Example #1
 def error(self, request, status_code, error_dict=None):
     Return XML error response that includes a human readable error
     message, application-specific errors and a machine readable
     status code.
     from django.conf import settings
     if not error_dict:
         error_dict = ErrorDict()
     response = HttpResponse(mimetype = self.mimetype)
     response.status_code = status_code
     xml = SimplerXMLGenerator(response, settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET)
     xml.startElement("django-error", {})
     xml.addQuickElement(name="error-message", contents='%d %s' % (status_code, STATUS_CODE_TEXT[status_code]))
     xml.addQuickElement(name="status-code", contents=str(status_code))
     if error_dict:
         xml.startElement("model-errors", {})
         for (model_field, errors) in error_dict.items():
             for error in errors:
                 xml.addQuickElement(name=model_field, contents=error)
     return response
Example #2
 def error(self, request, status_code, error_dict=None):
     Return XML error response that includes a human readable error
     message, application-specific errors and a machine readable
     status code.
     from django.conf import settings
     if not error_dict:
         error_dict = ErrorDict()
     response = HttpResponse(mimetype = self.mimetype)
     response.status_code = status_code
     xml = SimplerXMLGenerator(response, settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET)
     xml.startElement("django-error", {})
     xml.addQuickElement(name="error-message", contents='%d %s' % (status_code, STATUS_CODE_TEXT[status_code]))
     xml.addQuickElement(name="status-code", contents=str(status_code))
     if error_dict:
         xml.startElement("model-errors", {})
         for (model_field, errors) in error_dict.items():
             for error in errors:
                 xml.addQuickElement(name=model_field, contents=error)
     return response
Example #3
class NgModelFormMixin(NgFormBaseMixin):
    Add this NgModelFormMixin to every class derived from ``forms.Form``, if that custom ``Form``
    shall be managed through an Angular controller.
    It adds attributes ``ng-model``, and optionally ``ng-change``, ``ng-class`` and ``ng-style``
    to each of your input fields.
    If form validation fails, the ErrorDict is rewritten in a way, so that the Angular controller
    can access the error strings using the same key values as for its models.
    add_djng_error = False

    def __init__(self, data=None, *args, **kwargs):
        self.scope_prefix = kwargs.pop('scope_prefix',
                                       getattr(self, 'scope_prefix', None))
        self.ng_directives = {}
        for key in list(kwargs.keys()):
            if key.startswith('ng_'):
                fmtstr = kwargs.pop(key)
                self.ng_directives[key.replace('_', '-')] = fmtstr
        if hasattr(self, 'Meta') and hasattr(self.Meta, 'ng_models'):
            if not isinstance(getattr(self.Meta, 'ng_models'), list):
                raise TypeError('Meta.ng_model is not of type list')
        elif 'ng-model' not in self.ng_directives:
            self.ng_directives['ng-model'] = '%(model)s'
        self.prefix = kwargs.get('prefix')
        if self.prefix and data:
            data = dict((self.add_prefix(name), value)
                        for name, value in data.get(self.prefix).items())
        super(NgModelFormMixin, self).__init__(data, *args, **kwargs)
        if self.scope_prefix == self.form_name:
            raise ValueError(
                "The form's name may not be identical with its scope_prefix")

    def _post_clean(self):
        Rewrite the error dictionary, so that its keys correspond to the model fields.
        super(NgModelFormMixin, self)._post_clean()
        if self._errors and self.prefix:
            self._errors = ErrorDict((self.add_prefix(name), value)
                                     for name, value in self._errors.items())

    def get_initial_data(self):
        Return a dictionary specifying the defaults for this form. This dictionary can be used to
        inject the initial values for an Angular controller using the directive:
        ``ng-init={{ thisform.get_initial_data|js|safe }}``.
        data = {}
        ng_models = hasattr(self, 'Meta') and getattr(self.Meta, 'ng_models',
                                                      []) or []
        for name, field in self.fields.items():
            if 'ng-model' in self.ng_directives or name in ng_models:
                data[name] = self.initial and self.initial.get(
                    name) or field.initial
        return data

