Example #1
    def _validate_query_is_possible(self, query):
        """ Given the *django* query, check the following:
            - The query only has one inequality filter
            - The query does no joins
            - The query ordering is compatible with the filters
        #Check for joins
        if query.count_active_tables() > 1:
            raise NotSupportedError("""
                The appengine database connector does not support JOINs. The requested join map follows\n
            """ % query.join_map)

        if query.aggregates:
            if query.aggregates.keys() == [ None ]:
                if query.aggregates[None].col != "*":
                    raise NotSupportedError("Counting anything other than '*' is not supported")
                raise NotSupportedError("Unsupported aggregate query")
Example #2
 def check_inequality_usage(_op, _column, _current_inequality):
         if _current_inequality and _current_inequality[0] != _column:
             raise NotSupportedError(
                 "You can only specify inequality filters ({}) on one property. There is already one on {}, you're attempting to use one on {}".format(
             #We have to use a list, because Python 2.x doesn't have 'nonlocal' :/
Example #3
                def txn():
                    if key is not None:
                        if utils.key_exists(key):
                            raise IntegrityError("Tried to INSERT with existing key")

                    id_or_name = key.id_or_name()
                    if isinstance(id_or_name, basestring) and id_or_name.startswith("__"):
                        raise NotSupportedError("Datastore ids cannot start with __. Id was %s" % id_or_name)

                    markers = constraints.acquire(self.model, ent)
                        caching.add_entity_to_context_cache(self.model, ent)
                        #Make sure we delete any created markers before we re-raise
Example #4
def parse_constraint(child, connection):
    #First, unpack the constraint
    constraint, op, annotation, value = child
    was_list = isinstance(value, (list, tuple))
    packed, value = constraint.process(op, value, connection)
    alias, column, db_type = packed

    if constraint.field.db_type(connection) in ("bytes", "text"):
        raise NotSupportedError("Text and Blob fields are not indexed by the datastore, so you can't filter on them")

        #Don't convert if this op requires special indexes, it will be handled there
        value = [ connection.ops.prep_lookup_value(constraint.field.model, x, constraint.field, constraint=constraint) for x in value]

        #Don't ask me why, but constraint.process on isnull wipes out the value (it returns an empty list)
        # so we have to special case this to use the annotation value instead
        if op == "isnull":
            value = [ annotation ]

        if not was_list:
            value = value[0]
        if not was_list:
            value = value[0]

        add_special_index(constraint.field.model, column, op) #Add the index if we can (e.g. on dev_appserver)

        if op not in special_indexes_for_column(constraint.field.model, column):
            raise RuntimeError("There is a missing index in your djangaeidx.yaml - \n\n{0}:\n\t{1}: [{2}]".format(
                constraint.field.model, column, op)

        indexer = REQUIRES_SPECIAL_INDEXES[op]
        column = indexer.indexed_column_name(column)
        value = indexer.prep_value_for_query(value)
        op = indexer.prep_query_operator(op)

    return column, op, value
Example #5
    def parse_where_and_check_projection(self, where, negated=False):
        """ recursively parse the where tree and return a list of tuples of
            (column, match_type, value), e.g. ('name', 'exact', 'John').
        result = []

        if where.negated:
            negated = not negated

        if negated and where.connector != AND:
            raise NotSupportedError("Only AND filters are supported for negated queries")

        for child in where.children:
            if isinstance(child, tuple):
                constraint, op, annotation, value = child
                if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
                    value = [ self.connection.ops.prep_lookup_value(self.model, x, constraint.field) for x in value]
                    value = self.connection.ops.prep_lookup_value(self.model, value, constraint.field)

                #Disable projection if it's not supported
                if self.projection and constraint.col in self.projection:
                    if op in ("exact", "in", "isnull"):
                        #If we are projecting, but we are doing an
                        #equality filter on one of the columns, then we
                        #can't project
                        self.projection = None

                if negated:
                    if op in ("exact", "in") and constraint.field.primary_key:
                    #else: FIXME when excluded_pks is handled, we can put the
                    #next section in an else block
                    if op == "exact":
                        if self.has_inequality_filter:
                            raise RuntimeError("You can only specify one inequality filter per query")

                        col = constraint.col
                        result.append((col, "gt_and_lt", value))
                        self.has_inequality_filter = True
                        raise RuntimeError("Unsupported negated lookup: " + op)
                    if constraint.field.primary_key:
                        if (value is None and op == "exact") or (op == "isnull" and value):
                            #If we are looking for a primary key that is None, then we always
                            #just return nothing
                            raise EmptyResultSet()

