def fetch_wmts_tiles(bounding_box: Polygon,

    # initialize wmts connection"fetch layer {} from {} (z: {} to {})".format(
        layer, url, zoom_from, zoom_to))
    tile_server = wmts.WebMapTileService(url)

    # calculate possible extent
    if tile_server.contents[layer]:
        long1, lat1, long2, lat2 = tile_server.contents[layer].boundingBoxWGS84
        p1 = webmercator.Point(latitude=lat1, longitude=long1)
        p2 = webmercator.Point(latitude=lat2, longitude=long2)
        server_box = Polygon(
            ((p1.meter_x, p1.meter_y), (p1.meter_x, p2.meter_y),
             (p2.meter_x, p2.meter_y), (p2.meter_x, p1.meter_y), (p1.meter_x,
        unified_bb = server_box
        if bounding_box is not None:
            unified_bb = server_box.intersection(bounding_box)

        min_x, min_y = unified_bb.centroid
        max_x, max_y = min_x, min_y
        for x, y in unified_bb.coords[
                0]:  # first of multiple geometries hold the bb
            if x < min_x:
                min_x = x
            if x > max_x:
                max_x = x
            if y < min_y:
                min_y = y
            if y > max_y:
                max_y = y

        # get all tiles in the available extent and zoomlevel
        for zoom in range(zoom_from,
                          zoom_to):  # FIXME: fixed values -> configurable
            p_from = webmercator.Point(meter_x=min_x,
            p_to = webmercator.Point(meter_x=max_x,

                "getting all tiles with z {} for ({}, {}), ({}, {})".format(
                    zoom, p_from.tile_x, p_from.tile_y, p_to.tile_x,
            for y in range(p_to.tile_y, p_from.tile_y + 1):
                for x in range(p_from.tile_x, p_to.tile_x + 1):
                    retry = True
                    while retry:
                            fetch_wmts_tile(tile_server, layer, x, y, zoom)
                            retry = False
                        except Exception as e:
                                "Got exception {} - need to repeat".format(e))
        pass  # TODO: error
Example #2
def map_tile(request, layer_slug, boundary_slug, tile_zoom, tile_x, tile_y, format):
    if not has_imaging_library: raise Http404("Cairo is not available.")
    layer = get_object_or_404(MapLayer, slug=layer_slug)
    # Load basic parameters.
        size = int(request.GET.get('size', '256' if format not in ('json', 'jsonp') else '64'))
        if size not in (64, 128, 256, 512, 1024): raise ValueError()
        srs = int(request.GET.get('srs', '3857'))
    except ValueError:
        raise Http404("Invalid parameter.")
    db_srs, out_srs = get_srs(srs)
    # Get the bounding box for the tile, in the SRS of the output.
        tile_x = int(tile_x)
        tile_y = int(tile_y)
        tile_zoom = int(tile_zoom)
    except ValueError:
        raise Http404("Invalid parameter.")
    # Guess the world size. We need to know the size of the world in
    # order to locate the bounding box of any viewport at zoom levels
    # greater than zero.
    if "radius" not in request.GET:
        p = Point( (-90.0, 0.0), srid=db_srs.srid )
        world_left = p[0]*2
        world_top = -world_left
        world_size = -p[0] * 4.0
        p = Point((0,0), srid=out_srs.srid )
        p1 = Point([p[0] + 1.0, p[1] + 1.0], srid=db_srs.srid)
        world_size = math.sqrt(abs(p1[0]-p[0])*abs(p1[1]-p[1])) * float(request.GET.get('radius', '50'))
        world_left = p[0] - world_size/2.0
        world_top = p[1] + world_size/2.0
    tile_world_size = world_size / math.pow(2.0, tile_zoom)

    p1 = Point( (world_left + tile_world_size*tile_x, world_top - tile_world_size*tile_y) )
    p2 = Point( (world_left + tile_world_size*(tile_x+1), world_top - tile_world_size*(tile_y+1)) )
    bbox = Polygon( ((p1[0], p1[1]),(p2[0], p1[1]),(p2[0], p2[1]),(p1[0], p2[1]),(p1[0], p1[1])), srid=out_srs.srid )
    # A function to convert world coordinates in the output SRS into
    # pixel coordinates.
    blon1, blat1, blon2, blat2 = bbox.extent
    bx = float(size)/(blon2-blon1)
    by = float(size)/(blat2-blat1)
    def viewport(coord):
        # Convert the world coordinates to image coordinates according to the bounding box
        # (in output SRS).
        return float(coord[0] - blon1)*bx, (size-1) - float(coord[1] - blat1)*by