    def get_field_errors(self, field):
        errors = super(NgModelFormMixin, self).get_field_errors(field)
        if field.is_hidden:
            return errors
        identifier = format_html('{0}.{1}', self.form_name, field.name)
            SafeTuple((identifier, self.field_error_css_classes, '$pristine',
                       '$message', 'invalid', '$message')))
        return errors

    def non_field_errors(self):
        errors = super(NgModelFormMixin, self).non_field_errors()
            SafeTuple((self.form_name, self.form_error_css_classes,
                       '$pristine', '$message', 'invalid', '$message')))
        return errors

    def get_widget_attrs(self, bound_field):
        attrs = super(NgModelFormMixin, self).get_widget_attrs(bound_field)
        identifier = self.add_prefix(bound_field.name)
        ng = {
            self.scope_prefix and ('%s.%s' % (self.scope_prefix, identifier))
            or identifier
        if hasattr(self, 'Meta') and bound_field.name in getattr(
                self.Meta, 'ng_models', []):
            attrs['ng-model'] = ng['model']
        for key, fmtstr in self.ng_directives.items():
            attrs[key] = fmtstr % ng
        return attrs
Example #4
class NgModelFormMixin(NgFormBaseMixin):
    Add this NgModelFormMixin to every class derived from ``forms.Form``, if that custom ``Form``
    shall be managed through an Angular controller.
    It adds attributes ``ng-model``, and optionally ``ng-change``, ``ng-class`` and ``ng-style``
    to each of your input fields.
    If form validation fails, the ErrorDict is rewritten in a way, so that the Angular controller
    can access the error strings using the same key values as for its models.
    add_djng_error = False

    def __init__(self, data=None, *args, **kwargs):
        self.scope_prefix = kwargs.pop('scope_prefix', getattr(self, 'scope_prefix', None))
        self.ng_directives = {}
        for key in list(kwargs.keys()):
            if key.startswith('ng_'):
                fmtstr = kwargs.pop(key)
                self.ng_directives[key.replace('_', '-')] = fmtstr
        if hasattr(self, 'Meta') and hasattr(self.Meta, 'ng_models'):
            if not isinstance(getattr(self.Meta, 'ng_models'), list):
                raise TypeError('Meta.ng_model is not of type list')
        elif 'ng-model' not in self.ng_directives:
            self.ng_directives['ng-model'] = '%(model)s'
        self.prefix = kwargs.get('prefix')
        if self.prefix and data:
            data = dict((self.add_prefix(name), value) for name, value in data.get(self.prefix).items())
        super(NgModelFormMixin, self).__init__(data, *args, **kwargs)
        if self.scope_prefix == self.form_name:
            raise ValueError("The form's name may not be identical with its scope_prefix")

    def _post_clean(self):
        Rewrite the error dictionary, so that its keys correspond to the model fields.
        super(NgModelFormMixin, self)._post_clean()
        if self._errors and self.prefix:
            self._errors = ErrorDict((self.add_prefix(name), value) for name, value in self._errors.items())

    def get_initial_data(self):
        Return a dictionary specifying the defaults for this form. This dictionary can be used to
        inject the initial values for an Angular controller using the directive:
        ``ng-init={{ thisform.get_initial_data|js|safe }}``.
        data = {}
        ng_models = hasattr(self, 'Meta') and getattr(self.Meta, 'ng_models', []) or []
        for name, field in self.fields.items():
            if 'ng-model' in self.ng_directives or name in ng_models:
                data[name] = self.initial and self.initial.get(name) or field.initial
        return data

    def get_field_errors(self, field):
        errors = super(NgModelFormMixin, self).get_field_errors(field)
        if field.is_hidden:
            return errors
        identifier = format_html('{0}.{1}', self.form_name, field.name)
        errors.append(SafeTuple((identifier, self.field_error_css_classes, '$pristine', '$message', 'invalid', '$message')))
        return errors

    def non_field_errors(self):
        errors = super(NgModelFormMixin, self).non_field_errors()
        errors.append(SafeTuple((self.form_name, self.form_error_css_classes, '$pristine', '$message', 'invalid', '$message')))
        return errors

