Example #1
 def enable(self):
    super(override_settings_tags, self).enable()
    # LEVEL_TAGS is a constant defined in the
    # djangocg.contrib.messages.storage.base module, so after changing
    # settings.MESSAGE_TAGS, we need to update that constant too.
    self.old_level_tags = base.LEVEL_TAGS
    base.LEVEL_TAGS = utils.get_level_tags()
Example #2
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from djangocg.conf import settings
from djangocg.utils.encoding import force_text, python_2_unicode_compatible
from djangocg.contrib.messages import constants, utils

LEVEL_TAGS = utils.get_level_tags()

class Message(object):
    Represents an actual message that can be stored in any of the supported
    storage classes (typically session- or cookie-based) and rendered in a view
    or template.

    def __init__(self, level, message, extra_tags=None):
        self.level = int(level)
        self.message = message
        self.extra_tags = extra_tags

    def _prepare(self):
        Prepares the message for serialization by forcing the ``message``
        and ``extra_tags`` to unicode in case they are lazy translations.

        Known "safe" types (None, int, etc.) are not converted (see Django's
        ``force_text`` implementation for details).