def get_form(self, form_class): stage_configurations = self.stage.get_queryset_configurations() form = form_class(**self.get_form_kwargs()) used_arg_names = [] # We want to inject fields into the form for the configurations they've marked as prompt for config in stage_configurations: if config.task_argument and config.task_name != self.task_name: continue if not config.prompt_me_for_input: if config.task_argument: used_arg_names.append(config.key) continue str_config_key = 'configuration_value_for_{}'.format(config.key) if config.data_type == config.BOOLEAN_TYPE: field = BooleanField(widget=Select(choices=((False, 'False'), (True, 'True')))) field.coerce=lambda x: x == 'True', elif config.data_type == config.NUMBER_TYPE: field = FloatField() else: field = CharField() if config.sensitive_value: field.widget = PasswordInput() if config.task_argument: used_arg_names.append(config.key) field.label = 'Argument value for ' + config.key field.initial = config.value form.fields[str_config_key] = field form.helper.layout.fields.insert(len(form.helper.layout.fields)-1, str_config_key) task_details = get_task_details(self.stage.project, self.task_name) for arg in task_details[2]: if isinstance(arg, tuple): name, default = arg else: name, default = arg, None if name in used_arg_names: continue str_config_key = 'configuration_value_for_{}'.format(name) field = CharField(label='Argument value for ' + name, initial=default) form.fields[str_config_key] = field form.helper.layout.fields.insert(len(form.helper.layout.fields)-1, str_config_key) return form
def test_booleanfield_clean_2(self): f = BooleanField(required=False) self.assertIs(f.clean(''), False) self.assertIs(f.clean(None), False) self.assertIs(f.clean(True), True) self.assertIs(f.clean(False), False) self.assertIs(f.clean(1), True) self.assertIs(f.clean(0), False) self.assertIs(f.clean('1'), True) self.assertIs(f.clean('0'), False) self.assertIs(f.clean('Django rocks'), True) self.assertIs(f.clean('False'), False) self.assertIs(f.clean('false'), False) self.assertIs(f.clean('FaLsE'), False)
def test_booleanfield_changed(self): f = BooleanField() self.assertFalse(f.has_changed(None, None)) self.assertFalse(f.has_changed(None, '')) self.assertFalse(f.has_changed('', None)) self.assertFalse(f.has_changed('', '')) self.assertTrue(f.has_changed(False, 'on')) self.assertFalse(f.has_changed(True, 'on')) self.assertTrue(f.has_changed(True, '')) # Initial value may have mutated to a string due to show_hidden_initial (#19537) self.assertTrue(f.has_changed('False', 'on'))
def get_form(self, form_class): stage_configurations = self.stage.get_queryset_configurations(prompt_me_for_input=True) form = form_class(**self.get_form_kwargs()) # We want to inject fields into the form for the configurations they've marked as prompt for config in stage_configurations: if config.task_argument and config.task_name != self.task_name: continue str_config_key = 'configuration_value_for_{}'.format(config.key) if config.data_type == config.BOOLEAN_TYPE: field = BooleanField(widget=Select(choices=((False, 'False'), (True, 'True')))) field.coerce=lambda x: x == 'True', elif config.data_type == config.NUMBER_TYPE: field = FloatField() else: field = CharField() if config.sensitive_value: field.widget = PasswordInput if config.task_argument: field.label = 'Argument value for ' + config.key form.fields[str_config_key] = field form.helper.layout.fields.insert(len(form.helper.layout.fields)-1, str_config_key) return form
class EnrollmentForm(ModelForm): """ Campo para permitir facturar automaticamente el examen medico de YMCA sin tener que crear una compra al finalizar el agregado de la suscripcion. """ add_ymca_medical_exam = BooleanField( required=False, label=_("Debit medical exam"), help_text= _("Select this to automatically add a purchase for the YMCA medical exam" )) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(EnrollmentForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if 'service' in self.fields: self.fields['service'].queryset = class Meta: model = Enrollment fields = ['student', 'service', 'billable', 'add_ymca_medical_exam'] widgets = { 'student': MemberSearchWidget, } class Media: js = ('enrollment-ymca-autohide.js', ) def save(self, commit=True): instance = super(EnrollmentForm, self).save(commit=False) if is None: cleaned_data['add_ymca_medical_exam']) else: return instance
class ScoreForm(ModelForm): save_player = BooleanField( label=_("Save the selected player for next score registration"), required=False) def clean(self): if self.cleaned_data["game"] and self.cleaned_data[ "score"] and self.cleaned_data["player"]: tournament = Tournament.objects.get(is_active=True) score = get_object_or_None(Score, game=self.cleaned_data["game"], score=self.cleaned_data["score"], player=self.cleaned_data["player"], tournament=tournament) if score: raise ValidationError( _("This score has already been registered")) def clean_score(self): if self.cleaned_data["score"]: numbers = ''.join(c for c in self.cleaned_data["score"] if c.isdigit()) if numbers: return numbers return self.cleaned_data["score"] def save(self, commit=True): score = super().save(commit=False) if commit: score.tournament = Tournament.objects.get(is_active=True) return score class Meta: model = Score fields = ["game", "score", "player"]
