Example #1
def parse_query_into_sq(query, fields):
    sq = None
    not_sq = None
    or_flag = False
    for phrase in shlex.split(query.encode('utf-8')):
        if phrase[0] == '-':
            query_part = AutoQuery('"%s"' % uni(phrase[1:]))
            for field in fields:
                if not not_sq:
                    not_sq = SQ(**{field:query_part})
                    not_sq |= SQ(**{field:query_part})
            or_flag = False
        elif phrase == 'OR':
            or_flag = True
            query_part = AutoQuery('"%s"' % uni(phrase))
            field_sq = None
            for field in fields:
                if not field_sq:
                    field_sq = SQ(**{field:query_part})
                    field_sq |= SQ(**{field:query_part})
            if not sq:
                sq = field_sq
                if or_flag:
                    sq |= field_sq
                    sq &= field_sq
            or_flag = False
    return sq, not_sq
def prepare_sq(phrase, fields, sq):
    new_sq = sq
    query_part = GcdAutoQuery('%s' % uni(phrase))
    if '*' in phrase:
        query_part_2 = AutoQuery('%s' % uni(phrase))
        query_part_2 = None
    for field in fields:
        if not new_sq:
            new_sq = SQ(**{field: query_part})
            new_sq |= SQ(**{field: query_part})
        if query_part_2:
            new_sq |= SQ(**{field: query_part_2})
    return new_sq
Example #3
def prepare_sq(phrase, fields, sq):
    new_sq = sq
    query_part = GcdAutoQuery('%s' % uni(phrase))
    if '*' in phrase:
        query_part_2 = AutoQuery('%s' % uni(phrase))
        query_part_2 = None
    for field in fields:
        if not new_sq:
            new_sq = SQ(**{field: query_part})
            new_sq |= SQ(**{field: query_part})
        if query_part_2:
            new_sq |= SQ(**{field: query_part_2})
    return new_sq
def show_issue_credit(issue, credit):
    credit_value = ""
    if credit == "translation":
        translator = issue.issuerole_set.filter(role = 't')
        #print "Trans", len(translator)
        #translator = story.supportrole_set.filter(role = 't')
        for i in translator:
            credit_value += i.creator.name + " (" + _('translation') + "); "
        credit_value = credit_value[0:-2]
    elif credit == "colors":
        colors = issue.issuerole_set.filter(role = 'c')
        # not sure why this doesn't work, it did work in the beginning
        # colors = story.supportrole_set.filter(role = 'c')
        for i in colors:
            credit_value += i.creator.name + "; "
        credit_value = credit_value[0:-2]
    elif credit == "letters":
        letters = issue.issuerole_set.filter(role = 'l')
        #letters = story.supportrole_set.filter(role = 'l')
        for i in letters:
            credit_value += i.creator.name + "; "
        credit_value = credit_value[0:-2]
    elif credit == "indexer":
        indexer = issue.issuerole_set.filter(role = 'i')
        for i in indexer:
            credit_value += i.creator.name + "; "
        credit_value = credit_value[0:-2]
    return uni(credit_value)
def get_characters(story):
    characters = story.story_version.appearance_set\
                    .filter(character__gt = "")
    appearance = ""
    for i in characters:
        # TODO: there is also entrycharacternames, to have
        # the name for a given story, this is also 
        # linked to the character
            tmp = i.character.charactername_set\
                    .filter(language = story.language)\
                    .filter(preferred = 'Y')
        except MultipleObjectsReturned: 
        # some one-shot characters are twice in character-db
            tmp = Character.objects\
                    .filter(character__exact = i.character_code)
            # could use entrycharacternames especially here
        if len(tmp) == 0:
            appearance += i.character.name  + "; "
            appearance += tmp[0].name + "; "
    appearance = appearance[:-2]
    if appearance == "--":
        return ""
        return uni(appearance)
Example #6
def get_characters(story):
    characters = story.story_version.appearance_set\
                    .filter(character__gt = "")
    appearance = ""
    for i in characters:
        # TODO: there is also entrycharacternames, to have
        # the name for a given story, this is also
        # linked to the character
            tmp = i.character.charactername_set\
                    .filter(language = story.language)\
                    .filter(preferred = 'Y')
        except MultipleObjectsReturned:
            # some one-shot characters are twice in character-db
            tmp = Character.objects\
                    .filter(character__exact = i.character_code)
            # could use entrycharacternames especially here
        if len(tmp) == 0:
            appearance += i.character.name + "; "
            appearance += tmp[0].name + "; "
    appearance = appearance[:-2]
    if appearance == "--":
        return ""
        return uni(appearance)
Example #7
def show_issue_credit(issue, credit):
    credit_value = ""
    if credit == "translation":
        translator = issue.issuerole_set.filter(role='t')
        #print "Trans", len(translator)
        #translator = story.supportrole_set.filter(role = 't')
        for i in translator:
            credit_value += i.creator.name + " (" + _('translation') + "); "
        credit_value = credit_value[0:-2]
    elif credit == "colors":
        colors = issue.issuerole_set.filter(role='c')
        # not sure why this doesn't work, it did work in the beginning
        # colors = story.supportrole_set.filter(role = 'c')
        for i in colors:
            credit_value += i.creator.name + "; "
        credit_value = credit_value[0:-2]
    elif credit == "letters":
        letters = issue.issuerole_set.filter(role='l')
        #letters = story.supportrole_set.filter(role = 'l')
        for i in letters:
            credit_value += i.creator.name + "; "
        credit_value = credit_value[0:-2]
    elif credit == "indexer":
        indexer = issue.issuerole_set.filter(role='i')
        for i in indexer:
            credit_value += i.creator.name + "; "
        credit_value = credit_value[0:-2]
    return uni(credit_value)
Example #8
def issue_flatfile(issue):
    """ For showing the flatfile lines for an issue."""

    if not issue:
        return ""
    activate(issue.series.language_code)  # for translation stuff
    # a bit of general stuff
    stories = list(issue.story_set.order_by('sequence_number'))
    letter_default = show_issue_credit(issue, "letters")
    color_default = show_issue_credit(issue, "colors")
    translation_default = show_issue_credit(issue, "translation")
    #indexer = show_issue_credit(issue,"indexer")
    # first cover sequence
    line = issue.number + "\t" \
        + convert_isv_date(issue.publication_date, issue.series.language_code)\
        + "\t" + show_credit(stories[0],"type") + \
        "\t" + "\t" + get_feature(stories[0]) + "\t" + uni(stories[0].title) + \
        "\t" + show_credit(stories[0],"pencils", True) + "\t" +\
        show_credit(stories[0],"inks", show_credit(stories[0],"pencils")) + \
        "\t" + "\t" + show_credit(stories[0],"colors", True) + "\t" +\
        show_credit(stories[0],"letters", False) + "\t" +\
        "?\t" + issue.page_count + "\t" + issue.price + "\t" \
        + get_characters(stories[0])
    line += "\tIssue data imported from inducks.org. "
    line += "If you edit entries please give the updated information also to inducks.org. "
    #line += "Original inducks indexer " + indexer
    line += "[inducks issue-id:" + issue.id \
        + "][inducks story-id:" + stories[0].id + \
        "][inducks storyversion-id:" \
        + stories[0].story_version.id + "]\t"
    line += "\t" + uni(reprints(stories[0])) + "\t" \
        + stories[0].job_number
    for num in range(1, len(stories)):
        story = stories[num]
        force = story.story_version.type == 'n'
        script = show_credit(story, "script", force
                             or story.story_version.type in ['t', 'a'],
        notes = ""
        if story.story_version.type in ['c', 'i']:
            #notes += "Illustration idea by " + script
            script = ""
        if story.included_in_story:
            notes += " This sequence is included in " + \
                    story.included_in_story + ", please edit"
        line += "\n\t\t" + show_credit(story,"type", True) + "\t" + "\t" +\
            get_feature(story) + "\t" + uni(story.title) + "\t" +\
            show_credit(story,"pencils", force) + "\t" +\
            show_credit(story,"inks", force, show_credit(story,"pencils")) \
            + "\t" + script + "\t" +\
            show_credit(story,"colors", force, color_default) + "\t" +\
            show_credit(story,"letters", force, letter_default) + "\t" +\
            "\t" + get_page_count(story) + "\t" + "\t" +\
            uni(get_characters(story)) + "\t[inducks story-id:" + \
            story.id + "][inducks storyversion-id:" + \
            story.story_version.id + "]" + uni(story.notes) + \
            uni(notes) + "\t" + "\t" + uni(reprints(story)) + "\t" +\
    return line
def gcd_series(issue, publisher):
        if len(issue.number) == 7 and issue.number[4] == '-':
            number = issue.number[5:7].lstrip('0') + "/" + issue.number[0:4]
            number = issue.number
        gcd_issue = GCD_Issue.objects.filter(series__name__icontains = \
                    issue.series.name).filter(number = number)\
                    .filter(series__country_code__iexact =\
        if len(gcd_issue) > 1:
            gcd_issue_2 = gcd_issue.filter(series__name__istartswith = \
            if len(gcd_issue_2) > 0:
                gcd_issue = gcd_issue_2
        if len(gcd_issue) > 0:
            if len(gcd_issue) > 1:
                gcd_issue = gcd_issue.filter(series__name = \
            #print gcd_issue, issue.series.name
            if len(gcd_issue) == 1:
                return "from " + uni(gcd_issue[0].series.name) + " (" +\
                uni(gcd_issue[0].series.publisher.name) + ", " +\
                uni(gcd_issue[0].series.year_began) + " series) #" +\
        gcd_series = GCD_Series.objects.filter(name__startswith = \
                issue.series.name).filter(country_code__iexact =\
        #print issue.series.name, issue.series.country_code
        if len(gcd_series) > 1 and publisher != "":
            gcd_series = gcd_series.\
                        filter(publisher__name__icontains = publisher)
        if len(gcd_series) == 1:
            #print gcd_series, issue.series.name
            return "from " + gcd_series[0].name + " (" +\
                    gcd_series[0].publisher.name + ", " +\
                    uni(gcd_series[0].year_began) + " series) #" + number
            for i in gcd_series:
                print i, i.country_code
            return ""
    except OperationalError:
        print issue.series.name
def issue_flatfile(issue):
    """ For showing the flatfile lines for an issue."""

    if not issue:
        return ""
    activate(issue.series.language_code) # for translation stuff
    # a bit of general stuff
    stories = list(issue.story_set.order_by('sequence_number'))
    letter_default = show_issue_credit(issue,"letters")
    color_default = show_issue_credit(issue,"colors")
    translation_default = show_issue_credit(issue,"translation")
    #indexer = show_issue_credit(issue,"indexer")
    # first cover sequence
    line = issue.number + "\t" \
        + convert_isv_date(issue.publication_date, issue.series.language_code)\
        + "\t" + show_credit(stories[0],"type") + \
        "\t" + "\t" + get_feature(stories[0]) + "\t" + uni(stories[0].title) + \
        "\t" + show_credit(stories[0],"pencils", True) + "\t" +\
        show_credit(stories[0],"inks", show_credit(stories[0],"pencils")) + \
        "\t" + "\t" + show_credit(stories[0],"colors", True) + "\t" +\
        show_credit(stories[0],"letters", False) + "\t" +\
        "?\t" + issue.page_count + "\t" + issue.price + "\t" \
        + get_characters(stories[0]) 
    line += "\tIssue data imported from inducks.org. "
    line += "If you edit entries please give the updated information also to inducks.org. "
    #line += "Original inducks indexer " + indexer
    line += "[inducks issue-id:" + issue.id \
        + "][inducks story-id:" + stories[0].id + \
        "][inducks storyversion-id:" \
        + stories[0].story_version.id + "]\t" 
    line += "\t" + uni(reprints(stories[0])) + "\t" \
        + stories[0].job_number
    for num in range(1,len(stories)):
        story = stories[num]
        force = story.story_version.type == 'n'
        script = show_credit(story,"script", force or story.story_version.type in ['t', 'a'], translation_default)
        notes = ""
        if story.story_version.type in ['c', 'i']:
            #notes += "Illustration idea by " + script
            script = ""
        if story.included_in_story:
            notes += " This sequence is included in " + \
                    story.included_in_story + ", please edit"
        line += "\n\t\t" + show_credit(story,"type", True) + "\t" + "\t" +\
            get_feature(story) + "\t" + uni(story.title) + "\t" +\
            show_credit(story,"pencils", force) + "\t" +\
            show_credit(story,"inks", force, show_credit(story,"pencils")) \
            + "\t" + script + "\t" +\
            show_credit(story,"colors", force, color_default) + "\t" +\
            show_credit(story,"letters", force, letter_default) + "\t" +\
            "\t" + get_page_count(story) + "\t" + "\t" +\
            uni(get_characters(story)) + "\t[inducks story-id:" + \
            story.id + "][inducks storyversion-id:" + \
            story.story_version.id + "]" + uni(story.notes) + \
            uni(notes) + "\t" + "\t" + uni(reprints(story)) + "\t" +\
    return line
Example #11
def gcd_series(issue, publisher):
        if len(issue.number) == 7 and issue.number[4] == '-':
            number = issue.number[5:7].lstrip('0') + "/" + issue.number[0:4]
            number = issue.number
        gcd_issue = GCD_Issue.objects.filter(series__name__icontains = \
                    issue.series.name).filter(number = number)\
                    .filter(series__country_code__iexact =\
        if len(gcd_issue) > 1:
            gcd_issue_2 = gcd_issue.filter(series__name__istartswith = \
            if len(gcd_issue_2) > 0:
                gcd_issue = gcd_issue_2
        if len(gcd_issue) > 0:
            if len(gcd_issue) > 1:
                gcd_issue = gcd_issue.filter(series__name = \
            #print gcd_issue, issue.series.name
            if len(gcd_issue) == 1:
                return "from " + uni(gcd_issue[0].series.name) + " (" +\
                uni(gcd_issue[0].series.publisher.name) + ", " +\
                uni(gcd_issue[0].series.year_began) + " series) #" +\
        gcd_series = GCD_Series.objects.filter(name__startswith = \
                issue.series.name).filter(country_code__iexact =\
        #print issue.series.name, issue.series.country_code
        if len(gcd_series) > 1 and publisher != "":
            gcd_series = gcd_series.\
                        filter(publisher__name__icontains = publisher)
        if len(gcd_series) == 1:
            #print gcd_series, issue.series.name
            return "from " + gcd_series[0].name + " (" +\
                    gcd_series[0].publisher.name + ", " +\
                    uni(gcd_series[0].year_began) + " series) #" + number
            for i in gcd_series:
                print(i, i.country_code)
            return ""
    except OperationalError:
def get_feature(story):
    feature = ""
    try: #shouldn't be there a different way to check for existence ?
        features = story.story_version.base_story.feature_set.all()
        return feature
    for i in features:
        if i.feature.name != "--":
            #feature += i.feature.name + "; "
                feature += i.feature.charactername_set.filter(language = story.language).filter(preferred = 'Y')[0].name + "; "
            except IndexError:
                feature += i.feature.name + "; "
    feature = feature[:-2]
    return uni(feature)
Example #13
def get_feature(story):
    feature = ""
    try:  #shouldn't be there a different way to check for existence ?
        features = story.story_version.base_story.feature_set.all()
        return feature
    for i in features:
        if i.feature.name != "--":
            #feature += i.feature.name + "; "
                feature += i.feature.charactername_set.filter(
                        preferred='Y')[0].name + "; "
            except IndexError:
                feature += i.feature.name + "; "
    feature = feature[:-2]
    return uni(feature)
def cover_upload(request, cover_id, add_variant=False):
    Handles uploading of covers be it
    - first upload
    - replacement upload
    - variant upload

    upload_template = 'gcd/details/cover_upload.html'
    uploaded_template = 'gcd/details/cover_uploaded.html'
    style = 'default'

    # check for issue and cover
    cover = get_object_or_404(Cover, id=cover_id)
    issue = cover.issue

    if add_variant and not cover.has_image:
        error_text = "No cover present for %s. You cannot upload a variant." \
                     % cover.issue
        return render_error(request, error_text, redirect=False)

    # check that we are actually allowed to upload
    if cover.has_image and not cover.marked and not add_variant:
        tag = get_image_tag(cover, "existing cover", 2)
        covers_needed = Cover.objects.filter(issue__series=issue.series)
        covers_needed = covers_needed.exclude(marked=False, 
        # TODO: make the 15 an option
        covers_needed = covers_needed.exclude(marked=None, 
        return render_to_response(uploaded_template, {
                                  'cover' : cover,
                                  'covers_needed' :  covers_needed,
                                  'issue' : issue,
                                  'tag'   : tag,
                                  'already' : "is already",
                                  'style' : style},

    # check what kind of upload
    if cover.has_image and cover.marked and not add_variant:
        display_cover = get_image_tag(cover, "cover to replace", 2, 
                                      no_cache = True)
        upload_type = 'replacement'
    elif add_variant:
        display_cover = get_image_tag(cover, "first cover", 2, 
                                      no_cache = True)
        upload_type = 'variant'
        display_cover = None
        upload_type = ''

    # current request is an upload
    if request.method == 'POST':
            form = UploadScanForm(request.POST,request.FILES)
        except IOError: # sometimes uploads misbehave. connection dropped ?
            error_text = 'Something went wrong with the upload. ' + \
                         'Please <a href="' + request.path + '">try again</a>.'
            return render_error(request, error_text, redirect=False, 

        if form.is_valid():
            # user has to change defaults and enter something valid
            if request.POST['email'] == '*****@*****.**':
                request.POST['email'] = ''
            if request.POST['name'] == 'Your name':
                request.POST['name'] = ''
            form = UploadScanForm(request.POST,request.FILES)
        # TODO: even if the file is a valid image it does not survive into
        #       the next form if name/email is not valid, Django issue ?
        if not form.is_valid():
            return render_to_response(upload_template, {
                                      'form': form.as_ul(),
                                      'cover' : cover,
                                      'issue' : issue,
                                      'style' : style,
                                      'display_cover' : display_cover,
                                      'upload_type' : upload_type,
        # if file is in form handle it
        if 'scan' in request.FILES:
            upload_datetime = datetime.today()
            scan = request.FILES['scan']
            contributor = '%s (%s)' % (request.POST['name'],
            # at first (in case something goes wrong) put new covers into 
            # media/<_local_new_scans>/<monthname>_<year>/ 
            # with name 
            # <cover_id>_<date>_<time>.<ext>
            scan_name = str(cover.id) + "_" + \
            upload_dir = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_new_scans + \
            destination_name = upload_dir + scan_name + \
            if not os.path.isdir(upload_dir):
                except IOError:
                    error_text = "Problem with file storage for uploaded " + \
                                 "cover, please report an error." 
                    return render_error(request, error_text, redirect=False)

            # arguably a bit unlikely to happen with the current naming scheme
            if os.path.exists(destination_name):
                destination_name = os.path.splitext(destination_name)[0] + \
                                   "_a" + os.path.splitext(scan.name)[1]
            # write uploaded file
            destination = open(destination_name, 'wb')
            for chunk in scan.chunks():