                        elif op in ("exact", "in"):
                            if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
                            col = constraint.col
                            result.append((col, op, value))
                        col = constraint.col
                        result.append((col, op, value))
                result.extend(self.parse_where_and_check_projection(child, negated))

        return result
Example #6
    def __init__(self, connection, query, keys_only=False, all_fields=False):
        self.original_query = query

        opts = query.get_meta()
        if not query.default_ordering:
            self.ordering = query.order_by
            self.ordering = query.order_by or opts.ordering

        if self.ordering:
            ordering = [ x for x in self.ordering if not (isinstance(x, basestring) and "__" in x) ]
            if len(ordering) < len(self.ordering):
                if not on_production() and not in_testing():
                    diff = set(self.ordering) - set(ordering)
                    log_once(DJANGAE_LOG.warning, "The following orderings were ignored as cross-table orderings are not supported on the datastore: %s", diff)
                self.ordering = ordering

        self.distinct_values = set()
        self.distinct_on_field = None
        self.distinct_field_convertor = None
        self.queried_fields = []

        if keys_only:
            self.queried_fields = [ opts.pk.column ]
        elif not all_fields:
            for x in query.select:
                if isinstance(x, tuple):
                    #Django < 1.6 compatibility

                    if x.lookup_type == 'year':
                        assert self.distinct_on_field is None
                        self.distinct_on_field = x.col[1]
                        self.distinct_field_convertor = field_conv_year_only
                    elif x.lookup_type == 'month':
                        assert self.distinct_on_field is None
                        self.distinct_on_field = x.col[1]
                        self.distinct_field_convertor = field_conv_month_only
                    elif x.lookup_type == 'day':
                        assert self.distinct_on_field is None
                        self.distinct_on_field = x.col[1]
                        self.distinct_field_convertor = field_conv_day_only
                        raise NotSupportedError("Unhandled lookup type: {0}".format(x.lookup_type))

        #Projection queries don't return results unless all projected fields are
        #indexed on the model. This means if you add a field, and all fields on the model
        #are projectable, you will never get any results until you've resaved all of them.

        #Because it's not possible to detect this situation, we only try a projection query if a
        #subset of fields was specified (e.g. values_list('bananas')) which makes the behaviour a
        #bit more predictable. It would be nice at some point to add some kind of force_projection()
        #thing on a queryset that would do this whenever possible, but that's for the future, maybe.
        try_projection = bool(self.queried_fields)

        if not self.queried_fields:
            self.queried_fields = [ x.column for x in opts.fields ]

        self.connection = connection
        self.pk_col = opts.pk.column
        self.model = query.model
        self.is_count = query.aggregates
        self.keys_only = False #FIXME: This should be used where possible
        self.included_pks = []
        self.excluded_pks = []
        self.has_inequality_filter = False
        self.all_filters = []
        self.results = None
        self.extra_select = query.extra_select
        self.gae_query = None


        projection_fields = []

        if try_projection:
            for field in self.queried_fields:
                #We don't include the primary key in projection queries...
                if field == self.pk_col:

                #Text and byte fields aren't indexed, so we can't do a
                #projection query
                f = get_field_from_column(self.model, field)
                if not f:
                    raise NotImplementedError("Attemping a cross-table select. Maybe? #FIXME")
                assert f #If this happens, we have a cross-table select going on! #FIXME
                db_type = f.db_type(connection)

                if db_type in ("bytes", "text"):
                    projection_fields = []


        self.projection = list(set(projection_fields)) or None
        if opts.parents:
            self.projection = None

        self.where = self.parse_where_and_check_projection(query.where)

            #If the PK was queried, we switch it in our queried
            #fields store with __key__
            pk_index = self.queried_fields.index(self.pk_col)
            self.queried_fields[pk_index] = "__key__"

            #If the only field queried was the key, then we can do a keys_only
            self.keys_only = len(self.queried_fields) == 1
        except ValueError:
Example #7
def normalize_query(node, connection, negated=False, filtered_columns=None, _inequality_property=None):
        Converts a django_where_tree which is CNF to a DNF for use in the datastore.
        This function does a lot of heavy lifting so optimization is welcome.

