Example #1
    def tasks(self):
        """A list of all tasks that will be performed.

        This can only be accessed after all necessary tasks have been queued.
        # If a caller is interested in the list of tasks, then it's likely
        # interested in state on those tasks. That means we'll need to prepare
        # all the tasks before we can return any of them.

        return six.itervalues(self._tasks_by_id)
Example #2
    def get_leaf_nodes(self):
        """Return all leaf nodes on the graph.

        Leaf nodes are nodes that nothing depends on. These are generally the
        last evolutions/migrations in any branch of the tree to apply.

            list of Node:
            The list of leaf nodes, sorted by their insertion index.
        assert self._finalized

        return sorted([
            for node in six.itervalues(self._nodes) if not node.required_by
                      key=lambda node: node.insert_index)
Example #3
    def iter_indexes(self, table_name):
        """Iterate through all indexes for a table.

            table_name (unicode):
                The name of the table.

            An index in the table.
        table_name = self._norm_table_name(table_name)

        for unique in (False, True):
                indexes = self._get_indexes_dict(table_name=table_name,
            except KeyError:

            for index_state in six.itervalues(indexes):
                yield index_state
Example #4
    def to_sql(self):
        """Return a list of SQL statements for the table rebuild.

        Any :py:attr:`alter_table` operations will be collapsed together into
        a single table rebuild.

            list of unicode:
            The list of SQL statements to run for the rebuild.
        evolver = self.evolver
        model = self.model
        connection = evolver.connection
        qn = connection.ops.quote_name
        table_name = model._meta.db_table

        # Calculate some state for the rebuild operations, based on the
        # Alter Table ops that were provided.
        added_fields = []
        deleted_columns = set()
        renamed_columns = {}
        replaced_fields = {}
        added_constraints = []
        new_initial = {}
        reffed_renamed_cols = []
        added_field_db_indexes = []
        dropped_field_db_indexes = []
        needs_rebuild = False
        sql = []

        for item in self.alter_table:
            op = item['op']

            if op == 'ADD COLUMN':
                needs_rebuild = True
                field = item['field']

                if field.db_type(connection=connection) is not None:
                    initial = item['initial']


                    if initial is not None:
                        new_initial[field.column] = initial
            elif op == 'DELETE COLUMN':
                needs_rebuild = True
            elif op == 'RENAME COLUMN':
                needs_rebuild = True
                old_field = item['old_field']
                new_field = item['new_field']
                old_column = old_field.column
                new_column = new_field.column

                renamed_columns[old_column] = new_field.column
                replaced_fields[old_column] = new_field

                if evolver.is_column_referenced(table_name, old_column):
                    reffed_renamed_cols.append((old_column, new_column))
            elif op == 'MODIFY COLUMN':
                needs_rebuild = True
                field = item['field']
                initial = item['initial']

                replaced_fields[field.column] = field

                if initial is not None:
                    new_initial[field.column] = initial
            elif op == 'CHANGE COLUMN TYPE':
                needs_rebuild = True
                old_field = item['old_field']
                new_field = item['new_field']
                column = old_field.column

                replaced_fields[column] = new_field
            elif op == 'ADD CONSTRAINTS':
                needs_rebuild = True
                added_constraints = item['constraints']
            elif op == 'REBUILD':
                # We're just rebuilding, not changing anything about it.
                # This is used to get rid of auto-indexes from SQLite.
                needs_rebuild = True
            elif op == 'ADD DB INDEX':
            elif op == 'DROP DB INDEX':
                raise ValueError(
                    '%s is not a valid Alter Table op for SQLite' % op)

        for field in dropped_field_db_indexes:
            sql += self.normalize_sql(evolver.drop_index(model, field))

        if not needs_rebuild:
            # We don't have any operations requiring a full table rebuild.
            # We may have indexes to add (which would normally be added
            # along with the rebuild).
            for field in added_field_db_indexes:
                sql += self.normalize_sql(evolver.create_index(model, field))

            return self.pre_sql + self.sql + sql + self.post_sql

        # Remove any Generic Fields.
        old_fields = [
            _field for _field in model._meta.local_fields
            if _field.db_type(connection=connection) is not None

        new_fields = [
            replaced_fields.get(_field.column, _field)
            for _field in old_fields + added_fields
            if _field.column not in deleted_columns

        field_values = OrderedDict()

        for field in old_fields:
            old_column = field.column

            if old_column not in deleted_columns:
                new_column = renamed_columns.get(old_column, old_column)

                field_values[new_column] = qn(old_column)

        field_initials = []

        # If we have any new fields, add their defaults.
        if new_initial:
            for column, initial in six.iteritems(new_initial):
                # Note that initial will only be None if null=True. Otherwise,
                # it will be set to a user-defined callable or the default
                # AddFieldInitialCallback, which will raise an exception in
                # common code before we get too much further.
                if initial is not None:
                    initial, embed_initial = evolver.normalize_initial(initial)

                    if embed_initial:
                        field_values[column] = initial

                        if column in field_values:
                            field_values[column] = \
                                'coalesce(%s, %%s)' % qn(column)
                            field_values[column] = '%s'