                # generate different sizes we are using
                im = Image.open(destination.name)
                if im.size[0] >= 400:
                    # generate the sizes we are using
                    if check_cover_dir(cover) == False:
                        error_text = "Problem with file storage for cover " + \
                          "with id %d for %s, please report an error." \
                          % (cover.id, uni(issue))
                        return render_error(request, error_text, redirect=False)

                    base_dir = str(int(cover.id/1000))
                    if upload_type == 'replacement':
                        # if we don't have the original file copy it from w400
                        # otherwise do nothing, old cover file stays due to
                        # datetime string in the filename
                        if not cover.file_extension: 
                            sub_dir = "/w400/"
                            extension = ".jpg"
                            current_im_name = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + \
                                              _local_scans_by_id + base_dir + \
                                              sub_dir + str(cover.id) + extension
                            # check for existence
                            if not os.path.exists(current_im_name):
                                error_text = "Problem with existing file for cover " + \
                                  "with id %d for %s, please report an error." \
                                  % (cover.id, uni(issue))
                                return render_error(request, error_text, 
                                # use this for debugging locally
                                # img_url = _server_prefixes[cover.server_version] \
                                #          + suffix
                                # urlretrieve(img_url,current_im_name)

                            backup_name = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + \
                              _local_scans_by_id + base_dir + \
                              "/uploads/" + str(cover.id) + \
                              cover.modified.strftime('_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') + \
                            shutil.copy(current_im_name, backup_name)
                    if add_variant:
                        return render_error(request, 
                          'Adding variant covers is not yet implemented.',

                    # generate different sizes
                    generate_sizes(cover, im)

                    # set cover table values
                    cover.server_version = 1
                    cover.has_image = True
                    cover.marked = False
                    cover.contributor = contributor
                    if not cover.series.has_gallery == True:
                        series = cover.series
                        series.has_gallery = True
                    cover.modified = upload_datetime    
                    cover.extension = os.path.splitext(destination_name)[1]
                    im_name = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + \
                              _local_scans_by_id + base_dir + "/uploads/" + \
                              str(cover.id) + upload_datetime. \
                              strftime('_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') + cover.extension

                    shutil.move(destination_name, im_name)

                    store_count = codecs.open(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + \
                                  _local_new_scans + "cover_count", "w", "utf-8")

                    if 'remember_me' in request.POST:
                        request.session['gcd_uploader_name'] = \
                        request.session['gcd_uploader_email'] = \

                    tag = get_image_tag(cover, "uploaded cover", 2)
                    info_text = "Image is too small, only " + str(im.size) + \
                                " in size."
                    return render_to_response(upload_template, {
                      'form': form.as_ul(),
                      'info' : info_text,
                      'cover' : cover,
                      'display_cover' : display_cover,
                      'upload_type' : upload_type,
                      'issue' : issue,
                      'style' : style,

                # what else do we need
                covers_needed = Cover.objects.filter(issue__series = \
                  issue.series).exclude(marked = False, has_image = True)
                covers_needed = covers_needed.exclude(marked = None,
                                                      has_image = True)[:15]

                return render_to_response(uploaded_template, {
                  'cover' : cover,
                  'covers_needed' :  covers_needed,
                  'issue' : issue,
                  'tag'   : tag,
                  'style' : style},

            except IOError: # file type *should* be taken care of by django
                return render_to_response(upload_template, {
                  'form': form.as_ul(),
                  'info' : 'Error: File \"' + scan.name + \
                           '" is not a valid picture.',
                  'cover' : cover,
                  'issue' : issue,
                  'display_cover' : display_cover,
                  'upload_type' : upload_type,
                  'style' : style,
        else: # there is a pretty good chance we never end up here
            return render_to_response(upload_template, { 
              'form': form.as_ul(), 
              'cover' : cover,
              'issue' : issue,
              'style' : style},

        # do we have email/name cached
        if 'gcd_uploader_email' in request.session:
            vars = {'name' : request.session['gcd_uploader_name'],
                   'email' : request.session['gcd_uploader_email'],
                   'remember_me' : True}
        elif request.user.is_authenticated():
            vars = {'name' : unicode(request.user.indexer),
                   'email' : request.user.email,
                   'remember_me' : True}            
            vars = {'name' : 'Your name', 'email' : '*****@*****.**'}

        form = UploadScanForm(initial=vars)
        # display the form
        return render_to_response(upload_template, {
                                  'form': form.as_ul(), 
                                  'cover' : cover,
                                  'issue' : issue,
                                  'display_cover' : display_cover,
                                  'upload_type' : upload_type,
                                  'style' : style},
def find_migration_candidates(story, string, standard = True):
    Calls parser for reprint notes and returns results.

        found issue
        notes found in []
        sequence number of origin story (if found)
        origin story (if found)
        True if story is original, False otherwise

    string = string.strip()
    if string == '?' or string == '' or string[-1] == '?' or \
      string.startswith('from ?') or string.startswith('uit ?') or \
      string.startswith(uni("från ?")):
        return False, '', -1, False, False

    if standard == False: #otherwise some Disney stuff takes ages
        if string.lower().find('donald daily') >= 0:
            return False,'',-1,False,False
        elif string.lower().find('duck daily') >= 0:
            return False,'',-1,False,False
        elif string.lower().find('duck sunday') >= 0:
            return False,'',-1,False,False
        elif string.lower().find('donald sunday') >= 0:
            return False,'',-1,False,False
        elif string.lower().find('mouse sunday') >= 0:
            return False,'',-1,False,False
        elif string.lower().find('mickey sunday') >= 0:
            return False,'',-1,False,False
        elif string.lower().find('mouse daily') >= 0:
            return False,'',-1,False,False
        elif string.lower().find('mickey daily') >= 0:
            return False,'',-1,False,False

    # possible from/in in other languages
    reprint_direction = ["from ", "in "]
    if story.issue.series.language.code.lower() == 'it': #da, in
        reprint_direction = ["da ", "di "] + reprint_direction
    elif story.issue.series.language.code.lower() in ['es', 'pt']: #de, en
        reprint_direction = ["de ", "en "] + reprint_direction
    elif story.issue.series.language.code.lower() == 'nl': # uit, in
        reprint_direction = ["uit "] + reprint_direction
    elif story.issue.series.language.code.lower() in ['sv', 'no']: # från, i
        reprint_direction = [uni("från "), "i "] + reprint_direction
    elif story.issue.series.language.code.lower() == 'de': # aus
        reprint_direction = ["aus "] + reprint_direction
    reprint_direction_search = reprint_direction + [""]
    other_fr = True

    for from_to in reprint_direction_search:
        if standard:
            # check for our format
            reprint, notes = parse_reprint(string, from_to)
            # exclude same series if several issues (all with same starting year) are found
            if reprint.count() > 1:
                reprint = reprint.exclude(series__id = story.issue.series.id)
            if reprint.count() > 1 and reprint.count() <= 15:
                a = []
                for i in range(reprint.count()):
                    nr = find_reprint_sequence_in_issue(story,
                    if (nr >= 0):
                if len(a) == 1:
                    reprint = reprint.filter(id =
            # check for some others
            reprint,notes = parse_reprint_full(string, from_to)
            reprint = reprint.exclude(id = story.issue.id)
            if reprint.count() > 1 and reprint.count() <= 15:
                a = []
                for i in range(reprint.count()):
                    nr = find_reprint_sequence_in_issue(story,
                    if (nr >= 0):
                if len(a) == 1:
                    reprint = reprint.filter(id =
            # one other routine for a few specials
            if reprint.count() != 1 :#== 0 or reprint.count() > 5:
                if other_fr: # need marker to only do once
                    other_fr = False
                    reprint = parse_reprint_fr(string)
                    reprint = reprint.exclude(id = story.issue.id)
                    if reprint.count() > 1 and reprint.count() <= 15:
                        a = []
                        for i in range(reprint.count()):
                            nr = find_reprint_sequence_in_issue(story,
                            if (nr >= 0):
                        if len(a) == 1:
                            reprint = reprint.filter(id =
                    if reprint.count() == 1:
                        reprint_direction = "from "

        if reprint.count() == 1:
            nr = find_reprint_sequence_in_issue(story,
            if from_to in ["from ", "aus ", "da ", "di ", "de ", \
                            "uit ",u"från "]:
                origin = False
            elif from_to == "":
                origin = False
                if notes:
                    notes += " Confirm: direction of reprint"
                    notes = "Confirm: direction of reprint"
                origin = True
            if notes:
                if notes.find('originaltitel') >= 0:
                    pos = notes.find('originaltitel')
                    notes = notes.replace('originaltitel', 'original title')
                if notes.find('Originaltitel') >= 0:
                    pos = notes.find('Originaltitel')
                    notes = notes.replace('Originaltitel', 'original title')
                if notes.lower().find(uni('história original')) >= 0:
                    pos = notes.lower().find(uni('história original'))
                    notes = notes.replace(uni('história original'), 'original title')
                if notes.lower().find(uni('História original')) >= 0:
                    pos = notes.lower().find(uni('História original'))
                    notes = notes.replace(uni('História original'), 'original title')
                if notes.lower().find('titolo originale') >= 0:
                    pos = notes.lower().find('titolo originale')
                    notes = notes.replace('titolo originale', 'original title')
                if notes.find('titre original') >= 0:
                    pos = notes.find('titre original')
                    notes = notes.replace('titre original', 'original title')
                if notes.find('Titre original') >= 0:
                    pos = notes.find('Titre original')
                    notes = notes.replace('Titre original', 'original title')
                if notes.lower().find('originally titled') >= 0:
                    pos = notes.lower().find('originally titled')
                    notes = notes.replace('originally titled', 'original title')
            if nr >= 0:
                other_story = Story.objects.exclude(deleted=True).filter(issue = reprint[0])
                other_story = other_story.filter(sequence_number = nr)
                return reprint[0],notes,nr,other_story[0],origin
            elif notes and notes.lower().find('original ti') >=0:
                pos = notes.lower().find('original ti')
                pos2 = notes[pos:].find('"')
                if pos2 > 0:
                    pos3 = notes[pos+pos2+1:].find('"')
                    if pos3 > 0:
                        original_title = notes[pos+pos2+1:pos+pos2+pos3]
                        end_title = pos+pos2+pos3+2
                        original_title = notes[pos+pos2:]
                        end_title = len(notes)
                    pos2 = notes[pos:].find(']')
                    if pos2 > 0:
                        original_title = notes[pos+len('original title'):pos+pos2]
                        end_title = pos+pos2+1
                        pos2 = notes[pos:].find(';')
                        if pos2 > 0:
                            original_title = notes[pos+len('original title'):pos+pos2]
                            end_title = pos+pos2+1
                            original_title = notes[pos+len('original title'):]
                            end_title = len(notes)
                results = Story.objects.exclude(deleted=True)
                results = results.filter(issue = reprint[0])
                results = results.filter(title__icontains = original_title.strip(' !.":'))
                if results.count() == 1:
                    notes = notes[:pos] + notes[end_title:]
                    return reprint[0],notes,results[0].sequence_number,results[0],origin
                elif results.count() > 1:
                    results = results.filter(type=story.type)
                    if results.count() == 1:
                        notes = notes[:pos] + notes[end_title:]
                        return reprint[0],notes,results[0].sequence_number,results[0],origin
                return reprint[0],notes,-1,False,origin
                return reprint[0],notes,-1,False,origin
    return False,'',-1,False,False
def migrate_reprints_other(select = -1):
    series = Series.objects.exclude(deleted=True).order_by("id")
    if select > 0:
        series = series.filter(id__gt = str((select-1)*1000))
        series = series.filter(id__lte = str(select*1000))
    # exclude Lars
    series = series.exclude(id__in = [18732,26245,31648,36955,36980,36973,36949,36975,36964, 36953, 36967, 39648])

    series = series.exclude(id=153)# Walt Disney's Comics and Stories
    #series = series.exclude(id=687)# Topolino
    series = series.exclude(id=1923)# Alan Ford
    series = series.exclude(id=2017)# Lucky Lukes äventyr
    series = series.exclude(id=2199)# Little Orphan Annie
    series = series.exclude(id=2672)# Martin Mystère
    series = series.exclude(id=2695)# Eternauta, L'
    #series = series.exclude(id=3706)# Grandi Classici Disney, I
    series = series.exclude(id=3744)# Spicy Tales
    series = series.exclude(id=3817)# Sandman, The,
    series = series.exclude(id=7052)# Gustafs bästa sidor
    series = series.exclude(id=7087)# Serie-paraden
    series = series.exclude(id=7155)# Heavy Metal Magazine
    series = series.exclude(id=7208)# Dr. Seuss Goes to War
    #series = series.exclude(id=7536)# Albi Di Topolino
    #series = series.exclude(id=7539)# Almanacco Topolino
    #series = series.exclude(id=7540)# Almanacco Topolino
    series = series.exclude(id=7555)# Euracomix
    #series = series.exclude(id=7566)# Classici di Walt Disney, I
    #series = series.exclude(id=7569)# Grandi Classici Disney, I
    series = series.exclude(id=7582)# Manga Sun
    series = series.exclude(id=7587)# Pilot
    series = series.exclude(id=7640)# 91:an Karlsson [julalbum]
    series = series.exclude(id=7645)# Asterix
    series = series.exclude(id=7646)# Asterix [nytryck]
    series = series.exclude(id=7652)# Biffen och Bananen Ett glatt återseende
    series = series.exclude(id=7657)# Familjen Svenssons äventyr
    series = series.exclude(id=7670)# Lilla Fridolf [julalbum]
    series = series.exclude(id=8101)# James Bond
    series = series.exclude(id=8110)# Epix
    series = series.exclude(id=8118)# Tung metall
    series = series.exclude(id=8510)# Felix - Jan Lööf's Felix
    series = series.exclude(id=8511)# Felix' äventyr
    series = series.exclude(id=10413)# Naturens under
    series = series.exclude(id=10458)# Caliber
    series = series.exclude(id=10562)# Donald Duck & Co
    series = series.exclude(id=12068)# Boys Love Girls...More or Less 12068
    series = series.exclude(id=12498)# Colt
    series = series.exclude(id=14584)# Journal de Spirou, Le
    series = series.exclude(id=18705)# Korak
    series = series.exclude(id=19940)# Fandom's Finest Comics
    series = series.exclude(id=21132)# Norske Serieperler
    series = series.exclude(id=21200)# Donald Duck & Co
    series = series.exclude(id=21672)# Action Serien
    series = series.exclude(id=23238)# Front serien
    series = series.exclude(id=27342)# Donald Duck
    series = series.exclude(id=28131)# Vill Vest
    series = series.exclude(id=29937)# Pocket Book of Esquire Cartoons, The
    series = series.exclude(id=31372)# Mummitrollet
    series = series.exclude(id=32745)# Flippie Flink
    series = series.exclude(id=35202)# Heathcliff Catch of The Day
    series = series.exclude(id=36911)# Pyton
    series = series.exclude(id=36912)# Pyton
    series = series.exclude(id=53)# Wally - His Cartoons of the A.E.F. 51 51
    series = series.exclude(id=60)# How They Draw Prohibition 72 72
    series = series.exclude(id=69)# Aventures De Tintin, Les 55 55
    series = series.exclude(id=73)# Mickey Mouse Magazine 77 77
    series = series.exclude(id=82)# King Comics 658 658
    series = series.exclude(id=84)# Popular Comics 64 64
    series = series.exclude(id=107)# Super Comics 56 56
    series = series.exclude(id=111)# Jumbo Comics 53 93
    series = series.exclude(id=119)# Magic Comics 52 52
    series = series.exclude(id=240)# USA Comics 51 51
    series = series.exclude(id=538)# Lone Ranger, The 185 282
    series = series.exclude(id=593)# Collana Del Tex - Prima Serie 60 60
    series = series.exclude(id=1017)# Rocky Lane Western 61 78
    series = series.exclude(id=2867)# Doctor Who 61 61
    series = series.exclude(id=4900)# New Yorker Book of Lawyer Cartoons, The 85 85
    series = series.exclude(id=5839)# Smithsonian Book of Newspaper Comics, The 118 118
    series = series.exclude(id=6193)# Lanciostory Anno XXV 57 58
    series = series.exclude(id=6194)# Skorpio Anno XXIII 53 53
    series = series.exclude(id=7593)# Tutto Disney 126 126
    series = series.exclude(id=9787)# Kalle Anka & C:o 399 414
    series = series.exclude(id=12754)# Jokebook Comics Digest Annual 148 149
    series = series.exclude(id=14027)# Green Hornet, The 53 53
    series = series.exclude(id=14988)# Angel Heart 50 50
    series = series.exclude(id=15308)# Techno 95 95
    series = series.exclude(id=16632)# Kalar 94 94
    series = series.exclude(id=16996)# Sabotør Q5 137 137
    series = series.exclude(id=18403)# Madhouse Comics Digest 68 68
    series = series.exclude(id=19745)# Sheriff Classics 62 62
    series = series.exclude(id=19751)# Helgenen 116 118
    series = series.exclude(id=20751)# Cartoons The French Way 154 154
    series = series.exclude(id=21769)# Alarm 170 176
    series = series.exclude(id=22370)# Brumle 71 71
    series = series.exclude(id=24745)# Hjerterevyen 375 377
    series = series.exclude(id=26396)# Jippo 137 137
    series = series.exclude(id=26559)# Best Cartoons from Argosy 153 153
    series = series.exclude(id=29924)# Lasso 75 75
    series = series.exclude(id=30264)# Little Orphan Annie 59 59
    a = codecs.open( "/tmp/reprints_processing", "a", "utf-8" )
    import time
    for serie in series:
        c_start = time.time()
        #print serie, #serie.id
        migrate_reprints_series(serie.id, standard=False)#, do_save = False)
        used_time = time.time()-c_start
        a.write(uni(serie) + uni(", ") + uni(serie.id) + uni(": ") + uni(used_time) + uni("\n"))
def copy_covers_new():
    #covers=Cover.objects.filter(has_image=True).filter(modified__gte='2009-10-02 14:00').filter(modified__lt='2009-11-15 00:00')
    #covers=Cover.objects.filter(has_image=True).filter(modified__gte='2009-11-15 00:00').filter(modified__lt='2009-11-23 00:00')
    covers=Cover.objects.filter(has_image=True).filter(modified__gte='2009-11-23 00:00')

    cnt = 0
    for cover in covers:
        issue = cover.issue
        scan_name = str(issue.series.id) + "_" + str(issue.id) + "_" + \
                    uni(issue).replace(' ','_').replace('/','-') + \
                    "_" + cover.modified.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
        upload_dir = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_new_scans + \
        old_filename = upload_dir + scan_name 
        new_filename = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_scans_by_id + \
                       str(int(cover.id/1000)) + '/uploads/' + str(cover.id) + cover.modified.strftime('_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')