        The connection is needed for calculating the values on the literals, it would
        be nice if we can remove that so this only has one task, but it's fine for now
    _inequality_property = _inequality_property if _inequality_property is not None else []

    def check_inequality_usage(_op, _column, _current_inequality):
        if _op in INEQUALITY_OPERATORS:
            if _current_inequality and _current_inequality[0] != _column:
                raise NotSupportedError(
                    "You can only specify inequality filters ({}) on one property. There is already one on {}, you're attempting to use one on {}".format(
                #We have to use a list, because Python 2.x doesn't have 'nonlocal' :/

    if isinstance(node, tuple) and isinstance(node[0], Constraint):
        # This is where contraints are exploded
        column, op, value = parse_constraint(node, connection)

        if filtered_columns is not None:
            assert isinstance(filtered_columns, set)

        if op == 'in': # Explode INs into OR
            if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set)):
                raise ValueError("IN queries must be supplied a list of values")

            if negated:
                check_inequality_usage(">", column, _inequality_property)
                return ('OR', [ ('OR', [(column, '>', x), (column, '<', x)]) for x in value ])
                if len(value) == 1:
                    return (column, '=', value[0])
                return ('OR', [(column, '=', x) for x in value])

        if op not in OPERATORS_MAP:
            raise NotSupportedError("Unsupported operator %s" % op)

        _op = OPERATORS_MAP[op]

        check_inequality_usage(_op, column, _inequality_property) #Check we aren't doing an additional inequality

        if negated and _op == '=': # Explode
            check_inequality_usage('>', column, _inequality_property)
            return ('OR', [(column, '>', value), (column, '<', value)])
        elif op == "startswith":
            #You can emulate starts with by adding the last unicode char
            #to the value, then doing <=. Genius.
            if value.endswith("%"):
                value = value[:-1]
            end_value = value[:]
            if isinstance(end_value, str):
                end_value = end_value.decode("utf-8")
            end_value += u'\ufffd'

            check_inequality_usage('>=', column, _inequality_property)
            if not negated:
                return ('AND', [(column, '>=', value), (column, '<', end_value)])
                return ('OR', [(column, '<', value), (column, '>=', end_value)])

        elif op == "isnull":
            if (value and not negated) or (not value and negated): #We're checking for isnull=True
                #If we are checking that a primary key isnull, then don't do an impossible query!
                if node[0].field.primary_key:
                    raise EmptyResultSet()

                return (column, "=", None)
            else: #We're checking for isnull=False
                check_inequality_usage('>', column, _inequality_property)
                return ('OR', [(column, '>', None), (column, '<', None)])
        elif _op == None:
            raise NotSupportedError("Unhandled lookup type %s" % op)

        return (column, _op, value)
        # This is where the distribution is applied over the children
        if not node.children:
            return []

        if node.negated:
            negated = True
        if len(node.children) > 1: # If there is more than one child then attempt to reduce
            exploded = (node.connector, [
                normalize_query(child, connection, negated=negated, filtered_columns=filtered_columns, _inequality_property=_inequality_property)
                for child in node.children

            if node.connector == 'AND':

                if len(exploded[1]) > 1:
                    # We need to know if there are any ORs under this AND node
                    _ors = [x for x in exploded[1] if x[0] == 'OR' ]

                    def special_product(*args):
                            Modified product to return the prods in an AND container
                        pools = map(tuple, args)
                        result = [[]]
                        for pool in pools:
                            result = [x+[y] if y[0] != 'AND' else x+y[1] for x in result for y in pool]
                        for prod in result:
                            yield ('AND', list(prod))

                    if len(_ors) > 0:
                        # This is a bit complicated to explain in a comment
                        # But you can calculate the DNF by doing a clever product on the children of the AND node
                        # It's all to do with grouping the ORs in groups and the ANDs individualy
                        # This returns a DNF which is naturally wrapped in an OR
                        _literals = (x for x in exploded[1] if x[0] != 'OR')
                        flat_ors = (x[1] if x[0] == 'OR' else x for x in _ors)
                        flat_literals = ([y] if y[0] != 'AND' else ([q] for q in y[1]) for y in _literals)
                        return ('OR', [x for x in special_product(*chain(flat_ors, flat_literals))])

            elif node.connector == 'OR':
                if all(x[0] == 'OR' for x in exploded[1]):
                    return ('OR', list(chain.from_iterable((x[1] for x in exploded[1]))))

            exploded = normalize_query(

            if exploded[0] == exploded[1][0][0]: # crush any single child 'OR' or 'AND' hangover
                return (exploded[0], [x for x in exploded[1][0][1]])

        return exploded