Example #1
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):

        context = super(Dashboard, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)

        # Warn the user if we don't have an available Launch Window
        has_one_window = False
        next_window = None
        launch_windows = LaunchWindow.objects.all()

        for window in launch_windows:
            current_date = datetime.now()

            next_window = croniter(window.cron_format,
            if (next_window - datetime.now()).seconds < 61:
                has_one_window = True

        if not has_one_window and launch_windows.exists():
                self.request, messages.ERROR,
                'No available Launch Windows! Next window on %s @ %s' %
                (format_date(next_window), format_time(next_window)))

        # Deployment Stats Data
        # Build pie chart data to show % projects deployed successfully
        deployments = Deployment.active_records.order_by('status').values(
        items = [['string', 'number']] + [[item['status'], item['count']]
                                          for item in deployments]
        context['pie_chart'] = PieChart(SimpleDataSource(items),
                                        options={'title': ''})

        # Deployment History Data
        # Get all projects with the days they were deployed and the count of the deploys on each day
        chart_data = []

        projects = list(Project.active_records.all())
        if len(projects) == 0:
            return context

        deploys = list(

        # Get the date range for all the deployments ever done
        start_date = (timezone.now() - timedelta(days=60)).date()
        end_date = timezone.now().date()

        # Step through each day and create an array of deployment counts from each project
        # this would be much easier if we could aggregate by day.
        # once we can use django 1.7, we could write a __date transform. Then it would work.
        for day in range(-1, (end_date - start_date).days + 1):
            date = start_date + timedelta(days=day)
            if day == -1:
                data = ['Day']
                data = [date.strftime('%m/%d')]

            for project in projects:
                if day == -1:

                count = 0
                for d in deploys:
                    if d.stage.project_id == project.pk and d.date_created.date(
                    ) == date:
                        count += 1



        context['line_chart'] = LineChart(SimpleDataSource(chart_data),
                                          options={'title': ''})

        return context
Example #2
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):

        context = super(Dashboard, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)

        # Warn the user if we don't have an available Launch Window
        has_one_window = False
        next_window = None
        launch_windows = LaunchWindow.objects.all()

        for window in launch_windows:
            current_date = datetime.now()

            next_window = croniter(window.cron_format, current_date).get_next(datetime)
            if (next_window - datetime.now()).seconds < 61:
                has_one_window = True

        if not has_one_window and launch_windows.exists():
            messages.add_message(self.request, messages.ERROR,
                'No available Launch Windows! Next window on %s @ %s' % (format_date(next_window), format_time(next_window)))

        # Deployment Stats Data
        # Build pie chart data to show % projects deployed successfully
        deployments = Deployment.active_records.order_by('status').values('status').annotate(count=Count('id'))
        items = [['string', 'number']] + [
            [item['status'], item['count']] for item in deployments
        context['pie_chart'] = PieChart(SimpleDataSource(items), width='100%', height=300, options={'title': ''})

        # Deployment History Data
        # Get all projects with the days they were deployed and the count of the deploys on each day
        chart_data = []

        projects = list(Project.active_records.all())
        if len(projects) == 0:
            return context

        deploys = list(Deployment.objects.select_related('stage').order_by('date_created'))

        # Get the date range for all the deployments ever done
        start_date = (timezone.now() - timedelta(days=60)).date()
        end_date = timezone.now().date()

        # Step through each day and create an array of deployment counts from each project
        # this would be much easier if we could aggregate by day.
        # once we can use django 1.7, we could write a __date transform. Then it would work.
        for day in range(-1, (end_date - start_date).days + 1):
            date = start_date + timedelta(days=day)
            if day == -1:
                data = ['Day']
                data = [date.strftime('%m/%d')]

            for project in projects:
                if day == -1:

                count = 0
                for d in deploys:
                    if d.stage.project_id == project.pk and d.date_created.date() == date:
                        count += 1



        context['line_chart'] = LineChart(SimpleDataSource(chart_data), width='100%', height=300, options={'title': ''})

        return context
Example #3
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):

        context = super(Dashboard, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)