        [extension, old_filename] = find_original_cover(old_filename)

        if not extension:
            scan_name = str(issue.series.id) + "_" + str(issue.id) + "_" + \
                        uni(issue).replace(' ','_').replace('/','-') + \
                        "_" + (cover.modified + timedelta(0,1)).strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
            old_filename = upload_dir + scan_name 
            [extension, old_filename] = find_original_cover(old_filename)
            if not extension:
                print cover.issue, old_filename
                raise IOError

        new_filename += extension
        os.chmod(new_filename, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH)

        im = Image.open(new_filename)
        if im.mode != "RGB":
            print "Image Mode:",im.mode
            im = im.convert("RGB")
        print cover.id, cover.issue, extension
        # generate different sizes (OK, we could just copy the files in this case...)
        scaled_name = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_scans_by_id + \
          str(int(cover.id/1000)) + "/w100/" + str(cover.id) + ".jpg"
        size = 100,int(100./im.size[0]*im.size[1])
        scaled = im.resize(size,Image.ANTIALIAS)

        scaled_name = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_scans_by_id + \
          str(int(cover.id/1000)) + "/w200/" + str(cover.id) + ".jpg"
        size = 200,int(200./im.size[0]*im.size[1])
        scaled = im.resize(size,Image.ANTIALIAS)

        scaled_name = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_scans_by_id + \
          str(int(cover.id/1000)) + "/w400/" + str(cover.id) + ".jpg"
        size = 400,int(400./im.size[0]*im.size[1])
        scaled = im.resize(size,Image.ANTIALIAS)

        cover.file_extension = extension
        if cnt % 100 == 0:
            print cnt
Example #18
def cover_upload(request, issue_id, add_variant=False):
    Handles uploading of covers be it
    - first upload
    - replacement upload
    - variant upload

    upload_template = 'gcd/details/cover_upload.html'
    uploaded_template = 'gcd/details/cover_uploaded.html'
    error_template = 'gcd/error.html'
    style = 'default'

    # check for issue and cover
    # TODO might do get_object_or_404 instead of own error check
    issue = Issue.objects.filter(id=int(issue_id))
    if len(issue) == 0:
        return render_to_response(
            error_template, {
                'error_text': 'Issue ID #' + issue_id + ' does not exist.',
        issue = issue[0]

    cover = Cover.objects.filter(issue=issue)
    if len(cover) == 0:
        return render_to_response(error_template, {
          'error_text' : 'Something wrong with issue ID #' + issue_id  + \
                        ' and its cover table, please contact the admins.',
        cover = cover[0]

    if add_variant and not cover.has_image:
        info_text = "No cover present for %s. You cannot upload a variant." % cover.issue
        return render_to_response(error_template, {
            'error_text': info_text,

    # check that we are actually allowed to upload
    if cover.has_image and not cover.marked and not add_variant:
        tag = get_image_tag(issue.series.id, cover, "existing cover", 2)
        covers_needed = Cover.objects.filter(issue__series=issue.series)
        covers_needed = covers_needed.exclude(marked=False, has_large=True)
        # TODO: make the 15 an option
        covers_needed = covers_needed.exclude(marked=None, has_large=True)[:15]
        return render_to_response(uploaded_template, {
            'cover': cover,
            'covers_needed': covers_needed,
            'issue': issue,
            'tag': tag,
            'already': "is already",
            'style': style

    # check what kind of upload
    if cover.has_image and cover.marked and not add_variant:
        display_cover = get_image_tag(issue.series.id,
                                      "cover to replace",
        upload_type = 'replacement'
    elif add_variant:
        display_cover = get_image_tag(issue.series.id,
                                      "first cover",
        upload_type = 'variant'
        display_cover = None
        upload_type = ''

    # current request is an upload
    if request.method == 'POST':
            form = UploadScanForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
        except IOError:  # sometimes uploads misbehave. connection dropped ?
            info_text = 'Something went wrong with the upload. ' + \
                       'Please <a href="' + request.path + '">try again</a>.'
            return render_to_response(error_template, {
                'error_text': mark_safe(info_text),

        if form.is_valid():
            # user has to change defaults and enter something valid
            if request.POST['email'] == '*****@*****.**':
                request.POST['email'] = ''
            if request.POST['name'] == 'Your name':
                request.POST['name'] = ''
            form = UploadScanForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
        # TODO: even if the file is a valid image it does not survive into
        #       the next form if name/email is not valid, Django issue ?
        if not form.is_valid():
            return render_to_response(upload_template, {
                'form': form.as_ul(),
                'issue': issue,
                'style': style,
                'display_cover': display_cover,
                'upload_type': upload_type,
        # if file is in form handle it
        if 'scan' in request.FILES:
            upload_datetime = datetime.today()
            scan = request.FILES['scan']
            contributor = '%s (%s)' % (request.POST['name'],
            # put new covers into media/_local_new_scans/monthname_year/
            # name <issue_id>_<series_name>_#<issue_number>_<date>_<time>.<ext>
            scan_name = str(issue.series.id) + "_" + str(issue.id) + "_" + \
                        uni(issue).replace(' ','_').replace('/','-') + \
                        "_" + datetime.today().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
            upload_dir = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_new_scans + \
            destination_name = upload_dir + scan_name + \
            if not os.path.isdir(upload_dir):
                except IOError:
                    info_text = "Problem with file storage for uploaded " + \
                                "cover please contact GCD-admins."
                    return render_to_response(
                        error_template, {
                            'error_text': info_text,

            # arguably a bit unlikely to happen with the current naming scheme
            if os.path.exists(destination_name):
                destination_name = os.path.splitext(destination_name)[0] + \
                                   "_a" + os.path.splitext(scan.name)[1]
            # write uploaded file
            destination = open(destination_name, 'wb')
            for chunk in scan.chunks():

                # generate different sizes we are using
                im = Image.open(destination.name)
                if im.size[0] >= 400:
                    # generate the sizes we are using
                    if check_series_cover_dir(issue.series) == False:
                        info_text = "Problem with file storage for series " + \
                          "'%s', id #%d, please contact webmaster." \
                          % (issue.series, issue.id)
                        return render_to_response(
                            error_template, {
                                'error_text': info_text,

                    if add_variant or upload_type == 'replacement':
                        suffix = "%d/400/" % issue.series_id
                        suffix = suffix + "%d_4_%s.jpg" % (issue.series.id,
                        current_im_name = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + \
                                            _local_scans + suffix
                        # check for existence, otherwise get from server
                        if not os.path.exists(current_im_name):
                            img_url = _server_prefixes[cover.server_version] \
                                      + suffix
                            urlretrieve(img_url, current_im_name)
                        im_old = Image.open(current_im_name)

                        # backup current scan
                        backup_name = os.path.splitext(current_im_name)[0] + \
                          "_" + upload_datetime.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') + \

                    # im_old is kept from before
                    if add_variant:
                        # we need current scan in 400 width
                        temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.jpg')
                        size = 400, int(400. / im.size[0] * im.size[1])
                        scaled = im.resize(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)

                        # and do the stacking
                        h = im_old.size[1] + scaled.size[1]
                        stacked = Image.new('RGBA', (400, h))
                        stacked.paste(im_old, (0, 0))
                        stacked.paste(scaled, (0, im_old.size[1]))
                        im = stacked
                        variants = codecs.open( settings.MEDIA_ROOT + \
                                   _local_new_scans + "variant_covers",
                                   "a", "utf-8" )
                        save_text = "series: " + str(issue.series.id) + \
                                    " issue: " + str(issue.id) + "\n"
                        save_text = uni(save_text) + "--old: " + \
                                    uni(backup_name) + "\n--old-uploader: " + \
                                    uni(cover.contributor) + "\n--add: " + \
                                    uni(destination_name) + "\n"

                    # generate different sizes
                    scaled_name = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_scans + \
                      str(issue.series.id) + "/" + str(issue.series.id) + \
                      "_" + cover.code + ".jpg"
                    size = 100, int(100. / im.size[0] * im.size[1])
                    scaled = im.resize(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)

                    scaled_name = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_scans + \
                      str(issue.series.id) + "/200/" + str(issue.series.id) + \
                      "_2_" + cover.code + ".jpg"
                    size = 200, int(200. / im.size[0] * im.size[1])
                    scaled = im.resize(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)

                    scaled_name = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_scans + \
                      str(issue.series.id) + "/400/" + str(issue.series.id) + \
                      "_4_" + cover.code + ".jpg"
                    size = 400, int(400. / im.size[0] * im.size[1])
                    scaled = im.resize(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)

                    # set cover table values
                    cover.server_version = 1
                    cover.has_small = True
                    cover.has_medium = True
                    cover.has_large = True
                    cover.has_image = True
                    cover.marked = False
                    cover.contributor = contributor
                    if not cover.series.has_gallery == True:
                        series = cover.series
                        series.has_gallery = True
                    cover.modified = upload_datetime
                    store_count = codecs.open(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + \
                                  _local_scans + "cover_count", "w", "utf-8")

                    if 'remember_me' in request.POST:
                        request.session['gcd_uploader_name'] = \
                        request.session['gcd_uploader_email'] = \
                        request.session.pop('gcd_uploader_name', '')
                        request.session.pop('gcd_uploader_email', '')

                    tag = get_image_tag(issue.series.id, cover,
                                        "uploaded cover", 2)
                    info_text = "Image is too small, only " + str(im.size) + \
                                " in size."
                    return render_to_response(
                        upload_template, {
                            'form': form.as_ul(),
                            'info': info_text,
                            'display_cover': display_cover,
                            'upload_type': upload_type,
                            'issue': issue,
                            'style': style,

                # what else do we need
                covers_needed = Cover.objects.filter(issue__series = \
                  issue.series).exclude(marked = False, has_large = True)
                covers_needed = covers_needed.exclude(marked=None,

                return render_to_response(
                    uploaded_template, {
                        'cover': cover,
                        'covers_needed': covers_needed,
                        'issue': issue,
                        'tag': tag,
                        'style': style

            except IOError:  # file type *should* be taken care of by django
                return render_to_response(upload_template, {
                  'form': form.as_ul(),
                  'info' : 'Error: File \"' + scan.name + \
                           '" is not a valid picture.',
                  'issue' : issue,
                  'display_cover' : display_cover,
                  'upload_type' : upload_type,
                  'style' : style,
        else:  # there is a pretty good chance we never end up here
            return render_to_response(upload_template, {
                'form': form.as_ul(),
                'issue': issue,
                'style': style

        # do we have email/name cached
        if 'gcd_uploader_email' in request.session:
            vars = {
                'name': request.session['gcd_uploader_name'],
                'email': request.session['gcd_uploader_email'],
                'remember_me': True
        elif request.user.is_authenticated():
            vars = {
                'name': request.user.indexer.name,
                'email': request.user.email,
                'remember_me': True
            vars = {'name': 'Your name', 'email': '*****@*****.**'}

        form = UploadScanForm(initial=vars)
        # display the form
        return render_to_response(upload_template, {
            'form': form.as_ul(),
            'issue': issue,
            'display_cover': display_cover,
            'upload_type': upload_type,
            'style': style
def reprints(story):
        if story.story_version.base_story:
        return ""
    original_story = story.story_version.base_story.original_story
    printings, first_printing = get_printings(original_story,
    country_first = False
    reprint = ""
    if first_printing:
        if first_printing.filter(id = story.id):
            if original_story[0] == 'D':
                reprint = "from Egmont (DK); "
            elif original_story[0] == 'Q':
                reprint = ""
            elif original_story[0] == 'H':
                reprint = "from Netherlands; "
            elif original_story[0] == 'S':
                reprint = "Disney Studio (US); "
            elif story.story_version.type != 'c':
                reprint = "ask Jochen to include studio code: " + original_story[0] + "; " 
#                print original_story
        for source in first_printing[0:3]:
            if source.id != story.id:
                if source.id[0:4] in ["us/Z", "us/Y"]:
                    if original_story[1] == 'M':
                        reprint += "from Mickey Mouse"
                    elif original_story[1] == 'D':
                        reprint += "from Donald Duck"
                    elif original_story[1] == 'X':
                        reprint += "from Scamp"
                        reprint += "from some strip, find out and tell Jochen"
                        print original_story
                    if original_story[0] == 'Y':
                        reprint += " daily"
                    elif original_story[0] == 'Z':
                        reprint += " Sunday"
                    reprint += " (King Features Syndicate) " + \
                                newspaper_date(original_story[3:]) + "; "
                    publisher = source.issue.publisherjob_set.all()
                    if publisher:
                        publisher_name = publisher[0].publisher.name
                        publisher_name = "?"
                    gcd_reprint = gcd_series(source.issue, publisher_name)
                    #print "B",gcd_reprint
                    if gcd_reprint != "":
                        reprint += uni(gcd_reprint) + " (" + \
                        if len(source.issue.number) == 7 \
                                and source.issue.number[4] == '-':
                            number = source.issue.number[5:7].lstrip('0') + "/" \
                                    + source.issue.number[0:4]
                            number = source.issue.number
                        reprint += "from " + uni(source.issue.series.name) + \
                                " (" + uni(publisher_name) + ", ???? series) #" \
                                + number + " (" + \
                                convert_isv_date(source.issue.publication_date, \
                    if source.issue.series.country_code != \
                        if source.issue.series.country_code.\
                          countryname_set.filter(language = story.language):
                            reprint += ") [" + uni(source.issue.series\
                            .filter(language = story.language)[0].name) + \
                            "]; "
                        reprint += "); "
                country_first = True
        if len(first_printing) > 3:
            reprint += "another " + str(len(first_printing)-3) \
                    + " issues within 4 months; "
        for source in first_printing:
            if source.issue.series.country_code == \
                country_first = True

    if country_first == False:
        own_country = printings.filter(issue__series__country_code = \
                .filter(issue__series__language_code = \
                story.issue.series.language_code) \
        if own_country:# and not (own_country[0] == story):
            if own_country[0].id == story.id:
                pass # TODO: look for reprints
                publisher = own_country[0].issue.publisherjob_set.all()
                if publisher:
                    publisher_name = publisher[0].publisher.name
                    publisher_name = ""
                gcd_reprint = gcd_series(own_country[0].issue, publisher_name)
                if gcd_reprint != "":
                    reprint += uni(gcd_reprint) + " (" + \
                                .issue.series.language_code)) + "); " 
                    if len(own_country[0].issue.number) == 7 \
                            and own_country[0].issue.number[4] == '-':
                        number = own_country[0].issue.number[5:7].lstrip('0') \
                                + "/" + own_country[0].issue.number[0:4]
                        number = own_country[0].issue.number
                    reprint += "from " + uni(own_country[0].issue.series.name)+\
                                " (" + uni(publisher_name) + ", ???? series) #"\
                                + number + " (" + \
                                .issue.series.language_code)) + "); "
    reprint = reprint[:-2]
    return reprint
    return ""
def show_credit(story, credit, force = False, default = ""):
    """ For showing the credits on the search results page.
    For creator credits force sets '?' for empty story credits.
    For cover type force sets type 'backcovers' """

    if not story:
        return ""

    if credit == 'type':
        if story.story_version.type == 'n':
            return 'Story'
        elif story.story_version.type == 'i':
            return 'Pinup'
        elif story.story_version.type == 'c':
            if force == False:
                return 'Cover'
                return 'Pinup'
        elif story.story_version.type == 'f': 
            return 'centerfold'
        elif story.story_version.type == 't':
            return 'Text Story'
        elif story.story_version.type == 'a':
            if story.title.startswith('Letter'):
                return 'Letters'
                return 'Text Article'
        elif story.story_version.type == 'g':
            return 'Activity'
        elif story.story_version.type == 's':
            return 'strange layout'
        elif story.story_version.type in ['L','P']:
            return 'Pinup'
        elif story.story_version.type == 'k':
            return 'newspaper strip'

    if credit == "pencils":
        pencils = story.story_version.creatorrole_set.filter(role = 'a')
        credit_value = ""
        for i in pencils:
            credit_value += uni(i.creator.name) + "; "
        credit_value = credit_value[0:-2]
    elif credit == "inks":
        inks = story.story_version.creatorrole_set.filter(role = 'i')
        credit_value = ""
        for i in inks:
            credit_value += uni(i.creator.name) + "; "
        credit_value = credit_value[0:-2]
        if credit_value == "": # no-inks --> inks=pencils
            credit_value = default
    elif credit == "script":
        script = story.story_version.creatorrole_set.filter(role = 'w')
        plot = story.story_version.creatorrole_set.filter(role = 'p')
        credit_value = uni("")
        for i in script:
            if len(plot) > 0 and i not in plot:
                credit_value += uni(i.creator.name) + " (" + _("script") + "); "
                credit_value += uni(i.creator.name) + "; "
        for i in plot:
            if i not in script:
                credit_value += uni(i.creator.name) + " (" + _("plot") + "); "
        translator = SupportRole.objects.filter(story = story.id).filter(role = 't')
        #print "Trans", len(translator)
        #translator = story.supportrole_set.filter(role = 't')
        if not __credit_visible(credit_value) and force:
            credit_value = '?; '
        if len(translator) > 0:
            for i in translator:
                credit_value += uni(i.creator.name) + " (" + _("translation") + "); "
        elif default != "":
            credit_value += default + "; "
        credit_value = credit_value[0:-2]
    elif credit == "colors":
        colors = SupportRole.objects.filter(story__exact = story.id).filter(role = 'c')
        # not sure why this doesn't work, it did work in the beginning
        # colors = story.supportrole_set.filter(role = 'c')
        credit_value = ""
        for i in colors:
            credit_value += uni(i.creator.name) + "; "
        credit_value = credit_value[0:-2]
        if credit_value == "":
            credit_value = default
    elif credit == "letters":
        letters = SupportRole.objects.filter(story__exact = story.id).filter(role = 'l')
        #letters = story.supportrole_set.filter(role = 'l')
        credit_value = ""
        for i in letters:
            credit_value += uni(i.creator.name) + "; "
        credit_value = credit_value[0:-2]
        if credit_value == "":
            credit_value = default
        credit_value = story.__dict__[credit]

    if "no one" in credit_value and len(credit_value) <= 8:
        credit_value = "none"

    if not __credit_visible(credit_value) and force:
        return '?'
        return uni(credit_value.strip(','))
Example #21
def find_migration_candidates(story, string, standard=True):
    Calls parser for reprint notes and returns results.

        found issue
        notes found in []
        sequence number of origin story (if found)
        origin story (if found)
        True if story is original, False otherwise

    string = string.strip()
    if string == '?' or string == '' or string[-1] == '?' or \
      string.startswith('from ?') or string.startswith('uit ?') or \
      string.startswith(uni("från ?")):
        return False, '', -1, False, False

    if standard == False:  #otherwise some Disney stuff takes ages
        if string.lower().find('donald daily') >= 0:
            return False, '', -1, False, False
        elif string.lower().find('duck daily') >= 0:
            return False, '', -1, False, False
        elif string.lower().find('duck sunday') >= 0:
            return False, '', -1, False, False
        elif string.lower().find('donald sunday') >= 0:
            return False, '', -1, False, False
        elif string.lower().find('mouse sunday') >= 0:
            return False, '', -1, False, False
        elif string.lower().find('mickey sunday') >= 0:
            return False, '', -1, False, False
        elif string.lower().find('mouse daily') >= 0:
            return False, '', -1, False, False
        elif string.lower().find('mickey daily') >= 0:
            return False, '', -1, False, False

