def save(self): if self.latitude != None and len(self.latitude) > 0 and self.longitude != None and len(self.longitude) > 0: lString = 'POINT(%s %s)' % (self.longitude.strip(), self.latitude.strip()) self.map_location = fromstr(lString) self.point = fromstr(lString) self.last_modified = super(Band, self).save()
def test_apply_filters_custom(self): ''' Verify that custom location filter applies to queryset when passed in. ''' pnt = fromstr('POINT(%s %s)' % (-77, 39), srid=4326) the_dict = {'custom': Q(location__distance_lte=(pnt, D(mi=0.1)))} retval = self.the_resource.apply_filters(None, the_dict) self.assertEquals(retval.count(), 1)
def save(self): #dont redo this if lat and lng is set if (not and not self.lon) or ( == 0 and self.lon==0): loc = self.address + " " + + ", " + self.state location = urllib.quote_plus(smart_str(loc)) dd = urllib2.urlopen("" % location).read() ft = simplejson.loads(dd) zipcode = None lat = None lng = None if ft["status"] == 'OK': lat = str(ft["results"][0]['geometry']['location']['lat']) lng = str(ft["results"][0]['geometry']['location']['lng']) zipcode = None for jsonStr in ft["results"][0]['address_components']: # print jsonStr if 'types' in jsonStr: for tp in jsonStr['types']: if tp == "postal_code": zipcode = jsonStr['long_name'] break if zipcode is not None: self.zipcode = zipcode else: self.zipcode = '' else: #use existing lat lng lat = lng = self.lon if lat and lng: = lat self.lon = lng self.geom = fromstr('POINT('+str(self.lon)+ ' '+str(')', srid=4326) self.point = fromstr('POINT('+str(self.lon)+ ' '+str(')') else: = 0 self.lon = 0 self.geom = fromstr('POINT('+str(self.lon)+ ' '+str(')', srid=4326) self.point = fromstr('POINT('+str(self.lon)+ ' '+str(')') super(InterestedBusiness, self).save()
def build_filters(self, filters=None, ignore_bad_filters=False): if filters is None: filters = {} orm_filters = super(CigarShopResource, self).build_filters(filters) if 'lat' in filters and 'long' in filters and 'distance' in filters: pnt = fromstr('POINT(%s %s)' % (filters['long'], filters['lat']), srid=4326) orm_filters.update({'custom': Q(location__distance_lte=(pnt, D(mi=filters['distance'])))}) return orm_filters
def create_shop(request): ''' create a cigarshop no auth ''' json_in = json.loads(request.body) the_user = User.objects.get(username=json_in['username']) cigar_shop = CigarShop(name=json_in['name'], location=fromstr('POINT(%s %s)' % (float(json_in['long']), float(json_in['lat'])), srid=4326), owner=the_user) return JsonResponse({'new_shop_id':})
def get_nearby_businesses(mylat,mylng,distance=3): #current_pg_point = "point '({:.5f}, {:.5f})'".format(mylng, mylat) all_buses = Business.objects.all() pnt = fromstr('POINT('+str(mylng)+ ' '+str(mylat)+')', srid=4326) nearby_buses = all_buses.filter(geom__distance_lte=(pnt, D(mi=DISTANCE))) with_distances = [] print('before') for b in nearby_buses.distance(pnt): with_distances.append(b) print('after') return with_distances
def get(self, request): areas = request.GET.getlist('allegation__areas__id') ignore_filters = ['allegation__areas__id'] if areas: self.orig_query_dict = request.GET.copy() schools = Area.objects.filter(pk__in=areas, type='school-grounds') areas = list(schools.values_list('pk', flat=True)) if areas: self.orig_query_dict.setlist('allegation__areas__id', areas) ignore_filters = [] officer_allegations = self.get_officer_allegations( ignore_filters=ignore_filters) allegation_pks = list( officer_allegations.values_list('allegation__pk', flat=True)) ret = {'features': [], 'type': 'FeatureCollection'} if len(allegation_pks) > 0: allegation_pks = ",".join(str(x) for x in allegation_pks) kursor = connection.cursor() grid_size = 0.0005 kursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT( point ) AS count, ST_AsText( ST_Centroid(ST_Collect( point )) ) AS center FROM common_allegation WHERE point IS NOT NULL and id in (%s) GROUP BY ST_SnapToGrid( ST_SetSRID(point, 4326), %s, %s) ''' % (allegation_pks, grid_size, grid_size) ) kclusters = kursor.fetchall() for cluster in kclusters: point = fromstr(cluster[1]) allegation_json = { "type": "Feature", "properties": { }, 'geometry': { 'coordinates': [point.x, point.y], 'type': 'Point' } } ret['features'].append(allegation_json) content = json.dumps(ret) return HttpResponse(content)