    # Convert the bounding box to the database SRS.

    db_bbox = bbox.transform(db_srs, clone=True)
    # What is the width of a pixel in the database SRS? If it is smaller than
    # SIMPLE_SHAPE_TOLERANCE, load the simplified geometry from the database.
    shape_field = 'shape'
    pixel_width = (db_bbox.extent[2]-db_bbox.extent[0]) / size / 2
    if pixel_width > boundaries_settings.SIMPLE_SHAPE_TOLERANCE:
        shape_field = 'simple_shape'

    # Query for any boundaries that intersect the bounding box.
    boundaries = Boundary.objects.filter(set=layer.boundaryset, shape__intersects=db_bbox)\
        .values("id", "slug", "name", "label_point", shape_field)
    if boundary_slug: boundaries = boundaries.filter(slug=boundary_slug)
    boundary_id_map = dict( (b["id"], b) for b in boundaries )
    if len(boundaries) == 0:
        if format == "svg":
            raise Http404("No boundaries here.")
        elif format in ("png", "gif"):
            # Send a 1x1 transparent image. Google is OK getting 404s for map tile images
            # but OpenLayers isn't. Maybe cache the image?
            im = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 1, 1)
            ctx = cairo.Context(im)
            buf = StringIO()
            v = buf.getvalue()
            if format == "gif": v = convert_png_to_gif(v)
            r = HttpResponse(v, content_type='image/' + format)
            r["Content-Length"] = len(v)
            return r
        elif format == "json":
            # Send an empty "UTF-8 Grid"-like response.
            return HttpResponse('{"error":"nothing-here"}', content_type="application/json")
        elif format == "jsonp":
            # Send an empty "UTF-8 Grid"-like response.
            return HttpResponse(request.GET.get("callback", "callback") +  '({"error":"nothing-here"})', content_type="text/javascript")
    # Query for layer style information and then set it on the boundary objects.
    styles = layer.boundaries.filter(boundary__in=boundary_id_map.keys())
    for style in styles:
        boundary_id_map[style.boundary_id]["style"] = style
    # Create the image buffer.
    if format in ('png', 'gif'):
        im = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, size, size)
    elif format == 'svg':
        buf = StringIO()
        im = cairo.SVGSurface(buf, size, size)
    elif format in ('json', 'jsonp'):
        # This is going to be a "UTF-8 Grid"-like response, but we generate that
        # info by first creating an actual image, with colors coded by index to
        # represent which boundary covers which pixels.
        im = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_RGB24, size, size)

	# Color helpers.
    def get_rgba_component(c):
        return c if isinstance(c, float) else c/255.0
    def get_rgba_tuple(clr, alpha=.25):
        # Colors are specified as tuples/lists with 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA)
        # components. Components that are float values must be in the
        # range 0-1, while all other values are in the range 0-255.
        # Because .gif does not support partial transparency, alpha values
        # are forced to 1.
        return (get_rgba_component(clr[0]), get_rgba_component(clr[1]), get_rgba_component(clr[2]),
            get_rgba_component(clr[3]) if len(clr) == 4 and format != 'gif' else (alpha if format != 'gif' else 1.0))

    # Create the drawing surface.
    ctx = cairo.Context(im)
    ctx.select_font_face(maps_settings.MAP_LABEL_FONT, cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
    if format in ('json', 'jsonp'):
        # For the UTF-8 Grid response, turn off anti-aliasing since the color we draw to each pixel
        # is a code for what is there.
    def max_extent(shape):
        a, b, c, d = shape.extent
        return max(c-a, d-b)
    # Transform the boundaries to output coordinates.
    draw_shapes = []
    for bdry in boundaries:
        if not "style" in bdry: continue # Boundary had no corresponding MapLayerBoundary
        shape = bdry[shape_field]
        # Simplify to the detail that could be visible in the output. Although
        # simplification may be a little expensive, drawing a more complex
        # polygon is even worse.
            shape = shape.simplify(pixel_width, preserve_topology=True)
        except: # GEOSException
            pass # try drawing original
        # Make sure the results are all MultiPolygons for consistency.
        if shape.__class__.__name__ == 'Polygon':
            shape = MultiPolygon((shape,), srid=db_srs.srid)
            # Be sure to override SRS (for Google, see above). This code may
            # never execute?
            shape = MultiPolygon(list(shape), srid=db_srs.srid)

