Example #1
def clean_html(text):
    Clean the given HTML.  Specifically, do the following:
        * Convert <b> and <i> to <strong> and <em>.
        * Encode all ampersands correctly.
        * Remove all "target" attributes from <a> tags.
        * Remove extraneous HTML, such as presentational tags that open and
          immediately close and <br clear="all">.
        * Convert hard-coded bullets into HTML unordered lists.
        * Remove stuff like "<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>", but only if it's at the
          bottom of the text.
    from djangocg.utils.text import normalize_newlines
    text = normalize_newlines(force_text(text))
    text = re.sub(r'<(/?)\s*b\s*>', '<\\1strong>', text)
    text = re.sub(r'<(/?)\s*i\s*>', '<\\1em>', text)
    text = fix_ampersands(text)
    # Remove all target="" attributes from <a> tags.
    text = link_target_attribute_re.sub('\\1', text)
    # Trim stupid HTML such as <br clear="all">.
    text = html_gunk_re.sub('', text)
    # Convert hard-coded bullets into HTML unordered lists.
    def replace_p_tags(match):
        s = match.group().replace('</p>', '</li>')
        for d in DOTS:
            s = s.replace('<p>%s' % d, '<li>')
        return '<ul>\n%s\n</ul>' % s
    text = hard_coded_bullets_re.sub(replace_p_tags, text)
    # Remove stuff like "<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>", but only if it's at the bottom
    # of the text.
    text = trailing_empty_content_re.sub('', text)
    return text
Example #2
def linebreaks(value, autoescape=False):
    """Converts newlines into <p> and <br />s."""
    value = normalize_newlines(value)
    paras = re.split('\n{2,}', value)
    if autoescape:
        paras = ['<p>%s</p>' % escape(p).replace('\n', '<br />') for p in paras]
        paras = ['<p>%s</p>' % p.replace('\n', '<br />') for p in paras]
    return '\n\n'.join(paras)
def linebreaksbr(value, autoescape=None):
    Converts all newlines in a piece of plain text to HTML line breaks
    (``<br />``).
    autoescape = autoescape and not isinstance(value, SafeData)
    value = normalize_newlines(value)
    if autoescape:
        value = escape(value)
    return mark_safe(value.replace('\n', '<br />'))