def printYM(): print(x, y) import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from dm_function import sorted_profit from dm_function import predicted_sales import pickle inv_mon_name = pickle.load(open("inv_mon_name.p", "rb")) inv_monsoldper_name = pickle.load(open("inv_monsoldper_name.p", "rb")) l = pickle.load(open("l.p", "rb")) lis_inv = pickle.load(open("lis_inv.p", "rb")) lis_inv_sold_per = pickle.load(open("lis_inv_sold_per.p", "rb")) data = pickle.load(open("4yrsBMW.p", "rb")) firstyear = pickle.load(open("firstyear.p", "rb")) secondyear = pickle.load(open("secondyear.p", "rb")) thirdyear = pickle.load(open("thirdyear.p", "rb")) fourthyear = pickle.load(open("fourthyear.p", "rb")) thirdfourth = pickle.load(open("thirdfourth.p", "rb")) twothree4 = pickle.load(open("twothree4.p", "rb")) twothree = pickle.load(open("twothree.p", "rb")) onetwo = pickle.load(open("onetwo.p", "rb")) onetwo3 = pickle.load(open("onetwo3.p", "rb")) lastdata1 = pickle.load(open("last3mnthsBMW.p", "rb")) dataset = pd.read_excel( r"C:\Users\user\Desktop\dashboard\store-dataset1.xlsx") dataset1 = dataset.sort_values('Order Date') dataset1 = dataset1.reset_index(drop=True) #x=int(input("Enter year")) #y=int(input("Enter month ")) dataset1 = pd.DataFrame() m = [1, 2, 3] if (x == 2017 and y in m): dataset1 = thirdfourth elif (x == 2017 and y not in m): dataset1 = fourthyear elif (x == 2016 and y in m): dataset1 = twothree elif (x == 2016 and y not in m): dataset1 = thirdyear elif (x == 2015 and y in m): dataset1 = onetwo elif (x == 2015 and y not in m): dataset1 = secondyear else: dataset1 = firstyear dataset1 = dataset1.reset_index(drop=True) a = pd.DatetimeIndex(dataset1['Order Date']).year == x b = pd.DatetimeIndex(dataset1['Order Date']).month == y dataset2 = pd.DataFrame() for i in range(len(dataset1)): if (a[i] == True and b[i] == True): dataset2 = dataset2.append(dataset1.iloc[i, :]) dataset2 = dataset2.reset_index(drop=True) l = list(dataset2['Product Name'].unique()) inv_dict = {} inv_dict = lis_inv[inv_mon_name[((x - 2014) * 12 + y) - 1]] sold_percent = {} if (x == 2017): if (y == 12): data1 = lastdata1 else: data1 = sorted_profit(x, y) m = list(dataset1['Product Name'].unique()) import operator new_l = [] dic = {} for i in range(len(m)): dic[m[i]] = 0 for i in range(0, len(m)): new_l = [] new_l = predicted_sales(x, y, m[i]) #new_l= np.array(new_l).reshape(1, -1) h = np.array(range(0, len(new_l))) new_l = np.array(new_l).reshape(-1, 1) h = np.array(h).reshape(-1, 1) reg = LinearRegression(), new_l) y_predict = int(abs(reg.predict(len(h)))) dic[m[i]] = y_predict dic1 = sorted(dic.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) for i in range(len(dataset2)): sold_percent[dataset2['Product Name'][i]] = (( (((inv_dict[dataset2['Product Name'][i]]) - (inv_dict[dataset2['Product Name'][i]] - int(dataset2['Quantity'][i]))) / inv_dict[dataset2['Product Name'][i]]) * 100), dataset2['Quantity'][i]) temp = int(dataset2['Quantity'][i]) inv_dict[dataset2['Product Name'][i]] -= int(dataset2['Quantity'][i]) if (sold_percent[dataset2['Product Name'][i]][1] >= 5.0): try: count = 0 dfb = data[data1['d_product'] == dataset2['Product Name'] [i]].index.values.astype(int)[0] except: count = 1 pass if (count == 1): dfb = data[data['d_product'] == dataset2['Product Name'] [i]].index.values.astype(int)[0] if (dfb < 0.2 * (len(data))): print('HB') inv_dict[dataset2['Product Name'][i]] += (80 * temp) // 100 if (dfb >= 0.2 * (len(data))): print('HMW') inv_dict[dataset2['Product Name'][i]] += (50 * temp) // 100 else: if (dfb < 0.2 * (len(data1))): print('HB1') inv_dict[dataset2['Product Name'][i]] += (80 * temp) // 100 if (dfb >= 0.2 * (len(data1))): print('HMW1') inv_dict[dataset2['Product Name'][i]] += (50 * temp) // 100 if (sold_percent[dataset2['Product Name'][i]][1] <= 5.0 and sold_percent[dataset2['Product Name'][i]][1] >= 3.0): try: count = 0 dfb = data[data1['d_product'] == dataset2['Product Name'] [i]].index.values.astype(int)[0] except: count = 1 pass if (count == 1): dfb = data[data['d_product'] == dataset2['Product Name'] [i]].index.values.astype(int)[0] if (dfb < 0.2 * (len(data))): print('MB') inv_dict[dataset2['Product Name'][i]] += (80 * temp) // 100 if (dfb > 0.2 * (len(data) and dfb < 0.8 * (len(data)))): print('MM') inv_dict[dataset2['Product Name'][i]] += (50 * temp) // 100 if (dfb >= 0.8 * (len(data))): print('MW') inv_dict[dataset2['Product Name'][i]] += (20 * temp) // 100 else: if (dfb < 0.2 * (len(data1))): print('MB1') inv_dict[dataset2['Product Name'][i]] += (80 * temp) // 100 if (dfb > 0.2 * (len(data1) and dfb < 0.8 * (len(data1)))): print('MM1') inv_dict[dataset2['Product Name'][i]] += (50 * temp) // 100 if (dfb >= 0.8 * (len(data1))): print('MW1') inv_dict[dataset2['Product Name'][i]] += (20 * temp) // 100 if (sold_percent[dataset2['Product Name'][i]][1] <= 3.0): try: count = 0 dfb = data[data1['d_product'] == dataset2['Product Name'] [i]].index.values.astype(int)[0] except: count = 1 pass if (count == 1): dfb = data[data['d_product'] == dataset2['Product Name'] [i]].index.values.astype(int)[0] if (dfb < 0.2 * (len(data))): print('WB') inv_dict[dataset2['Product Name'][i]] += (50 * temp) // 100 if (dfb > 0.2 * (len(data) and dfb < 0.8 * (len(data)))): print('WM') inv_dict[dataset2['Product Name'][i]] += (50 * temp) // 100 if (dfb >= 0.8 * (len(data))): print('WW') inv_dict[dataset2['Product Name'][i]] += (0 * temp) // 100 else: if (dfb < 0.2 * (len(data1))): print('WB1') inv_dict[dataset2['Product Name'][i]] += (50 * temp) // 100 if (dfb > 0.2 * (len(data1) and dfb < 0.8 * (len(data1)))): print('WM1') inv_dict[dataset2['Product Name'][i]] += (50 * temp) // 100 if (dfb >= 0.8 * (len(data1))): print('WW1') inv_dict[dataset2['Product Name'][i]] += (0 * temp) // 100 new_data = data1 new_dict = {} new_list = list(dataset['Product Name'].unique()) l_best = {} l_moderate = {} l_worst_high = {} l_worst_low = {} not_sold = {} discount = int(input('Enter the Discount in % ')) for i in range(0, len(new_data)): if (i < .2 * len(new_data)): #new_dict[new_data['d_product'][i]]= 'B' #new_data['d_MRP'][i]=new_data['d_inventory'][i]+new_data['d_inventory'][i]*discount #new_data['d_profit'][i]=(new_data['d_MRP'][i]-new_data['d_inventory'][i])*new_data['d_quantity'][i] l_best[(new_data['d_product'][i])] = new_data['d_profit'][i] elif (i >= .8 * len(new_data)): #new_dict[new_data['d_product'][i]]= 'W' if (new_data['d_quantity'][i] >= 