Example #1
    def transform(self, coord_trans, clone=False):
        Transforms this geometry to a different spatial reference system.
        May take a CoordTransform object, a SpatialReference object, string
        WKT or PROJ.4, and/or an integer SRID.  By default nothing is returned
        and the geometry is transformed in-place.  However, if the `clone`
        keyword is set, then a transformed clone of this geometry will be
        if clone:
            klone = self.clone()
            return klone

        # Have to get the coordinate dimension of the original geometry
        # so it can be used to reset the transformed geometry's dimension
        # afterwards.  This is done because of GDAL bug (in versions prior
        # to 1.7) that turns geometries 3D after transformation, see:
        #  http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/changeset/17792
        if GDAL_VERSION < (1, 7):
            orig_dim = self.coord_dim

        # Depending on the input type, use the appropriate OGR routine
        # to perform the transformation.
        if isinstance(coord_trans, CoordTransform):
            capi.geom_transform(self.ptr, coord_trans.ptr)
        elif isinstance(coord_trans, SpatialReference):
            capi.geom_transform_to(self.ptr, coord_trans.ptr)
        elif isinstance(coord_trans, six.integer_types + six.string_types):
            sr = SpatialReference(coord_trans)
            capi.geom_transform_to(self.ptr, sr.ptr)
            raise TypeError('Transform only accepts CoordTransform, '
                            'SpatialReference, string, and integer objects.')

        # Setting with original dimension, see comment above.
        if GDAL_VERSION < (1, 7):
            if isinstance(self, GeometryCollection):
                # With geometry collections have to set dimension on
                # each internal geometry reference, as the collection
                # dimension isn't affected.
                for i in xrange(len(self)):
                    internal_ptr = capi.get_geom_ref(self.ptr, i)
                    if orig_dim != capi.get_coord_dim(internal_ptr):
                        capi.set_coord_dim(internal_ptr, orig_dim)
                if self.coord_dim != orig_dim:
                    self.coord_dim = orig_dim
Example #2
    def transform(self, coord_trans, clone=False):
        Transforms this geometry to a different spatial reference system.
        May take a CoordTransform object, a SpatialReference object, string
        WKT or PROJ.4, and/or an integer SRID.  By default nothing is returned
        and the geometry is transformed in-place.  However, if the `clone`
        keyword is set, then a transformed clone of this geometry will be
        if clone:
            klone = self.clone()
            return klone

        # Have to get the coordinate dimension of the original geometry
        # so it can be used to reset the transformed geometry's dimension
        # afterwards.  This is done because of GDAL bug (in versions prior
        # to 1.7) that turns geometries 3D after transformation, see:
        #  http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/changeset/17792
        if GDAL_VERSION < (1, 7):
            orig_dim = self.coord_dim

        # Depending on the input type, use the appropriate OGR routine
        # to perform the transformation.
        if isinstance(coord_trans, CoordTransform):
            capi.geom_transform(self.ptr, coord_trans.ptr)
        elif isinstance(coord_trans, SpatialReference):
            capi.geom_transform_to(self.ptr, coord_trans.ptr)
        elif isinstance(coord_trans, (int, long, basestring)):
            sr = SpatialReference(coord_trans)
            capi.geom_transform_to(self.ptr, sr.ptr)
            raise TypeError('Transform only accepts CoordTransform, '
                            'SpatialReference, string, and integer objects.')

        # Setting with original dimension, see comment above.
        if GDAL_VERSION < (1, 7):
            if isinstance(self, GeometryCollection):
                # With geometry collections have to set dimension on
                # each internal geometry reference, as the collection
                # dimension isn't affected.
                for i in xrange(len(self)):
                    internal_ptr = capi.get_geom_ref(self.ptr, i)
                    if orig_dim != capi.get_coord_dim(internal_ptr):
                        capi.set_coord_dim(internal_ptr, orig_dim)
                if self.coord_dim != orig_dim:
                    self.coord_dim = orig_dim
Example #3
 def _set_coord_dim(self, dim):
     "Sets the coordinate dimension of this Geometry."
     if not dim in (2, 3):
         raise ValueError('Geometry dimension must be either 2 or 3')
     capi.set_coord_dim(self.ptr, dim)
Example #4
 def _set_coord_dim(self, dim):
     "Sets the coordinate dimension of this Geometry."
     if not dim in (2, 3):
         raise ValueError('Geometry dimension must be either 2 or 3')
     capi.set_coord_dim(self.ptr, dim)
Example #5
 def _set_coord_dim(self, dim):
     "Set the coordinate dimension of this Geometry."
     if dim not in (2, 3):
         raise ValueError("Geometry dimension must be either 2 or 3")
     capi.set_coord_dim(self.ptr, dim)
Example #6
    def _set_coord_dim(self, dim):
        "Sets the coordinate dimension of this Geometry."
        "Return 0 for points, 1 for lines, and 2 for surfaces."
        return capi.get_dims(self.ptr)

    def _get_coord_dim(self):
        "Return the coordinate dimension of the Geometry."
        return capi.get_coord_dim(self.ptr)

    def _set_coord_dim(self, dim):
        "Set the coordinate dimension of this Geometry."
>>>>>>> 37c99181c9a6b95433d60f8c8ef9af5731096435
        if dim not in (2, 3):
            raise ValueError('Geometry dimension must be either 2 or 3')
        capi.set_coord_dim(self.ptr, dim)

    coord_dim = property(_get_coord_dim, _set_coord_dim)

    def geom_count(self):
<<<<<<< HEAD
        "The number of elements in this Geometry."
        "Return the number of elements in this Geometry."
>>>>>>> 37c99181c9a6b95433d60f8c8ef9af5731096435
        return capi.get_geom_count(self.ptr)

    def point_count(self):
<<<<<<< HEAD