    # possible from/in in other languages
    reprint_direction = ["from ", "in "]
    if story.issue.series.language.code.lower() == 'it':  #da, in
        reprint_direction = ["da ", "di "] + reprint_direction
    elif story.issue.series.language.code.lower() in ['es', 'pt']:  #de, en
        reprint_direction = ["de ", "en "] + reprint_direction
    elif story.issue.series.language.code.lower() == 'nl':  # uit, in
        reprint_direction = ["uit "] + reprint_direction
    elif story.issue.series.language.code.lower() in ['sv', 'no']:  # från, i
        reprint_direction = [uni("från "), "i "] + reprint_direction
    elif story.issue.series.language.code.lower() == 'de':  # aus
        reprint_direction = ["aus "] + reprint_direction
    reprint_direction_search = reprint_direction + [""]
    other_fr = True

    for from_to in reprint_direction_search:
        if standard:
            # check for our format
            reprint, notes = parse_reprint(string, from_to)
            # exclude same series if several issues (all with same starting year) are found
            if reprint.count() > 1:
                reprint = reprint.exclude(series__id=story.issue.series.id)
            if reprint.count() > 1 and reprint.count() <= 15:
                a = []
                for i in range(reprint.count()):
                    nr = find_reprint_sequence_in_issue(story, reprint[i].id)
                    if (nr >= 0):
                if len(a) == 1:
                    reprint = reprint.filter(id=reprint[a[0]].id)
            # check for some others
            reprint, notes = parse_reprint_full(string, from_to)
            reprint = reprint.exclude(id=story.issue.id)
            if reprint.count() > 1 and reprint.count() <= 15:
                a = []
                for i in range(reprint.count()):
                    nr = find_reprint_sequence_in_issue(story, reprint[i].id)
                    if (nr >= 0):
                if len(a) == 1:
                    reprint = reprint.filter(id=reprint[a[0]].id)
            # one other routine for a few specials
            if reprint.count() != 1:  #== 0 or reprint.count() > 5:
                if other_fr:  # need marker to only do once
                    other_fr = False
                    reprint = parse_reprint_fr(string)
                    reprint = reprint.exclude(id=story.issue.id)
                    if reprint.count() > 1 and reprint.count() <= 15:
                        a = []
                        for i in range(reprint.count()):
                            nr = find_reprint_sequence_in_issue(
                                story, reprint[i].id)
                            if (nr >= 0):
                        if len(a) == 1:
                            reprint = reprint.filter(id=reprint[a[0]].id)
                    if reprint.count() == 1:
                        reprint_direction = "from "

        if reprint.count() == 1:
            nr = find_reprint_sequence_in_issue(story, reprint[0].id)
            if from_to in ["from ", "aus ", "da ", "di ", "de ", \
                            "uit ",u"från "]:
                origin = False
            elif from_to == "":
                origin = False
                if notes:
                    notes += " Confirm: direction of reprint"
                    notes = "Confirm: direction of reprint"
                origin = True
            if notes:
                if notes.find('originaltitel') >= 0:
                    pos = notes.find('originaltitel')
                    notes = notes.replace('originaltitel', 'original title')
                if notes.find('Originaltitel') >= 0:
                    pos = notes.find('Originaltitel')
                    notes = notes.replace('Originaltitel', 'original title')
                if notes.lower().find(uni('história original')) >= 0:
                    pos = notes.lower().find(uni('história original'))
                    notes = notes.replace(uni('história original'),
                                          'original title')
                if notes.lower().find(uni('História original')) >= 0:
                    pos = notes.lower().find(uni('História original'))
                    notes = notes.replace(uni('História original'),
                                          'original title')
                if notes.lower().find('titolo originale') >= 0:
                    pos = notes.lower().find('titolo originale')
                    notes = notes.replace('titolo originale', 'original title')
                if notes.find('titre original') >= 0:
                    pos = notes.find('titre original')
                    notes = notes.replace('titre original', 'original title')
                if notes.find('Titre original') >= 0:
                    pos = notes.find('Titre original')
                    notes = notes.replace('Titre original', 'original title')
                if notes.lower().find('originally titled') >= 0:
                    pos = notes.lower().find('originally titled')
                    notes = notes.replace('originally titled',
                                          'original title')
            if nr >= 0:
                other_story = Story.objects.exclude(deleted=True).filter(
                other_story = other_story.filter(sequence_number=nr)
                return reprint[0], notes, nr, other_story[0], origin
            elif notes and notes.lower().find('original ti') >= 0:
                pos = notes.lower().find('original ti')
                pos2 = notes[pos:].find('"')
                if pos2 > 0:
                    pos3 = notes[pos + pos2 + 1:].find('"')
                    if pos3 > 0:
                        original_title = notes[pos + pos2 + 1:pos + pos2 +
                        end_title = pos + pos2 + pos3 + 2
                        original_title = notes[pos + pos2:]
                        end_title = len(notes)
                    pos2 = notes[pos:].find(']')
                    if pos2 > 0:
                        original_title = notes[pos +
                                               len('original title'):pos +
                        end_title = pos + pos2 + 1
                        pos2 = notes[pos:].find(';')
                        if pos2 > 0:
                            original_title = notes[pos +
                                                   len('original title'):pos +
                            end_title = pos + pos2 + 1
                            original_title = notes[pos +
                                                   len('original title'):]
                            end_title = len(notes)
                results = Story.objects.exclude(deleted=True)
                results = results.filter(issue=reprint[0])
                results = results.filter(
                    title__icontains=original_title.strip(' !.":'))
                if results.count() == 1:
                    notes = notes[:pos] + notes[end_title:]
                    return reprint[0], notes, results[
                        0].sequence_number, results[0], origin
                elif results.count() > 1:
                    results = results.filter(type=story.type)
                    if results.count() == 1:
                        notes = notes[:pos] + notes[end_title:]
                        return reprint[0], notes, results[
                            0].sequence_number, results[0], origin
                return reprint[0], notes, -1, False, origin
                return reprint[0], notes, -1, False, origin
    return False, '', -1, False, False
Example #22
def reprints(story):
        if story.story_version.base_story:
        return ""
    original_story = story.story_version.base_story.original_story
    printings, first_printing = get_printings(
        original_story, story.story_version.base_story.first_publication_date)
    country_first = False
    reprint = ""
    if first_printing:
        if first_printing.filter(id=story.id):
            if original_story[0] == 'D':
                reprint = "from Egmont (DK); "
            elif original_story[0] == 'Q':
                reprint = ""
            elif original_story[0] == 'H':
                reprint = "from Netherlands; "
            elif original_story[0] == 'S':
                reprint = "Disney Studio (US); "
            elif story.story_version.type != 'c':
                reprint = "ask Jochen to include studio code: " + original_story[
                    0] + "; "

#                print original_story
        for source in first_printing[0:3]:
            if source.id != story.id:
                if source.id[0:4] in ["us/Z", "us/Y"]:
                    if original_story[1] == 'M':
                        reprint += "from Mickey Mouse"
                    elif original_story[1] == 'D':
                        reprint += "from Donald Duck"
                    elif original_story[1] == 'X':
                        reprint += "from Scamp"
                        reprint += "from some strip, find out and tell Jochen"
                    if original_story[0] == 'Y':
                        reprint += " daily"
                    elif original_story[0] == 'Z':
                        reprint += " Sunday"
                    reprint += " (King Features Syndicate) " + \
                                newspaper_date(original_story[3:]) + "; "
                    publisher = source.issue.publisherjob_set.all()
                    if publisher:
                        publisher_name = publisher[0].publisher.name
                        publisher_name = "?"
                    gcd_reprint = gcd_series(source.issue, publisher_name)
                    #print "B",gcd_reprint
                    if gcd_reprint != "":
                        reprint += uni(gcd_reprint) + " (" + \
                        if len(source.issue.number) == 7 \
                                and source.issue.number[4] == '-':
                            number = source.issue.number[5:7].lstrip('0') + "/" \
                                    + source.issue.number[0:4]
                            number = source.issue.number
                        reprint += "from " + uni(source.issue.series.name) + \
                                " (" + uni(publisher_name) + ", ???? series) #" \
                                + number + " (" + \
                                convert_isv_date(source.issue.publication_date, \
                    if source.issue.series.country_code != \
                        if source.issue.series.country_code.\
                          countryname_set.filter(language = story.language):
                            reprint += ") [" + uni(source.issue.series\
                            .filter(language = story.language)[0].name) + \
                            "]; "
                        reprint += "); "
                country_first = True
        if len(first_printing) > 3:
            reprint += "another " + str(len(first_printing)-3) \
                    + " issues within 4 months; "
        for source in first_printing:
            if source.issue.series.country_code == \
                country_first = True

    if country_first == False:
        own_country = printings.filter(issue__series__country_code = \
                .filter(issue__series__language_code = \
                story.issue.series.language_code) \
        if own_country:  # and not (own_country[0] == story):
            if own_country[0].id == story.id:
                pass  # TODO: look for reprints
                publisher = own_country[0].issue.publisherjob_set.all()
                if publisher:
                    publisher_name = publisher[0].publisher.name
                    publisher_name = ""
                gcd_reprint = gcd_series(own_country[0].issue, publisher_name)
                if gcd_reprint != "":
                    reprint += uni(gcd_reprint) + " (" + \
                                .issue.series.language_code)) + "); "
                    if len(own_country[0].issue.number) == 7 \
                            and own_country[0].issue.number[4] == '-':
                        number = own_country[0].issue.number[5:7].lstrip('0') \
                                + "/" + own_country[0].issue.number[0:4]
                        number = own_country[0].issue.number
                    reprint += "from " + uni(own_country[0].issue.series.name)+\
                                " (" + uni(publisher_name) + ", ???? series) #"\
                                + number + " (" + \
                                .issue.series.language_code)) + "); "
    reprint = reprint[:-2]
    return reprint
    return ""
Example #23
def migrate_reprints_other(select=-1):
    series = Series.objects.exclude(deleted=True).order_by("id")
    if select > 0:
        series = series.filter(id__gt=str((select - 1) * 1000))
        series = series.filter(id__lte=str(select * 1000))
    # exclude Lars
    series = series.exclude(id__in=[
        18732, 26245, 31648, 36955, 36980, 36973, 36949, 36975, 36964, 36953,
        36967, 39648

    series = series.exclude(id=153)  # Walt Disney's Comics and Stories
    #series = series.exclude(id=687)# Topolino
    series = series.exclude(id=1923)  # Alan Ford
    series = series.exclude(id=2017)  # Lucky Lukes äventyr
    series = series.exclude(id=2199)  # Little Orphan Annie
    series = series.exclude(id=2672)  # Martin Mystère
    series = series.exclude(id=2695)  # Eternauta, L'
    #series = series.exclude(id=3706)# Grandi Classici Disney, I
    series = series.exclude(id=3744)  # Spicy Tales
    series = series.exclude(id=3817)  # Sandman, The,
    series = series.exclude(id=7052)  # Gustafs bästa sidor
    series = series.exclude(id=7087)  # Serie-paraden
    series = series.exclude(id=7155)  # Heavy Metal Magazine
    series = series.exclude(id=7208)  # Dr. Seuss Goes to War
    #series = series.exclude(id=7536)# Albi Di Topolino
    #series = series.exclude(id=7539)# Almanacco Topolino
    #series = series.exclude(id=7540)# Almanacco Topolino
    series = series.exclude(id=7555)  # Euracomix
    #series = series.exclude(id=7566)# Classici di Walt Disney, I
    #series = series.exclude(id=7569)# Grandi Classici Disney, I
    series = series.exclude(id=7582)  # Manga Sun
    series = series.exclude(id=7587)  # Pilot
    series = series.exclude(id=7640)  # 91:an Karlsson [julalbum]
    series = series.exclude(id=7645)  # Asterix
    series = series.exclude(id=7646)  # Asterix [nytryck]
    series = series.exclude(id=7652)  # Biffen och Bananen Ett glatt återseende
    series = series.exclude(id=7657)  # Familjen Svenssons äventyr
    series = series.exclude(id=7670)  # Lilla Fridolf [julalbum]
    series = series.exclude(id=8101)  # James Bond
    series = series.exclude(id=8110)  # Epix
    series = series.exclude(id=8118)  # Tung metall
    series = series.exclude(id=8510)  # Felix - Jan Lööf's Felix
    series = series.exclude(id=8511)  # Felix' äventyr
    series = series.exclude(id=10413)  # Naturens under
    series = series.exclude(id=10458)  # Caliber
    series = series.exclude(id=10562)  # Donald Duck & Co
    series = series.exclude(id=12068)  # Boys Love Girls...More or Less 12068
    series = series.exclude(id=12498)  # Colt
    series = series.exclude(id=14584)  # Journal de Spirou, Le
    series = series.exclude(id=18705)  # Korak
    series = series.exclude(id=19940)  # Fandom's Finest Comics
    series = series.exclude(id=21132)  # Norske Serieperler
    series = series.exclude(id=21200)  # Donald Duck & Co
    series = series.exclude(id=21672)  # Action Serien
    series = series.exclude(id=23238)  # Front serien
    series = series.exclude(id=27342)  # Donald Duck
    series = series.exclude(id=28131)  # Vill Vest
    series = series.exclude(id=29937)  # Pocket Book of Esquire Cartoons, The
    series = series.exclude(id=31372)  # Mummitrollet
    series = series.exclude(id=32745)  # Flippie Flink
    series = series.exclude(id=35202)  # Heathcliff Catch of The Day
    series = series.exclude(id=36911)  # Pyton
    series = series.exclude(id=36912)  # Pyton
    series = series.exclude(id=53)  # Wally - His Cartoons of the A.E.F. 51 51
    series = series.exclude(id=60)  # How They Draw Prohibition 72 72
    series = series.exclude(id=69)  # Aventures De Tintin, Les 55 55
    series = series.exclude(id=73)  # Mickey Mouse Magazine 77 77
    series = series.exclude(id=82)  # King Comics 658 658
    series = series.exclude(id=84)  # Popular Comics 64 64
    series = series.exclude(id=107)  # Super Comics 56 56
    series = series.exclude(id=111)  # Jumbo Comics 53 93
    series = series.exclude(id=119)  # Magic Comics 52 52
    series = series.exclude(id=240)  # USA Comics 51 51
    series = series.exclude(id=538)  # Lone Ranger, The 185 282
    series = series.exclude(id=593)  # Collana Del Tex - Prima Serie 60 60
    series = series.exclude(id=1017)  # Rocky Lane Western 61 78
    series = series.exclude(id=2867)  # Doctor Who 61 61
    series = series.exclude(
        id=4900)  # New Yorker Book of Lawyer Cartoons, The 85 85
    series = series.exclude(
        id=5839)  # Smithsonian Book of Newspaper Comics, The 118 118
    series = series.exclude(id=6193)  # Lanciostory Anno XXV 57 58
    series = series.exclude(id=6194)  # Skorpio Anno XXIII 53 53
    series = series.exclude(id=7593)  # Tutto Disney 126 126
    series = series.exclude(id=9787)  # Kalle Anka & C:o 399 414
    series = series.exclude(id=12754)  # Jokebook Comics Digest Annual 148 149
    series = series.exclude(id=14027)  # Green Hornet, The 53 53
    series = series.exclude(id=14988)  # Angel Heart 50 50
    series = series.exclude(id=15308)  # Techno 95 95
    series = series.exclude(id=16632)  # Kalar 94 94
    series = series.exclude(id=16996)  # Sabotør Q5 137 137
    series = series.exclude(id=18403)  # Madhouse Comics Digest 68 68
    series = series.exclude(id=19745)  # Sheriff Classics 62 62
    series = series.exclude(id=19751)  # Helgenen 116 118
    series = series.exclude(id=20751)  # Cartoons The French Way 154 154
    series = series.exclude(id=21769)  # Alarm 170 176
    series = series.exclude(id=22370)  # Brumle 71 71
    series = series.exclude(id=24745)  # Hjerterevyen 375 377
    series = series.exclude(id=26396)  # Jippo 137 137
    series = series.exclude(id=26559)  # Best Cartoons from Argosy 153 153
    series = series.exclude(id=29924)  # Lasso 75 75
    series = series.exclude(id=30264)  # Little Orphan Annie 59 59
    a = codecs.open("/tmp/reprints_processing", "a", "utf-8")
    import time
    for serie in series:
        c_start = time.time()
        #print serie, #serie.id
        migrate_reprints_series(serie.id, standard=False)  #, do_save = False)
        used_time = time.time() - c_start
            uni(serie) + uni(", ") + uni(serie.id) + uni(": ") +
            uni(used_time) + uni("\n"))
Example #24
def show_credit(story, credit, force=False, default=""):
    """ For showing the credits on the search results page.
    For creator credits force sets '?' for empty story credits.
    For cover type force sets type 'backcovers' """

    if not story:
        return ""

    if credit == 'type':
        if story.story_version.type == 'n':
            return 'Story'
        elif story.story_version.type == 'i':
            return 'Pinup'
        elif story.story_version.type == 'c':
            if force == False:
                return 'Cover'
                return 'Pinup'
        elif story.story_version.type == 'f':
            return 'centerfold'
        elif story.story_version.type == 't':
            return 'Text Story'
        elif story.story_version.type == 'a':
            if story.title.startswith('Letter'):
                return 'Letters'
                return 'Text Article'
        elif story.story_version.type == 'g':
            return 'Activity'
        elif story.story_version.type == 's':
            return 'strange layout'
        elif story.story_version.type in ['L', 'P']:
            return 'Pinup'
        elif story.story_version.type == 'k':
            return 'newspaper strip'

    if credit == "pencils":
        pencils = story.story_version.creatorrole_set.filter(role='a')
        credit_value = ""
        for i in pencils:
            credit_value += uni(i.creator.name) + "; "
        credit_value = credit_value[0:-2]
    elif credit == "inks":
        inks = story.story_version.creatorrole_set.filter(role='i')
        credit_value = ""
        for i in inks:
            credit_value += uni(i.creator.name) + "; "
        credit_value = credit_value[0:-2]
        if credit_value == "":  # no-inks --> inks=pencils
            credit_value = default
    elif credit == "script":
        script = story.story_version.creatorrole_set.filter(role='w')
        plot = story.story_version.creatorrole_set.filter(role='p')
        credit_value = uni("")
        for i in script:
            if len(plot) > 0 and i not in plot:
                credit_value += uni(
                    i.creator.name) + " (" + _("script") + "); "
                credit_value += uni(i.creator.name) + "; "
        for i in plot:
            if i not in script:
                credit_value += uni(i.creator.name) + " (" + _("plot") + "); "
        translator = SupportRole.objects.filter(story=story.id).filter(
        #print "Trans", len(translator)
        #translator = story.supportrole_set.filter(role = 't')
        if not __credit_visible(credit_value) and force:
            credit_value = '?; '
        if len(translator) > 0:
            for i in translator:
                credit_value += uni(
                    i.creator.name) + " (" + _("translation") + "); "
        elif default != "":
            credit_value += default + "; "
        credit_value = credit_value[0:-2]
    elif credit == "colors":
        colors = SupportRole.objects.filter(story__exact=story.id).filter(
        # not sure why this doesn't work, it did work in the beginning
        # colors = story.supportrole_set.filter(role = 'c')
        credit_value = ""
        for i in colors:
            credit_value += uni(i.creator.name) + "; "
        credit_value = credit_value[0:-2]
        if credit_value == "":
            credit_value = default
    elif credit == "letters":
        letters = SupportRole.objects.filter(story__exact=story.id).filter(
        #letters = story.supportrole_set.filter(role = 'l')
        credit_value = ""
        for i in letters:
            credit_value += uni(i.creator.name) + "; "
        credit_value = credit_value[0:-2]
        if credit_value == "":
            credit_value = default
        credit_value = story.__dict__[credit]

    if "no one" in credit_value and len(credit_value) <= 8:
        credit_value = "none"

    if not __credit_visible(credit_value) and force:
        return '?'
        return uni(credit_value.strip(','))
def cover_upload(request, issue_id, add_variant=False):
    Handles uploading of covers be it
    - first upload
    - replacement upload
    - variant upload

    upload_template = 'gcd/details/cover_upload.html'
    uploaded_template = 'gcd/details/cover_uploaded.html'
    error_template = 'gcd/error.html'
    style = 'default'