class EventForm(ModelForm): class Meta: model = Event fields = ('name', 'date', 'review_state', 'location', 'tour', 'bookstore', 'meta') class Media: js = ('palanaeum/js/third_party/modernizr.js', 'palanaeum/js/modernize_forms.js') date = DateField(widget=DateInput(attrs={'type': 'date'})) # Selected tags will be added by JavaScript tags = CharField(label=_('Tags'), required=False, widget=SelectMultiple(attrs={ 'class': 'tag-selector', 'data-tags': "true" })) update_entry_dates = BooleanField( label=_('Update entry dates'), required=False, help_text=_("Will modify the dates of " "entries which didn't have different date set.")) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(EventForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.original_date = def save(self, commit=True): if self.cleaned_data['update_entry_dates']: Entry.objects.filter( event=self.instance, date=self.original_date).update(date=self.cleaned_data['date']) super(EventForm, self).save() self.instance.update_tags(self.cleaned_data['tags'].replace("'", '')[1:-1]) return self.instance
class UserProfileForm(forms.ModelForm): # the widget gets rid of <a href= photo = FileField(widget=forms.FileInput) birthday = DateField(widget=DateWidget) # input_formats=settings.DATE_INPUT_FORMATS suggestions = BooleanField(widget=BooleanWidget) logs = BooleanField(widget=BooleanWidget) embedded_youtube =BooleanField(widget=BooleanWidget) highlight_code = BooleanField(widget=BooleanWidget, help_text="```console.log('Highlight code like this')```") incoming_file_call_sound = BooleanField(widget=BooleanWidget) message_sound = BooleanField(widget=BooleanWidget) online_change_sound = BooleanField(widget=BooleanWidget) password = forms.CharField(widget=PasswordWidget) THEME_CHOICES = ( ('color-reg', 'Modern'), ('color-lor', 'Simple'), ('color-white', 'Light(Beta)'), ) theme = ChoiceField(required=True, choices=THEME_CHOICES) GENDER_CHOICES = ( (1, 'Male'), (2, 'Female'), (0, 'Alien'), ) # implement here to set required = remove ---- choice in favor of alien sex = ChoiceField(required=True, choices=GENDER_CHOICES) class Meta: # pylint: disable=C1001 model = UserProfile fields = ('username', 'name', 'city', 'surname', 'email', 'birthday', 'contacts', 'sex', 'photo', 'suggestions', 'logs', 'embedded_youtube', 'highlight_code', 'message_sound', 'incoming_file_call_sound', 'online_change_sound', 'theme', 'password') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates the entire form for changing UserProfile. """ super(UserProfileForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) for key in self.fields: if key != 'username': self.fields[key].required = False
class JobForm(ModelForm): job_name = forms.CharField(label='Job Name', max_length=255, required=True) # city = forms.CharField(label='City', max_length=128, required=True) job = ChoiceField([]) state = ChoiceField([], required=True) open = BooleanField(required=False) class Meta: model = EmployerJob fields = ['id', 'city', 'custom_email_body', 'open', 'job_description'] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(JobForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) for field_name, field in self.fields.items(): if field_name == 'job' or field_name == 'state': field.widget.attrs['class'] = 'browser-default' self.fields['state'].choices = make_choice_set_for_state_codes() def limit_jobs_to_employer(self, employer_id): self.fields['job'].choices = make_job_structure_for_dropdown( False, employer_id)
class ImageForm(ModelForm): '''Generic custom form for models containing an ImageField.''' # extra field not present in model, used for deletion of previously uploaded image delete_image = BooleanField(required=False) # override form clean() method to execute custom validation on 'image' field. def clean(self): # invoke superclass cleaning method super(ImageForm, self).clean() # check image size on upload image = self.cleaned_data.get("image") delete_image = self.cleaned_data.get("delete_image") try: if image is not None and delete_image is False and image.size > MAX_IMAGE_SIZE: self._errors["image"] = self.error_class( ["Image size exceeds the maximum allowed."]) except OSError as e: # image not existing on disk print e return self.cleaned_data
class OrgBeneficiaryOwnerForm(Form): id = IntegerField(required=False, widget=HiddenInput()) fio = CharField(required=False, max_length=512, widget=TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control input-sm'})) legal_address = CharField(required=False, max_length=512, widget=TextInput( attrs={ 'class': 'form-control input-sm req', 'placeholder': 'Обязательно к заполнению' })) fact_address = CharField(required=False, max_length=512, widget=TextInput( attrs={ 'class': 'form-control input-sm req', 'placeholder': 'Обязательно к заполнению' })) post_address = CharField( required=False, max_length=512, widget=TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control input-sm'})) inn_or_snils = CharField( required=False, max_length=512, widget=TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control input-sm'})) on_belong_to_pub_persons_info = CharField( required=False, max_length=512, widget=TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control input-sm'})) DELETE = BooleanField(required=False, widget=CheckboxInput(attrs={'class': 'hidden'})) class Media(object): js = formset_media_js
