Example #1
def select_parser(filename, read=True):

    if filename.endswith(".ini"):

        options = config.ConfigParser()
        if read:
            options.filename = filename

        return options

    elif filename.endswith(".pkl") or filename.endswith(".p"):

        options = PickleParser()
        if read:
            with open(filename, "r") as fp:
                options._buffer = options.load(fp)
                options.filename = filename

        return options

    elif filename.endswith(".json"):

        options = JSONParser()
        if read:
            with open(filename, "r") as fp:
                options._buffer = options.load(fp)
                options.filename = filename

        return options

        raise NotImplementedError("Config file type not supported!")
Example #2
    def read(cls, config_file):

        #Read the options from the ini file
        options = config.ConfigParser()

        #Check that the config file has the appropriate section
        section = "PowerSpectrumSettings"
        assert options.has_section(
            section), "No {0} section in configuration file {1}".format(
                section, config_file)

        #Fill in the appropriate fields
        settings = cls()

        settings.ensemble_name = options.get(section, "ensemble_name")

        #Read in the nbody realizations that make up the ensemble
        settings.nbody_realizations = list()
        for r in options.get(section, "nbody_realizations").split(","):

                l, h = r.split("-")
                settings.nbody_realizations.extend(range(int(l), int(h) + 1))
            except ValueError:

        settings.first_snapshot = options.getint(section, "first_snapshot")
        settings.last_snapshot = options.getint(section, "last_snapshot")

        settings.fft_grid_size = options.getint(section, "fft_grid_size")

        settings.length_unit = getattr(u, options.get(section, "length_unit"))
        settings.kmin = options.getfloat(section,
                                         "kmin") * settings.length_unit**-1
        settings.kmax = options.getfloat(section,
                                         "kmax") * settings.length_unit**-1

        settings.num_k_bins = options.getint(section, "num_k_bins")

        #Return to user
        return settings
Example #3
#A dirty hack to get around some early import/configurations ambiguities
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    import builtins
    import __builtin__ as builtins
builtins._ASTROPY_SETUP_ = True

from astropy_helpers.setup_helpers import (register_commands, adjust_compiler,
                                           get_debug_option, get_package_info)
from astropy_helpers.git_helpers import get_git_devstr
from astropy_helpers.version_helpers import generate_version_py

# Get some values from the setup.cfg
from distutils import config
conf = config.ConfigParser()
metadata = dict(conf.items('metadata'))

PACKAGENAME = metadata.get('package_name', 'packagename')
DESCRIPTION = metadata.get('description', 'Astropy affiliated package')
AUTHOR = metadata.get('author', '')
AUTHOR_EMAIL = metadata.get('author_email', '')
LICENSE = metadata.get('license', 'unknown')
URL = metadata.get('url', 'http://astropy.org')

# Get the long description from the package's docstring
package = sys.modules[PACKAGENAME]
LONG_DESCRIPTION = package.__doc__