    def get_widget_attrs(self, bound_field):
        attrs = super(NgModelFormMixin, self).get_widget_attrs(bound_field)
        identifier = self.add_prefix(bound_field.name)
        ng = {
            'name': bound_field.name,
            'identifier': identifier,
            'model': self.scope_prefix and ('%s.%s' % (self.scope_prefix, identifier)) or identifier
        if hasattr(self, 'Meta') and bound_field.name in getattr(self.Meta, 'ng_models', []):
            attrs['ng-model'] = ng['model']
        for key, fmtstr in self.ng_directives.items():
            attrs[key] = fmtstr % ng
        return attrs
Example #5
class NgModelFormMixin(NgFormBaseMixin):
    Add this NgModelFormMixin to every class derived from forms.Form, if
    you want to manage that form through an Angular controller.
    It adds attributes ng-model, and optionally ng-change, ng-class and ng-style
    to each of your input fields.
    If form validation fails, the ErrorDict is rewritten in a way, so that the
    Angular controller can access the error strings using the same key values as
    for its models.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.scope_prefix = kwargs.pop('scope_prefix', None)
        if hasattr(self, 'Meta') and hasattr(self.Meta, 'ng_models'):
            if not isinstance(self.Meta.ng_models, list):
                raise TypeError('Meta.ng_model is not of type list')
            ng_models = self.Meta.ng_models
            ng_models = None
        directives = {}
        for key in kwargs.keys():
            if key.startswith('ng_'):
                fmtstr = kwargs.pop(key)
                directives[key.replace('_', '-')] = fmtstr
        if ng_models is None and 'ng-model' not in directives:
            directives['ng-model'] = '%(model)s'
        self.prefix = kwargs.get('prefix')
        if self.prefix and kwargs.get('data'):
            kwargs['data'] = dict((self.add_prefix(name), value) for name, value in kwargs['data'].get(self.prefix).items())
        for name, field in self.base_fields.items():
            identifier = self.add_prefix(name)
            ng = {
                'name': name,
                'identifier': identifier,
                'model': self.scope_prefix and ('%s.%s' % (self.scope_prefix, identifier)) or identifier
            if ng_models and name in ng_models:
                field.widget.attrs['ng-model'] = ng['model']
            for key, fmtstr in directives.items():
                field.widget.attrs[key] = fmtstr % ng
        super(NgModelFormMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def full_clean(self):
        Rewrite the error dictionary, so that its keys correspond to the model fields.
        super(NgModelFormMixin, self).full_clean()
        if self._errors and self.prefix:
            self._errors = ErrorDict((self.add_prefix(name), value) for name, value in self._errors.items())

    def get_initial_data(self):
        Return a dictionary specifying the defaults for this form. This dictionary
        shall be used to inject the initial values for an Angular controller using
        the directive 'ng-init={{thisform.get_initial_data|js|safe}}'.
        data = {}
        for name, field in self.fields.items():
            if hasattr(field, 'widget') and 'ng-model' in field.widget.attrs:
                data[name] = self.initial and self.initial.get(name) or field.initial
        return data
class NgModelFormMixin(NgFormBaseMixin):
    Add this NgModelFormMixin to every class derived from forms.Form, if
    you want to manage that form through an Angular controller.
    It adds attributes ng-model, and optionally ng-change, ng-class and ng-style
    to each of your input fields.
    If form validation fails, the ErrorDict is rewritten in a way, so that the
    Angular controller can access the error strings using the same key values as
    for its models.

    def __init__(self, data=None, *args, **kwargs):
        self.scope_prefix = kwargs.pop("scope_prefix", getattr(self, "scope_prefix", None))
        self.ng_directives = {}
        for key in list(kwargs.keys()):
            if key.startswith("ng_"):
                fmtstr = kwargs.pop(key)
                self.ng_directives[key.replace("_", "-")] = fmtstr
        if hasattr(self, "Meta") and hasattr(self.Meta, "ng_models"):
            if not isinstance(getattr(self.Meta, "ng_models"), list):
                raise TypeError("Meta.ng_model is not of type list")
        elif "ng-model" not in self.ng_directives:
            self.ng_directives["ng-model"] = "%(model)s"
        self.prefix = kwargs.get("prefix")
        if self.prefix and data:
            data = dict((self.add_prefix(name), value) for name, value in data.get(self.prefix).items())
        super(NgModelFormMixin, self).__init__(data, *args, **kwargs)
        if self.scope_prefix == self.form_name:
            raise ValueError("The form's name may not be identical with its scope_prefix")