5): #new_data['d_MRP'][i]= new_data['d_MRP'][i]+new_data['d_MRP'][i]*0.2 #new_data['d_MRP'][i]=new_data['d_inventory'][i]+new_data['d_inventory'][i]*discount #print(new_data['d_product'][i]) #new_data['d_profit'][i]=(new_data['d_MRP'][i]-new_data['d_inventory'][i])*new_data['d_quantity'][i] l_worst_high[( new_data['d_product'][i])] = new_data['d_profit'][i] else: #new_data['d_MRP'][i]=new_data['d_inventory'][i]-new_data['d_inventory'][i]*discount #new_data['d_profit'][i]=(new_data['d_MRP'][i]-new_data['d_inventory'][i])*new_data['d_quantity'][i] l_worst_low[( new_data['d_product'][i])] = new_data['d_profit'][i] else: #new_dict[new_data['d_product'][i]]= 'M' #new_data['d_MRP'][i]=new_data['d_inventory'][i]+new_data['d_inventory'][i]*discount #new_data['d_profit'][i]=(new_data['d_MRP'][i]-new_data['d_inventory'][i])*new_data['d_quantity'][i] l_moderate[(new_data['d_product'][i])] = new_data['d_profit'][i] string = "best" string2 = "l_" + string final = eval(string2) final_list = list(final.values()) for i in range(0, len(final)): final_list[i] *= discount for i in range(0, len(new_list)): flag = 0 for j in range(0, len(new_data)): if new_list[i] == new_data['d_product'][j]: flag = 1 break if flag == 0: not_sold[(new_list[i])] = "Not Sold" import pickle pickle_out = open("Pricing_data.p", "wb") pickle.dump(new_list, pickle_out) pickle_out.close() s = pickle.load(open("Pricing_data.p", "rb")) pickle_out = open("Pricing_BestProduct.p", "wb") pickle.dump(l_best, pickle_out) pickle_out.close() t = pickle.load(open("Pricing_BestProduct.p", "rb")) pickle_out = open("Pricing_ModerateProduct.p", "wb") pickle.dump(l_moderate, pickle_out) pickle_out.close() u = pickle.load(open("Pricing_ModerateProduct.p", "rb")) pickle_out = open("Pricing_WorstHighProduct.p", "wb") pickle.dump(l_worst_high, pickle_out) pickle_out.close() v = pickle.load(open("Pricing_WorstHighProduct.p", "rb")) pickle_out = open("Pricing_WorstLowProduct.p", "wb") pickle.dump(l_worst_low, pickle_out) pickle_out.close() v = pickle.load(open("Pricing_WorstLowProduct.p", "rb")) pickle_out = open("not_sold_Product.p", "wb") pickle.dump(not_sold, pickle_out) pickle_out.close() w = pickle.load(open("not_sold_Product.p", "rb")) category = tk.StringVar(root) category.set('Select Category') Category = [ 'Select Category', 'Best', 'Moderate', 'Worst Low', 'Worst High', 'Not Sold' ] categoryOM = tk.OptionMenu(root, category, *Category) categoryLabel = tk.Label(root, text='Choose Category') categoryLabel.pack() categoryOM.pack() def showData(): #productList = tk.Listbox(root,width = 60, height = 10) #profitList = tk.Listbox(root,width = 60, height = 10) if (category.get() == 'Best'): a = [] #b = [] l_best_keys = list(l_best.keys()) l_best_values = list(l_best.values()) a = [ str(i) + str(l_best_keys[i]) + ':' + str(l_best_values[i]) for i in range(len(l_best)) ] #b = [i for i in list(l_best.values())] elif (category.get() == 'Moderate'): a = [] #b = [] l_moderate_keys = list(l_moderate.keys()) l_moderate_values = list(l_moderate.values()) a = [ str(i) + str(l_moderate_keys[i]) + ':' + str(l_moderate_values[i]) for i in range(len(l_moderate)) ] #b = [i for i in list(l_best.values())] elif (category.get() == 'Worst High'): a = [] #b = [] l_worst_high_keys = list(l_worst_high.keys()) l_worst_high_values = list(l_worst_high.values()) a = [ str(i) + str(l_worst_high_keys[i]) + ':' + str(l_worst_high_values[i]) for i in range(len(l_worst_high)) ] #b = [i for i in list(l_best.values())] elif (category.get() == 'Worst Low'): a = [] #b = [] l_worst_low_keys = list(l_worst_low.keys()) l_worst_low_values = list(l_worst_low.values()) a = [ str(i) + str(l_worst_low_keys[i]) + ':' + str(l_worst_low_values[i]) for i in range(len(l_worst_low)) ] #b = [i for i in list(l_best.values())] elif (category.get() == 'Not Sold'): a = [] #b = [] l_not_sold_keys = list(l_not_sold.keys()) l_not_sold_values = list(l_not_sold.values()) a = [ str(i) + str(l_not_sold_keys[i]) + ':' + str(l_not_sold_values[i]) for i in range(len(l_not_sold)) ] #b = [i for i in list(l_best.values())] productList.delete( 0, max(len(l_best), len(l_moderate), len(l_worst_high), len(l_worst_low), len(not_sold))) for i in range(len(a)): productList.insert(i, a[i]) #profitList.insert(i, b[i]) # ============================================================================= # scrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(productList, orient="vertical") # scrollbar.pack(side="right", fill="y") # ============================================================================= productList = tk.Listbox(root, width=60, height=10) #profitList = tk.Listbox(root,width = 60, height = 10), rely=0.28) #profitList.pack() getData = tk.Button(root, text='Get Data', command=showData) getData.pack()
l = list(dataset2['Product Name'].unique()) inv_dict = {} inv_dict = lis_inv[inv_mon_name[((x - 2014) * 12 + y) - 1]] # ============================================================================= # for i in l: # inv_dict[i] = 500 # ============================================================================= # sold, remaining % sold, adding inventory sold_percent = {} if (x == 2017): if (y == 12): data1 = lastdata1 else: data1 = sorted_profit(x, y) #full dat is dataset1 # ============================================================================= # m = list(dataset1['Product Name'].unique()) # #Pricing # import operator # new_l=[] # dic ={} # for i in range(len(m)): # dic[m[i]]=0 # # for i in range(0,len(m)): # new_l=[] # new_l = predicted_sales(x, y, m[i] ) # #new_l= np.array(new_l).reshape(1, -1) # h=np.array(range(0,len(new_l)))
dataset2 = dataset2.append(dataset1.iloc[i,:]) dataset2 = dataset2.reset_index(drop=True) # setting inventory size l = list(dataset2['Product Name'].unique()) inv_dict = {} inv_dict = lis_inv[inv_mon_name[((year_enter - first_year)*12 + mon_enter)-1]] # sold, remaining % sold, adding inventory sold_percent = {} if(year_enter==2017): if(mon_enter==12): data1=lastdata1 else: data1= sorted_profit(year_enter,mon_enter) #full data is dataset1 list_unique_products = list(dataset1['Product Name'].unique()) #Predicting Sales list_prev_sales=[] list_predicted_sales ={} for i in range(len(list_unique_products)): list_predicted_sales[list_unique_products[i]]=0 for i in range(0,len(list_unique_products)): list_prev_sales=[] list_prev_sales = predicted_sales(year_enter, mon_enter, list_unique_products[i] ) h=np.array(range(0,len(list_prev_sales)))