class LegacySubscribedMixin(ModelForm): subscribed_lfi = BooleanField( label="Recevoir les lettres d'information", help_text="Vous recevrez les lettres de la France insoumise, notamment : les lettres d'information, les" " appels à volontaires, les annonces d'émissions ou d'événements...", required=False, ) def __init__(self, *args, instance=None, **kwargs): super().__init__( *args, instance=instance, **kwargs, ) self.fields["subscribed_lfi"].initial = ( instance is not None and Person.NEWSLETTER_LFI in instance.newsletters ) def save(self, commit=True): subscribed_lfi = self.cleaned_data.get("subscribed_lfi", False) if subscribed_lfi and Person.NEWSLETTER_LFI not in self.instance.newsletters: self.instance.newsletters.append(Person.NEWSLETTER_LFI) elif not subscribed_lfi and Person.NEWSLETTER_LFI in self.instance.newsletters: self.instance.newsletters.remove(Person.NEWSLETTER_LFI) return super().save(commit)
class ArticleForm(forms.Form): title = CharField(max_length=120) #Required has to be False, because i did not find a way that i could edit an article without uplouding an image again. header_image = ImageField(required=False) is_read = BooleanField(required=False, initial=False) # is_read = TypedChoiceField( #choices=((True, 'Yes'), (False, 'No')), # widget=CheckBox, #coerce=lambda x: x == 'True', #initial="False", # required=False #) text = CharField() category = ChoiceField(choices=CATEGORIES, required=False) class Meta: #The two below has something to do with assigning who the author of the article is model = Article exclude = ('user', ) #Check if the things that is written in the form are valid def clean(self): return self.cleaned_data
class ContactUpdateModelForm(FormCleanContactNumber, ModelForm): has_confirmed = BooleanField(initial=False, required=False) need_to_confirm = False class Meta: model = default_contact_model fields = default_contact_fields def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'request' in kwargs.keys(): self.request = kwargs.pop('request') super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def clean(self): # if name exists make user confirm cleaned_data = super().clean() name = cleaned_data.get('name', '') name_initial = self.initial['name'] has_confirmed = cleaned_data['has_confirmed'] self.need_to_confirm = False contacts = self.Meta.model.objects.filter(name__iexact=name) has_changed = name_initial.lower() != name.lower() if contacts.exists() and has_changed: if not has_confirmed: msg = 'A contact with name "{}"\ already exists. Please confirm to continue' msg = msg.format(name) self.add_error('has_confirmed', msg) self.need_to_confirm = True if hasattr(self, 'request'): messages.warning(self.request, msg) return cleaned_data
class ContactForm(forms.Form): name = CharField() email = EmailField() phone = CharField() message = CharField(widget=forms.Textarea) gdpr = BooleanField( required=True, label=mark_safe( _("I hereby consent to the processing of my personal data. " "The information is only collected and processed for processing the contact request and " "is only stored for the period of communication, but for a maximum of 6 months. If a contract" " is concluded based on this request, legal retention periods apply. " "For more information, see our <a href='/cms/privacy-policy'>privacy policy</a>" ))) captcha = ReCaptchaField(widget=ReCaptchaV2Checkbox) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) settings = ShopSetting.objects.first() self.fields['captcha'] = ReCaptchaField( widget=ReCaptchaV2Checkbox, public_key=settings.google_recaptcha_publickey, private_key=settings.google_recaptcha_privatekey)
class MessageForm(ModelForm): to_all = BooleanField(required=False, label="Send to all subscribers?", widget=CheckboxInput( attrs={'class': 'to_all-checkbox'})) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MessageForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) instance = kwargs.get('instance', {}) self.helper = FormHelper(self) self.helper.form_class = 'form-horizontal' self.helper.label_class = 'col-lg-2' self.helper.field_class = 'col-lg-8' self.helper.layout.append(Submit('message_send', 'Send Message')) self.helper.layout.append(HTML( '<a href="{}" class="btn btn-default" role="button">{}</a>'.format( reverse_lazy('messages', kwargs={}), 'Cancel') )) def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(MessageForm, self).clean() to_all = cleaned_data.get("to_all", None) if to_all and "recipients" in self._errors: del self._errors["recipients"] return cleaned_data class Meta: model = Message fields = ['recipients', 'to_all', 'message'] widgets = { 'recipients': autocomplete.ModelSelect2Multiple( url='contact-autocomplete'), 'message': Textarea(attrs={'rows': 4}), }
class QueryForm(ModelForm): sql = SqlField() snapshot = BooleanField(widget=CheckboxInput, required=False) connection = CharField(widget=Select, required=False) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(QueryForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['connection'].widget.choices = self.connections if not self.instance.connection: self.initial[ 'connection'] = app_settings.EXPLORER_DEFAULT_CONNECTION self.fields['connection'].widget.attrs['class'] = 'form-control' def clean(self): if self.instance and'created_by_user', None): self.cleaned_data[ 'created_by_user'] = self.instance.created_by_user return super(QueryForm, self).clean() @property def created_by_user_email(self): return if self.instance.created_by_user else '--' @property def created_at_time(self): return self.instance.created_at.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') @property def connections(self): return zip(app_settings.EXPLORER_CONNECTIONS.values(), app_settings.EXPLORER_CONNECTIONS.keys()) class Meta: model = Query fields = ['title', 'sql', 'description', 'snapshot', 'connection']