    # check for issue and cover
    # TODO might do get_object_or_404 instead of own error check
    issue = Issue.objects.filter(id=int(issue_id))
    if len(issue) == 0:
        return render_to_response(error_template, {
            'error_text': 'Issue ID #' + issue_id  + ' does not exist.',
        issue = issue[0]

    cover = Cover.objects.filter(issue=issue)
    if len(cover) == 0:
        return render_to_response(error_template, {
          'error_text' : 'Something wrong with issue ID #' + issue_id  + \
                        ' and its cover table, please contact the admins.',
        cover = cover[0]

    if add_variant and not cover.has_image:
        info_text = "No cover present for %s. You cannot upload a variant." % cover.issue
        return render_to_response(error_template, {
            'error_text' : info_text,

    # check that we are actually allowed to upload
    if cover.has_image and not cover.marked and not add_variant:
        tag = get_image_tag(issue.series.id, cover, "existing cover", 2)
        covers_needed = Cover.objects.filter(issue__series=issue.series)
        covers_needed = covers_needed.exclude(marked=False, 
        # TODO: make the 15 an option
        covers_needed = covers_needed.exclude(marked=None, 
        return render_to_response(uploaded_template, {
                                  'cover' : cover,
                                  'covers_needed' :  covers_needed,
                                  'issue' : issue,
                                  'tag'   : tag,
                                  'already' : "is already",
                                  'style' : style},

    # check what kind of upload
    if cover.has_image and cover.marked and not add_variant:
        display_cover = get_image_tag(issue.series.id, cover,
                                      "cover to replace", 2, no_cache = True)
        upload_type = 'replacement'
    elif add_variant:
        display_cover = get_image_tag(issue.series.id, cover,
                                      "first cover", 2, no_cache = True)
        upload_type = 'variant'
        display_cover = None
        upload_type = ''

    # current request is an upload
    if request.method == 'POST':
            form = UploadScanForm(request.POST,request.FILES)
        except IOError: # sometimes uploads misbehave. connection dropped ?
            info_text = 'Something went wrong with the upload. ' + \
                       'Please <a href="' + request.path + '">try again</a>.'
            return render_to_response(error_template, {
                'error_text' : mark_safe(info_text),

        if form.is_valid():
            # user has to change defaults and enter something valid
            if request.POST['email'] == '*****@*****.**':
                request.POST['email'] = ''
            if request.POST['name'] == 'Your name':
                request.POST['name'] = ''
            form = UploadScanForm(request.POST,request.FILES)
        # TODO: even if the file is a valid image it does not survive into
        #       the next form if name/email is not valid, Django issue ?
        if not form.is_valid():
            return render_to_response(upload_template, {
                                      'form': form.as_ul(),
                                      'issue' : issue,
                                      'style' : style,
                                      'display_cover' : display_cover,
                                      'upload_type' : upload_type,
        # if file is in form handle it
        if 'scan' in request.FILES:
            upload_datetime = datetime.today()
            scan = request.FILES['scan']
            contributor = '%s (%s)' % (request.POST['name'],
            # put new covers into media/_local_new_scans/monthname_year/
            # name <issue_id>_<series_name>_#<issue_number>_<date>_<time>.<ext>
            scan_name = str(issue.series.id) + "_" + str(issue.id) + "_" + \
                        uni(issue).replace(' ','_').replace('/','-') + \
                        "_" + datetime.today().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
            upload_dir = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_new_scans + \
            destination_name = upload_dir + scan_name + \
            if not os.path.isdir(upload_dir):
                except IOError:
                    info_text = "Problem with file storage for uploaded " + \
                                "cover please contact GCD-admins." 
                    return render_to_response(error_template, {
                        'error_text' : info_text,

            # arguably a bit unlikely to happen with the current naming scheme
            if os.path.exists(destination_name):
                destination_name = os.path.splitext(destination_name)[0] + \
                                   "_a" + os.path.splitext(scan.name)[1]
            # write uploaded file
            destination = open(destination_name, 'wb')
            for chunk in scan.chunks():

                # generate different sizes we are using
                im = Image.open(destination.name)
                if im.size[0] >= 400:
                    # generate the sizes we are using
                    if check_series_cover_dir(issue.series) == False:
                        info_text = "Problem with file storage for series " + \
                          "'%s', id #%d, please contact webmaster." \
                          % (issue.series, issue.id)
                        return render_to_response(error_template, {
                            'error_text' : info_text,

                    if add_variant or upload_type == 'replacement':
                        suffix = "%d/400/" % issue.series_id
                        suffix = suffix + "%d_4_%s.jpg" % (issue.series.id,
                        current_im_name = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + \
                                            _local_scans + suffix
                        # check for existence, otherwise get from server
                        if not os.path.exists(current_im_name):
                            img_url = _server_prefixes[cover.server_version] \
                                      + suffix
                        im_old = Image.open(current_im_name)

                        # backup current scan
                        backup_name = os.path.splitext(current_im_name)[0] + \
                          "_" + upload_datetime.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') + \
                    # im_old is kept from before
                    if add_variant:
                        # we need current scan in 400 width
                        temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.jpg')
                        size = 400,int(400./im.size[0]*im.size[1])
                        scaled = im.resize(size,Image.ANTIALIAS)

                        # and do the stacking
                        h = im_old.size[1]+scaled.size[1]
                        stacked = Image.new('RGBA',(400,h))
                        im = stacked
                        variants = codecs.open( settings.MEDIA_ROOT + \
                                   _local_new_scans + "variant_covers", 
                                   "a", "utf-8" )
                        save_text = "series: " + str(issue.series.id) + \
                                    " issue: " + str(issue.id) + "\n"
                        save_text = uni(save_text) + "--old: " + \
                                    uni(backup_name) + "\n--old-uploader: " + \
                                    uni(cover.contributor) + "\n--add: " + \
                                    uni(destination_name) + "\n"

                    # generate different sizes
                    scaled_name = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_scans + \
                      str(issue.series.id) + "/" + str(issue.series.id) + \
                      "_" + cover.code + ".jpg"
                    size = 100,int(100./im.size[0]*im.size[1])
                    scaled = im.resize(size,Image.ANTIALIAS)

                    scaled_name = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_scans + \
                      str(issue.series.id) + "/200/" + str(issue.series.id) + \
                      "_2_" + cover.code + ".jpg"
                    size = 200,int(200./im.size[0]*im.size[1])
                    scaled = im.resize(size,Image.ANTIALIAS)

                    scaled_name = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_scans + \
                      str(issue.series.id) + "/400/" + str(issue.series.id) + \
                      "_4_" + cover.code + ".jpg"
                    size = 400,int(400./im.size[0]*im.size[1])
                    scaled = im.resize(size,Image.ANTIALIAS)

                    # set cover table values
                    cover.server_version = 1
                    cover.has_small = True
                    cover.has_medium = True
                    cover.has_large = True
                    cover.has_image = True
                    cover.marked = False
                    cover.contributor = contributor
                    if not cover.series.has_gallery == True:
                        series = cover.series
                        series.has_gallery = True
                    cover.modified = upload_datetime                    
                    store_count = codecs.open(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + \
                                  _local_scans + "cover_count", "w", "utf-8")
                    if 'remember_me' in request.POST:
                        request.session['gcd_uploader_name'] = \
                        request.session['gcd_uploader_email'] = \

                    tag = get_image_tag(issue.series.id, cover, 
                                        "uploaded cover", 2)
                    info_text = "Image is too small, only " + str(im.size) + \
                                " in size."
                    return render_to_response(upload_template, {
                      'form': form.as_ul(),
                      'info' : info_text,
                      'display_cover' : display_cover,
                      'upload_type' : upload_type,
                      'issue' : issue,
                      'style' : style,

                # what else do we need
                covers_needed = Cover.objects.filter(issue__series = \
                  issue.series).exclude(marked = False, has_large = True)
                covers_needed = covers_needed.exclude(marked = None,
                                                      has_large = True)[:15]

                return render_to_response(uploaded_template, {
                  'cover' : cover,
                  'covers_needed' :  covers_needed,
                  'issue' : issue,
                  'tag'   : tag,
                  'style' : style},

            except IOError: # file type *should* be taken care of by django
                return render_to_response(upload_template, {
                  'form': form.as_ul(),
                  'info' : 'Error: File \"' + scan.name + \
                           '" is not a valid picture.',
                  'issue' : issue,
                  'display_cover' : display_cover,
                  'upload_type' : upload_type,
                  'style' : style,
        else: # there is a pretty good chance we never end up here
            return render_to_response(upload_template, { 
              'form': form.as_ul(), 
              'issue' : issue,
              'style' : style},

        # do we have email/name cached
        if 'gcd_uploader_email' in request.session:
            vars = {'name' : request.session['gcd_uploader_name'],
                   'email' : request.session['gcd_uploader_email'],
                   'remember_me' : True}
        elif request.user.is_authenticated():
            vars = {'name' : request.user.indexer.name,
                   'email' : request.user.email,
                   'remember_me' : True}            
            vars = {'name' : 'Your name', 'email' : '*****@*****.**'}

        form = UploadScanForm(initial=vars)
        # display the form
        return render_to_response(upload_template, {
                                  'form': form.as_ul(), 
                                  'issue' : issue,
                                  'display_cover' : display_cover,
                                  'upload_type' : upload_type,
                                  'style' : style},
Example #26
def fix_all_reprint_notes():
    reprint_notes = [
            'Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age USA Comics (Marvel, 2007 series)',
            'Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age U.S.A. Comics (Marvel, 2007 series)'
        ['(Editorial Planeta DeAgostini S.A.', '(Planeta DeAgostini'],
            'Uncle Scrooge (Gold Key, 1962 series)',
            'Uncle Scrooge (Gold Key, 1963 series)'
            'Uncle Scrooge (Gold Key, 1962 Series)',
            'Uncle Scrooge (Gold Key, 1963 series)'
        ['Drawn and Quarterly', 'Drawn & Quarterly'],
            'Essential Wolverine #',
            'Essential Wolverine (Marvel, 1996 series) #'
            'Apache Kid (Marvel, 1951 series)',
            'Apache Kid (Marvel, 1950 series)'
        ['Ghost Stories #', 'Ghost Stories (Dell, 1962 series) #'],
            'in Tip Top Comic Monthly (K. G. Murray, 1963 series)',
            'in Tip Top Comic Monthly (K. G. Murray, 1965 series)'
            'from Jessy (Panini Verlag, 2004 series)',
            'from Jessy (Panini, 2004 series)'
            'from Jessy (Panini Verlag, 2004) #',
            'from Jessy (Panini, 2004 series) #'
            'World\'s Finest Comics (DC, 1940 Series)',
            'World\'s Finest Comics (DC, 1941 Series)'
            'Superman: The World\'s Finest Comics Archives',
            'Superman: The World\'s Finest Archives'
        ['(DC/Vertigo, ', '(DC, '],
        ['Superman(DC,1939 Series)', 'Superman (DC, 1939 Series)'],
            'In Essential Ghost Rider #',
            'in Essential Ghost Rider (Marvel, 2005 series) #'
            'from Captain Marvel Adventures #',
            'from Captain Marvel Adventures (Fawcett, 1941 Series) #'
        ['X-Men (1963 series)', 'X-Men (Marvel, 1963 series)'],
        ['(Ediciones Zinco, ', '(Zinco, '],
            'EC Archives:  Two-Fisted Tales (Gemstone, 2007 series)',
            'EC Archives: Two-Fisted Tales (Gemstone, 2007 series)'
        ['rom Commando #', 'rom Commando (D.C. Thomson, 1961) #'],
            uni('från Detective Comics (DC, 1939)'),
            uni('från Detective Comics (DC, 1937)')
        ['reprinted from ', 'from '],
        ['Reprinted from ', 'from '],
            ') in Kamp Serien #',
            '); in Kamp Serien (Se-Bladene, 1964 Series) #'
            ') in Kamp serien #',
            '); in Kamp Serien (Se-Bladene, 1964 Series) #'
            ') in Kamp Spesial #',
            '); in Kamp Spesial (Se-Bladene, 1986 Series) #'
        ['in Kamp Serien #', 'in Kamp Serien (Se-Bladene, 1964 Series) #'],
        ['Kamp Spesial #', 'Kamp Spesial (Se-Bladene, 1986 Series) #'],
            '\r\nfrom Harry die bunte Jugendzeitung (Lehning, 1958 series)#',
            '; from Harry die bunte Jugendzeitung (Lehning, 1958 series) #'
        ['eries)#', 'eries) #'],
            'Superman Extra (DC, 1980 Serie)',
            'Superman Extra (Ehapa, 1980 Serie)'
            'Superman Taschenbuch (DC, 1976 Serie)',
            'Superman Taschenbuch (Ehapa, 1976 Serie)'
        [', Superman Taschenbuch (', '; Superman Taschenbuch ('],
        ['Batman(DC,', 'Batman (DC, '],
        ['.Seuqence', '.Sequence'],
        ['(AC Comics, ', '(AC, '],
        [' (DC 19', ' (DC, 19'],
        [' (DC 20', ' (DC, 20'],
        [' (Marvel 19', ' (Marvel, 19'],
        [' (Marvel 20', ' (Marvel, 20'],
            'From DC Super Stars [DC, 1976 Series)',
            'From DC Super Stars (DC, 1976 Series)'
            'Black Cat (Harvey; 1946 series) #',
            'Black Cat (Harvey, 1946 series) #'
        ['from Fables (DC, 2003 series) #', 'from Fables (DC, 2002 series) #'],
        ['Testament (DC, 2005 series) #', 'Testament (DC, 2006 series) #'],
            'from Quantum And Woody (Acclaim, 1997 Series) #',
            'from Quantum & Woody (Acclaim, 1997 Series) #'
            'n Nexus Archives (Dark Horse Books, 2005 series) #',
            'n Nexus Archives (Dark Horse, 2006 series) #'
            'Flash Album, The (K. G. Murray, 1978 series)',
            'Flash Album, The (K. G. Murray, 1976 series)'
        ['Essential X-Men #', 'Essential X-Men (Marvel, 1996 series) #'],
            'Marvel\'s Greatest Comics (Marvel, 1961 series)',
            'Marvel\'s Greatest Comics (Marvel, 1969 series)'
            'in Superboy (Ehapa Verlag, 1980 series) #',
            'in Superboy (Egmont, 1980 series) #'
            'Da DC: THE NEW FRONTIER #',
            'Da DC: The New Frontier (DC, 2004 series) #'
            'Serie-pocket (Semic AS, 1975 series) #38',
            'Serie-pocket (Semic AS, 1977 series) #38'
            'in Showcase Presents Martian Manhunter  (DC, 2007 series) #',
            'in Showcase Presents: Martian Manhunter (DC, 2007 series) #'
            'Marvel Masterworks Atlas Era Heroes (Marvel, 2007 series) #',
            'Marvel Masterworks: Atlas Era Heroes (Marvel, 2007 series) #'
        ['Da XENOZOIC TALES #', 'Da Xenozoic Tales (Kitchen Sink, 1987) #'],
        ['Super-Team-Family', 'Super-Team Family'],
            'From Flash, The (DC, 1959 Series) #300, August 1981, 1.Sequence',
            'From Flash, The (DC, 1959 Series) #300, August 1981, 2.Sequence'
            uni("All-New Collectors´ Edition"),
            uni("All-New Collectors' Edition")
        [' (Marvel/DC, 19', ' (Marvel / DC, 19'],
        ['World of Krypton [DC, 1979 ', 'World of Krypton (DC, 1979 '],
            'DC Comics Persents (DC, 1978 Series)',
            'DC Comics Presents (DC, 1978 Series)'
            'from from The New Adventures of Superboy',
            'from The New Adventures of Superboy'
            'from from Superboy (DC, 1949 Series) #225',
            'from Superboy (DC, 1949 Series) #225'
        ['From, Justice League of America', 'From Justice League of America'],
        ["from, World's Finest Comics", "from World's Finest Comics"],
            'rom TOP Comics Blitzmann [BSV - Williams, 1970 Serie]',
            'rom TOP Comics Blitzmann (BSV - Williams, 1970 Serie)'
        ['Superboy(DC,1949 Series)', 'Superboy (DC, 1949 Series)'],
            'Superman Superband (Ehapa,1974 Serie)',
            'Superman Superband (Ehapa, 1974 Serie)'
        ['Batman Supermand (Ehapa, 1974 ', 'Batman Superman (Ehapa, 1974 '],
            'from Legion of Superheroes, the [DC, 1980 Series] # ',
            'from The Legion of Super-heroes (DC, 1980 Series) #'
        ['from Superboy Spectacular [DC', 'from Superboy Spectacular (DC'],
        [',1.Sequence', ', 1.Sequence'],
        [',2.Sequence', ', 2.Sequence'],
        [',3.Sequence', ', 3.Sequence'],
        [',5.Sequence', ', 5.Sequence'],
        [uni("Superman´s Pal,Jimmy Olsen"), "Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen"],
        ['Simon & Schuster', 'Simon and Schuster'],
            'Acts of Vengeance Omnibus (Marvel, 2010 series)',
            'Acts of Vengeance Omnibus (Marvel, 2011 series)'
        ['(Semic Press AB, ', '(Semic, '],
            '2099 A.D. #1 (Marvel Italia, 1995)',
            '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #1'
            '2099 A.D. #2 (Marvel Italia, 1996)',
            '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #2'
            '2099 A.D. #3 (Marvel Italia, 1996)',
            '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #3'
            '2099 A.D. #4 (Marvel Italia, 1996)',
            '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #4'
            '2099 A.D. #5 (Marvel Italia, 1996)',
            '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #5'
            '2099 A.D. #6 (Marvel Italia, 1996)',
            '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #6'
            '2099 A.D. #7 (Mavel Italia, 1996)',
            '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #7'
            '2099 A.D. #8 (Marvel Italia, 1996)',
            '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #8'
            '2099 A.D. #9 (Marvel Italia, 1996)',
            '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #9'
            '2099 A.D. #10 (Marvel Italia, 1996)',
            '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #10'
            '2099 A.D. #11 (Marvel Itaia, 1996)',
            '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #11'
            '2099 A.D. #12 (Marvel Italia, 1996)',
            '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #12'
            '2099 Special #13 (Marvel Italia, 12/1996)',
            '2099 Special (Marvel Italia, 1994) #13'
            '2099 Special #15 (Marvel Italia, 04/1997)',
            '2099 Special (Marvel Italia, 1994) #15'
            '2099 Special #16 (Marvel Italia, 06/1997)',
            '2099 Special (Marvel Italia, 1994) #16'
            '2099 Special #17 (Marvel Italia, 08/1997)',
            '2099 Special (Marvel Italia, 1994) #17'
            'Stormwatch:  A Finer World (DC, 1999 series) #[nn]',
            'Stormwatch: A Finer World (DC, 1999 series) #[nn]'
            'n Fantastic Four [Trade Paperback] (Marvel, 2003 ',
            'n Fantastic Four (Marvel, 2003 '
            'n The Batman Archives (DC, 1990 series)',
            'n Batman Archives (DC, 1990 series)'
            'n Batman Archives, The (DC, 1990 series)',
            'n Batman Archives (DC, 1990 series)'
            'n The Batman archives (DC, 1990 series)',
            'n Batman Archives (DC, 1990 series)'
            'Showcase Presents Martian Manhunter (DC, 2007 series)',
            'Showcase Presents: Martian Manhunter (DC, 2007 series)'
            'Boy Commandos by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, The (DC, 2010 series)',
            'The Boy Commandos by Joe Simon & Jack Kirby (DC, 2010 series)'
            'Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told, The (DC, 1988 series) #nn [1]',
            'The Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told (DC, 1988 series) #[nn] [1]'
        [uni(' (Egmont Serieförlaget AB, '), ' (Egmont, '],
            'Magic Book (Magic Press, 2002 series)',
            'Magic Book (Magic Press, 2000 series)'
        ['(BSV-Williams,', '(BSV - Williams,'],
            'Marvel Masterworks: Spider-Man (',
            'Marvel Masterworks: The Amazing Spider-Man ('
            "Uomo Ragno, L' [Collana Super-Eroi] (",
            "L' Uomo Ragno [Collana Super-Eroi] ("
        ['cover reprinted in G.I. ', 'in G.I. '],
            'in Starman: Night and Day (DC, 1997 series) #[nn]',
            'in Starman (DC, 1995 series) #2'
            'Collected Omaha, The (Kitchen Sink Press, Inc., 1987 series) #Volume ',
            'The Collected Omaha (Kitchen Sink Press, 1987 series) #'
        ['(Kitchen Sink Press, Inc., ', '(Kitchen Sink Press, '],
            'Air Ace Picture Library (Fleetway Publications, 1960 series)',
            'Air Ace Picture Library (IPC Magazines, 1960 series)'
            'Air Ace Picture Library (Fleetway Publications, 1960)',
            'Air Ace Picture Library (IPC Magazines, 1960 series)'
            ') in Front serien (1967 series) #',
            '); in Front serien (Williams Forlag, 1967 series) #'
            ') in Bajonett serien (1967 series) #',
            '); in Bajonett serien (Williams Forlag, 1967 series) #'
            ') in Front serien (1965 series) #',
            '); in Front serien (Illustrerte Klassikere, 1965 series) #'
        ['from ? (UK) in ', 'from ? (UK); in '],
        ['(Dupuis, 1', '(Editions Dupuis, 1'],
        ['(Dupuis, 2', '(Editions Dupuis, 2'],
        ['(Dargaud, 1', uni('(Dargaud éditions, 1')],
        ['(Dargaud, 2', uni('(Dargaud éditions, 2')],
            'Lucky Luke (Dargaud Publishing, 1968 series)',
            uni('Lucky Luke (Dargaud Benelux, 1968 series)')
            uni('Lucky Luke (Dargaud éditions, 1968 series)'),
            'Lucky Luke (Dargaud Benelux, 1968 series)'
            'Lucky Luke (Dupuis Publishing, 1949 series)',
            uni('Lucky Luke (Editions Dupuis, 1949 series)')
            'Vill Vest  (Se-Bladene, 1957 series)',
            'Vill Vest (Se-Bladene, 1955 series)'
        ['; o; ', '; '],
        ['(Oog & Blick, ', '(Oog & Blik, '],
        [uni('from (À Suivre) (Casterman'),
         uni('from À Suivre (Casterman')],
        ['I.W. Publishing;Super Comics', 'I. W. Publishing; Super Comics'],
        ['I.W. Publishing; Super Comics', 'I. W. Publishing; Super Comics'],
    for [old, new] in reprint_notes:
        fix_reprint_notes_global(old, new)

