def chunkLeftUp(self, a_chunk, event):
     Overrides superclass method. If add or remove segmets tool is active, 
     upon leftUp , when this method gets called, it modifies the list 
     of segments being resized by self.command.
     @see: self.update_cursor_for_no_MB()
     @see: self.end_selection_from_GLPane()
     ListWidgetItems_GraphicsMode_Mixin.chunkLeftUp(self, a_chunk, event)
     _superclass.chunkLeftUp(self, a_chunk, event)
 def chunkLeftUp(self, a_chunk, event):
     Overrides superclass method. If add or remove segmets tool is active, 
     upon leftUp , when this method gets called, it modifies the list 
     of segments being resized by self.command.
     @see: self.update_cursor_for_no_MB()
     @see: self.end_selection_from_GLPane()
     ListWidgetItems_GraphicsMode_Mixin.chunkLeftUp(self, a_chunk, event)
     _superclass.chunkLeftUp(self, a_chunk, event)
    def end_selection_from_GLPane(self):
        Overrides superclass method.  In addition to selecting  or deselecting 
        the chunk, if  a tool that adds Dna segments to the segment list in 
        the property manager is active, this method also adds 
        the selected dna segments to that list. Example, if user selects 
        'Add Dna segments' tool and does a lasso selection , then this also
        method adds the selected segments to the list. Opposite behavior if 
        the 'remove segments from segment list too, is active)

    def end_selection_from_GLPane(self):
        Overrides superclass method.  In addition to selecting  or deselecting 
        the chunk, if  a tool that adds Dna segments to the segment list in 
        the property manager is active, this method also adds 
        the selected dna segments to that list. Example, if user selects 
        'Add Dna segments' tool and does a lasso selection , then this also
        method adds the selected segments to the list. Opposite behavior if 
        the 'remove segments from segment list too, is active)

 def update_cursor_for_no_MB(self):
     Update the cursor for no mouse button pressed
 def update_cursor_for_no_MB(self):
     Update the cursor for no mouse button pressed