Example #1
    def add_items_upsert(self, content_type_pk, indexers):
        compiler = InsertQuery(IndexEntry).get_compiler(connection=self.connection)
        title_sql = []
        autocomplete_sql = []
        body_sql = []
        data_params = []

        for indexer in indexers:
            data_params.extend((content_type_pk, indexer.id))

            # Compile title value
            value = compiler.prepare_value(IndexEntry._meta.get_field('title'), indexer.title)
            sql, params = value.as_sql(compiler, self.connection)

            # Compile autocomplete value
            value = compiler.prepare_value(IndexEntry._meta.get_field('autocomplete'), indexer.autocomplete)
            sql, params = value.as_sql(compiler, self.connection)

            # Compile body value
            value = compiler.prepare_value(IndexEntry._meta.get_field('body'), indexer.body)
            sql, params = value.as_sql(compiler, self.connection)

        data_sql = ', '.join([
            '(%%s, %%s, %s, %s, %s, 1.0)' % (a, b, c)
            for a, b, c in zip(title_sql, autocomplete_sql, body_sql)

        with self.connection.cursor() as cursor:
                INSERT INTO %s (content_type_id, object_id, title, autocomplete, body, title_norm)
                (VALUES %s)
                ON CONFLICT (content_type_id, object_id)
                DO UPDATE SET title = EXCLUDED.title,
                              autocomplete = EXCLUDED.autocomplete,
                              body = EXCLUDED.body
                """ % (IndexEntry._meta.db_table, data_sql), data_params)

Example #2
def inheritance_bulk_create(models):
    """A workaround for https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/28821

        models: a list of models to insert

    Note that this handles less edge cases than the official
    bulk_create. For relatively simple models this will work well though.

    model_class = models[0]._meta.model
    # The "chain" is a list of models leading up to and including the provided model
    chain = model_class._meta.get_parent_list() + [model_class]
    # Determine if we are setting primary keys from an auto ID or not
    top_pk_attname = chain[0]._meta.pk.attname
    if all(getattr(m, top_pk_attname) is None for m in models):
        pk_given_in_model = False
    elif all(getattr(m, top_pk_attname) is not None for m in models):
        pk_given_in_model = True
        raise ValueError("You can set all PKs or no PKs")
    parent_done = False
    last_id = 0
    for model in chain:
        meta = model._meta
        if parent_done:
            # Assign inherited primary keys
            pk_attname = meta.pk.attname
            for i, m in enumerate(models):
                top_pk = getattr(m, top_pk_attname)
                if pk_given_in_model:
                    setattr(m, pk_attname, top_pk)
                    setattr(m, pk_attname, last_id + i)
        if pk_given_in_model or last_id:
            fields = [f for f in meta.local_concrete_fields]
            fields = [f for f in meta.local_concrete_fields if not f.primary_key]
        query_gen = InsertQuery(model)
        query_gen.insert_values(fields, models)
        compiler = query_gen.get_compiler(connection=connection)
        sql_statements = query_gen.as_sql(compiler, connection)
        assert (
            len(sql_statements) == 1 and len(sql_statements[0]) == 2
        ), "We don't know how to deal with multiple queries here."
        sql_str = sql_statements[0][0]
        sql_values = sql_statements[0][1]
        with connection.cursor() as cursor:
            cursor.execute(sql_str, sql_values)
            last_id = cursor.lastrowid
        if not pk_given_in_model:
            for i, m in enumerate(models):
                m.pk = last_id + i
        if not parent_done:
            parent_done = True
    return models
Example #3
    def search(self, config, start, stop, score_field=None):
        normalized_query = normalize(self.query)

        if isinstance(normalized_query, MatchAll):
            return self.queryset[start:stop]

        elif isinstance(normalized_query, Not) and isinstance(
            normalized_query.subquery, MatchAll
            return self.queryset.none()

        if isinstance(normalized_query, Not):
            normalized_query = normalized_query.subquery
            negated = True
            negated = False

        search_query = self.build_search_query(
            normalized_query, config=config
        )  # We build a search query here, for example: "%s MATCH '(hello AND world)'"
        vectors = self.get_search_vectors()
        rank_expression = self._build_rank_expression(vectors, config)

        combined_vector = vectors[0][
        ]  # We create a combined vector for the search results queryset. We start with the first vector and build from there.
        for vector, boost in vectors[1:]:
            combined_vector = combined_vector._combine(
                vector, " ", False
            )  # We add the subsequent vectors to the combined vector.

        expr = MatchExpression(
            self.fields or ["title", "body"], search_query
        )  # Build the FTS match expression.
        objs = SQLiteFTSIndexEntry.objects.filter(expr).select_related(
        )  # Perform the FTS search. We'll get entries in the SQLiteFTSIndexEntry model.

        if self.order_by_relevance:
            objs = objs.order_by(BM25().desc())
        elif not objs.query.order_by:
            # Adds a default ordering to avoid issue #3729.
            queryset = objs.order_by("-pk")
            rank_expression = F("pk")

        from django.db import connection
        from django.db.models.sql.subqueries import InsertQuery

        compiler = InsertQuery(IndexEntry).get_compiler(connection=connection)

            obj_ids = [
                obj.index_entry.object_id for obj in objs
            ]  # Get the IDs of the objects that matched. They're stored in the IndexEntry model, so we need to get that first.
        except OperationalError as e:
            raise OperationalError(
                + " The original query was: "
                + compiler.compile(objs.query)[0]
                + str(compiler.compile(objs.query)[1])
            ) from e

        if not negated:
            queryset = self.queryset.filter(
            )  # We need to filter the source queryset to get the objects that matched the search query.
            queryset = self.queryset.exclude(
            )  # We exclude the objects that matched the search query from the source queryset, if the query is negated.

        if score_field is not None:
            queryset = queryset.annotate(**{score_field: rank_expression})

        return queryset[start:stop]