def use_hidden_widget_for_one2one(self, db_field, kwargs): ''' OneToOne fields are rendered with a HiddenInput instead of a select. ''' if isinstance(db_field, related.OneToOneField): attrs = {'id':'id_{}'.format(} if db_field.rel: _instance = if attrs['value'] = widget = HiddenInput(attrs=attrs) # But don't treat it as a hidden widget, e.g. in tabular inlines: widget.is_hidden = False kwargs['widget'] = widget
def create_hidden(self, name, field, val): """ Creates HTML for a hidden input field. """ if 'id' in self.attrs: id_ = self.attrs['id'] else: id_ = 'id_%s' % name local_attrs = self.build_attrs(id=field % id_) h = HiddenInput() hidden_html = h.render(field % name, val, local_attrs) return hidden_html
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.value = kwargs['value'] del kwargs['value'] if 'choices' in kwargs: if kwargs['choices'] is not None: self.choices = kwargs['choices'] else: self.choices = () del kwargs['choices'] else: self.choices = () super(StaticWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.inner = HiddenInput()
class StaticWidget(Widget): """Widget that just displays and supplies a specific value. Useful for "freezing" form fields --- displaying them, but not allowing editing. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.value = kwargs['value'] del kwargs['value'] if 'choices' in kwargs: if kwargs['choices'] is not None: self.choices = kwargs['choices'] else: self.choices = () del kwargs['choices'] else: self.choices = () super(StaticWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.inner = HiddenInput() def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name, ): for choice_value, choice_label in self.choices: if choice_label == unicode(self.value): return choice_value return self.value def render(self, name, value, attrs=None, choices=(), ): if value is None: value = '' label = value the_choices = chain(self.choices, choices) for choice_value, choice_label in the_choices: if choice_value == value: label = choice_label # We have this inner hidden widget because that allows us to nicely # handle a transition from StaticWidget to another widget type # (e.g., the user loads a form while unauthenticated and submits while # authenticated) hidden_render = self.inner.render(name, value, attrs=attrs) return mark_safe(conditional_escape(label) + hidden_render) @classmethod def replace_widget(cls, formfield, value): choices = None choices = getattr(formfield.widget, 'choices', ()) formfield.widget = cls(value=value, choices=choices)
class PlayWidget(Widget): """A widget that features a Play button if provided with a path towards a wav file. """ num_wavs = 0 """number of fields with wavs rendered using PlayWidget so far""" def __init__(self, attrs=None): super(PlayWidget, self).__init__(attrs) self.hidinput = HiddenInput() def render(self, name, value, attrs=None): # Merge attributes from self.attr and attrs argument. final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs) # Render the link plus the wav player if applicable. content_html = self.render_content(name, value, attrs) if 'add_link' in final_attrs and 'db_field' in final_attrs: db_field = final_attrs['db_field'] model = db_field.model link_html = get_object_link(model, {db_field.attname: value})[1] else: link_html = mark_safe(u'') # Render the form element that retains information about the # corresponding model field and its value. hidden_html = self.hidinput.render(name, value, attrs) return (hidden_html + content_html + link_html) def render_content(self, name, value, attrs=None): if (not hasattr(value, 'startswith') or not value.startswith(CONVERSATION_DIR)): return mark_safe('N/A') wav_rest = value[len(CONVERSATION_DIR):] context = {'wav_fname': wav_rest, 'script_id': unicode(PlayWidget.num_wavs), 'MEDIA_URL': MEDIA_URL, 'APP_PATH' : APP_PATH} PlayWidget.num_wavs += 1 player_html = render_to_string("trs/wav_player.html", dictionary=context) return player_html
def __init__(self, attrs=None): super(PlayWidget, self).__init__(attrs) self.hidinput = HiddenInput()