        # Warn the user if we don't have an available Launch Window
        has_one_window = False
        next_window = None
        launch_windows = LaunchWindow.objects.all()

        for window in launch_windows:
            current_date = datetime.now()

            next_window = croniter(window.cron_format, current_date).get_next(datetime)
            if (next_window - datetime.now()).seconds < 61:
                has_one_window = True

        if not has_one_window and launch_windows.exists():
            messages.add_message(self.request, messages.ERROR,
                'No available Launch Windows! Next window on %s @ %s' % (format_date(next_window), format_time(next_window)))

        # Get the deployments and projects and bail if we don't have any
        deploys = list(Deployment.objects.order_by('date_created'))
        if len(deploys) == 0:
            return context

        projects = list(Project.active_records.all())
        if len(projects) == 0:
            return context

        # Deployment Stats Data
        # Build pie chart data to show % projects deployed successfully
        deployments = Deployment.active_records.order_by('status').values('status').annotate(count=Count('id'))
        items = [
            [item['status'], item['count']] for item in deployments
        context['pie_chart_data'] = json.dumps(items)

        # Deployment History Data
        # Get all projects with the days they were deployed and the count of the deploys on each day
        chart_data = []

        # If we're using postgres do this with one query, otherwise pound the db with the ORM.
        if connection.vendor == 'postgresql':
            # I couldn't figure out how to do this in the ORM with a Group By... here's a postgres version.
            # If you're smarter than me, and can fix this, please do.
            cursor = connection.cursor()
            SELECT project.name as project_name
            , date_trunc('day', deployment.date_created) as deploy_date
            , COUNT(date_trunc('day', deployment.date_created)) as deploy_count
            FROM "projects_project" as project
            LEFT JOIN "projects_stage" as stage ON ( project."id" = stage."project_id" )
            LEFT JOIN "projects_deployment" as deployment ON ( stage."id" = deployment."stage_id" )
            GROUP BY project.name, date_trunc('day', deployment.date_created)
            ORDER BY date_trunc('day', deployment.date_created), project.name

            rows = cursor.fetchall()

            # Get a distinct list of projects from our results
            project_names = []
            previous_project = ''
            for row in rows:
                if row[0] == previous_project:
                previous_project = row[0]

            # Convert the sql results into a dictionary indexed by project and date (this makes the next step easier)
            project_deployment_data = {}
            for project in project_names:
                project_deployment_data[project] = {}
                for row in rows:
                    if project == row[0] and row[1] is not None:
                        project_deployment_data[project][row[1].strftime('%m/%d')] = row[2]

            # Build the google chart data using the project and date dictionary
            # We need an array for each day that has the deployment counts for each project
            deploy_day = None
            for row in rows:
                # If we have a project w/ no deployments, keep going
                if row[1] is None:

                # If we already processed this day, keep going
                if row[1] == deploy_day:

                # Process this day for each project
                deploy_day = row[1].strftime('%m/%d')
                daily_counts = [deploy_day]
                for project in project_names:
                    daily_counts.append(project_deployment_data[project].get(deploy_day, 0))


            chart_data = [['Day'] + project_names] + chart_data

            # Get the date range for all the deployments ever done
            start_date = deploys[0].date_created
            end_date = deploys[len(deploys)-1].date_created

            # Step through each day and create an array of deployment counts from each project
            for day in range(-1, (end_date.date() - start_date.date()).days + 1):
                date = start_date + timedelta(days=day)
                if day == -1:
                    data = ['Day']
                    data = [date.strftime('%m/%d')]

                for project in projects:
                    if day == -1:

                    range_ = (date.date(), date.date() + timedelta(days=1))
                    # Nested ORM Call... not good.
                    data.append(Deployment.objects.select_related('stage').filter(stage__project_id=project.pk, date_created__range=range_).count())


        context['chart_data'] = json.dumps(chart_data)

        return context