    old_reprint_note = ' in Vill Vest (Se-Bladene, 1955 series)'
    new_reprint_note = '; in Vill Vest  (Se-Bladene, 1955 series)'
    issues = Issue.objects.filter(
        story__reprint_notes__iregex='The Lone Ranger [0-9]',
    fix_reprint_notes(issues, old_reprint_note, new_reprint_note)

    series_reprint_notes = [
        [7049, 'From Superman #', 'From Superman (DC, 1939 series) #'],
            7049, 'From Detective Comics #',
            'From Detective Comics (DC, 1937 series) #'
        ], [7049, 'From Batman #', 'From Batman (DC, 1940 series) #'],
        [7049, 'From Superboy #', 'From Superboy (DC, 1949 series) #'],
            7049, 'From Adventure Comics #',
            'From Adventure Comics (DC, 1938 series) #'
            7049, 'From Action Comics #',
            'From Action Comics (DC, 1938 series) #'
            7049, 'From World\'s Finest Comics #',
            'From World\'s Finest Comics (DC, 1941 series) #'
        ], [19745, 'van ', 'from '],
        [7538, 'da Turok #', 'da Turok, Son of Stone (Gold Key, 1962) #'],
        [7538, '[Gold Key, USA]', ''],
            20371, 'from STAR-STUDDED COMICS #',
            'from Star-Studded Comics (Texas Trio, 1963 series) #'
            10458, 'from Jonah Hex: Two-Gun Mojo #',
            'from Jonah Hex: Two Gun Mojo (DC, 1993 series) #'
        ], [10458, 'from Jonah Hex #', 'from Jonah Hex (DC, 1977 series) #'],
            3960, 'Da KEN PARKER #',
            'da Ken Parker (Sergio Bonelli, 1977 series) #'
        ], [7537, 'da Magnus #', 'da Magnus (Gold Key, 1963) #'],
        [7537, '[GOLD KEY, USA]', ''],
            36980, 'from Wonder Woman Vol.1 (DC, 1942 Series)',
            'from Wonder Woman (DC, 1942 Series)'
        ], [18732, '. Sequence', '.Sequence'],
        [3771, 'from BLACK CAT #', 'from Black Cat (Harvey, 1946 series) #'],
        [687, "Dell Giant Comics", "Dell Giant"],
        [687, "Four Color Comic", "Four Color"],
            687, "Walt Disney's Stories and Comics",
            "Walt Disney's Comics and Stories"
            'in Walt Disney Stories and Comics (Gemstone, 2003 series) #668 May 2006',
            'in Walt Disney\'s Comics and Stories (Gemstone, 2003 series) #668'
            'da Kalle Anka & C:o (Egmont, serie del 1948) #1979-34 (22 Agosto 1979) [Svezia]',
            'da Kalle Anka & C:o (Hemmets Journal, 1957) #34/1979 (22 Agosto 1979)'
            'da Kalle Anka & C:o (Egmont, serie del 1948) #1979-35 (29 Agosto 1979) [Svezia]',
            'da Kalle Anka & C:o (Hemmets Journal, 1957) #35/1979'
            7566, 'Topolino (Libretto) 7/12',
            'Topolino (Libretto) 7, Topolino (Libretto) 8, Topolino (Libretto) 9, Topolino (Libretto) 10, Topolino   (Libretto) 11, Topolino (Libretto) 12'
            1701, "Ripley's Believe It or Not True (Gold Key, 1965 series)",
            "Ripley's Believe It or Not (Gold Key, 1965 series)"
    for [series, old, new] in series_reprint_notes:
        fix_reprint_notes_series(series, old, new)

    old_reprint_note = "Chip'N'Dale "
    new_reprint_note = "Chip 'n' Dale (Dell, 1955 series) #"
    issues = Issue.objects.filter(
        story__reprint_notes__regex="Chip'N'Dale [0-9]",
    print issues.count(), old_reprint_note
    fix_reprint_notes(issues, old_reprint_note, new_reprint_note)

    old_reprint_note = "Chip'n'Dale "
    new_reprint_note = "Chip 'n' Dale (Dell, 1955 series) #"
    issues = Issue.objects.filter(
        story__reprint_notes__regex="Chip'n'Dale [0-9]",
    print issues.count(), old_reprint_note
    fix_reprint_notes(issues, old_reprint_note, new_reprint_note)

    old_reprint_note = "Donald Duck "
    new_reprint_note = "Donald Duck (Dell, 1952 series) #"
    issues = Issue.objects.filter(
        story__reprint_notes__iregex="Donald Duck [0-9]",
    print issues.count(), old_reprint_note
    fix_reprint_notes(issues, old_reprint_note, new_reprint_note)

    old_reprint_note = "Mickey Mouse "
    new_reprint_note = "Mickey Mouse (Dell, 1952 series) #"
    issues = Issue.objects.filter(
        story__reprint_notes__iregex="Mickey Mouse [0-9]",
    print issues.count(), old_reprint_note
    fix_reprint_notes(issues, old_reprint_note, new_reprint_note)

    old_reprint_note = "Dell Giant "
    new_reprint_note = "Dell Giant (Dell, 1959 series) #"
    issues = Issue.objects.filter(
        story__reprint_notes__iregex="Dell Giant [0-9]",
    print issues.count(), old_reprint_note
    fix_reprint_notes(issues, old_reprint_note, new_reprint_note)

    old_reprint_note = "Walt Disney's Comics and Stories "
    new_reprint_note = "Walt Disney's Comics and Stories (Dell, 1940 series) #"
    issues = Issue.objects.filter(
        story__reprint_notes__iregex="Walt Disney's Comics and Stories [0-9]",
    print issues.count(), old_reprint_note
    fix_reprint_notes(issues, old_reprint_note, new_reprint_note)

    for i in range(86, 126):
        old = '2000 AD (IPC Magazines Ltd, 1977 series) #%d' % i
        new = '2000 AD and Star Lord (IPC Magazines Ltd, 1978 series) #%d' % i
        fix_reprint_notes_global(old, new)

    for i in range(127, 177):
        old = '2000 AD (IPC Magazines Ltd, 1977 series) #%d' % i
        new = '2000 AD and Tornado (IPC Magazines Ltd, 1978 series) #%d' % i
        fix_reprint_notes_global(old, new)

    norwegian_series = [
            22049, ' in Kamp Serien (Se-Bladene, 1964)',
            '; from Kamp Serien (Se-Bladene, 1964)'
            22049, ' in Kamp serien (Se-Bladene, 1964)',
            '; from Kamp Serien (Se-Bladene, 1964)'
        [22049, uni(' in På Vingene '),
         uni('; in På Vingene ')],
        [10459, uni(' in På Vingene '),
         uni('; in På Vingene ')],
            28131, ' in Vill Vest (Se-Bladene, 1955 series)',
            '; in Vill Vest (Se-Bladene, 1955 series)'
            21672, ' in Action serien (1976 series)',
            '; in Action serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'
            21672, 'from Combat Picture Library (1960',
            'from Combat Picture Library (Micron, 1960'
            21672, 'from Combat Picture Library #',
            'from Combat Picture Library (Micron, 1960 series) #'
            23238, 'in Granat serien (1976 series)',
            '; in Granat serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'
            23238, '; Granat serien (1976 series)',
            '; in Granat serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'
            23238, ' in Front serien (1967 series)',
            '; in Front serien (Williams, 1967 series)'
            23238, '; Action serien (1976 series)',
            '; in Action serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'
            23238, ' in Action serien (1976 series)',
            '; in Action serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'
            22804, ' in Front serien (1967 series)',
            '; in Front serien (Williams, 1967 series)'
            22804, ' in Action serien (1976 series)',
            '; in Action serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'
            22804, '; Action serien (1976 series)',
            '; in Action serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'
            22804, 'in Granat serien (1976 series)',
            '; in Granat serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'
            22804, '; Granat serien (1976 series)',
            '; in Granat serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'
            23238, 'from Combat Picture Library (1960',
            'from Combat Picture Library (Micron, '
            21769, 'in Granat serien (1976 series)',
            '; in Granat serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'
            21961, '; Action serien (1976 series)',
            '; in Action serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'
            21961, 'in Granat serien (1976 series)',
            '; in Granat serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'
            21961, '; Granat serien (1976 series)',
            '; in Granat serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'
            21961, 'from Combat Picture Library #',
            'from Combat Picture Library (Micron, 1960 series) #'
            21960, 'in Action serien (1976 series)',
            '; in Action serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'
            21960, '; Action serien (1976 series)',
            '; in Action serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'
            23447, 'in Granat serien (1976 series)',
            '; in Granat serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'
            23447, '; Granat serien (1976 series)',
            '; in Granat serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'
            21672, ' in Bajonett serien (1967 series)',
            '; in Bajonett serien (Williams, 1967 series)'
            21672, ' in Front serien (1967 series)',
            '; in Front serien (Williams, 1967 series)'
            21672, ' in Front serien (1965 series)',
            '; in Front serien (Illustrerte Klassikere, 1965 series)'
            21672, ' in Alarm (1967 series)',
            '; in Alarm (Williams, 1967 series)'
            21672, ' in Alarm (1964 series)',
            '; in Alarm (Illustrerte Klassikere, 1964 series)'
            21672, ' in Bajonett serien (Williams Forlag A/S',
            '; in Bajonett serien (Williams'
            23238, ' in Bajonett serien (1967 series)',
            '; in Bajonett serien (Williams, 1967 series)'
            23238, ' in Front serien (1965 series)',
            '; in Front serien (Illustrerte Klassikere, 1965 series)'
            23447, ' in Front serien (1967 series)',
            '; in Front serien (Williams, 1967 series)'
            21960, ' in Front serien (1967 series)',
            '; in Front serien (Williams, 1967 series)'
            23447, ' in Bajonett serien (1967 series)',
            '; in Bajonett serien (Williams, 1967 series)'
            23447, ' in Alarm (1967 series)',
            '; in Alarm (Williams, 1967 series)'
            23447, ' in Front serien (1965 series)',
            '; in Front serien (Illustrerte Klassikere, 1965 series)'
        [26337, ' in Jessy ', '; in Jessy '],
        [21200, 'from Egmont (DK) ', 'from Egmont (DK); '],
        [21200, ' in Donald Duck', '; in Donald Duck'],
            10562, 'Tegneserie Bokklubben #',
            'Tegneserie Bokklubben (Hjemmet, 1985) #'
        [10562, ' in Walt Disney', '; in Walt Disney'],
        [10562, ' in Donald Duck', '; in Donald Duck'],
        [10562, '] in ', ']; in '],
        [10562, ') in ', '); in '],
        [10562, '? in ', '?; in '],
        [16059, ') in ', '); in '],
        [16197, ') in ', '); in '],
        [16994, ') in ', '); in '],
    for [series, old, new] in norwegian_series:
        fix_reprint_notes_series(series, old, new, check_double_semi=True)
Example #27
def add_variants(for_real=False):
    file = open('sorted_variants')
    lines = file.readlines()
    issue_old = -1
    for line in lines:
        content = line.split('; ')
        series = int(content[0])
        issue = int(content[1])
        #modified = datetime.strptime(content[2], '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
        modified = datetime(*(time.strptime(content[2], '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')[0:6]))
        backup_filename = content[3]
        next_filename = content[4]
        contributor = content[5].split('\n')[0]
        cur_cover = Cover.objects.filter(issue__id=issue).latest()
        if issue_old == issue:  # we only the old datetime for the first file from the old db,
            # the datetime in the case of more than one variant we need to get
            # from the last used filename (that's why they are sorted by issue.id)
            if for_real and cur_cover == cover_old:  # this shouldn't happen
                #modified = datetime.strptime(os.path.splitext(last_uploaded)[0][-15:], '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
                modified = datetime(*(time.strptime(
                    os.path.splitext(last_uploaded)[0][-15:], '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
                print last_uploaded, modified
                print cur_cover.issue, backup_filename, next_filename
                raise ValueError
                #modified = datetime.strptime(os.path.splitext(last_uploaded)[0][-15:], '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
                modified = datetime(*(time.strptime(
                    os.path.splitext(last_uploaded)[0][-15:], '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
                print last_uploaded, modified
                print cur_cover.issue, backup_filename, next_filename
        copy_cover_content(cur_cover, for_real)