        # The SQLite documentation defines the steps that should be taken to
        # safely alter the schema for a table. Unlike most types of databases,
        # SQLite doesn't provide a general ALTER TABLE that can modify any
        # part of the table, so for most things, we require a full table
        # rebuild, and it must be done correctly.
        # Step 1: Create a temporary table representing the new table
        #         schema. This will be temporary, and we don't need to worry
        #         about any indexes yet. Later, this will become the new
        #         table.
        columns_sql = []
        columns_sql_params = []

        for field in new_fields:
            if not isinstance(field, models.ManyToManyField):
                schema = evolver.build_column_schema(model=model, field=field)

                columns_sql.append('%s %s %s' %
                                   (qn(schema['name']), schema['db_type'],
                                    ' '.join(schema['definition'])))
                columns_sql_params += schema['definition_sql_params']

        constraints_sql = []

        if added_constraints:
            # Django >= 2.2
            with connection.schema_editor(collect_sql=True) as schema_editor:
                for constraint in added_constraints:
                    constraint_sql = constraint.constraint_sql(
                        model, schema_editor)

                    if constraint_sql:

            'CREATE TABLE %s (%s);' %
            (qn(TEMP_TABLE_NAME), ', '.join(columns_sql + constraints_sql)),

        # Step 2: Copy over any data from the old table into the new one.
        sql.append(('INSERT INTO %s (%s) SELECT %s FROM %s;' % (
            ', '.join(qn(column) for column in six.iterkeys(field_values)),
            ', '.join(
                for _value in six.itervalues(field_values)),
        ), tuple(field_initials)))

        # Step 3: Drop the old table, making room for us to recreate the
        #         new schema table in its place.
        sql += evolver.delete_table(table_name).to_sql()

        # Step 4: Move over the temp table to the destination table name.
        sql += evolver.rename_table(model=model,

        # Step 5: Restore any indexes.
        class _Model(object):
            class _meta(object):
                db_table = table_name
                local_fields = new_fields
                db_tablespace = None
                managed = True
                proxy = False
                swapped = False
                index_together = []
                indexes = []

        sql += sql_indexes_for_model(connection, _Model)

        # We've added all the indexes above. Any that were already there
        # will be in the database state. However, if we've *specifically*
        # had requests to add indexes, those ones won't be. We'll need to
        # add them now.
        # The easiest way is to use the same SQL generation functions we'd
        # normally use to generate per-field indexes, since those track
        # database state. We won't actually use the SQL.
        for field in added_field_db_indexes:
            evolver.create_index(model, field)

        if reffed_renamed_cols:
            # One or more tables referenced one or more renamed columns on
            # this table, so now we need to update them.
            # There are issues with renaming columns referenced by a foreign
            # key in SQLite. Historically, we've allowed it, but the reality
            # is that it can result in those foreign keys pointing to the
            # wrong (old) column, causing any foreign key reference checks to
            # fail. This is noticeable with Django 2.2+, which explicitly
            # checks in its schema editor (which we invoke).
            # We don't actually want or need to do a table rebuild on these.
            # SQLite has another trick (and this is recommended in their
            # documentation). We want to go through each of the tables that
            # reference these columns and rewrite their table creation SQL
            # in the sqlite_master table, and then tell SQLite to apply the
            # new schema.
            # This requires that we enable writable schemas and bump up the
            # SQLite schema version for this database. This must be done at
            # the moment we want to run this SQL statement, so we'll be
            # adding this as a dynamic function to run later, rather than
            # hard-coding any SQL now.
            # Most of this can be done in a transaction, but not all. We have
            # to execute much of this in its own transaction, and then write
            # the new schema to disk with a VACUUM outside of a transaction.
            def _update_refs(cursor):
                schema_version = \
                    cursor.execute('PRAGMA schema_version').fetchone()[0]

                refs_template = ' REFERENCES "%s" ("%%s") ' % table_name

                return [
                        # Allow us to update the database schema by
                        # manipulating the sqlite_master table.
                        'PRAGMA writable_schema = 1;',
                    ] + [
                        # Update all tables that reference any renamed
                        # columns, setting their references to point to
                        # the new names.
                        ('UPDATE sqlite_master SET sql ='
                         ' replace(sql, %s, %s);',
                         (refs_template % old_column,
                          refs_template % new_column))
                        for old_column, new_column in reffed_renamed_cols
                    ] + [
                        # Tell SQLite that we're done writing the schema,
                        # and give it a new schema version number.
                        ('PRAGMA schema_version = %s;' % (schema_version + 1)),
                        'PRAGMA writable_schema = 0;',

                        # Make sure everything went well. We want to bail
                        # here before we commit the transaction if
                        # anything goes wrong.
                        'PRAGMA integrity_check;',


        return self.pre_sql + sql + self.sql + self.post_sql
Example #5
 def local_many_to_many(self):
     """A list of all local Many-to-Many fields on the model."""
     return list(six.itervalues(self._many_to_many))
Example #6
 def local_fields(self):
     """A list of all local fields on the model."""
     return list(six.itervalues(self._fields))