        # Is this shape too small to be visible?
        ext_dim = max_extent(shape)
        if ext_dim < pixel_width:

        # Convert the shape to the output SRS.
        draw_shapes.append( (len(draw_shapes), bdry, shape, ext_dim) )
    # Draw shading, for each linear ring of each polygon in the multipolygon.
    for i, bdry, shape, ext_dim in draw_shapes:
        if not bdry["style"].color and format not in ('json', 'jsonp'): continue
        for polygon in shape:
            for ring in polygon: # should just be one since no shape should have holes?
                color = bdry["style"].color
                if format in ('json', 'jsonp'):
                    # We're returning a "UTF-8 Grid" indicating which feature is at
                    # each pixel location on the grid. In order to compute the grid,
                    # we draw to an image surface with a distinct color for each feature.
                    # Then we convert the pixel data into the UTF-8 Grid format.
                    ctx.set_source_rgb(*[ (((i+1)/(256**exp)) % 256)/255.0 for exp in xrange(3) ])
                elif isinstance(color, (tuple, list)):
                    # Specify a 3/4-tuple (or list) for a solid color.
                elif isinstance(color, dict):
                    # Specify a dict of the form { "color1": (R,G,B), "color2": (R,G,B) } to
                    # create a solid fill of color1 plus smaller stripes of color2.
                    if color.get("color", None) != None:
                    elif color.get("color1", None) != None and color.get("color2", None) != None:
                        pat = cairo.LinearGradient(0.0, 0.0, size, size)
                        for x in xrange(0,size, 32): # divisor of the size so gradient ends at the end
                            pat.add_color_stop_rgba(*([float(x)/size] + list(get_rgba_tuple(color["color1"], alpha=.3))))
                            pat.add_color_stop_rgba(*([float(x+28)/size] + list(get_rgba_tuple(color["color1"], alpha=.3))))
                            pat.add_color_stop_rgba(*([float(x+28)/size] + list(get_rgba_tuple(color["color2"], alpha=.4))))
                            pat.add_color_stop_rgba(*([float(x+32)/size] + list(get_rgba_tuple(color["color2"], alpha=.4))))
                        continue # skip fill
                    continue # Unknown color data structure.
                for pt in ring.coords:
    # Draw outlines, for each linear ring of each polygon in the multipolygon.
    for i, bdry, shape, ext_dim in draw_shapes:
        if format in ('json', 'jsonp'): continue
        if ext_dim < pixel_width * 3: continue # skip outlines if too small
        color = bdry["style"].color
        for polygon in shape:
            for ring in polygon: # should just be one since no shape should have holes?
                for pt in ring.coords:
                if not isinstance(color, dict) or not "border" in color or not "width" in color["border"]:
                    if ext_dim < pixel_width * 60:
                if not isinstance(color, dict) or not "border" in color or not "color" in color["border"]:
                    ctx.set_source_rgba(.3,.3,.3, .75)  # grey, semi-transparent
                    ctx.set_source_rgba(*get_rgba_tuple(color["border"]["color"], alpha=.75))
    # Draw labels.
    for i, bdry, shape, ext_dim in draw_shapes:
        if format in ('json', 'jsonp'): continue
        if ext_dim < pixel_width * 20: continue
        color = bdry["style"].color
        if isinstance(color, dict) and "label" in color and color["label"] == None: continue
        # Get the location of the label stored in the database, or fall back to
        # GDAL routine point_on_surface to get a point quickly.
        if bdry["style"].label_point:
            # Override the SRS on the point (for Google, see above). Then transform
            # it to world coordinates.
            pt = Point(tuple(bdry["style"].label_point), srid=db_srs.srid)
        elif bdry["label_point"]:
            # Same transformation as above.
            pt = Point(tuple(bdry["label_point"]), srid=db_srs.srid)
            # No label_point is specified so try to find one by using the
            # point_on_surface to find a point that is in the shape and
            # in the viewport's bounding box.
