def resetpass(): """Reset the user's password If the user successfully submitted the form, send a password reset email. Otherwise, render the reset form again. """ form = ForgotForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): email = pw_reset = PasswordReset(user=User.get_by_email(email), ) db.session.add(pw_reset) db.session.commit() #Send email here title = 'Reset your Password' url = "{site}/auth/setnewpass/{key}".format( site=os.environ['DLI_REPORTS_SITE_URL'], key=pw_reset.key, ) content = 'Click this link to reset your password: {url}'.format( url=url) content += '\nThis link will expire in 7 days!' msg = Message(title, recipients=[email]) msg.body = content mail.send(msg) flash("Email sent!", "alert-success") return redirect(url_for('default.home')) else: flash_form_errors(form) return render_template('auth/resetpass.html', form=form)
def resetpass(): """Reset the user's password If the user successfully submitted the form, send a password reset email. Otherwise, render the reset form again. """ form = ForgotForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): email = pw_reset = PasswordReset( user=User.get_by_email(email), ) db.session.add(pw_reset) db.session.commit() #Send email here title = 'Reset your Password' url = "{site}/auth/setnewpass/{key}".format( site=os.environ['DLI_REPORTS_SITE_URL'], key=pw_reset.key, ) content = 'Click this link to reset your password: {url}'.format(url=url) content += '\nThis link will expire in 7 days!' msg = Message(title, recipients=[email]) msg.body = content mail.send(msg) flash("Email sent!", "alert-success") return redirect(url_for('default.home')) else: flash_form_errors(form) return render_template('auth/resetpass.html', form=form)
def send_new(cls): """Send new ErrorReports to the project developers""" error_reports = cls.query.filter_by(sent=False).all() today ='%Y-%m-%d') if error_reports: title = 'Bug Reports and Feature Requests {}'.format(today) msg = Message(title, recipients=[os.environ['DLI_REPORTS_DEV_EMAIL']]) msg.body = '\n\n'.join(er.email_format for er in error_reports) mail.send(msg) for er in error_reports: er.sent = True db.session.commit()
def send_link(self): """Send a registration link to this user""" key = self.registration_key title = 'Activate your account' url = 'http://{site}/auth/register/{key}'.format( site=os.environ['DLI_REPORTS_SITE_URL'], key=key, ) recipient = msg = Message(title, recipients=[recipient]) msg.html = """ <p>Hello</p> <p>You are invited to register at DLI Reports! Please go to this link to activate your account:</p> <a href="{url}">{url}</a> <p>Thank you!</p> """.format(url=url) mail.send(msg)
def question(): """Email administrators""" form = AskQuestionForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): # Send email to administrators users = [ for u in User.query.filter_by(is_admin=True)] emailtitle = content = msg = Message(emailtitle, recipients=users, msg.body = '{notice}\n{content}'.format( notice= ('A new question was asked concerning the online DLI policies Wiki. ' 'Please reply to this email to answer the question.'), content=content, ) mail.send(msg) flash("Email Sent!", "alert-success") return redirect(url_for('wiki.home')) else: flash_form_errors(form) return render_template('wiki/question.html', form=form)
def question(): """Email administrators""" form = AskQuestionForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): # Send email to administrators users = [ for u in User.query.filter_by(is_admin=True)] emailtitle = content = msg = Message(emailtitle, recipients=users, msg.body = '{notice}\n{content}'.format( notice=( 'A new question was asked concerning the online DLI policies Wiki. ' 'Please reply to this email to answer the question.' ), content=content, ) mail.send(msg) flash("Email Sent!", "alert-success") return redirect(url_for('wiki.home')) else: flash_form_errors(form) return render_template('wiki/question.html', form=form)