def test_get_annotation_as_html(self):
     response = test_insert_anotation(self,
     anno_uri = extract_annotation_uri(response.content)
     annoid = anno_uri[anno_uri.rfind('/') + 1 : ]
     request = _prepare_get(self.factory, '/resource/%s' % annoid)
     request.META['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = "text/html"
     response = process_resource(request, resource_id = annoid)
     self.assert_(response.status_code == 303, 
                  "HTTPResponse has status_code: %s" % response.status_code)
     location = response._headers.get('location', ('Location', None))[1]
     self.assert_('/page' in location, "Wrong 303 to %s" % location)
     request = _prepare_get(self.factory, location)
     request.META['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = "text/html"
     response = process_page(request, resource_id = annoid)
     self.assert_(response.status_code == 200, "HTTPResponse has status_code: %s" % response.status_code)
     print response
     return response
    def test_advance_status_wrong_body(self):
        new_state = 'stable' 
        response = test_insert_anotation(self)

        anno_uri = extract_annotation_uri(response.content)
        annoid = anno_uri[anno_uri.rfind('/') + 1 : ]
        self.assertIsNotNone(annoid, "Did not insert the annotation")

        data = {'annotation': annoid, 'toState': new_state}         
        response = advance_status(test_advance_status(self, 
                                  url='/advance_status?' + urlencode(data),
    def test_advance_status(self):
        new_state = 'stable' 
        response = test_insert_anotation(self)

        anno_uri = extract_annotation_uri(response.content)
        annoid = anno_uri[anno_uri.rfind('/') + 1 : ]
        self.assertIsNotNone(annoid, "Did not insert the annotation")

        data = {'annotation': annoid, 
                'toState': new_state}        
        response = advance_status(test_advance_status(self, json.dumps(data)))
            Need to verify better the triple has been moved
            for example using the  (TBD)
        self.assert_(response.status_code == 200, "HTTPResponse has status_code: %s" % response.status_code)
    def test_get_annotation_as_jsonld(self):
        response = test_insert_anotation(self,
        anno_uri = extract_annotation_uri(response.content)
        annoid = anno_uri[anno_uri.rfind('/') + 1 : ]
        request = _prepare_get(self.factory, '/resource/%s' % annoid)
        request.META['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = FORMAT_MAP['json-ld']
        response = process_resource(request, resource_id = annoid)        
        self.assert_(response.status_code == 303, "HTTPResponse has status_code: %s" % response.status_code)

        location = response._headers.get('location', ('Location', None))[1]
        self.assert_('/data' in location, "Wrong 303 to %s" % location)

        request = _prepare_get(self.factory, location)
        request.META['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = FORMAT_MAP['json-ld']
        response = process_data(request, resource_id = annoid)
        print response
        return response