Example #1
    def test_limited_stream(self):
        # Read all of a limited stream
        stream = LimitedStream(StringIO('test'), 2)
        self.assertEqual(stream.read(), 'te')

        # Read a number of characters greater than the stream has to offer
        stream = LimitedStream(StringIO('test'), 2)
        self.assertEqual(stream.read(5), 'te')

        # Read sequentially from a stream
        stream = LimitedStream(StringIO('12345678'), 8)
        self.assertEqual(stream.read(5), '12345')
        self.assertEqual(stream.read(5), '678')

        # Read lines from a stream
        stream = LimitedStream(StringIO('1234\n5678\nabcd\nefgh\nijkl'), 24)
        # Read a full line, unconditionally
        self.assertEqual(stream.readline(), '1234\n')
        # Read a number of characters less than a line
        self.assertEqual(stream.readline(2), '56')
        # Read the rest of the partial line
        self.assertEqual(stream.readline(), '78\n')
        # Read a full line, with a character limit greater than the line length
        self.assertEqual(stream.readline(6), 'abcd\n')
        # Read the next line, deliberately terminated at the line end
        self.assertEqual(stream.readline(4), 'efgh')
        # Read the next line... just the line end
        self.assertEqual(stream.readline(), '\n')
        # Read everything else.
        self.assertEqual(stream.readline(), 'ijkl')
Example #2
File: tests.py Project: 10sr/hue
    def test_limited_stream(self):
        # Read all of a limited stream
        stream = LimitedStream(BytesIO(b'test'), 2)
        self.assertEqual(stream.read(), b'te')
        # Reading again returns nothing.
        self.assertEqual(stream.read(), b'')

        # Read a number of characters greater than the stream has to offer
        stream = LimitedStream(BytesIO(b'test'), 2)
        self.assertEqual(stream.read(5), b'te')
        # Reading again returns nothing.
        self.assertEqual(stream.readline(5), b'')

        # Read sequentially from a stream
        stream = LimitedStream(BytesIO(b'12345678'), 8)
        self.assertEqual(stream.read(5), b'12345')
        self.assertEqual(stream.read(5), b'678')
        # Reading again returns nothing.
        self.assertEqual(stream.readline(5), b'')

        # Read lines from a stream
        stream = LimitedStream(BytesIO(b'1234\n5678\nabcd\nefgh\nijkl'), 24)
        # Read a full line, unconditionally
        self.assertEqual(stream.readline(), b'1234\n')
        # Read a number of characters less than a line
        self.assertEqual(stream.readline(2), b'56')
        # Read the rest of the partial line
        self.assertEqual(stream.readline(), b'78\n')
        # Read a full line, with a character limit greater than the line length
        self.assertEqual(stream.readline(6), b'abcd\n')
        # Read the next line, deliberately terminated at the line end
        self.assertEqual(stream.readline(4), b'efgh')
        # Read the next line... just the line end
        self.assertEqual(stream.readline(), b'\n')
        # Read everything else.
        self.assertEqual(stream.readline(), b'ijkl')

        # Regression for #15018
        # If a stream contains a newline, but the provided length
        # is less than the number of provided characters, the newline
        # doesn't reset the available character count
        stream = LimitedStream(BytesIO(b'1234\nabcdef'), 9)
        self.assertEqual(stream.readline(10), b'1234\n')
        self.assertEqual(stream.readline(3), b'abc')
        # Now expire the available characters
        self.assertEqual(stream.readline(3), b'd')
        # Reading again returns nothing.
        self.assertEqual(stream.readline(2), b'')

        # Same test, but with read, not readline.
        stream = LimitedStream(BytesIO(b'1234\nabcdef'), 9)
        self.assertEqual(stream.read(6), b'1234\na')
        self.assertEqual(stream.read(2), b'bc')
        self.assertEqual(stream.read(2), b'd')
        self.assertEqual(stream.read(2), b'')
        self.assertEqual(stream.read(), b'')