([np.fft.fft(y)]*2)*np.conj(np.fft.fft(kords)))
    #     kords <- pmax.int(0, Re(kords)[1L:n]/length(y))
    #kords = (np.real(kords)[:nbins]/float(len(y))).clip(0,np.inf)
    #kords = (np.real(kords)[::2]/float(len(y))).clip(0,np.inf)
    #kords = (np.real(kords)/float(len(y))).clip(0,np.inf)
    #kords = (np.real(kords)).clip(0,np.inf)*2.
    kords = (np.real(kords)[::2]).clip(0,np.inf)*2.
    #     xords <- seq.int(lo, up, length.out = n)
    xords = np.linspace(lo,up,nbins)
    #     x <- seq.int(from, to, length.out = n.user)
    if xx is None:
        xx = np.linspace(extrema[0],extrema[1],nbins_user)
    pdf = np.interp(xx,xords,kords)
    #     structure(list(x = x, y = approx(xords, kords, x)$y, bw = bw, 
    #         n = N, call = match.call(), data.name = name, has.na = FALSE), 
    #         class = "density")
    # }

    return pdf,xx