class CoffeeMeetingForm(ModelForm): class Meta: model = CoffeeMeeting fields = ['title', 'content', 'cafe', 'meeting_date', 'max_participants'] widgets = {'meeting_date': DateTimeInput(attrs={'id': 'inline_datetimepicker'})} images = forms.FileField(widget=ClearableFileInput(attrs={'multiple': True}), label='카페 사진', help_text='카페 사진이 있으면 첨부해주세요!', required=False) save_cafephoto = BooleanField(required=False,initial=False, label='카페 정보에 사진을 등록할까요?', help_text='체크하면 카페 정보가 업데이트됩니다! 본인이 찍은 사진이면 등록해주세요!') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # kwargs에서 form을 만드는데 필요없는 view에서 넘겨준 부가정보를 먼저 빼낸다 self.request = kwargs.pop('request', None) = kwargs.pop('cafes') read_only = kwargs.pop('read_only') # form을 생성하고 필요한 처리를 한다 super(CoffeeMeetingForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['cafe'].initial = # UpdateView에서 넘어온 경우 cafe를 활성화한다 if read_only: self.fields['cafe'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True self.fields['meeting_date'].input_formats = ["%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p"] def clean_cafe(self): # 카페의 경우 항상 url 인자로 넘어온 카페를 리턴해야 한다 return def save(self, commit=True): instance = super(CoffeeMeetingForm, self).save(commit=False) = self.request.user = return instance
class RegisterUserForm(UserCreationForm): delegate = BooleanField(label='add Delegate?', required=False) class Meta: model = User fields = ( 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'username', 'password1', 'password2', ) widgets = { 'email': TextInput(attrs={ 'type': 'email', }), 'password1': TextInput(attrs={ 'type': 'password', }), 'password2': TextInput(attrs={ 'type': 'password', }), }
class SafetyIssueCreationForm(ModelForm): report_anonymously = BooleanField(required=False, initial=False) class Meta: model = SafetyIssue fields = ["reporter", "concern", "location"] def __init__(self, user, *args, **kwargs): super(SafetyIssueCreationForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.user = user def clean_update(self): return self.cleaned_data["concern"].strip() def clean_location(self): return self.cleaned_data["location"].strip() def save(self, commit=True): instance = super(SafetyIssueCreationForm, self).save(commit=False) if not self.cleaned_data["report_anonymously"]: self.instance.reporter = self.user if commit: return super(SafetyIssueCreationForm, self).save(commit=commit)
class CodeGlobalPermissionsForm(Form): onlyAuthUsers = BooleanField( label="Solo permitir acceso por usuarios autenticados?", required=False) onlyCollaborators = BooleanField( label="Solo permitir acceso por usuarios explicitamente permitidos?", required=False) globalCanWrite = BooleanField( label="Acceso global al grupo definido anteriormente de escritura?", required=False) globalCanRead = BooleanField( label="Acceso global al grupo definido anteriormente de lectura?", required=False) globalCanExecute = BooleanField( label="Acceso global al grupo definido anteriormente de ejecucion?", required=False) globalCanDownload = BooleanField( label="Acceso global al grupo definido anteriormente de descargar?", required=False)
class WorkerForm(DocumentForm): """ Worker form representation """ h2direct = BooleanField(required=False, widget=CheckboxInput(attrs={"class": "js-switch"})) h2moderntlsonly = BooleanField(required=False, widget=CheckboxInput(attrs={"class": "js-switch"})) h2push = BooleanField(required=False, widget=CheckboxInput(attrs={"class": "js-switch"})) h2direct = BooleanField(required=False, widget=CheckboxInput(attrs={"class": "js-switch"})) h2serializeheaders = BooleanField(required=False, widget=CheckboxInput(attrs={"class": "js-switch"})) h2upgrade = BooleanField(required=False, widget=CheckboxInput(attrs={"class": "js-switch"})) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(WorkerForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self = bootstrap_tooltips(self) class Meta: document = Worker widgets = { 'name': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'gracefulshutdowntimeout': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'maxconnectionsperchild': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'minsparethreads': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'maxsparethreads': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'serverlimit': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'threadsperchild': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'rate_limit': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'req_timeout_header': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'req_timeout_body': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'req_timeout_header_rate': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'req_timeout_body_rate': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'timeout': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'maxkeepaliverequests': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'keepalivetimeout': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'h2maxsessionstreams': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'h2maxworkeridleseconds': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'h2minworkers': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'h2maxworkers': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'h2streammaxmemsize': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'h2tlscooldownsecs': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'h2tlswarmupsize': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'h2windowsize': TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), }