        # series, issues, code, has_image, server_version stays the same
        if for_real:
            cur_cover.contributor = contributor
            cur_cover.modified = modified
            cur_cover.file_extension = None
            print "changed contributor", cur_cover.contributor, contributor
            print "changed modified", cur_cover.modified, modified

        if modified > datetime(2009, 10, 02, 14, 0,
                               0):  # we have the uploaded file
            scan_filename = str(cur_cover.issue.series.id) + "_" + str(cur_cover.issue.id) + "_" + \
                            uni(cur_cover.issue).replace(' ','_').replace('/','-') + \
                            "_" + cur_cover.modified.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
            upload_dir = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_new_scans + \
             scan_filename] = find_original_cover(upload_dir + scan_filename)
            if not for_real:
                print "--------------------", extension, scan_filename
            if not extension:
                raise IOError
            cur_cover.file_extension = extension
            new_filename = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_scans_by_id + \
                           str(int(cur_cover.id/1000)) + '/uploads/' + str(cur_cover.id) + \
                           cur_cover.modified.strftime('_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') + cur_cover.file_extension
            if for_real:
                shutil.copy(scan_filename, new_filename)
                generate_sizes(cur_cover, new_filename)
        else:  # we don't, so we use the backup
            old_filename = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + '/img/gcd/' + backup_filename
            if not os.path.exists(old_filename):
                print old_filename
                print 'wget images.comics.org/img/gcd/' + backup_filename
                    'http://images.comics.org/img/gcd/' + backup_filename,
                #raise IOError
            if for_real:
                cur_cover.file_extension = '.jpg'
                # not really the uploaded file
                new_filename = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_scans_by_id + \
                               str(int(cur_cover.id/1000)) + '/uploads/' + str(cur_cover.id) + \
                               cur_cover.modified.strftime('_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') + cur_cover.file_extension
                shutil.copy(old_filename, new_filename)
                generate_sizes(cur_cover, new_filename)
        if for_real:
            print cur_cover.issue.id, cur_cover.issue
        issue_old = issue
        last_uploaded = next_filename
        cover_old = cur_cover
def add_variants(for_real=False):
    file = open('sorted_variants')
    lines = file.readlines()
    issue_old = -1
    for line in lines:
        content = line.split('; ')
        series = int(content[0])
        issue = int(content[1])
        #modified = datetime.strptime(content[2], '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
        modified = datetime(*(time.strptime(content[2], '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')[0:6]))
        backup_filename = content[3]
        next_filename = content[4]
        contributor = content[5].split('\n')[0]
        cur_cover = Cover.objects.filter(issue__id = issue).latest()
        if issue_old == issue: # we only the old datetime for the first file from the old db,
                               # the datetime in the case of more than one variant we need to get
                               # from the last used filename (that's why they are sorted by issue.id)
            if for_real and cur_cover == cover_old: # this shouldn't happen
                #modified = datetime.strptime(os.path.splitext(last_uploaded)[0][-15:], '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
                modified = datetime(*(time.strptime(os.path.splitext(last_uploaded)[0][-15:], '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')[0:6]))
                print last_uploaded, modified
                print cur_cover.issue, backup_filename, next_filename
                raise ValueError
                #modified = datetime.strptime(os.path.splitext(last_uploaded)[0][-15:], '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
                modified = datetime(*(time.strptime(os.path.splitext(last_uploaded)[0][-15:], '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')[0:6]))
                print last_uploaded, modified
                print cur_cover.issue, backup_filename, next_filename
        copy_cover_content(cur_cover, for_real)

        # series, issues, code, has_image, server_version stays the same
        if for_real:
            print "changed contributor", cur_cover.contributor, contributor
            print "changed modified", cur_cover.modified, modified

        if modified > datetime(2009, 10, 02, 14, 0, 0): # we have the uploaded file
            scan_filename = str(cur_cover.issue.series.id) + "_" + str(cur_cover.issue.id) + "_" + \
                            uni(cur_cover.issue).replace(' ','_').replace('/','-') + \
                            "_" + cur_cover.modified.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
            upload_dir = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_new_scans + \
            [extension, scan_filename] = find_original_cover(upload_dir + scan_filename)
            if not for_real:
                print "--------------------", extension, scan_filename
            if not extension:
                raise IOError
            cur_cover.file_extension = extension
            new_filename = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_scans_by_id + \
                           str(int(cur_cover.id/1000)) + '/uploads/' + str(cur_cover.id) + \
                           cur_cover.modified.strftime('_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') + cur_cover.file_extension
            if for_real:
                generate_sizes(cur_cover, new_filename)
        else: # we don't, so we use the backup
            old_filename = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + '/img/gcd/' + backup_filename
            if not os.path.exists(old_filename):
                print old_filename
                print 'wget images.comics.org/img/gcd/' + backup_filename
		urlretrieve('http://images.comics.org/img/gcd/' + backup_filename, old_filename)
                #raise IOError
            if for_real:
                cur_cover.file_extension = '.jpg'
                # not really the uploaded file
                new_filename = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_scans_by_id + \
                               str(int(cur_cover.id/1000)) + '/uploads/' + str(cur_cover.id) + \
                               cur_cover.modified.strftime('_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') + cur_cover.file_extension
                generate_sizes(cur_cover, new_filename)
        if for_real:
            print cur_cover.issue.id, cur_cover.issue
        issue_old = issue
        last_uploaded = next_filename
        cover_old = cur_cover
Example #29
def cover_upload(request, cover_id, add_variant=False):
    Handles uploading of covers be it
    - first upload
    - replacement upload
    - variant upload

    upload_template = 'gcd/details/cover_upload.html'
    uploaded_template = 'gcd/details/cover_uploaded.html'
    style = 'default'

    # check for issue and cover
    cover = get_object_or_404(Cover, id=cover_id)
    issue = cover.issue

    if add_variant and not cover.has_image:
        error_text = "No cover present for %s. You cannot upload a variant." \
                     % cover.issue
        return render_error(request, error_text, redirect=False)

    # check that we are actually allowed to upload
    if cover.has_image and not cover.marked and not add_variant:
        tag = get_image_tag(cover, "existing cover", 2)
        covers_needed = Cover.objects.filter(issue__series=issue.series)
        covers_needed = covers_needed.exclude(marked=False, has_image=True)
        # TODO: make the 15 an option
        covers_needed = covers_needed.exclude(marked=None, has_image=True)[:15]
        return render_to_response(uploaded_template, {
            'cover': cover,
            'covers_needed': covers_needed,
            'issue': issue,
            'tag': tag,
            'already': "is already",
            'style': style

    # check what kind of upload
    if cover.has_image and cover.marked and not add_variant:
        display_cover = get_image_tag(cover,
                                      "cover to replace",
        upload_type = 'replacement'
    elif add_variant:
        display_cover = get_image_tag(cover, "first cover", 2, no_cache=True)
        upload_type = 'variant'
        display_cover = None
        upload_type = ''

    # current request is an upload
    if request.method == 'POST':
            form = UploadScanForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
        except IOError:  # sometimes uploads misbehave. connection dropped ?
            error_text = 'Something went wrong with the upload. ' + \
                         'Please <a href="' + request.path + '">try again</a>.'
            return render_error(request,

        if form.is_valid():
            # user has to change defaults and enter something valid
            if request.POST['email'] == '*****@*****.**':
                request.POST['email'] = ''
            if request.POST['name'] == 'Your name':
                request.POST['name'] = ''
            form = UploadScanForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
        # TODO: even if the file is a valid image it does not survive into
        #       the next form if name/email is not valid, Django issue ?
        if not form.is_valid():
            return render_to_response(upload_template, {
                'form': form.as_ul(),
                'cover': cover,
                'issue': issue,
                'style': style,
                'display_cover': display_cover,
                'upload_type': upload_type,
        # if file is in form handle it
        if 'scan' in request.FILES:
            upload_datetime = datetime.today()
            scan = request.FILES['scan']
            contributor = '%s (%s)' % (request.POST['name'],
            # at first (in case something goes wrong) put new covers into
            # media/<_local_new_scans>/<monthname>_<year>/
            # with name
            # <cover_id>_<date>_<time>.<ext>
            scan_name = str(cover.id) + "_" + \
            upload_dir = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_new_scans + \
            destination_name = upload_dir + scan_name + \
            if not os.path.isdir(upload_dir):
                except IOError:
                    error_text = "Problem with file storage for uploaded " + \
                                 "cover, please report an error."
                    return render_error(request, error_text, redirect=False)

            # arguably a bit unlikely to happen with the current naming scheme
            if os.path.exists(destination_name):
                destination_name = os.path.splitext(destination_name)[0] + \
                                   "_a" + os.path.splitext(scan.name)[1]
            # write uploaded file
            destination = open(destination_name, 'wb')
            for chunk in scan.chunks():

                # generate different sizes we are using
                im = Image.open(destination.name)
                if im.size[0] >= 400:
                    # generate the sizes we are using
                    if check_cover_dir(cover) == False:
                        error_text = "Problem with file storage for cover " + \
                          "with id %d for %s, please report an error." \
                          % (cover.id, uni(issue))
                        return render_error(request,

                    base_dir = str(int(cover.id / 1000))
                    if upload_type == 'replacement':
                        # if we don't have the original file copy it from w400
                        # otherwise do nothing, old cover file stays due to
                        # datetime string in the filename
                        if not cover.file_extension:
                            sub_dir = "/w400/"
                            extension = ".jpg"
                            current_im_name = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + \
                                              _local_scans_by_id + base_dir + \
                                              sub_dir + str(cover.id) + extension
                            # check for existence
                            if not os.path.exists(current_im_name):
                                error_text = "Problem with existing file for cover " + \
                                  "with id %d for %s, please report an error." \
                                  % (cover.id, uni(issue))
                                return render_error(request,
                                # use this for debugging locally
                                # img_url = _server_prefixes[cover.server_version] \
                                #          + suffix
                                # urlretrieve(img_url,current_im_name)

                            backup_name = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + \
                              _local_scans_by_id + base_dir + \
                              "/uploads/" + str(cover.id) + \
                              cover.modified.strftime('_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') + \
                            shutil.copy(current_im_name, backup_name)

                    if add_variant:
                        return render_error(
                            'Adding variant covers is not yet implemented.',

                    # generate different sizes
                    generate_sizes(cover, im)

                    # set cover table values
                    cover.server_version = 1
                    cover.has_image = True
                    cover.marked = False
                    cover.contributor = contributor
                    if not cover.series.has_gallery == True:
                        series = cover.series
                        series.has_gallery = True
                    cover.modified = upload_datetime
                    cover.extension = os.path.splitext(destination_name)[1]
                    im_name = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + \
                              _local_scans_by_id + base_dir + "/uploads/" + \
                              str(cover.id) + upload_datetime. \
                              strftime('_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') + cover.extension

                    shutil.move(destination_name, im_name)

                    cover_count = CountStats.objects.filter(name='covers')[0]
                    cover_count.count += 1

                    if 'remember_me' in request.POST:
                        request.session['gcd_uploader_name'] = \
                        request.session['gcd_uploader_email'] = \
                        request.session.pop('gcd_uploader_name', '')
                        request.session.pop('gcd_uploader_email', '')

                    tag = get_image_tag(cover, "uploaded cover", 2)
                    info_text = "Image is too small, only " + str(im.size) + \
                                " in size."
                    return render_to_response(
                        upload_template, {
                            'form': form.as_ul(),
                            'info': info_text,
                            'cover': cover,
                            'display_cover': display_cover,
                            'upload_type': upload_type,
                            'issue': issue,
                            'style': style,

                # what else do we need
                covers_needed = Cover.objects.filter(issue__series = \
                  issue.series).exclude(marked = False, has_image = True)
                covers_needed = covers_needed.exclude(marked=None,

                return render_to_response(
                    uploaded_template, {
                        'cover': cover,
                        'covers_needed': covers_needed,
                        'issue': issue,
                        'tag': tag,
                        'style': style

            except IOError:  # file type *should* be taken care of by django
                return render_to_response(upload_template, {
                  'form': form.as_ul(),
                  'info' : 'Error: File \"' + scan.name + \
                           '" is not a valid picture.',
                  'cover' : cover,
                  'issue' : issue,
                  'display_cover' : display_cover,
                  'upload_type' : upload_type,
                  'style' : style,
        else:  # there is a pretty good chance we never end up here
            return render_to_response(upload_template, {
                'form': form.as_ul(),
                'cover': cover,
                'issue': issue,
                'style': style

        # do we have email/name cached
        if 'gcd_uploader_email' in request.session:
            vars = {
                'name': request.session['gcd_uploader_name'],
                'email': request.session['gcd_uploader_email'],
                'remember_me': True
        elif request.user.is_authenticated():
            vars = {
                'name': unicode(request.user.indexer),
                'email': request.user.email,
                'remember_me': True
            vars = {'name': 'Your name', 'email': '*****@*****.**'}

        form = UploadScanForm(initial=vars)
        # display the form
        return render_to_response(upload_template, {
            'form': form.as_ul(),
            'cover': cover,
            'issue': issue,
            'display_cover': display_cover,
            'upload_type': upload_type,
            'style': style
Example #30
def copy_covers_new():
    #covers=Cover.objects.filter(has_image=True).filter(modified__gte='2009-10-02 14:00').filter(modified__lt='2009-11-15 00:00')
    #covers=Cover.objects.filter(has_image=True).filter(modified__gte='2009-11-15 00:00').filter(modified__lt='2009-11-23 00:00')
    covers = Cover.objects.filter(has_image=True).filter(
        modified__gte='2009-11-23 00:00')

    cnt = 0
    for cover in covers:
        issue = cover.issue
        scan_name = str(issue.series.id) + "_" + str(issue.id) + "_" + \
                    uni(issue).replace(' ','_').replace('/','-') + \
                    "_" + cover.modified.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
        upload_dir = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_new_scans + \
        old_filename = upload_dir + scan_name
        new_filename = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_scans_by_id + \
                       str(int(cover.id/1000)) + '/uploads/' + str(cover.id) + cover.modified.strftime('_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')

        [extension, old_filename] = find_original_cover(old_filename)

        if not extension:
            scan_name = str(issue.series.id) + "_" + str(issue.id) + "_" + \
                        uni(issue).replace(' ','_').replace('/','-') + \
                        "_" + (cover.modified + timedelta(0,1)).strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
            old_filename = upload_dir + scan_name
            [extension, old_filename] = find_original_cover(old_filename)
            if not extension:
                print cover.issue, old_filename
                raise IOError

        new_filename += extension
        shutil.copy(old_filename, new_filename)
                 stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH)

        im = Image.open(new_filename)
        if im.mode != "RGB":
            print "Image Mode:", im.mode
            im = im.convert("RGB")
        print cover.id, cover.issue, extension
        # generate different sizes (OK, we could just copy the files in this case...)
        scaled_name = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_scans_by_id + \
          str(int(cover.id/1000)) + "/w100/" + str(cover.id) + ".jpg"
        size = 100, int(100. / im.size[0] * im.size[1])
        scaled = im.resize(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)

        scaled_name = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_scans_by_id + \
          str(int(cover.id/1000)) + "/w200/" + str(cover.id) + ".jpg"
        size = 200, int(200. / im.size[0] * im.size[1])
        scaled = im.resize(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)

        scaled_name = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + _local_scans_by_id + \
          str(int(cover.id/1000)) + "/w400/" + str(cover.id) + ".jpg"
        size = 400, int(400. / im.size[0] * im.size[1])
        scaled = im.resize(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)