                pt = bbox.intersection(shape).point_on_surface
                # Don't know why this would fail. Bad geometry of some sort.
                # But we really don't want to leave anything unlabeled so
                # try the center of the bounding box.
                pt = bbox.centroid
                if not shape.contains(pt):
        # Transform to world coordinates and ensure it is within the bounding box.
        if not bbox.contains(pt):
            # If it's not in the bounding box and the shape occupies most of this
            # bounding box, try moving the point to somewhere in the current tile.
                inters = bbox.intersection(shape)
                if inters.area < bbox.area/3: continue
                pt = inters.point_on_surface
        pt = viewport(pt)
        txt = bdry["name"]
        if isinstance(bdry["style"].metadata, dict): txt = bdry["style"].metadata.get("label", txt)
        if ext_dim > size * pixel_width:
        x_off, y_off, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
        # Is it within the rough bounds of the shape and definitely the bounds of this tile?
        if tw < ext_dim/pixel_width/5 and th < ext_dim/pixel_width/5 \
            and pt[0]-x_off-tw/2-4 > 0 and pt[1]-th-4 > 0 and pt[0]-x_off+tw/2+7 < size and pt[1]+6 < size:
            # Draw the background rectangle behind the text.
            ctx.set_source_rgba(0,0,0,.55)  # black, some transparency
            ctx.rel_line_to(tw+9, 0)
            ctx.rel_line_to(0, +th+8)
            ctx.rel_line_to(-tw-9, 0)
            # Now a drop shadow (also is partially behind the first rectangle).
            ctx.set_source_rgba(0,0,0,.3)  # black, some transparency
            ctx.rel_line_to(tw+11, 0)
            ctx.rel_line_to(0, +th+10)
            ctx.rel_line_to(-tw-11, 0)
            # Draw the text.
            ctx.set_source_rgba(1,1,1,1)  # white
    if format in ("png", "gif"):
        # Convert the image buffer to raw bytes.
        buf = StringIO()
        v = buf.getvalue()
        if format == "gif": v = convert_png_to_gif(v)
        # Form the response.
        r = HttpResponse(v, content_type='image/' + format)
        r["Content-Length"] = len(v)
    elif format == "svg":
        v = buf.getvalue()
        r = HttpResponse(v, content_type='image/svg+xml')
        r["Content-Length"] = len(v)
    elif format in ('json', 'jsonp'):
        # Get the bytes, which are RGBA sequences.
        buf1 = list(im.get_data())
        # Convert the 4-byte sequences back into integers that refer back to
        # the boundary list. Count the number of pixels for each shape.
        shapeidx = []
        shapecount = { }
        for i in xrange(0, size*size):
            b = ord(buf1[i*4+2])*(256**0) + ord(buf1[i*4+1])*(256**1) + ord(buf1[i*4+0])*(256**2)
            if b > 0: shapecount[b] = shapecount.get(b, 0) + 1
        # Assign low unicode code points to the most frequently occuring pixel values,
        # except always map zero to character 32.
        shapecode1 = { }
        shapecode2 = { }
        for k, count in sorted(shapecount.items(), key = lambda kv : kv[1]):
            b = len(shapecode1) + 32 + 1
            if b >= 34: b += 1
            if b >= 92: b += 1
            shapecode1[k] = b
            shapecode2[b] = draw_shapes[k-1]
        buf = ''
        if format == 'jsonp': buf += request.GET.get("callback", "callback") + "(\n"
        buf += '{"grid":['
        for row in xrange(size):
            if row > 0: buf += ",\n         "
            buf += json.dumps(u"".join(unichr(shapecode1[k] if k != 0 else 32) for k in shapeidx[row*size:(row+1)*size]))
        buf += "],\n"
        buf += ' "keys":' + json.dumps([""] + [shapecode2[k][1]["slug"] for k in sorted(shapecode2)], separators=(',', ':')) + ",\n"
        buf += ' "data":' + json.dumps(dict( 
                    (shapecode2[k][1]["slug"], {
                            "name": shapecode2[k][1]["name"],
                    for k in sorted(shapecode2)), separators=(',', ':'))
        buf += "}"
        if format == 'jsonp': buf += ")"
        if format == "json":
            r = HttpResponse(buf, content_type='application/json')
            r = HttpResponse(buf, content_type='text/javascript')
    return r