def render(self, name, value, attrs=None): """ Code for rendering this widget name - Name of form field value - CroppedImageFile being cropped """ if value is None: return "" if not isinstance(value, CroppedImageFile): raise ValueError("ImageCropCoordinatesInput requires a CroppedImageFile value") # Only display cropping control if the file has been saved to disk if isinstance(value.file, InMemoryUploadedFile) or not hasattr(value, "url"): return "" output = [] final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs) id_ = final_attrs.get("id", None) aspect_ratio = final_attrs.pop("aspect_ratio", 0.0) if not self.is_hidden: # Only render image cropping util if image_url has been set t = Template( """ <script language="Javascript"> jQuery(window).load(function(){ jQuery('#{{id}}-imagecrop-popup-link').click(function(){ var popup ='{% url imagecrop.views.imagecrop_popup %}','','height=700,width=650'); popup.jCropArgs = { {%spaceless%} {% if boxWidth %} boxWidth:{{boxWidth}}, {%endif%} {% if boxHeight %} boxHeight:{{boxHeight}}, {%endif %} {%endspaceless%} aspectRatio: {{aspectRatio}}, trueSize:[{{trueWidth}},{{trueHeight}}] }; popup.image_orig_thumbnail='{{imageurl}}'; popup.image_thumb_height={{orig_thumbnail_image.height}}; popup.image_thumb_width={{orig_thumbnail_image.width}}; popup.image_selected_coords=[{{coords.x1}},{{coords.y1}},{{coords.x2}},{{coords.y2}}]; popup.crop_update_callback=updateCoords; }); function updateCoords(coords){ jQuery('#{{id}}_x1').val(coords.x); jQuery('#{{id}}_y1').val(coords.y); jQuery('#{{id}}_x2').val(coords.x2); jQuery('#{{id}}_y2').val(coords.y2); //Updating CSS jQuery('#{{id}}-imagecrop-popup-block').css('background-color','yellow'); jQuery('#{{id}}-imagecrop-popup-message').html('Save Required') }; }); </script> <div id="{{id}}-imagecrop-popup-block" style="display:block; text-align:center;"> <a id="{{id}}-imagecrop-popup-link" href="javascript:return True;"> <img src="{{cropped_thumbnail_url}}" id='{{id}}' /> <div id="{{id}}-imagecrop-popup-message" style="display:block"> Click to adjust cropping </div> </a> </div> """ ) orig_thumbnail_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, value.orig_thumbnail_filename) if not os.path.exists(orig_thumbnail_path): value.generate_orig_thumbnail_file() orig_thumbnail_image = ImageFile(open(orig_thumbnail_path)) cropped_thumbnail_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, value.cropped_thumbnail_filename) if not os.path.exists(cropped_thumbnail_path): value.generate_cropped_thumbnail_file() c = Context( { "id": id_, "aspectRatio": aspect_ratio, "imageurl": settings.MEDIA_URL + value.orig_thumbnail_filename, "cropped_thumbnail_url": settings.MEDIA_URL + value.cropped_thumbnail_filename, "coords": value.crop_coords, "boxWidth": self.crop_image_width, "boxHeight": self.crop_image_height, "trueWidth": value.width, "trueHeight": value.height, "orig_thumbnail_image": orig_thumbnail_image, } ) output.append(t.render(c)) for param in ImageCropCoordinatesInput.COORD_PARAMS: widget = HiddenInput() if id_: final_attrs = dict(final_attrs, id="%s_%s" % (id_, param)) coord = getattr(value.crop_coords, param) if value.crop_coords else None output.append(widget.render("%s_%s" % (name, param), coord, final_attrs)) return mark_safe(u"".join(output))
def render(self, name, value, attrs=None): try: year_val, month_val, day_val = value.year, value.month, except AttributeError: year_val = month_val = day_val = None if isinstance(value, basestring): match = RE_DATE.match(value) if match: year_val, month_val, day_val = [int(v) for v in match.groups()] output = [] start_date = now - relativedelta(months=self.month_range) end_date = now + relativedelta(months=self.month_range) if 'id' in self.attrs: id_ = self.attrs['id'] else: id_ = 'id_%s' % name day_choices = [(i, i) for i in range(1, 32)] if not (self.required and value): day_choices.insert(0, self.none_value) local_attrs = self.build_attrs(id=self.day_field % id_) s = Select(choices=day_choices) select_html = s.render(self.day_field % name, day_val, local_attrs) block_html = """<span class='%(class)s day'>%(select_html)s</span>""" output.append(block_html % { 'class': local_attrs['class'], 'select_html': select_html, }) yearmonth_choices = [] ddate = start_date while ddate < end_date: yearmonth_choices.append(('%s-%s' % (ddate.year, ddate.month), '%s %s' % (unicode(capfirst(MONTHS[ddate.month])), ddate.year))) ddate = ddate + relativedelta(months=1) if not (self.required and value): yearmonth_choices.append(self.none_value) local_attrs['id'] = self.yearmonth_field % id_ s = Select(choices=yearmonth_choices) select_html = s.render(self.yearmonth_field % name, '%s-%s' % (year_val, month_val), local_attrs) block_html = """<span class='%(class)s yearmonth'>%(select_html)s</span>""" output.append(block_html % { 'class': local_attrs['class'], 'select_html': select_html, }) local_attrs['id'] = self.datepicker_field % id_ i = HiddenInput() input_html = i.render(self.datepicker_field % name, None, local_attrs) output.append(input_html) other_html = render_to_string('adlibre/contrib/widgets/selectdatewidget.html', { 'id_datepicker_field': self.datepicker_field % id_, 'id_day_field': self.day_field % id_, 'id_yearmonth_field': self.yearmonth_field % id_, 'class': local_attrs['class'], 'month_range': self.month_range, }) output.append(other_html) return mark_safe(u'\n'.join(output))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.user = kwargs.pop('user') """ self.user = kwargs.pop('user', None) # Should never be None if self.user is None: raise PermissionDenied # Idk if this is the right error I should raise """ self.event = kwargs.pop('instance') super(UpdateEventForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) """ self.fields['title'].widget.attrs.update({"value" : self.event.title}) self.fields['start'].widget = DateTimeInput(attrs={"value" : self.event.start}) self.fields['end'].widget = DateTimeInput(attrs={"value" : self.event.end}) self.fields['address_id'].widget.attrs={"value" : self.event.address_id} self.fields['image'].widget.attrs.update({"value" : self.event.image}) self.fields['ticket_deadline'].widget.attrs.update({"value" : self.event.ticket_deadline}) self.fields['see_remaining'].widget.attrs.update({"value" : self.event.see_remaining}) self.fields['premium_flag'].widget.attrs.update({"value" : self.event.premium_flag}) """ self.intern = self.extern = self.staff = self.nb_intern = self.intern.count() self.nb_extern = self.extern.count() self.nb_staff = self.staff.count() self.intern_purchase = self.event.participants.filter( ticket_id__ticket_type=Ticket.INTERN) self.intern_purchase_nb = self.intern_purchase.count() self.extern_purchase = self.event.participants.filter( ticket_id__ticket_type=Ticket.EXTERN) self.extern_purchase_nb = self.extern_purchase.count() self.staff_purchase = self.event.participants.filter( ticket_id__ticket_type=Ticket.STAFF) self.staff_purchase_nb = self.staff_purchase.count() self.fields['title'].required = False self.fields['start'].required = False self.fields['end'].required = False self.fields['image'].required = False self.fields['ticket_deadline'].required = False self.fields['see_remaining'].required = False self.fields['premium_flag'].initial = self.event.premium_flag self.fields['start'].widget = DateTimeInput( attrs={"placeholder": "2017-12-25 14:30:59"}) self.fields['end'].widget = DateTimeInput( attrs={"placeholder": "2017-12-25 14:30:59"}) self.fields['address_id'].label = _("Address") self.fields['address_id'].initial = Address.objects.get_or_create( raw="")[0] self.fields['address_id'].required = False intern_field = self.fields['intern_number'] intern_field.widget.attrs['min'] = self.intern_purchase_nb intern_field.initial = self.nb_intern intern_field.help_text = _('total : %d | bought : %d') % \ (self.nb_intern, self.intern_purchase_nb) extern_field = self.fields['extern_number'] extern_field.widget.attrs['min'] = self.extern_purchase_nb extern_field.initial = self.nb_extern extern_field.help_text = _('total : %d | bought : %d') % \ (self.nb_extern, self.extern_purchase_nb) staff_field = self.fields['staff_number'] staff_field.widget.attrs['min'] = self.staff_purchase_nb staff_field.initial = self.nb_staff staff_field.help_text = _('total : %d | selected staff: %d') % \ (self.nb_staff, self.staff_purchase_nb) staffs_field = self.fields['staffs'] # should maybe make a staff model with an event and a member # would select members from asso where not already staff wanted = self.event.assos_id.members.all().values_list('user', flat=True) unwanted = self.event.participants.filter( ticket_id__ticket_type=Ticket.STAFF).values_list('user', flat=True) staffs_field.queryset = User.objects.filter(id__in=wanted).exclude( id__in=unwanted) try: price = self.event.prices.get(ticket_type=Ticket.INTERN).price intern_price = self.fields['intern_price'] intern_price.initial = price intern_price.help_text = _('current price in shop is %d') % price except Price.DoesNotExist: pass try: price = self.event.prices.get(ticket_type=Ticket.EXTERN).price extern_price = self.fields['extern_price'] extern_price.initial = price extern_price.help_text = _('current price in shop is %d') % price except Price.DoesNotExist: pass if not self.user.has_perm('event.choose_premium'): self.fields['premium_flag'].widget = HiddenInput()