def get_nearest(self, request, *args, **kwargs): #-82.1013183593750000 40.1766586303710014 logger.error('NearestUserViewSet: ' +kwargs['latitude']+' '+kwargs['longitude']) current_user = request.user pref_qs = Preferences.objects.all() preferences = get_object_or_404(pref_qs, user=current_user) # Get the current date now = min_date = now - relativedelta(years=preferences.max_age) max_date = now - relativedelta(years=preferences.min_age) logger.error('min_date ' + str(min_date)) logger.error('max_date ' + str(max_date)) distance_pref = preferences.distance gender_pref = preferences.gender_pref logger.error('Preferences: Gender ' + gender_pref + ' distance ' + str(distance_pref)) # Filter for all prospects already processed by user match_set = Match.objects.filter(Q(source=current_user) | Q(target=current_user)).all() #for prospect in match_set: email_set = set() for x in match_set: logger.error('Matched emails ' + +' and ' + email_set.add( email_set.add( #email_set = { for x in match_set for y in x.users.all()} #set() # Exclude login user '''email_set.add( for match in match_set: email_set.add(match.)''' gps_reading = fromstr('POINT('+kwargs['latitude']+' '+kwargs['longitude']+')', srid=4326) nearest_users = User.geo.exclude(email__in=email_set).exclude(preferences__hidden=True).filter(Q(date_of_birth__gte=min_date) & Q(date_of_birth__lte=max_date)) nearest_users = nearest_users.filter(gender=gender_pref).filter(location__distance_lte=(gps_reading, D(mi=distance_pref))).distance(gps_reading).order_by('distance') paginator = PageNumberPagination() result_page = paginator.paginate_queryset(nearest_users.all(), request) serializer = UserSerializer(result_page , many=True) return paginator.get_paginated_response(
def get_heatmap_cluster_data(self): kursor = connection.cursor() grid_size = 0.0005 kursor.execute(f''' SELECT COUNT( point ) AS count, ST_AsText( ST_Centroid(ST_Collect( point )) ) AS center FROM data_allegation WHERE incident_date >= \'{settings.ALLEGATION_MIN} 00:00:00\' AND point IS NOT NULL GROUP BY ST_SnapToGrid( ST_SetSRID(point, 4326), {grid_size}, {grid_size}) ''') kclusters = kursor.fetchall() ret = {'features': [], 'type': 'FeatureCollection'} for cluster in kclusters: point = fromstr(cluster[1]) weight = cluster[0] allegation_json = { 'type': 'Feature', 'properties': { 'weight': weight }, 'geometry': { 'coordinates': [point.x, point.y], 'type': 'Point' } } ret['features'].append(allegation_json) return json.dumps(ret)
def save(self): loc = self.address + " " + + ", " + self.state location = urllib.quote_plus(smart_str(loc)) dd = urllib2.urlopen("" % location).read() ft = simplejson.loads(dd) if ft["status"] == 'OK': lat = str(ft["results"][0]['geometry']['location']['lat']) lng = str(ft["results"][0]['geometry']['location']['lng']) zipcode = None for jsonStr in ft["results"][0]['address_components']: print jsonStr if 'types' in jsonStr: for tp in jsonStr['types']: if tp == " postal_code": zipcode = str.long_name break print('trying to save!') self.zipcode = zipcode = lat self.lon = lng self.geom = fromstr('POINT('+str(self.lon)+ ' '+str(')', srid=4326) super(Business, self).save()
def get_all_nearby(mylat,mylng,distance=1): DISTANCE=3 all_buses = Business.objects.all() pnt = fromstr('POINT('+str(mylng)+ ' '+str(mylat)+')', srid=4326) nearby_buses = all_buses.filter(geom__distance_lte=(pnt, D(mi=DISTANCE))) return nearby_buses