class ReaderStudyCopyForm(Form): title = CharField(required=True) copy_images = BooleanField(required=False, initial=True) copy_hanging_list = BooleanField(required=False, initial=True) copy_case_text = BooleanField(required=False, initial=True) copy_questions = BooleanField(required=False, initial=True) copy_readers = BooleanField(required=False, initial=True) copy_editors = BooleanField(required=False, initial=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.helper = FormHelper(self) self.helper.layout.append(Submit("save", "Copy")) def clean(self, *args, **kwargs): if ( self.cleaned_data["copy_hanging_list"] or self.cleaned_data["copy_case_text"] ) and not self.cleaned_data["copy_images"]: self.add_error( error="Hanging list and case text can only be copied if the images are copied as well", field=None, )
class ChmodForm(forms.Form): op = "chmod" path = PathField(label=_("Path to change permissions")) # By default, BooleanField only validates when # it's checked. user_read = BooleanField(required=False) user_write = BooleanField(required=False) user_execute = BooleanField(required=False) group_read = BooleanField(required=False) group_write = BooleanField(required=False) group_execute = BooleanField(required=False) other_read = BooleanField(required=False) other_write = BooleanField(required=False) other_execute = BooleanField(required=False) sticky = BooleanField(required=False) recursive = BooleanField(required=False) names = ("user_read", "user_write", "user_execute", "group_read", "group_write", "group_execute", "other_read", "other_write", "other_execute", "sticky") def __init__(self, initial, *args, **kwargs): # Convert from string representation. mode = initial.get("mode") if mode is not None: mode = int(mode, 8) bools = rwx.expand_mode(mode) for name, b in zip(self.names, bools): initial[name] = b logging.debug(initial) kwargs['initial'] = initial forms.Form.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def full_clean(self): forms.Form.full_clean(self) if hasattr(self, "cleaned_data"): self.cleaned_data["mode"] = rwx.compress_mode( map(lambda name: self.cleaned_data[name], self.names))
def test_booleanfield_changed(self): f = BooleanField() self.assertFalse(f.has_changed(None, None)) self.assertFalse(f.has_changed(None, '')) self.assertFalse(f.has_changed('', None)) self.assertFalse(f.has_changed('', '')) self.assertTrue(f.has_changed(False, 'on')) self.assertFalse(f.has_changed(True, 'on')) self.assertTrue(f.has_changed(True, '')) # Initial value may have mutated to a string due to show_hidden_initial (#19537) self.assertTrue(f.has_changed('False', 'on')) # HiddenInput widget sends string values for boolean but doesn't clean them in value_from_datadict self.assertFalse(f.has_changed(False, 'False')) self.assertFalse(f.has_changed(True, 'True')) self.assertTrue(f.has_changed(False, 'True')) self.assertTrue(f.has_changed(True, 'False'))
def test_boolean_picklable(self): self.assertIsInstance(pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(BooleanField())), BooleanField)
def test_booleanfield_clean_2(self): f = BooleanField(required=False) self.assertEqual(False, f.clean('')) self.assertEqual(False, f.clean(None)) self.assertEqual(True, f.clean(True)) self.assertEqual(False, f.clean(False)) self.assertEqual(True, f.clean(1)) self.assertEqual(False, f.clean(0)) self.assertEqual(True, f.clean('1')) self.assertEqual(False, f.clean('0')) self.assertEqual(True, f.clean('Django rocks')) self.assertEqual(False, f.clean('False')) self.assertEqual(False, f.clean('false')) self.assertEqual(False, f.clean('FaLsE'))
def test_booleanfield_clean_1(self): f = BooleanField() with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValidationError, "'This field is required.'"): f.clean('') with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValidationError, "'This field is required.'"): f.clean(None) self.assertTrue(f.clean(True)) with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValidationError, "'This field is required.'"): f.clean(False) self.assertTrue(f.clean(1)) with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValidationError, "'This field is required.'"): f.clean(0) self.assertTrue(f.clean('Django rocks')) self.assertTrue(f.clean('True')) with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValidationError, "'This field is required.'"): f.clean('False')
class TripForm(TripFormBase): day_11 = BooleanField(label='day_11', required=False) day_12 = BooleanField(label='day_12', required=False) day_13 = BooleanField(label='day_13', required=False) day_14 = BooleanField(label='day_14', required=False) day_15 = BooleanField(label='day_15', required=False) day_16 = BooleanField(label='day_16', required=False) day_17 = BooleanField(label='day_17', required=False) day_21 = BooleanField(label='day_21', required=False) day_22 = BooleanField(label='day_22', required=False) day_23 = BooleanField(label='day_23', required=False) day_24 = BooleanField(label='day_24', required=False) day_25 = BooleanField(label='day_25', required=False) day_26 = BooleanField(label='day_26', required=False) day_27 = BooleanField(label='day_27', required=False) class Meta(TripFormBase.Meta): fields = TripFormBase.Meta.fields + [ 'text', 'day_11', 'day_12', 'day_13', 'day_14', 'day_15', 'day_16', 'day_17', 'day_21', 'day_22', 'day_23', 'day_24', 'day_25', 'day_26', 'day_27', ] widgets = { 'week': NumberInput(attrs={"class": "week-style"}), 'year': NumberInput(attrs={"class": "year-style"}), 'price': NumberInput(attrs={ "step": "0.01", "class": "price-style" }), 'text': Textarea(attrs={ 'rows': 3, 'cols': 10, 'placeholder': _('add note').capitalize() }) } def __init__(self, user, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['driver'].queryset = Person.objects.filter( user=user).order_by('name') self.fields['passenger'].queryset = Person.objects.filter( user=user).order_by('name') def clean_year(self): data = self.cleaned_data['year'] if (data < 2000) or (data > 2100): self.add_error('year', 'Ожидался год в диапазоне от 2000 до 2100') return data def clean_week(self): data = self.cleaned_data['week'] if (data < 1) or (data > 53): self.add_error('week', 'Ожидался номер недели в диапазоне от 1 до 53') return data def clean_price(self): data = self.cleaned_data['price'] if (data == 0): self.add_error('price', 'Цена должна быть указана') return data def clean(self): super().clean() if (self.cleaned_data['driver'] == self.cleaned_data['passenger']): self.add_error('passenger', 'Укажите другого пассажира') raise ValidationError('Водитель и Пассажир должны отличаться') self.cleaned_data['days'] = 0 for i in range(2): for j in range(7): if self.cleaned_data['day_' + str(i + 1) + str(j + 1)]: self.cleaned_data['days'] = self.cleaned_data['days'] + ( 1 << (i + j * 2)) if (self.cleaned_data['oper'] == 0) and (self.cleaned_data['days'] == 0): raise ValidationError('Не отмечены дни недели')
class SummaryActionForm(QueryActionForm): size = IntegerField(initial=40) offset = IntegerField(initial=0) aggregations = BooleanField(initial=True, required=False)
class BookingForm(ModelForm): """ Control booking creation here. """ optimised = BooleanField( required=False) # Ask if we want to optimise, e.g. combine tables. class Meta: model = Booking fields = ['restaurant', 'party_size', 'date', 'time', 'length'] widgets = { 'restaurant': TextInput(), 'date': SelectDateWidget(years=(, + 1)) } def __init__(self, restaurant, *args, **kwargs): """ Assign the restaurant and it's initial value - annoyingly this is it's pk for now. Make this readonly. Set time limits for booking: - Only allow bookings within the opening hours of a restaurant. - Don't allow more than 2 hours (Assuming this is a limit). :param restaurant: Restaurant obj, the restaurant we are booking for. """ super(BookingForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = restaurant self.fields['restaurant'].initial = restaurant self.fields['restaurant'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True self.fields['time'].widget = Select(choices=available_times( restaurant.opening_time, restaurant.closing_time)) self.fields['length'].widget = Select(choices=available_times( datetime.time(0, 0, 0), datetime.time(3, 15, 0))) def clean(self): """ Do some sense checking. Make sure the bookings are within the time limits of the restaurant. Ensure a time has been given. Figure out extra parameters for the Booking and remove excess stuff (e.g. optimise). """ cleaned_data = super(BookingForm, self).clean() time = cleaned_data.get('time') length = cleaned_data.get('length') if time and length: if (datetime.datetime.combine(, time) + length).time() > raise ValidationError( 'Booking exceeds restaurant closing time.') else: raise ValidationError('No time or length given.') # Great, timing is valid - lets get the end time to store. end_time = (datetime.datetime.combine(, time) + length).time() cleaned_data['end_time'] = end_time # Now we need to find any spare tables. date = cleaned_data.get('date') party = cleaned_data.get('party_size') cleaned_data['table'] = date, time, end_time, party, optimise=cleaned_data.pop('optimised')) if not cleaned_data[ 'table']: # If there aren't any tables lets alert the customer raise ValidationError('No tables available for this time.')
class ScriptForm(ModelForm): script_type = CharField( label="Script type", required=False, help_text="Script type", initial=str(SCRIPT_TYPE.TESTING), ) hardware_type = CharField( label="Hardware type", required=False, help_text="The hardware type the script configures or tests.", initial=str(HARDWARE_TYPE.NODE), ) parallel = CharField( label="Parallel", required=False, help_text="Whether the script may run in parallel with other scripts.", initial=str(SCRIPT_PARALLEL.DISABLED), ) packages = CharField( label="Packages", required=False, help_text="Packages to be installed with script.", initial="", ) timeout = DurationField( label="Timeout", required=False, help_text="Timeout", initial=timedelta(0), ) script = VersionedTextFileField(label="Script", help_text="Script content") comment = CharField( label="Comment", required=False, help_text="Description of change", initial="", ) for_hardware = CharField( label="For hardware", required=False, help_text="Hardware identifiers this script requires to run.", initial="", ) apply_configured_networking = BooleanField(required=False) class Meta: model = Script fields = ( "name", "title", "description", "tags", "script_type", "hardware_type", "parallel", "packages", "timeout", "destructive", "script", "for_hardware", "may_reboot", "recommission", "apply_configured_networking", ) def __init__(self, instance=None, data=None, edit_default=False, **kwargs): self.edit_default = edit_default if instance is None: script_data_key = "data" else: script_data_key = "new_data" data = data.copy() if "comment" in data and "script" in data: script_data = { "comment": data.get("comment"), script_data_key: data.get("script"), } data["script"] = script_data data.pop("comment") # Alias type to script_type to allow for consistent naming in the API. if "type" in data and "script_type" not in data: data["script_type"] = data["type"] # is a QueryDict. pop returns a list containing the value # while directly accessing it returns just the value. data.pop("type") super().