    def _post_clean(self):
        Rewrite the error dictionary, so that its keys correspond to the model fields.
        super(NgModelFormMixin, self)._post_clean()
        if self._errors and self.prefix:
            self._errors = ErrorDict((self.add_prefix(name), value) for name, value in self._errors.items())

    def get_initial_data(self):
        Return a dictionary specifying the defaults for this form. This dictionary can be used to
        inject the initial values for an Angular controller using the directive:
        ``ng-init={{ thisform.get_initial_data|js|safe }}``.
        data = {}
        ng_models = hasattr(self, "Meta") and getattr(self.Meta, "ng_models", []) or []
        for name, field in self.fields.items():
            if "ng-model" in self.ng_directives or name in ng_models:
                data[name] = self.initial and self.initial.get(name) or field.initial
        return data

    def get_field_errors(self, field):
        errors = super(NgModelFormMixin, self).get_field_errors(field)
        if field.is_hidden:
            return errors
        identifier = format_html("{0}.{1}", self.form_name, field.name)
            SafeTuple((identifier, self.field_error_css_classes, "$pristine", "$message", "invalid", "$message"))
        return errors

    def non_field_errors(self):
        errors = super(NgModelFormMixin, self).non_field_errors()
            SafeTuple((self.form_name, self.form_error_css_classes, "$pristine", "$message", "invalid", "$message"))
        return errors

    def get_widget_attrs(self, bound_field):
        identifier = self.add_prefix(bound_field.name)
        ng = {
            "name": bound_field.name,
            "identifier": identifier,
            "model": self.scope_prefix and ("%s.%s" % (self.scope_prefix, identifier)) or identifier,
        attrs = {}
        if hasattr(self, "Meta") and bound_field.name in getattr(self.Meta, "ng_models", []):
            attrs["ng-model"] = ng["model"]
        for key, fmtstr in self.ng_directives.items():
            attrs[key] = fmtstr % ng
        return attrs
Example #7
class NgModelFormMixin(NgFormBaseMixin):
    Add this NgModelFormMixin to every class derived from forms.Form, if
    you want to manage that form through an Angular controller.
    It adds attributes ng-model, and optionally ng-change, ng-class and ng-style
    to each of your input fields.
    If form validation fails, the ErrorDict is rewritten in a way, so that the
    Angular controller can access the error strings using the same key values as
    for its models.

    def __init__(self, data=None, *args, **kwargs):
        self.scope_prefix = kwargs.pop('scope_prefix', getattr(self, 'scope_prefix', None))
        if hasattr(self, 'Meta') and hasattr(self.Meta, 'ng_models'):
            if not isinstance(self.Meta.ng_models, list):
                raise TypeError('Meta.ng_model is not of type list')
            ng_models = self.Meta.ng_models
            ng_models = None
        directives = {}
        for key in list(kwargs.keys()):
            if key.startswith('ng_'):
                fmtstr = kwargs.pop(key)
                directives[key.replace('_', '-')] = fmtstr
        if ng_models is None and 'ng-model' not in directives:
            directives['ng-model'] = '%(model)s'
        self.prefix = kwargs.get('prefix')
        if self.prefix and data:
            data = dict((self.add_prefix(name), value) for name, value in data.get(self.prefix).items())
        for name, field in self.base_fields.items():
            identifier = self.add_prefix(name)
            ng = {
                'name': name,
                'identifier': identifier,
                'model': self.scope_prefix and ('%s.%s' % (self.scope_prefix, identifier)) or identifier
            if ng_models and name in ng_models:
                field.widget.attrs['ng-model'] = ng['model']
            for key, fmtstr in directives.items():
                field.widget.attrs[key] = fmtstr % ng
                if isinstance(data, QueryDict):
                    data = field.implode_multi_values(name, data.copy())
            except AttributeError:
        super(NgModelFormMixin, self).__init__(data, *args, **kwargs)
        if self.scope_prefix == self.form_name:
            raise ValueError("The form's name may not be identical with its scope_prefix")

    def _post_clean(self):
        Rewrite the error dictionary, so that its keys correspond to the model fields.
        super(NgModelFormMixin, self)._post_clean()
        if self._errors and self.prefix:
            self._errors = ErrorDict((self.add_prefix(name), value) for name, value in self._errors.items())