        cover.file_extension = extension
        cnt += 1
        if cnt % 100 == 0:
            print cnt
def fix_all_reprint_notes():
    reprint_notes = [
    ['Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age USA Comics (Marvel, 2007 series)','Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age U.S.A. Comics (Marvel, 2007 series)'],
    ['(Editorial Planeta DeAgostini S.A.','(Planeta DeAgostini'],
    ['Uncle Scrooge (Gold Key, 1962 series)', 'Uncle Scrooge (Gold Key, 1963 series)'],
    ['Uncle Scrooge (Gold Key, 1962 Series)', 'Uncle Scrooge (Gold Key, 1963 series)'],
    ['Drawn and Quarterly','Drawn & Quarterly'],
    ['Essential Wolverine #','Essential Wolverine (Marvel, 1996 series) #'],
    ['Apache Kid (Marvel, 1951 series)','Apache Kid (Marvel, 1950 series)'],
    ['Ghost Stories #','Ghost Stories (Dell, 1962 series) #'],
    ['in Tip Top Comic Monthly (K. G. Murray, 1963 series)','in Tip Top Comic Monthly (K. G. Murray, 1965 series)'],
    ['from Jessy (Panini Verlag, 2004 series)','from Jessy (Panini, 2004 series)'],
    ['from Jessy (Panini Verlag, 2004) #','from Jessy (Panini, 2004 series) #'],
    ['World\'s Finest Comics (DC, 1940 Series)','World\'s Finest Comics (DC, 1941 Series)'],
    ['Superman: The World\'s Finest Comics Archives','Superman: The World\'s Finest Archives'],
    ['(DC/Vertigo, ','(DC, '],
    ['Superman(DC,1939 Series)','Superman (DC, 1939 Series)'],
    ['In Essential Ghost Rider #','in Essential Ghost Rider (Marvel, 2005 series) #'],
    ['from Captain Marvel Adventures #','from Captain Marvel Adventures (Fawcett, 1941 Series) #'],
    ['X-Men (1963 series)','X-Men (Marvel, 1963 series)'],
    ['(Ediciones Zinco, ','(Zinco, '],
    ['EC Archives:  Two-Fisted Tales (Gemstone, 2007 series)','EC Archives: Two-Fisted Tales (Gemstone, 2007 series)'],
    ['rom Commando #', 'rom Commando (D.C. Thomson, 1961) #'],
    [uni('från Detective Comics (DC, 1939)'),uni('från Detective Comics (DC, 1937)')],
    ['reprinted from ','from '],
    ['Reprinted from ','from '],
    [') in Kamp Serien #', '); in Kamp Serien (Se-Bladene, 1964 Series) #'],
    [') in Kamp serien #', '); in Kamp Serien (Se-Bladene, 1964 Series) #'],
    [') in Kamp Spesial #', '); in Kamp Spesial (Se-Bladene, 1986 Series) #'],
    ['in Kamp Serien #', 'in Kamp Serien (Se-Bladene, 1964 Series) #'],
    ['Kamp Spesial #', 'Kamp Spesial (Se-Bladene, 1986 Series) #'],
    ['\r\nfrom Harry die bunte Jugendzeitung (Lehning, 1958 series)#', '; from Harry die bunte Jugendzeitung (Lehning, 1958 series) #'],
    ['eries)#','eries) #'],
    ['Superman Extra (DC, 1980 Serie)','Superman Extra (Ehapa, 1980 Serie)'],
    ['Superman Taschenbuch (DC, 1976 Serie)','Superman Taschenbuch (Ehapa, 1976 Serie)'],
    [', Superman Taschenbuch (','; Superman Taschenbuch ('],
    ['Batman(DC,','Batman (DC, '],
    ['.Seuqence', '.Sequence'],
    ['(AC Comics, ','(AC, '],
    [' (DC 19',' (DC, 19'],
    [' (DC 20',' (DC, 20'],
    [' (Marvel 19',' (Marvel, 19'],
    [' (Marvel 20',' (Marvel, 20'],
    ['From DC Super Stars [DC, 1976 Series)', 'From DC Super Stars (DC, 1976 Series)'],
    ['Black Cat (Harvey; 1946 series) #','Black Cat (Harvey, 1946 series) #'],
    ['from Fables (DC, 2003 series) #','from Fables (DC, 2002 series) #'],
    ['Testament (DC, 2005 series) #','Testament (DC, 2006 series) #'],
    ['from Quantum And Woody (Acclaim, 1997 Series) #','from Quantum & Woody (Acclaim, 1997 Series) #'],
    ['n Nexus Archives (Dark Horse Books, 2005 series) #','n Nexus Archives (Dark Horse, 2006 series) #'],
    ['Flash Album, The (K. G. Murray, 1978 series)','Flash Album, The (K. G. Murray, 1976 series)'],
    ['Essential X-Men #','Essential X-Men (Marvel, 1996 series) #'],
    ['Marvel\'s Greatest Comics (Marvel, 1961 series)','Marvel\'s Greatest Comics (Marvel, 1969 series)'],
    ['in Superboy (Ehapa Verlag, 1980 series) #','in Superboy (Egmont, 1980 series) #'],
    ['Da DC: THE NEW FRONTIER #','Da DC: The New Frontier (DC, 2004 series) #'],
    ['Serie-pocket (Semic AS, 1975 series) #38','Serie-pocket (Semic AS, 1977 series) #38'],
    ['in Showcase Presents Martian Manhunter  (DC, 2007 series) #','in Showcase Presents: Martian Manhunter (DC, 2007 series) #'],
    ['Marvel Masterworks Atlas Era Heroes (Marvel, 2007 series) #','Marvel Masterworks: Atlas Era Heroes (Marvel, 2007 series) #'],
    ['Da XENOZOIC TALES #','Da Xenozoic Tales (Kitchen Sink, 1987) #'],
    ['Super-Team-Family','Super-Team Family'],
    ['From Flash, The (DC, 1959 Series) #300, August 1981, 1.Sequence', 'From Flash, The (DC, 1959 Series) #300, August 1981, 2.Sequence'],
    [uni("All-New Collectors´ Edition"), uni("All-New Collectors' Edition")],
    [' (Marvel/DC, 19', ' (Marvel / DC, 19'],
    ['World of Krypton [DC, 1979 ', 'World of Krypton (DC, 1979 '],
    ['DC Comics Persents (DC, 1978 Series)', 'DC Comics Presents (DC, 1978 Series)'],
    ['from from The New Adventures of Superboy', 'from The New Adventures of Superboy'],
    ['from from Superboy (DC, 1949 Series) #225', 'from Superboy (DC, 1949 Series) #225'],
    ['From, Justice League of America','From Justice League of America'],
    ["from, World's Finest Comics", "from World's Finest Comics"],
    ['rom TOP Comics Blitzmann [BSV - Williams, 1970 Serie]', 'rom TOP Comics Blitzmann (BSV - Williams, 1970 Serie)'],
    ['Superboy(DC,1949 Series)', 'Superboy (DC, 1949 Series)'],
    ['Superman Superband (Ehapa,1974 Serie)', 'Superman Superband (Ehapa, 1974 Serie)'],
    ['Batman Supermand (Ehapa, 1974 ', 'Batman Superman (Ehapa, 1974 '],
    ['from Legion of Superheroes, the [DC, 1980 Series] # ', 'from The Legion of Super-heroes (DC, 1980 Series) #'],
    ['from Superboy Spectacular [DC', 'from Superboy Spectacular (DC'],
    [',1.Sequence', ', 1.Sequence'],
    [',2.Sequence', ', 2.Sequence'],
    [',3.Sequence', ', 3.Sequence'],
    [',5.Sequence', ', 5.Sequence'],
    [uni("Superman´s Pal,Jimmy Olsen"), "Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen"],
    ['Simon & Schuster', 'Simon and Schuster'],
    ['Acts of Vengeance Omnibus (Marvel, 2010 series)', 'Acts of Vengeance Omnibus (Marvel, 2011 series)'],
    ['(Semic Press AB, ', '(Semic, '],
    ['2099 A.D. #1 (Marvel Italia, 1995)', '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #1'],
    ['2099 A.D. #2 (Marvel Italia, 1996)', '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #2'],
    ['2099 A.D. #3 (Marvel Italia, 1996)', '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #3'],
    ['2099 A.D. #4 (Marvel Italia, 1996)', '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #4'],
    ['2099 A.D. #5 (Marvel Italia, 1996)', '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #5'],
    ['2099 A.D. #6 (Marvel Italia, 1996)', '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #6'],
    ['2099 A.D. #7 (Mavel Italia, 1996)', '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #7'],
    ['2099 A.D. #8 (Marvel Italia, 1996)', '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #8'],
    ['2099 A.D. #9 (Marvel Italia, 1996)', '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #9'],
    ['2099 A.D. #10 (Marvel Italia, 1996)', '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #10'],
    ['2099 A.D. #11 (Marvel Itaia, 1996)', '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #11'],
    ['2099 A.D. #12 (Marvel Italia, 1996)', '2099 A.D. (Marvel Italia, 1995) #12'],
    ['2099 Special #13 (Marvel Italia, 12/1996)', '2099 Special (Marvel Italia, 1994) #13'],
    ['2099 Special #15 (Marvel Italia, 04/1997)', '2099 Special (Marvel Italia, 1994) #15'],
    ['2099 Special #16 (Marvel Italia, 06/1997)', '2099 Special (Marvel Italia, 1994) #16'],
    ['2099 Special #17 (Marvel Italia, 08/1997)', '2099 Special (Marvel Italia, 1994) #17'],
    ['Stormwatch:  A Finer World (DC, 1999 series) #[nn]', 'Stormwatch: A Finer World (DC, 1999 series) #[nn]'],
    ['n Fantastic Four [Trade Paperback] (Marvel, 2003 ', 'n Fantastic Four (Marvel, 2003 '],
    ['n The Batman Archives (DC, 1990 series)', 'n Batman Archives (DC, 1990 series)'],
    ['n Batman Archives, The (DC, 1990 series)', 'n Batman Archives (DC, 1990 series)'],
    ['n The Batman archives (DC, 1990 series)', 'n Batman Archives (DC, 1990 series)'],
    ['Showcase Presents Martian Manhunter (DC, 2007 series)', 'Showcase Presents: Martian Manhunter (DC, 2007 series)'],
    ['Boy Commandos by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, The (DC, 2010 series)', 'The Boy Commandos by Joe Simon & Jack Kirby (DC, 2010 series)'],
    ['Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told, The (DC, 1988 series) #nn [1]', 'The Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told (DC, 1988 series) #[nn] [1]'],
    [uni(' (Egmont Serieförlaget AB, '), ' (Egmont, '],
    ['Magic Book (Magic Press, 2002 series)', 'Magic Book (Magic Press, 2000 series)'],
    ['(BSV-Williams,', '(BSV - Williams,'],
    ['Marvel Masterworks: Spider-Man (', 'Marvel Masterworks: The Amazing Spider-Man ('],
    ["Uomo Ragno, L' [Collana Super-Eroi] (", "L' Uomo Ragno [Collana Super-Eroi] ("],
    ['cover reprinted in G.I. ', 'in G.I. '],
    ['in Starman: Night and Day (DC, 1997 series) #[nn]', 'in Starman (DC, 1995 series) #2'],
    ['Collected Omaha, The (Kitchen Sink Press, Inc., 1987 series) #Volume ', 'The Collected Omaha (Kitchen Sink Press, 1987 series) #'],
    ['(Kitchen Sink Press, Inc., ', '(Kitchen Sink Press, '],
    ['Air Ace Picture Library (Fleetway Publications, 1960 series)', 'Air Ace Picture Library (IPC Magazines, 1960 series)'],
    ['Air Ace Picture Library (Fleetway Publications, 1960)', 'Air Ace Picture Library (IPC Magazines, 1960 series)'],
    [') in Front serien (1967 series) #', '); in Front serien (Williams Forlag, 1967 series) #'],
    [') in Bajonett serien (1967 series) #', '); in Bajonett serien (Williams Forlag, 1967 series) #'],
    [') in Front serien (1965 series) #', '); in Front serien (Illustrerte Klassikere, 1965 series) #'],
    ['from ? (UK) in ', 'from ? (UK); in '],
    ['(Dupuis, 1', '(Editions Dupuis, 1'],
    ['(Dupuis, 2', '(Editions Dupuis, 2'],
    ['(Dargaud, 1', uni('(Dargaud éditions, 1')],
    ['(Dargaud, 2', uni('(Dargaud éditions, 2')],
    ['Lucky Luke (Dargaud Publishing, 1968 series)', uni('Lucky Luke (Dargaud Benelux, 1968 series)')],
    [uni('Lucky Luke (Dargaud éditions, 1968 series)'), 'Lucky Luke (Dargaud Benelux, 1968 series)'],
    ['Lucky Luke (Dupuis Publishing, 1949 series)', uni('Lucky Luke (Editions Dupuis, 1949 series)')],
    ['Vill Vest  (Se-Bladene, 1957 series)', 'Vill Vest (Se-Bladene, 1955 series)'],
    ['; o; ', '; '],
    ['(Oog & Blick, ', '(Oog & Blik, '],
    [uni('from (À Suivre) (Casterman'), uni('from À Suivre (Casterman')],
    ['I.W. Publishing;Super Comics', 'I. W. Publishing; Super Comics'],
    ['I.W. Publishing; Super Comics', 'I. W. Publishing; Super Comics'],
    for [old, new] in reprint_notes:
        fix_reprint_notes_global(old, new)

    old_reprint_note = ' in Vill Vest (Se-Bladene, 1955 series)'
    new_reprint_note = '; in Vill Vest  (Se-Bladene, 1955 series)'
    issues = Issue.objects.filter(story__reprint_notes__iregex='The Lone Ranger [0-9]', series__id=538,
    fix_reprint_notes(issues, old_reprint_note, new_reprint_note)

    series_reprint_notes = [
        [7049,'From Superman #','From Superman (DC, 1939 series) #'],
        [7049,'From Detective Comics #','From Detective Comics (DC, 1937 series) #'],
        [7049,'From Batman #','From Batman (DC, 1940 series) #'],
        [7049,'From Superboy #','From Superboy (DC, 1949 series) #'],
        [7049,'From Adventure Comics #','From Adventure Comics (DC, 1938 series) #'],
        [7049,'From Action Comics #','From Action Comics (DC, 1938 series) #'],
        [7049,'From World\'s Finest Comics #','From World\'s Finest Comics (DC, 1941 series) #'],
        [19745,'van ','from '],
        [7538,'da Turok #','da Turok, Son of Stone (Gold Key, 1962) #'],
        [7538, '[Gold Key, USA]',''],
        [20371,'from STAR-STUDDED COMICS #','from Star-Studded Comics (Texas Trio, 1963 series) #'],
        [10458,'from Jonah Hex: Two-Gun Mojo #','from Jonah Hex: Two Gun Mojo (DC, 1993 series) #'],
        [10458,'from Jonah Hex #','from Jonah Hex (DC, 1977 series) #'],
        [3960,'Da KEN PARKER #','da Ken Parker (Sergio Bonelli, 1977 series) #'],
        [7537, 'da Magnus #','da Magnus (Gold Key, 1963) #'],
        [7537, '[GOLD KEY, USA]',''],
        [36980, 'from Wonder Woman Vol.1 (DC, 1942 Series)','from Wonder Woman (DC, 1942 Series)'],
        [18732, '. Sequence', '.Sequence'],
        [3771, 'from BLACK CAT #','from Black Cat (Harvey, 1946 series) #'],
        [687,"Dell Giant Comics","Dell Giant"],
        [687,"Four Color Comic","Four Color"],
        [687,"Walt Disney's Stories and Comics","Walt Disney's Comics and Stories"],
        [7540,'in Walt Disney Stories and Comics (Gemstone, 2003 series) #668 May 2006','in Walt Disney\'s Comics and Stories (Gemstone, 2003 series) #668'],
        [7540,'da Kalle Anka & C:o (Egmont, serie del 1948) #1979-34 (22 Agosto 1979) [Svezia]','da Kalle Anka & C:o (Hemmets Journal, 1957) #34/1979 (22 Agosto 1979)'],
        [7540,'da Kalle Anka & C:o (Egmont, serie del 1948) #1979-35 (29 Agosto 1979) [Svezia]','da Kalle Anka & C:o (Hemmets Journal, 1957) #35/1979'],
        [7566,'Topolino (Libretto) 7/12','Topolino (Libretto) 7, Topolino (Libretto) 8, Topolino (Libretto) 9, Topolino (Libretto) 10, Topolino   (Libretto) 11, Topolino (Libretto) 12'],
        [1701, "Ripley's Believe It or Not True (Gold Key, 1965 series)", "Ripley's Believe It or Not (Gold Key, 1965 series)"]
    for [series, old, new] in series_reprint_notes:
        fix_reprint_notes_series(series, old, new)

    old_reprint_note = "Chip'N'Dale "
    new_reprint_note = "Chip 'n' Dale (Dell, 1955 series) #"
    issues = Issue.objects.filter(story__reprint_notes__regex="Chip'N'Dale [0-9]", series__id=687,
    print issues.count(), old_reprint_note
    fix_reprint_notes(issues, old_reprint_note, new_reprint_note)

    old_reprint_note = "Chip'n'Dale "
    new_reprint_note = "Chip 'n' Dale (Dell, 1955 series) #"
    issues = Issue.objects.filter(story__reprint_notes__regex="Chip'n'Dale [0-9]", series__id=687,
    print issues.count(), old_reprint_note
    fix_reprint_notes(issues, old_reprint_note, new_reprint_note)

    old_reprint_note = "Donald Duck "
    new_reprint_note = "Donald Duck (Dell, 1952 series) #"
    issues = Issue.objects.filter(story__reprint_notes__iregex="Donald Duck [0-9]", series__id=687,
    print issues.count(), old_reprint_note
    fix_reprint_notes(issues, old_reprint_note, new_reprint_note)

    old_reprint_note = "Mickey Mouse "
    new_reprint_note = "Mickey Mouse (Dell, 1952 series) #"
    issues = Issue.objects.filter(story__reprint_notes__iregex="Mickey Mouse [0-9]", series__id=687,
    print issues.count(), old_reprint_note
    fix_reprint_notes(issues, old_reprint_note, new_reprint_note)

    old_reprint_note = "Dell Giant "
    new_reprint_note = "Dell Giant (Dell, 1959 series) #"
    issues = Issue.objects.filter(story__reprint_notes__iregex="Dell Giant [0-9]", series__id=687,
    print issues.count(), old_reprint_note
    fix_reprint_notes(issues, old_reprint_note, new_reprint_note)

    old_reprint_note = "Walt Disney's Comics and Stories "
    new_reprint_note = "Walt Disney's Comics and Stories (Dell, 1940 series) #"
    issues = Issue.objects.filter(story__reprint_notes__iregex="Walt Disney's Comics and Stories [0-9]", series__id=687,
    print issues.count(), old_reprint_note
    fix_reprint_notes(issues, old_reprint_note, new_reprint_note)

    for i in range(86,126):
        old = '2000 AD (IPC Magazines Ltd, 1977 series) #%d' % i
        new = '2000 AD and Star Lord (IPC Magazines Ltd, 1978 series) #%d' % i
        fix_reprint_notes_global(old, new)

    for i in range(127, 177):
        old = '2000 AD (IPC Magazines Ltd, 1977 series) #%d' % i
        new = '2000 AD and Tornado (IPC Magazines Ltd, 1978 series) #%d' % i
        fix_reprint_notes_global(old, new)

        [22049,' in Kamp Serien (Se-Bladene, 1964)','; from Kamp Serien (Se-Bladene, 1964)'],
        [22049,' in Kamp serien (Se-Bladene, 1964)','; from Kamp Serien (Se-Bladene, 1964)'],
        [22049,uni(' in På Vingene '),uni('; in På Vingene ')],
        [10459,uni(' in På Vingene '),uni('; in På Vingene ')],
        [28131,' in Vill Vest (Se-Bladene, 1955 series)','; in Vill Vest (Se-Bladene, 1955 series)'],
        [21672,' in Action serien (1976 series)','; in Action serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'],
        [21672,'from Combat Picture Library (1960','from Combat Picture Library (Micron, 1960'],
        [21672,'from Combat Picture Library #','from Combat Picture Library (Micron, 1960 series) #'],
        [23238,'in Granat serien (1976 series)','; in Granat serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'],
        [23238,'; Granat serien (1976 series)','; in Granat serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'],
        [23238,' in Front serien (1967 series)','; in Front serien (Williams, 1967 series)'],
        [23238,'; Action serien (1976 series)','; in Action serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'],
        [23238,' in Action serien (1976 series)','; in Action serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'],
        [22804,' in Front serien (1967 series)','; in Front serien (Williams, 1967 series)'],
        [22804,' in Action serien (1976 series)','; in Action serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'],
        [22804,'; Action serien (1976 series)','; in Action serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'],
        [22804,'in Granat serien (1976 series)','; in Granat serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'],
        [22804,'; Granat serien (1976 series)','; in Granat serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'],
        [23238,'from Combat Picture Library (1960','from Combat Picture Library (Micron, '],
        [21769,'in Granat serien (1976 series)','; in Granat serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'],
        [21961,'; Action serien (1976 series)','; in Action serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'],
        [21961,'in Granat serien (1976 series)','; in Granat serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'],
        [21961,'; Granat serien (1976 series)','; in Granat serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'],
        [21961,'from Combat Picture Library #','from Combat Picture Library (Micron, 1960 series) #'],
        [21960,'in Action serien (1976 series)','; in Action serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'],
        [21960,'; Action serien (1976 series)','; in Action serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'],
        [23447,'in Granat serien (1976 series)','; in Granat serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'],
        [23447,'; Granat serien (1976 series)','; in Granat serien (Atlantic, 1976 series)'],
        [21672,' in Bajonett serien (1967 series)','; in Bajonett serien (Williams, 1967 series)'],
        [21672,' in Front serien (1967 series)','; in Front serien (Williams, 1967 series)'],
        [21672,' in Front serien (1965 series)','; in Front serien (Illustrerte Klassikere, 1965 series)'],
        [21672,' in Alarm (1967 series)','; in Alarm (Williams, 1967 series)'],
        [21672,' in Alarm (1964 series)','; in Alarm (Illustrerte Klassikere, 1964 series)'],
        [21672,' in Bajonett serien (Williams Forlag A/S','; in Bajonett serien (Williams'],
        [23238,' in Bajonett serien (1967 series)','; in Bajonett serien (Williams, 1967 series)'],
        [23238,' in Front serien (1965 series)','; in Front serien (Illustrerte Klassikere, 1965 series)'],
        [23447,' in Front serien (1967 series)','; in Front serien (Williams, 1967 series)'],
        [21960,' in Front serien (1967 series)','; in Front serien (Williams, 1967 series)'],
        [23447,' in Bajonett serien (1967 series)','; in Bajonett serien (Williams, 1967 series)'],
        [23447,' in Alarm (1967 series)','; in Alarm (Williams, 1967 series)'],
        [23447,' in Front serien (1965 series)','; in Front serien (Illustrerte Klassikere, 1965 series)'],
        [26337,' in Jessy ','; in Jessy '],
        [21200,'from Egmont (DK) ','from Egmont (DK); '],
        [21200,' in Donald Duck','; in Donald Duck'],
        [10562,'Tegneserie Bokklubben #','Tegneserie Bokklubben (Hjemmet, 1985) #'],
        [10562,' in Walt Disney','; in Walt Disney'],
        [10562,' in Donald Duck','; in Donald Duck'],
        [10562,'] in ',']; in '],
        [10562,') in ','); in '],
        [10562,'? in ','?; in '],
        [16059, ') in ', '); in '],
        [16197, ') in ', '); in '],
        [16994, ') in ', '); in '],
    for [series, old, new] in norwegian_series:
        fix_reprint_notes_series(series, old, new, check_double_semi=True)