__init__(instance=instance, data=data, **kwargs) if instance is None: for field in ["name", "script"]: self.fields[field].required = True else: for field in ["name", "script"]: self.fields[field].required = False self.fields["script"].initial = instance.script # Reading the embedded YAML must happen at the end of initialization # so the fields set are validated. if "script" in self._read_script() def _validate_results(self, results={}): valid = True if isinstance(results, list): for result in results: if not isinstance(result, str): set_form_error( self, "results", "Each result in a result list must be a string.", ) valid = False elif isinstance(results, dict): for result in results.values(): if not isinstance(result, dict): set_form_error( self, "results", "Each result in a result dictionary must be a " "dictionary.", ) elif "title" not in result: set_form_error( self, "results", "title must be included in a result dictionary.", ) valid = False else: for key in ["title", "description"]: if key in result and not isinstance(result[key], str): set_form_error(self, "results", "%s must be a string." % key) valid = False else: set_form_error( self, "results", "results must be a list of strings or a dictionary of " "dictionaries.", ) valid = False return valid def _clean_script(self, parsed_yaml): """Clean script data and validate input.""" # Tags and timeout may not be updated from new embedded YAML. This # allows users to receive updated scripts from an upstream maintainer, # such as Canonical, while maintaining user defined tags and timeout. # Tags must be a comma seperated string for the form. tags = parsed_yaml.pop("tags", None) if (tags is not None and is None and "tags" not in tags_valid = True if isinstance(tags, str):["tags"] = tags elif isinstance(tags, list): for tag in tags: if not isinstance(tag, str): tags_valid = False continue if tags_valid:["tags"] = ",".join(tags) else: tags_valid = False if not tags_valid: set_form_error( self, "tags", "Embedded tags must be a string of comma seperated " "values, or a list of strings.", ) # Timeout must be a string for the form. timeout = parsed_yaml.pop("timeout", None) if (timeout is not None and is None and "timeout" not in["timeout"] = str(timeout) # Packages and for_hardware must be a JSON string for the form. for key in ["packages", "for_hardware"]: value = parsed_yaml.pop(key, None) if value is not None and key not in[key] = json.dumps(value) for key, value in parsed_yaml.items(): if key in self.fields: error = False if key not in[key] = value elif key == "script_type": # The deprecated Commissioning API always sets the # script_type to commissioning as it has always only # accepted commissioning scripts while the form sets # the default type to testing. If the YAML matches the # type allow it. try: if translate_script_type( value) != translate_script_type([key]): error = True except ValidationError: error = True elif value !=[key]: # Only allow form data for fields defined in the YAML if # the data matches. error = True if error: set_form_error( self, key, "May not override values defined in embedded YAML.", ) def _read_script(self): """Read embedded YAML configuration in a script. Search for supported MAAS script metadata in the script and read the values. Leading '#' are ignored. If the values are fields they will be entered in the form. """ yaml_delim = re.compile( r"\s*#\s*-+\s*(Start|End) MAAS (?P<version>\d+\.\d+) " r"script metadata\s+-+", re.I, ) found_version = None yaml_content = "" if isinstance(["script"], dict): if "new_data" in["script"]: script =["script"]["new_data"] else: script =["script"]["data"] else: script =["script"] script_splitlines = script.splitlines() if len(script_splitlines) >= 1 and not script_splitlines[0].startswith( "#!/"): set_form_error(self, "script", "Must start with shebang.") for line in script_splitlines[1:]: m = if m is not None: if found_version is None and"version") == "1.0": # Found the start of the embedded YAML found_version ="version") continue elif found_version =="version"): # Found the end of the embedded YAML break elif found_version is not None and line.strip() != "": # Capture all lines inbetween the deliminator if "#" not in line: set_form_error(self, "script", 'Missing "#" on YAML line.') return yaml_content += "%s\n" % line.split("#", 1)[1] try: parsed_yaml = yaml.safe_load(yaml_content) except yaml.YAMLError as err: set_form_error(self, "script", "Invalid YAML: %s" % err) return if not isinstance(parsed_yaml, dict): return self.instance.results = parsed_yaml.pop("results", {}) self.instance.parameters = parsed_yaml.pop("parameters", {}) self._clean_script(parsed_yaml) def clean_packages(self): if self.cleaned_data["packages"] == "": return self.instance.packages else: packages = json.loads(self.cleaned_data["packages"]) # Automatically convert into a list incase only one package is # needed. for key in ["apt", "snap", "url"]: if key in packages and not isinstance(packages[key], list): packages[key] = [packages[key]] for key in ["apt", "url"]: if key in packages: for package in packages[key]: if not isinstance(package, str): set_form_error( self, "packages", "Each %s package must be a string." % key, ) if "snap" in packages: for package in packages["snap"]: if isinstance(package, dict): if "name" not in package or not isinstance( package["name"], str): set_form_error( self, "packages", "Snap package name must be defined.", ) if "channel" in package and package["channel"] not in [ "stable", "edge", "beta", "candidate", ]: set_form_error( self, "packages", "Snap channel must be stable, edge, beta, " "or candidate.", ) if "mode" in package and package["mode"] not in [ "classic", "dev", "jail", ]: set_form_error( self, "packages", "Snap mode must be classic, dev, or jail.", ) elif not isinstance(package, str): set_form_error(self, "packages", "Snap package must be a string.") return packages def clean_for_hardware(self): """Convert from JSON and validate for_hardware input.""" if self.cleaned_data["for_hardware"] == "": return self.instance.for_hardware try: for_hardware = json.loads(self.cleaned_data["for_hardware"]) except JSONDecodeError: for_hardware = self.cleaned_data["for_hardware"] if isinstance(for_hardware, str): for_hardware = for_hardware.split(",") if not isinstance(for_hardware, list): set_form_error(self, "for_hardware", "Must be a list or string") return regex = re.compile( r"^modalias:.+|pci:[\da-f]{4}:[\da-f]{4}|" r"usb:[\da-f]{4}:[\da-f]{4}|" r"system_vendor:.*|" r"system_product:.*|" r"system_version:.*|" r"mainboard_vendor:.*|" r"mainboard_product:.*$", re.I, ) for hw_id in for_hardware: if is None: set_form_error( self, "for_hardware", "Hardware identifier '%s' must be a modalias, PCI ID, " "USB ID, system vendor, system product, system version, " "mainboard vendor, or mainboard product." % hw_id, ) return for_hardware def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() # If a field wasn't passed in keep the old values when updating. if is not None: for field in self._meta.fields: if field not in cleaned_data[field] = getattr(self.instance, field) script_type = cleaned_data["script_type"] if script_type == "": cleaned_data["script_type"] = self.instance.script_type else: try: cleaned_data["script_type"] = translate_script_type( script_type) except ValidationError as e: set_form_error(self, "script_type", e) hardware_type = cleaned_data["hardware_type"] if hardware_type == "": cleaned_data["hardware_type"] = self.instance.hardware_type else: try: cleaned_data["hardware_type"] = translate_hardware_type( hardware_type) except ValidationError as e: set_form_error(self, "hardware_type", e) parallel = cleaned_data["parallel"] if parallel == "": cleaned_data["parallel"] = self.instance.parallel else: try: cleaned_data["parallel"] = translate_script_parallel(parallel) except ValidationError as e: set_form_error(self, "parallel", e) return cleaned_data def is_valid(self): valid = super().is_valid() if valid and self.instance.default and not self.edit_default: for field in self.Meta.fields: if field in ["tags", "timeout"]: continue if field in set_form_error( self, field, "Not allowed to change on default scripts.", ) valid = False name ="name") # none is used to tell the API to not run testing_scripts during # commissioning. if name is not None and name.lower() == "none": set_form_error(self, "name", '"none" is a reserved name.') valid = False # The name can't be a digit as MAAS allows scripts to be selected by # id. if name is not None and name.isdigit(): set_form_error(self, "name", "Cannot be a number.") valid = False if name is not None and pipes.quote(name) != name: set_form_error( self, "name", "Name contains disallowed characters, e.g. space or quotes.", ) valid = False # If comment and script exist __init__ combines both fields into a dict # to pass to VersionedTextFileField. if "comment" in set_form_error( self, "comment", '"comment" may only be used when specifying a "script" ' "as well.", ) valid = False if "script" in if not self._validate_results(self.instance.results): valid = False if "parameters" in params_form = ParametersForm("parameters")) if not params_form.is_valid(): valid = False if (not valid and self.instance.script_id is not None and self.initial.get("script") != self.instance.script_id and is not None): # If form validation failed cleanup any new VersionedTextFile # created by the VersionedTextFileField. self.instance.script.delete() return valid def save(self, *args, **kwargs): request = kwargs.pop("request", None) endpoint = kwargs.pop("endpoint", None) script = super(ScriptForm, self).save(*args, **kwargs) # Create audit event log if endpoint and request supplied. if request is not None and endpoint is not None: create_audit_event( EVENT_TYPES.SETTINGS, endpoint, request, None, description="Saved script '%s'." %, ) return script
def test_disabled_has_changed(self): f = BooleanField(disabled=True) self.assertIs(f.has_changed('True', 'False'), False)
class CuratorSearchForm(Form): fullSearch = CharField(max_length=255, required=False) useMUIS = BooleanField(initial=False, required=False) useDIGAR = BooleanField(initial=False, required=False) useMKA = BooleanField(initial=False, required=False) useETERA = BooleanField(initial=False, required=False) useFlickr = BooleanField(initial=False, required=False) useUTLIB = BooleanField(initial=False, required=False) useFinna = BooleanField(initial=False, required=False) useCommons = BooleanField(initial=False, required=False) useEuropeana = BooleanField(initial=False, required=False) useFotis = BooleanField(initial=False, required=False) # Also used for Finna and Fotis flickrPage = IntegerField(initial=1, required=False) filterExisting = BooleanField(initial=True, required=False) ids = NotValidatedMultipleChoiceField(coerce=str, required=False)
class CompleteProductBooleanForm(Form): checkbox = BooleanField(label = '', required = False)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): BooleanField.__init__(self, required=False, *args, **kwargs)