    def get_initial_data(self):
        Return a dictionary specifying the defaults for this form. This dictionary
        shall be used to inject the initial values for an Angular controller using
        the directive 'ng-init={{thisform.get_initial_data|js|safe}}'.
        data = {}
        for name, field in self.fields.items():
            if hasattr(field, 'widget') and 'ng-model' in field.widget.attrs:
                data[name] = self.initial and self.initial.get(name) or field.initial
        return data

    def get_field_errors(self, field):
        errors = super(NgModelFormMixin, self).get_field_errors(field)
        identifier = format_html('{0}.{1}', self.form_name, field.name)
        errors.append(SafeTuple((identifier, '$pristine', '$message', 'invalid', '$message')))
        return errors

    def non_field_errors(self):
        errors = super(NgModelFormMixin, self).non_field_errors()
        errors.append(SafeTuple((self.form_name, '$pristine', '$message', 'invalid', '$message')))
        return errors
Example #8
class NgModelFormMixin(NgFormBaseMixin):
    Add this NgModelFormMixin to every class derived from forms.Form, if
    you want to manage that form through an Angular controller.
    It adds attributes ng-model, and optionally ng-change, ng-class and ng-style
    to each of your input fields.
    If form validation fails, the ErrorDict is rewritten in a way, so that the
    Angular controller can access the error strings using the same key values as
    for its models.
    def __init__(self, data=None, *args, **kwargs):
        self.scope_prefix = kwargs.pop('scope_prefix',
                                       getattr(self, 'scope_prefix', None))
        if hasattr(self, 'Meta') and hasattr(self.Meta, 'ng_models'):
            if not isinstance(self.Meta.ng_models, list):
                raise TypeError('Meta.ng_model is not of type list')
            ng_models = self.Meta.ng_models
            ng_models = None
        directives = {}
        for key in list(kwargs.keys()):
            if key.startswith('ng_'):
                fmtstr = kwargs.pop(key)
                directives[key.replace('_', '-')] = fmtstr
        if ng_models is None and 'ng-model' not in directives:
            directives['ng-model'] = '%(model)s'
        self.prefix = kwargs.get('prefix')
        if self.prefix and data:
            data = dict((self.add_prefix(name), value)
                        for name, value in data.get(self.prefix).items())
        for name, field in self.base_fields.items():
            identifier = self.add_prefix(name)
            ng = {
                self.scope_prefix and
                ('%s.%s' % (self.scope_prefix, identifier)) or identifier
            if ng_models and name in ng_models:
                field.widget.attrs['ng-model'] = ng['model']
            for key, fmtstr in directives.items():
                field.widget.attrs[key] = fmtstr % ng
                if isinstance(data, QueryDict):
                    data = field.implode_multi_values(name, data.copy())
            except AttributeError:
        super(NgModelFormMixin, self).__init__(data, *args, **kwargs)
        if self.scope_prefix == self.form_name:
            raise ValueError(
                "The form's name may not be identical with its scope_prefix")

    def _post_clean(self):
        Rewrite the error dictionary, so that its keys correspond to the model fields.
        super(NgModelFormMixin, self)._post_clean()
        if self._errors and self.prefix:
            self._errors = ErrorDict((self.add_prefix(name), value)
                                     for name, value in self._errors.items())

    def get_initial_data(self):
        Return a dictionary specifying the defaults for this form. This dictionary
        shall be used to inject the initial values for an Angular controller using
        the directive 'ng-init={{thisform.get_initial_data|js|safe}}'.
        data = {}
        for name, field in self.fields.items():
            if hasattr(field, 'widget') and 'ng-model' in field.widget.attrs:
                data[name] = self.initial and self.initial.get(
                    name) or field.initial
        return data

    def get_field_errors(self, field):
        errors = super(NgModelFormMixin, self).get_field_errors(field)
        identifier = format_html('{0}.{1}', self.form_name, field.name)
                (identifier, '$pristine', '$message', 'invalid', '$message')))
        return errors

    def non_field_errors(self):
        errors = super(NgModelFormMixin, self).non_field_errors()
            SafeTuple((self.form_name, '$pristine', '$message', 'invalid',
        return errors